Alpha Sacrifice (Feast & Famine #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Alpha Sacrifice (Feast & Famine #1)
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He mentioned that he’s an Alpha, which means that he must have passed the Rituals of his Order in order to graduate to a more esteemed status. Lycans are moved up over time as well, but Tristan certainly wasn’t old enough to have been grandfathered in. He looked no older than me — 21 or 22 at the oldest.

God, why am I spending so much time thinking about this?
I fidget underneath the covers and feel a wetness growing between my legs. I can’t possibly lie with him, but would it harm me at all to imagine being together? I picture that tanned washboard abdomen again and I see the veins in his hefty biceps. I slip my hand between my legs inside my flannel pajama pants and stroke myself lightly. I imagine being shoved with my back up against a tree out there in the woods, his hand jammed down inside my leather pants while his hot breath moistens my neck. Those eyes that penetrated my soul today are pleading with me, begging me to let him enter me. I feel his thickness spreading me apart as I finger myself gently, imagining the taste of his lips and the wetness of his tongue.

Is this what it’s going to be like? Am I forever going to have to imagine what it
feel like instead of actually being able to taste and feel him? I feel myself drifting off to sleep, comforted by the thought of Tristan’s body pressed up against mine.




“Alright girl, you totally got this.” Angie leans over and whispers in my ear. It’s the day, the Famine Festival is finally here and Angie knows that I have a better shot of winning than anyone. Well, I did, before this complete and utter distraction took over my life. The last few days I have been pushing Tristan out of my mind, focusing on the biggest moment of my life. All of the early betting has been tallied, and Winchester has firmly declared me as the favorite, with 2-to-1 odds. A lot of money is at stake and my reputation is on the line. It would be the mistake of my life to throw it all away for some sort of immature puppy love.

We line up at the starting gate and I think about all the work that I’ve done to get here. Years and years of rigorous physical and mental training. A complete body transformation as I formed muscles in places I didn’t know even could. I look out at the forest in front of me. This isn’t a scrimmage, and we’re not on home turf anymore. Honor Woods is the place where all sorts of paranormal inhabit, and we’re in their territory now. No one knew exactly what we’d encounter, which is what made the Famine Festival so intriguing as a spectator sport. Overhead blimps and helicopters dotted the sky, their aerial view allowing the best shots for videography. The Famine Festival would be broadcasted all over the state, our lives simply transformed into a form of entertainment for the watching.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” a mustached announcer broadcasts over a squeaking loudspeaker. “Today is the 55
running of the Famine Festival, in which the fierce and noble Exterminators will be doing an en masse culling of the Paranormal of Honor Woods. Serpenticulm, Faewitches, Lycan, Vamps, and god-knows-what awaits our brave heroes on this date. We wish them luck and success today on racking up the highest personal count of paranormal killed. It’s every Exterminator for themselves out there today — no friends, no partners, no helping each other. Today you will prove your personal strength and domination. Go forth and slay today, Exterminators, and may you return in one piece.”

I look over nervously at Angie, who is chewing on her fingernails. “Good luck Angie.”

She blinks and reaches out and squeezes my hand. “Good luck Bianca. Return safe, and with the highest kill count.”

I smile at her and the pistol shot rings out, signifying the beginning of the 12 hour Famine Festival. I gulp, and tear off into the Honor Woods with my weapons bumping against my side.




It’s hour 4, and I’m covered in sweat, dirt, and grime. The kill counts are updated regularly on a banner in the sky being pulled by a jet. I just bagged my 17
kill, a young female Faewitch who had been snoozing in an unlucky location. Angie is in second place with 9 total kills, and her creep Max just killed a Lycan for his 5
kill of the Festival. Already there were 3 casualties within the Exterminators, but I wasn’t close to any of those who died. It’s always sad, but expected during an event like this.

I sit on a rock taking a small break, downing some orange Gatorade and inhaling a granola bar as fast as possible. I wipe the blood off my daggers with a rag and shine them back up. The clearing I am in is relatively safe, but I look around regularly to make sure there aren’t any threats sneaking up on me. It’s never good to stay in any one place for long out here. I stand up and wipe my hands off on my pants, buckle my hunting belt back in place and start to walk away.

“Wait.” I hear his voice behind me, and see Tristan crouched down underneath some bramble.

“Tristan, no. This isn’t the time. You
to get out of here. Go. NOW.” I walk away from him and hear his feet crunching against he leaves behind me as he scrambles to catch up to me. His hand spins me around to face him and I can’t help but feel that he’s more beautiful than before. He is wearing a tight white t-shirt that shows every muscle on his body. Streaks of dirt and scratches are lining his arms, and he looks like he had at least one struggle today.

“You don’t understand. I know this feels wrong. I know today is important for you and I don’t want to take that away from you. But my people, my Order, they’re going to kill you and your friends.” Tristan pleads with me with a sincerity in his eyes.

“Kill me? How on earth…?”

“We’ve been organized. The Kixions. We knew you were coming and so we’ve coordinated an attack. As soon as the Festival ends, when all of the competitors are being honored and the celebration begins. The Kixions and the Jackals are coming to slaughter everyone.”

“Why are you telling me this, Tristan?” I asked. A feeling of dread washes over me.
He’s in the Kixions?!

“Because you will only be spared if you are my mate. And I cannot bare to imagine living in a world without you in it. Even though you’ve killed many of my friends today.”

My heart melts as Tristan places his hand against my dirty cheek. I feel a tingle begin in my toes and start to creep up my legs. His hair is shaggy and hangs in front of his eyes and I instinctively brush it away and tuck it behind his ear. The stubble on his cheeks feels nice against my hand and I let my palm linger on his face. Even the most simple of interaction feels magical with him. Meant to be, even. A silly concept that I never believed in until this very moment.

He leans forward and closes the tiny gap between us until I feel his moist lips against mine. I can practically feel a gush of emotion erupting from him and entering into me as we become one with each other. He is warm and making me hotter, as I feel a single drip of sweat rolling down my spine. His fingertips caress my neck and run across my shoulder and his tongue swirls around in my mouth. It feels like we are anywhere in the world but here on this day of the Famine Festival in the Honor Woods. He is gorgeous and we are beautiful together.

His hands follow the outline of my body and rest against my hips and he pulls me against him. I reach down and unsnap my belt, allowing my weapons and security to fall to the earth beneath us. How could weapons be important when I have such a strong protector in front of me? I squeeze his triceps and continue to kiss him while pushing my hips against his. I feel a stiffening in his pants and he thrusts himself against me with an animalistic presence. For a moment he pulls away from me and stares in my eyes. The deepness of his yellow eyes with dark amber flecks of color are mesmerizing and utterly enchanting. I smile shyly at him and he grins back.

“My name is Bianca.” I realize that he still didn’t know my name and I have at least some standards.

“That’s the most beautiful name for a glorious girl.” Tristan’s eyes run up and down my body. “I’m sure you clean up nice,” he says with a knowing smile.

I immediately feel embarrassed. I am dirty, sweaty, and smeared with blood. My black tank top is ripped, stretched, and smells terrible. Luckily, Tristan doesn’t think I need a shirt at all.

He dives in and his mouth begins kissing and sucking on my neck gently, causing vibrations of pleasure to rush throughout me. He nibbles gently in all the right places, waiting momentarily to give my exposed collarbones extra attention. He then lifts my shirt over my head and exposes my dark gray bra. I notice a voracious hunger in his face when his tongue runs down my chest and his hands cup my breasts. I moan softly, worried that others might hear and come running. I run my fingers through his course hair while he kisses the top of my breasts. Tristan then unhooks the clasp and allows my breasts to fall free, the cold air perking my nipples up instantly.

He bends his neck forward and pulls one of my nipples into his mouth while his other hand gently pinches and squeezes upon my other exposed nipple. I arch my back and feel a wave of pleasure between my legs, stronger and more intense than the feeling I had in bed the other night. We stand in the center of this clearing, the only people who matter in the world. The most unlikely couple that feels so right.

I tear off his t-shirt and run my hands down his chest. His breathing becomes more shallow as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants. Before he can step out of them, I drop down to my knees on the forest floor and look up at him. From down here, he’s even larger than life. He takes my head in his hand and guides it toward the bulge in his pants and I pull his jeans down to his ankles. I let my mouth rest firmly on the top of his boxer briefs and feel his pulsing cock just waiting to be released. I tease the waistband of his underwear before finally pulling them down and revealing his waiting cock.

He is magnetic and I want to take him within me, but I tease the wet head of his cock for a moment, licking off the salty precum that shows me how much he’s been anticipating this. He spreads his legs ever so slightly and I hear him moan softly. I take one of my hands and cup his sack, running my fingers softly across his balls. I tease along his shaft with my lips and occasionally my teeth before finally taking him all the way inside my mouth. He is both longer and thicker than anyone I have had before, and I feel my gag reflex kicking in. I don’t think he’s noticed and I push away the choking sensation while I focus on pleasuring Tristan. He is thrusting his hips toward me back and forth slowly while I pump his cock into my mouth. One of my hands continues to fondle his balls while the other grips the base of his shaft and helps me take his entire cock. I feel the wetness in my own panties but I know that I’ll get taken care of if we don’t run out of time.

Tristan pulls himself out of my mouth and pulls me to a standing position, then guides me over to a enormous rock so that he can lay me down. He kisses my tits again one last time and then unbuttons my leather pants and slides them down my skin. I am sticky and wet with sweat and anticipation. My black lace underwear is pulled aside while Tristan kneels between my legs and runs his tongue up and down my slit. I squeeze one of my tits and lay back against the rock, spreading my legs wide so that Tristan has full access to my pleasure spot. He spreads my lower lips with two fingers and nipples and sucks gently on my nub, driving me wild and sending waves of emotion through me. I buck and arch my back against him. His finger toys with me, running circles around my hole while he laps up my juices and traces circles along my clit. He then drives two fingers into me and they slide in easily. I’m so wet and ready for him.

I know I won’t be able to take much of this and I feel myself threatening to climax. Tristan seems to feel this and he slows down, broadening his tongue and licking slower. It’s as if he’s enjoying this just as much as me. He looks up at me and his glowing yellow eyes show so much pleasure that I can’t even bare to look at him. He’s incredibly handsome and sexy and I can’t even believe that I’m with him right now.

“I want to mate with you,” Tristan says between licks. He stands up and holds his enormous hard member. I reach down and rub my clit gently while he strokes himself in front of me.

“Please fuck me, fuck me now,” I tell him while moaning. I know he wants it just as much as I do, and I doubt he was waiting for an invitation but I’ll give him one anyway.

He teases me gently by pressing the head of his cock against my clit and then running it up and down my pussy before finally pushing it into me. I feel it spreading me wider than I’ve spread before as I take his entire cock slowly. He pushes it into me and lifts my legs up as I’m laying on an incline. My ankles rest against his shoulder and I feel his hot hips against the back of my thighs. In this position he is deeper than I’ve ever thought possible and I feel the burning subside.

Tristan thrusts into me and with each pump into me I feel more and more hopelessly in awe of him. I don’t know if it’s love, as I’ve never loved a man before. But the feeling I get as we’re as close as possible, our bodies sliding up against each other and becoming one? That feeling is sensational and magical and special. It’s worth more than any trophy, than any amount of money I might win.

Tristan’s hands are pulling against the front of my thighs, giving him leverage to drive himself into me. I arch my back against the rock and give him everything I have, feeling the breeze and the cool Minnesota air against my body. His thighs tense and I know he’s getting ready to climax along with me. He’s lightly biting his lip while fucking me harder and with purpose and my pussy feels like it’s vibrating with pleasure. I moan louder and feel a loss of control of my body as I erupt in waves of trembling. He puts my legs down and continues to hold the side of my hips while we rock back and forth together tightly. I can feel his warmth spreading inside my body as I clench on him involuntarily. Tristan is grunting and pumping his seed into me and his hair is soaking wet with sweat. After what feels like eternity he slides himself out of me and lies down next to me on the rock.

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