Alphas on the Prowl (50 page)

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Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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Captive Moonlight

Sarah Mäkelä



When her betrothed, Joe, is taken captive by a group of men looking for werewolf laborers, it’s up to Charlotte to track him down and win him back—even if that means putting her own life on the line.


Chapter One


Charlotte wrapped her arms around Joe’s broad torso and scraped her fingernails gently along the length of his muscular back. His breath came out quickly against her skin as he brushed feather-light kisses against her neck. He nudged her thighs apart. Anticipation built within her as his hand dipped to her pussy. He parted her wet folds with his callused fingers and pushed one finger inside her.

She moaned, enjoying the tantalizing sensations his skilled attention brought about. She looked into his eyes, and he grinned down at her. The look of masculine satisfaction that he could please his lover was written clearly on his face.

She opened her mouth to protest when Joe removed his finger, but then he thrust his firm cock inside her, filling her so completely in one smooth stroke. Charlotte dug her nails into his back. Joe’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head, and she couldn’t help but smile as he arched into her touch. Her betrothed liked a little pain with his sex. Not much, just nails and some teeth. Then again, it was befitting of a werewolf.

They didn’t talk much about that side of who he was. She figured he would share what he wanted with her. Sometimes he did, but she suspected he preferred to pretend like they were both normal. People were too quick to judge others by their race, or even species, these days.

Charlotte didn’t care about any of that. Being with Joe was her only need. She trailed a fingertip across his cheek while her other hand continued to dig into his flesh.

He met her gaze. His eyes, normally dark brown, were now wolf amber. “What did I do to get such a sweet lady like you?” he said, his voice gravelly and low.

She laughed, but the sound caught in her throat as his lips caressed her breast. “I wonder that too. Maybe it was destiny.”

He flicked his tongue over her nipple before pulling it into his mouth. He sucked on it, bringing pleasure sweeping through her. His other hand trailed along her full hips, which he insisted made her curvaceous and luscious.

She liked his answer.

He thrust even faster. Desire built within her as they reached ever closer toward climax. Charlotte leaned back against the pillow, clinging to him as he became the only thing real in her life. “Joe…”

Joe brushed kisses up from her breast to her neck until he finally placed a kiss on her lips. “Yes, love?” Hunger filled his eyes as he watched her. “You’re getting close. So tight.” He slid in and out in longer strokes.

Oh! He so knew what she liked. “I love it when you talk like that.” Her body clenched as orgasm rushed toward her. She gasped and gripped his back.

Joe covered her lips with his, ravishing her mouth until she didn’t know which way was up. He was the hungry wolf to her somewhat innocent maid.

She writhed, and only Joe’s strong hands kept her in place as he thrust into her. She screamed her pleasure into his mouth as wave after wave of ecstasy cascaded through her.

Joe went still as he shot his seed inside her.

After a few moments, he pulled away. His breath came out in harsh pants. He propped himself up on his elbow and smirked at her. “I’ll make an honest woman of you yet. Such a blissful marital life we’ll have.” He chuckled.

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Get right on with it soon before I start sprouting gray hairs.”

His eyebrows rose, and he leaned back over her. “Saucy girl. Maybe I’ll have to show you what I’d like to get right on again with.” He pressed his hard cock against her thigh. Yet another perk of his being a werewolf. “Maybe I’ll…” He froze, and his nostrils flared. “Damn it. Your maid must be coming to check on you.”

Her eyes widened, and she hopped out of bed. She stared at the door, hoping her maid, Betsy, wouldn’t come in without knocking. Charlotte needed to look presentable before that happened. While she liked her maid, Betsy might feel obligated to tell Charlotte’s father what she had been doing with Joe. That would not bode well.

Glancing at the other side of the room, she saw Joe shove his feet into his boots. He had dressed quickly, but then when one had supernatural speed… Before she could blink, he had crossed the room to her.

He stared down at her. “I’ll call on you tomorrow after I complete my work and chores.”

Charlotte stretched up on tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I look forward to it.” A soft creak of the hallway’s wooden floor reached her ears. She hurriedly pulled on her dressing gown and sat in front of her vanity, picking up her brush. She’d be able to fabricate a tale for Betsy if she needed to.

Joe opened the window and jumped out. Only the faint sound of his boots hitting the ground gave him away. They didn’t have much to worry about since her window faced a rarely used alley.

The soft footsteps stopped outside her door. Charlotte ran the brush through her brown hair, pulling at a few tangles. She hoped Betsy would go back to sleep and not disturb her. After a brief pause and another squeak, the footsteps retreated again.

Charlotte sighed in relief, but she waited a moment more. When she was sure it was safe, she dashed across the room and closed the window. Joe was heading toward the main street. His gaze turned to meet hers as if he knew she was there. He smiled and tilted his hat.

From the shadows, a group of four men rushed at Joe. Her eyes widened, and she placed her palms against the windowpane. Desperation punched her in the gut.

* * *

Joe frowned at the sudden change of expression on Charlotte’s beautiful face. What had caused… The rapid sound of boots hitting dirt next to him penetrated his thoughts. He’d been so focused on his lover.
Damn it

Twisting around, he faced the men, wondering what they wanted. More importantly, he wished he knew if they’d seen him come from Charlotte’s window. He didn’t want her to be looked down upon by anyone because of what they’d shared that night. Her father would never let Joe near his daughter again if he knew.

The men closed in on him, standing much closer than Joe felt comfortable with. He watched them in turn, keeping an eye on each of them. His wolf instincts were going out of control.

He’d never met these men before, and he didn’t want to hurt anyone, especially when he knew Charlotte was watching. He didn’t want to turn people away from him even further. Not when he had so much to lose. “What do you all want?”

One of the men, a guy with graying hair who looked to be their leader, stepped up. “We have a job opportunity for you.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I already have work. Thanks for the offer.” Joe stepped aside to move around them, but the whistling of metal sounded near his head. He turned and grabbed the barrel of the pistol. The thin man whose gun he had grabbed had wide, surprised blue eyes.

Pain filled Joe’s head, and his legs went out from under him. He cursed himself for getting distracted.

The older man stared down at him as Joe’s world darkened. “That wasn’t the answer I was looking for.” The man faded until Joe barely heard, “Load ’em up, boys.”

Chapter Two


Charlotte shot out her bedroom door wearing her dressing gown. She had to do something. If she didn’t, she could lose Joe forever. She ran down the stairs to where her father kept his rifle and scrambled to find his bullets.

Once she did, she fumbled with getting the ammo in the gun as she strode to the door. She couldn’t lose Joe. She couldn’t. Noise from the upper floor of the house signified she’d successfully woken everyone up, but she didn’t care.

Flinging open the door, she ran to the end of the porch, shakily pointing the gun. The door to the back of a jail wagon was being shut and then locked.

“Leave that man alone,” she called out.

The older, finely dressed man chuckled. “Go back to bed, little lady. I’m sorry for the disturbance.” He tilted his hat and walked around to the driver’s seat with another of the men. The other two mounted their horses. Slowly, the jail wagon began to move away.

Numbness crept its way toward her heart. Charlotte faintly heard the front door open behind her. A firm hand landed on her elbow.

“What are you doing out here dressed like that with my gun?” her father bellowed.

“Those men. They took --” Her voice sounded hollow even to herself.

“Probably a criminal. Now get back inside.” He snatched the gun away from her and tugged her toward the door.

What would he think if she told him the truth? Would he search out the sheriff to get Joe back? Looking at him, she thought he seemed more agitated that his sleep had been disrupted than worried she was upset.

Charlotte jerked away from him, only able to get loose since he must’ve not thought she’d try to get away. She took a few quick steps out of reach, so he wouldn’t regain his grip on her. Precarious perfectly defined her current situation. She needed to make sure Joe was safe, but if she angered her father… Well, that wasn’t something she wanted to contend with.

He glowered at her. “What are you doing, girl? Get on inside.”

“I have to go talk to the sheriff about what I saw, Papa.” She crossed her arms under her breasts, hoping he’d leave her alone, but she figured he might not. He tended to be strict.

“At this time of night?” He frowned, and uncertainty filled his gaze before he finally sighed. “Fine, get some proper clothes on, but I’ll be following along to make sure you don’t get into trouble.”

Charlotte nodded eagerly and rushed inside. Her maid, Betsy, stood at the bottom of the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“What’s going on?” Betsy followed her up the staircase. “I heard you yelling outside.”

“I need to get dressed,” Charlotte said. “There were some men, and they took…” She hesitated and met Betsy’s gaze, not sure if she could trust her maid with the truth, especially if she’d listened in at Charlotte’s door a moment prior to all of this. “They threw a man into the back of their barred wagon.” She made it to the bedroom, and Betsy helped her into her dress.

Charlotte took off downstairs again.

Her father nodded to her on the way out the door and followed her in silence the short distance to the sheriff’s office. She spotted Sheriff Thomas walking outside and waved at him. Her father hung back, staying just out of range. Maybe he didn’t want to be drawn into the situation.

Sheriff Thomas smiled politely. Once she’d walked close enough, he asked, “Is there a problem, Miss Charlotte?”

“Actually, there is,” she said, keeping her voice low enough that her father wouldn’t overhear her. “I saw my betrothed, Joe Taylor, pushed into the back of a wagon by four men. They pistol-whipped him.” She followed Sheriff Thomas into his office, frowning. “They took off out of town with him, and I am really worried.”

The sheriff sighed and leaned his hip against his old oak desk. “I don’t know if there’s really anything I can do. My responsibility is to take care of the town, and while I have the utmost respect for your father, I don’t think the townsfolk would look kindly on me expending my resources to have myself or my men go look for a werewolf.” He grimaced. “Sorry, miss. It’s nothing personal.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. Nothing personal? Joe was as personal to her as her soul, and she’d just lost him to a gang of kidnappers. She clasped her hands together. “Please, there has to be something you can do. I love him.”

Sheriff Thomas smiled sadly. “I’m sorry, Miss Charlotte. Maybe it’s a sign you should find someone nice and normal. I hear that --”

She shook her head and hurried out the door before she had to listen to any more of that drivel. One way or another, she would get her betrothed back. Come hell or high water.



Chapter Three

A few months later


Joe sat on a large rock, resting for a moment from his backbreaking work in the mine. This wasn’t the kind of life he’d imagined leading. He’d pictured being with the one he loved having a simple existence. He wanted sons and daughters, to leave a better legacy than the one he’d been brought up with. A family to provide for.

He’d tried to escape to get back to Charlotte. Boy, he’d tried, but these people were familiar with his kind. This was a frigging werewolf labor camp. They’d put collars on them like dogs. Collars they couldn’t get off and which hindered their ability to shapeshift. They were pretty much screwed.

He’d spent sleepless nights remembering his last encounter with Charlotte. The feeling of being buried inside her as she moaned for him… as her body convulsed in waves of pleasure around him. His cock thickened within his worn brown canvas pants just thinking about her, but he couldn’t let his mind go that way. Those thoughts only led to sadness.

He clenched his fist and noticed another werewolf, Martin, nearby staring at him. “What the fuck do you want?” Joe growled.

“Get back to work and stop daydreaming about getting laid.” Martin walked closer with long, determined strides. He towered over Joe, and his lips were pressed into a thin line across his face. “You’re not the only one who was forced into this shithole. I sure as hell will not let your sitting around on the job affect anyone else. Come on.”

Joe climbed to his feet and picked up his pickaxe. He didn’t like being told what to do, but Martin was right. If one of them were caught not working, they would all be punished. The humans did that hoping the werewolves would keep each other in line. It worked.

Martin watched him for a moment before heading farther into the mine.

Joe continued his work, but he couldn’t help letting his thoughts return to Charlotte. He wondered if she’d continued life without him, finding another man, or if she still thought of him. Heaven knew he wouldn’t begrudge her, but he liked to think their love for each other at least crossed her mind now and again.

Clunky footsteps beat a path through the mine as they came closer to his position. Joe knew it had to be a human. They weren’t as graceful as the werewolves he knew.

He glanced around to make sure he didn’t see any of the other werewolves taking a break as he had. His work today had churned up an appetite within him, and he wanted more than a few crumbs of bread. Werewolves
extra protein. They were hearty meat eaters, just like their animal kin the wolf.

Joe spotted a young man just positioning himself on the rock Joe had occupied a couple minutes ago. The kid was new, only taken from his family two weeks ago. Joe opened his mouth to say something, but the human had already reached them.

The snap of a whip cracked the air. The kid bent over, holding his arm to his chest. He lifted his head, his eyes bleeding to amber as he snarled at the human male with the viciousness of any wolf being threatened.

Mistake number two. It was always better to act human around their captors, even if they were violent. They didn’t take well to the werewolves showing their animalistic natures. It only made the beatings worse. Joe should know. It had taken a while for him to learn his lesson.

“Filthy mutt. What do you think you’re doing taking a break on the job? Get yourself back to work, young’un.” The human he knew as George cracked the whip again, striking the kid on the shoulder.

Joe didn’t want to get involved, and if it had been anyone else, he wouldn’t have. But this kid didn’t know any better yet. It wasn’t right for them to beat him like this. Joe couldn’t just stand by and watch. He’d have to deal with the consequences, but it was worth it.

George turned his gaze to him, worry evident in his eyes and the wrinkles on his forehead. “What are you doing? Nothin’ to see here. Get back to work.” He raised his whip as if to threaten him, but it didn’t faze Joe. He’d gone through his share of lashes. He no longer feared them. They would only bring more physical pain, which nowhere near outweighed the emotional pain he felt at being away from Charlotte.

The boy looked between them. The feral look had dimmed, and he backed away as if realizing how big of a mistake he’d made. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, lowering his head as if Joe would beat him, too.

“Don’t bother the boy. Get on out of here before you get hurt.” Joe nodded his head the way the man had come. He sensed the other werewolves slowly moving up behind him.

George’s eyes widened as if he saw the other werewolves, and he turned, nearly tripping over himself. “You stupid… animals won’t get the best of me. There’s gonna be some trouble here because of this. Just you wait an’ see.”

The werewolf who had told Joe not to sit around was the first to reach the boy. Martin grabbed the kid’s wrist and looked at his arm and then his shoulder, checking the lashes. The humans’ whips were tipped with silver, so it burned against a werewolf’s skin. Something dangerous for them since it meant those wounds would heal even slower than a human’s would.

“You okay, kid?” Martin asked.

The kid looked up at Martin and then lowered his gaze before nodding. “Yes, sir. Just hurts like hell.”

Martin was kind of the leader among the werewolves here. If they’d been on their own, he might’ve been the Alpha of the Pack, but they refused to mention that stuff around the humans. The werewolves didn’t want any of the Pack structure or rituals known.

Martin chuckled and the others followed his lead. “We know.” He looked in Joe’s direction. He stared at him a moment before nodding. “Good call, regardless of the consequences.”

And they both knew there would be some. The humans always found a way to make them pay.

* * *

Charlotte stood on the street outside her family’s home. It’d been a while since she’d stopped by, but like the times before, she didn’t dare make herself known. Too much hurt lay that way.

Instead, she mounted her horse.

Her life now was vastly different than the one she’d led the night Joe was taken. She pulled the brim of her hat down on her forehead. Most of the time, she hid her long brown hair beneath the hat. She didn’t want to attract much attention. She was on a mission, and she wasn’t about to let anyone deter her.

She nudged the horse into motion, glancing back once more at the life she’d known. None of her family had been pleased with the turn her life had taken after Joe’s disappearance. They didn’t care enough to help her find out what had happened to him either. Not even her close friend and maid Betsy.

Her father and mother had gone along with her for a time, but after a while, her mother kept urging Charlotte to get over Joe and look at the other eligible bachelors around. As if Joe could be so easily replaced. Yet, she knew why they acted that way. Neither of them fancied the fact her betrothed was a werewolf.

Then again, they didn’t know Joe like she knew him. They’d thought he was okay before they found out…

Charlotte shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

Betsy’s betrayal had hurt her the most. For a time, it had seemed like she was the only one who truly cared about what was going on with Joe.

Charlotte then found out Betsy was passing along what she heard to Charlotte’s parents. When Charlotte had confronted her about it, Betsy had looked ashamed, but she couldn’t deny her actions.

When her father found out the extent to which Charlotte was improving her skills to shoot and fight, he’d been none too pleased. Her father firing Grover, the ranch hand who had invested so much time helping her, had been the last straw for their relationship. She hadn’t really spoken to her father since.

Her horse whinnied and slowed down.

Charlotte blinked, focusing again on the somewhat busy street around her. She had somewhere to go. She couldn’t be doing this to herself. Not when things seemed to be looking up. After all, she might have a lead on these werewolf-snatching bandits.

She held her shoulders back and urged her horse on. She had to stay strong. Both for Joe and the future she craved. Would they ever have what could’ve been? She didn’t know, but figuring out he wasn’t the only werewolf taken had sparked something within her. The others needed someone to champion for them too. Although Joe had warned her other werewolves weren’t always like him. Some were incredibly volatile.

But when it came down to it, they all deserved a better life than being trapped who knows where doing who knows what.

After a short ride out of town, she came to a small ranch. This was supposedly where one of the recently missing people -- werewolves -- had been taken.

The missing person in question was a boy twelve years of age, and his family was quite upset about his disappearance. Although, aside from a few visits to Sheriff Thomas, one of which she’d witnessed and which sparked her awareness of their problem, they hadn’t raised a fuss about the matter.

Charlotte noticed movement near the door.

A man, whom she recognized as the father, strode out onto the front porch. “Who’s there?” he asked. He held a rifle in his hands aimed toward the ground, but he watched her closely.

She began to dismount, but he raised the gun, pointing it at her. That kept her in the saddle.

“Now, hold on there. What’s this about?” He stayed on the porch with the gun aimed at her as if not sure whether to shoot first and ask questions later or act more hospitable.

“I’m looking for the people who took your boy. They also took my betrothed,” she said.

“You’re not from the sheriff’s office. I don’t recall having seen you around there.” He lowered the gun slightly, but she knew not to get too comfortable. She didn’t know the man, and he seemed kind of jumpy.

“I live in town.” She currently stayed in the town’s hotel. Not that she preferred that, but it was better than living on the street. “I’m just trying to find the people responsible for the recent kidnappings.”

He watched her hesitantly, but he finally lowered the rifle. “All right, then, but you better not cause any trouble here.” The tone in his voice made it seem like plenty of others had done that exact thing.

“I won’t, sir.” Charlotte rode a little closer, and then dismounted from her horse.

“Jude,” the man hollered over his shoulder toward the front door. He stayed there and watched her. “My boy will take care of your horse.” A pained look crossed his face before he could control it. “My younger son.”

She nodded her head and waited. It only took a moment for the boy to appear at the door.

Jude looked from his father to Charlotte. “Yes, Papa?”

“Take care of that fella’s horse while I talk to him.”

The boy hesitated, as if he thought he might be stolen away like his older brother. At last he headed down from the porch and took her horse’s reins before walking off toward the stable.

Her gaze went to the father. She felt sadness for him and his family. Maybe they hadn’t cared about the fact their son was a werewolf. Could there be people out there who didn’t focus on those kinds of things? People who loved their family because of who they were and not what they were?

She knew those were exactly her feelings for Joe. Yet most of the folks in town had looked upon Joe as an outsider. They hadn’t tried to kill him or throw him out, but once they’d found out about him, they sure as heck hadn’t been welcoming. And to make things worse, they hadn’t bothered to help her rescue him.

But they were ignorant, and they had no concept of the caliber of person Joe was.

Tears threatened to well into her eyes, but she couldn’t do that to herself. He was out there, and he needed her help. She straightened her spine and walked to the front porch.

There wasn’t time for her to feel sorry for herself. She was disguised as a man. She needed to try to act the part.

The man on the porch nodded his head toward one of the four chairs. “If you don’t mind. I’ll have the wife get us something to drink, if you’re thirsty.” He stood, waiting until Charlotte took a seat before propping the rifle against the side of the house. He sat in a chair beside her with the gun clearly in reach in case there was trouble. At least he didn’t feel the need to cradle it in his lap.

Charlotte had her pistols, secured to her belt in the holsters. They weren’t very comfortable, but she knew how to use them. The pistols made her feel safe, and they were a heck of a lot easier to handle than a shotgun or rifle. She had a rifle as well, but the pistols were her weapons of choice.

“I’m fine, thank you,” she said, keeping her tone strong and neutral, just like Grover had taught her.

The man next to her nodded his head and held out his hand. “The name’s Daniel, and you are?”

She looked at his hand, hesitating slightly. She had two choices. Come out with the truth now and hope he took her seriously, or lie and hope he didn’t find out later. She’d been raised not to lie, yet she wanted what was best for Joe.

She accepted his handshake and looked him in the eye. “Charlotte.”

Daniel yanked his hand away like he’d been burned. A crease formed between his brows. “What kind of game are you trying to play with me, girl? Do you think the loss of my son…” He gritted his teeth. “I mean, the fact he’s missing, is some kind of joke?”

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