Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set (42 page)

BOOK: Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set
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Eric continues to call and stop over for the next two weeks. My heart shatters every time I hear him calling for me through the door. I cry myself to sleep every single night, cursing my horrible, pointless life.

I make sure to run in the evenings instead of the mornings when I know Eric will be out. I check to make sure his car isn’t in the parking lot before I leave. When his car is in the lot, I use the staircase instead of the elevator, making sure I can’t possibly run into him.

I know it’s pathetic, but I have to.

I miss him. I miss him so freaking bad. His smell, his touch, the taste of his lips. I feel completely numb, empty and helpless…I just want to make this all go away.

“How ya doing, love?” Carissa asks, walking into the kitchen. I’m sitting on the bar stool with my head laying on the countertop. I don’t want to move…or breathe.

She notices my blank expression, and after hearing me groan, she pats her hand on my back, making soothing circles.

“It’ll be okay. The pain will pass.” She’s trying to be sincere, but she has no idea how much the pain will
pass. “And until it does, we drink!” she announces, digging through the cupboards until she finds two shot glasses.

A drink actually sounds perfect right now…anything to make the pain go away. She pours two shots of tequila and raises hers as she waits for me to do the same. We clink them together, making a familiar noise that I often hear at the bar. I pour the liquid down my throat, enjoying the burn it leaves behind. For the first time in a week, the burn distracts me from the real pain I’m feeling.

I slam the glass down, nodding to Carissa to pour me another one. We do this for three more rounds until I can no longer sit on the barstool.
So this is why I don’t drink…

Carissa and I giggle all night together, talking about old memories of us in high school. It’s refreshing actually. I feel numb, pain free, and best of all—
I feel nothing.

“Oh my God, do you remember that time in high school when you got caught making out with Aaron Matherson in English class?” We laugh together—clearly, the alcohol has taken over.

“Yes! Oh my God! He was a good kisser!” She giggles again. “I did detention for that guy! But it was
worth it!”

“Did he pop your lady cherry?” I ask, amused by the conversation. We slump on the couch together, laughing.
Whoa, the room is spinning. Or maybe I am.

“Bah! Lady cherry? Are you kidding me? He would’ve been lucky to have my cherry!” She laughs back, scowling as she remembers Aaron dumping her soon after they were caught.

“Or the time you and that foreign exchange student got busted skinny dipping in the school pool?” My head falls back as I hysterically laugh at her facial expression.

“Ooh, yes, Raphael? Damn, that boy could kiss. And to be fair, I didn’t exactly understand him when he asked to go ‘boom-boom’ in the water. And once he stripped down, his rock hard abs distracted me.” She plays dumb, laughing at the old memories.

“In the pool?” I gasp. “Oh God, ew. Now I’m
glad I never went in there.” We laugh together, reminiscing about our high school years.

This goes on until we both pass out on the couch together. I have no idea how late we stay up, but I wake up with the biggest hangover I’ve ever had.

“Oh, man…why did you make me drink so much last night?” I whine, holding my head in my hands.

“Why is the sun so fucking bright?” Carissa moans, gradually standing up, holding her hand to cover her eyes.

“Ugh, I have ringing in my ears,” I complain again, feeling weak and miserable.

“That’s not your ears, dumbass. It’s the freaking doorbell.”

“Oh.” She laughs as she makes her way to answer whoever is ringing the bell…over and over again.

“Oh, shit.” I hear her mumble. “She’s not home, Eric! Go away!” I duck into the couch, making myself invisible from his view. I hear Carissa trying to shut the door on him, but his foot interferes.

“Carissa, let me in. I don’t believe you. Something is wrong, and I need to see her.” His voice is quiet but firm.

I rise up just enough to see his face. It hurts to see him. But I still feel drunk, so I don’t think about that now.

“Riss, let him in,” I call, falling back on the couch.

“Velaney?” He barges through the door and runs toward me. He looks over the couch, looking concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s hung over!” Carissa announces as she proceeds to slam the door behind her then wince in pain.

“You’re drunk?” he asks, surprise in his tone.

drunk. Now I’m paying for it,” I mumble, trying to part my eyes open wider to look at him.
God, he’s gorgeous.
Even in distress and worry, he looks amazing.

“What the hell is going on? Why are you avoiding me? And not answering my calls? Not being home?”

“I broke up with you,” I mumble, forcing the words out of my mouth.

“No, Velaney. You did not. Something is wrong.”

His voice cracks, practically begging me to agree with him. I want to…I want to so freaking badly, but I have to keep up my act, otherwise, I’ll fall apart.

“Eric, it just isn’t going to work out. I’m sorry.” Even I don’t believe the words coming out of my mouth, but Eric doesn’t say anything back. He stays silent, just looking at me as if he’s waiting for me to pop up and say ‘just kidding!’ I wish I could. I wish I could crush my body to his and give him the world. But…I can’t. I love him too much to let anything else happen to him.

He walks away, not saying another word. I close my eyes until I hear the door slam behind him.

“Damn, that was cruel, Lane. I mean, I thought you two were going so well?” She plops her body back on the couch next to me, analyzing me for answers.

“I lied,” I finally admit. Perhaps it’s the alcohol still in my system, but I have to tell her the truth now. “I love him, Riss. I love him so fucking much!” I gush, covering my hands over my face to keep the emotions in, but they leak out anyway.

“What?” she squeals. She inches closer to me now. “What’s going on? Tell me the truth!” she demands, crossing her arms. She seems suddenly sober.

I sit up, preparing myself for the heartache all over again. I tell her about going to see my parents, about Aiden and about my suspicion that he has something over on my parents. She looks at me with her mouth wide open, unable to believe what I just told her.

“That fucking asshole!” she finally blurts out.

“There’s nothing I can do, Riss. There’s nothing
of us can do. Aiden will
Eric if he sees us together. How can I risk that?”

“You kill that son-of-a-bitch first,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Oh, right. And what…risk going to prison?!”

“There has to be a better solution. I mean, you can’t let him control who you date.”

“He is
, Riss! He’s always a step ahead of me. He practically threw Eric off a cliff. He probably has a whole team of creepers watching me, making sure I obey him. It’s like…he has some kind of supernatural power.”

The fact is…he
hold power over me. And my family. Would it ever end? Could it ever end? Even if I go to the police, I have no proof. It’ll be my word against his. Aiden will use his charm to get the police on his side anyway.
I stand no chance.

“I have a plan.” Carissa stands up, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the living room. “Get dressed.”




“What are we doing here?” I ask as Carissa pulls into a hardware store.

“Getting supplies,” she smirks, jerking the car into park. I have no idea what she’s implying, but I’m intrigued to find out.

We walk in and Carissa grabs a cart as I scan the store. I’ve never been in one of these stores before. It smells like sweaty musk and aftershave.
Bad aftershave.

“So what are we getting?” I ask, walking beside her. She smiles at me as she grabs chains from a shelf in one of the aisles. “Chains?” I ask in surprise.

“You’ll see. I have a plan,” she says confidently. Carissa is many things, sometimes a royal pain in the arse, sometimes a real loud mouth, but sometimes…
just sometimes
, she is very resourceful.

She grabs rope, nails, a hammer, duct tape, zip ties, towels and a large pipe wrench. My mind is wondering
what the hell
she has in mind.

“Is this where you tell me to convert into a lesbian so we can do some kinky BDSM?” I tease, making light of the situation.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I don’t do virgins.”

“I’m not a virgin anymore!” I defend, shocked that I can even admit that.

“One man, pssh. Practically a virgin in my book.”

“You’re such a sleaze. It counts,” I mumble.

She smiles back at me and sticks her tongue out in defeat.

“Now what?” I ask as we finish paying and walk out to the car.

“Now we do what girls do best…kick some ass.”



* * *



I still have no clue what she has planned, but I’m for it. I don’t know where this side of me is coming from…perhaps it was seeing Eric for the first time in two weeks, or seeing how hurt and distraught he was, but I don’t mind. I like this Velaney.

It’s go time.

Carissa and I take the four-hour drive to my hometown. When we get close to my parents’ house, she slows down and parks about a block away.

“It’s time,” is all she says as she kills the engine and gets out. All our supplies are in the trunk and before grabbing them I ask, “Okay, now you have to tell me what we’re doing.”

“We are going to take back control, Lane. Show Aiden two…rather, three…can play this game, as well. Except, we play dirty. Aiden’s a big man-baby, which means your mother will probably have to cook him dinner, right?” I nod, agreeing with her. “We’re going to sneak in your house and wait until he’s sleeping. We’ll set up before he gets here and then…we’ll show
who is boss.” Her voice is strong and determined. It kind of freaks me out, seeing her this way, but I absolutely love her for it.

We grab our stuff and sneak to the backyard of my childhood home, hiding in some bushes by a back window that I know is never locked. I accidentally broke the lock when I was thirteen years old and never told my parents about it.

We both crawl through the window as quietly as possible. It’s a large house so odds are no one will hear us as long as everyone is in the living room or kitchen. We tiptoe down to my old room and drop the bags on my old bed. It feels surreal being in here after four years, eerie even. However, I don’t dwell on it too long as I know we don’t have much time.

“Okay, here’s what we do,” Carissa begins. She explains to me her whole plan, giving me details of exactly what to do. It takes me a moment, but I begin to freak out. If this goes wrong, I can’t even imagine what Aiden will do to me. But Carissa was right—it’s time to take back control.

We hear my brother and parents in the dining room where they are eating dinner. We grab the specific supplies we need and hide in the bathroom shower that I know Aiden will use. I’m shaking as we sit and wait, feeling completely inadequate.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I whisper to Carissa as we sit in the tub. The curtain is black, heavy fabric and we are completely unnoticeable once the curtain is drawn across. It’s creepy, but turns out it’s actually coming in handy.

“Yes. You. Can.” she enunciates each word slowly, squeezing my hands in hers.

We went over and over the plan earlier in my old room. I know exactly what to do, but I’m still scared out of my freaking mind. This could literally be…life and death. If this goes wrong, Aiden could tear me apart.

The lights are shut off but I can sense Carissa’s eyes staring into me. “What?” I whisper.

“I’m so proud of you, Lane. The fact that you’re even here doing this…makes me feel like a proud mama! It’s like I’ve taught you so much and now I get to see it in action.”

“Calm down, mama bear. I haven’t done anything, yet.”
I can’t even believe I’m here. What the hell am I doing?

The light flicks on.

Oh, God. Show time.

I know it’s Aiden because my parents only use their master bathroom. Some weird thing about them…I never pushed for asking why. It was just how they were.

I hear him humming…
As he lifts up the toilet seat, Carissa braces against me, ready to attack at any minute. He unzips his zipper and as soon as we hear it—

We emerge.

“What the fuck?” Aiden shouts, unable to defend himself as he’s covering himself up. Carissa might not look tough, but give her a Red Bull, motive and a pipe wrench…the girl works on pure adrenaline.

She crashes her body into his, forcing him against the wall. We each grab a hand and wrap the zip tie around his wrist, holding him in place. I rip off a piece of duct tape and slap it against his mouth. His eyes bulge out of his head as he takes in what is happening.

The adrenaline overcomes me. I’ve never felt anything like it before. It actually feels…incredible…like I’m unstoppable.

I make sure the tape is on nice and sturdy before grabbing the hammer and pipe wrench. He falls to the floor, trying to wiggle himself to the door.

“Not so fast, dearest brother,” I say as if I actually mean to sound sincere. I toss the wrench to Carissa, leaving the hammer in my hand. “I have a few words for you first.”

Carissa does the next part because frankly, I just refuse to go there. She grabs his pants and pulls them down to his feet. She climbs over him, getting really close to his face while setting the wrench close to his boxers.

“Listen, asshole,” she begins, speaking louder than a whisper, but softer than a shout. “As you can see, you are
accessible. I can get to you anytime…anywhere. If you do not leave Velaney or her boyfriend alone, I promise to use this pipe wrench to personally castrate you.” The way Carissa speaks is even making me cringe just thinking about it. Aiden’s eyes grow wider, squirming as he feels Carissa urging the wrench closer to his most sensitive area. “And I
break a promise, Aiden. If you lay
finger on her or Eric, I will hunt you down…and make sure you never use your dick again!”

He tries to scream but the tape keeps his mouth from moving. I feel so hyped from the adrenaline rush and from watching Carissa that I decide to add my own few words.

“And if you come after me, Eric,
Carissa, I will
come find you and knock every single tooth out.” I hold the hammer to his face, letting it rub against his cheek. “And these nails might find a way to join the party as well,” I quickly add, feeling brave. It’s like I’m having an out of body experience—a feeling overcomes me and makes me finally stand up to him. Something I’ve wanted to do since I was eight years old.

“Are we clear?” Carissa chimes in, wrapping the wrench harder around him. I didn’t even notice she did it in the first place, but seeing Aiden beg for mercy is pure pleasure.

He rapidly nods his head as he sees Carissa get closer to his favorite male part. Part of me wants to giggle at how risky she’s being, but for the sake of looking dominant, I hold it in.

“Good. This is the last time we will ever see you. Don’t contact her, don’t come into her apartment and don’t tell her who or what she’s allowed to do. Don’t even breathe the same damn air as her.” He nods again. His eyes are begging her to stop. She releases the wrench around him and nails him right in the junk with it. “That’s for being a sick motherfucker!” He cries out, but it’s muffled and can’t be heard outside of the bathroom. My heart is racing so hard, I can barely remember to breathe.

“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing the supplies off the floor. “I think he gets the message.” I look back at him, wanting to smash my shoe into his face, but I don’t. “At least he better.” I decide to kick him in the ribs instead. It feels good to finally get revenge. I’m not usually one for violence, considering my past, but he is one person who deserves it.



* * *



“Wow, I can’t believe we just did that,” I say to Carissa as we get into the car. My heart is still racing, and I can barely catch my breath.

“You did good, girl. I’m proud of you.” She smiles, glancing at me before turning her head back to the road.

“You did all the good stuff.
proud of you,” I say back, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. It felt good.” I simply nod in return. “He’s gone, Velaney. You can move on now. He’s out of the picture.”

“But what if he’s not? What if this just fed him more reasons to come after me?”

“I highly doubt he will. And if he’s stupid enough to, we’ll be ready,” she says, holding up the duct tape. I smile back at her amusing face, knowing she’d kill for me if she had to.

We decide to stop at a hotel for the night and order dinner. It’s been a long, exhausting and emotionally-draining day. I feel for the first time in my life…
He can’t control me anymore. I won’t let him.

I think about Eric all night long. I want to tell him I made a mistake and beg him to take me back, but I feel like he deserves more. He deserves a proper explanation, but if I tell him the truth, he’ll go after Aiden.

I plot my next move as I slowly drift into sleep. I miss Eric…I miss him so



* * *



“I’m so damn hungry!” Carissa groans, rolling toward me on the hotel bed. I’m not sure I even slept. I kept reliving every second of last night. I thought I would feel safer—but I don’t.
I feel worse…

“Riss?” She raises her head up towards me. “I’m terrified,” I admit, lowering my head. Sensing my vulnerability, Carissa rises and comes to sit next to me. She wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close to her chest.

“He can’t hurt you, Laney. Don’t give him that. Don’t let him have your fear.”
Too bad that’s easier said than done.

“I thought I would feel better after getting revenge—but I don’t.”

“C’mon, let’s get some caffeine and food in you. We’ll talk some more.” I nod and watch as Carissa gets off the bed. We both get dressed and pack our bags. We check out and head back to her car.

We mostly walk in silence, unsure of what to say to the other. I love Carissa…I do…but right now, I’m no longer scared for just me, now I’m scared for her. Aiden holds no boundaries when it comes to getting what he wants…and there’s no doubt in my mind that what he wants right now is revenge.

“What can I get you girls this morning?” asks a nice, older lady with a pack of waitress checks and a pencil in her hand. She stands at the end of the table looking bored as all hell.

“Coffee and scrambled eggs, please,” I reply, handing my menu back to her.

“I’ll have coffee, orange juice, pancakes and bacon, please,” Carissa replies, grinning as she hands her menu to the waitress. Without another word, the waitress writes down our order, grabs our menus and walks away.

“Well, she was a friendly sack of bitch pills,” Carissa complains right as I take a drink of my water, causing me to spew it out of my mouth as she laughs at her own comment.

“Oh my word, Riss. You sure have a way with people.”

“Hey, I was nice! Not everyone gets the nice-version of Carissa.”

“True,” I agree, wiping the water from my chin.

“So what’s the plan?” she asks, breaking the awkward silence. I know we both want to talk about this plan.

“I was hoping you had one,” I retort, holding my hands together on top of the table. Although I feel that her previous plan has put us in more danger, I’m ready to follow her next lead on how to get out of it.

“Well, we could cross the border—run away. We have nothing keeping us here, anyway.”

“Oh, sure. We’ll just pack up and move to Canada,” I say sarcastically. I know she isn’t serious either, and we need a serious plan.

“Okay, Lane. Honestly, I don’t know why you are freaking out…I mean, did you see how scared he was? There’s no way he’s going to come back and mess with you. He knows what you’re capable of.” She pauses, taking a drink of water. “No man risks getting their nuts squeezed off.” A smile forms on my face as she lightens the mood.
Perhaps she’s right—that pipe wrench could do damage.

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