Alpha Hunter (4 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Space Opera

BOOK: Alpha Hunter
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’s Lor?” She walked across the living room and into the adjoining kitchen as she waited for his answer.

Following as far as the wide archway separating the two rooms, Blayne explained, “Lor commands the Mystic Militia. Our current assignment is to apprehend a group of mercenaries called Shadow Assassins.”

She took a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water, then drank most of it before continuing the conversation. “And Nazerel is one of these Shadow Assassins?” She held up her mostly empty glass. “Do you want some?”

He shook his head.
His body processed raw energy far more efficiently than the human digestive system. Though he ate and drank, it was largely for enjoyment or to blend in with his non-gifted companions. “Nazerel is an alpha hunter. He leads one of four teams of mercenaries that escaped to Earth.”

“Escaped from wh
ere or what?” She set the glass aside and leaned back against the counter. She wore a striped shirt that buttoned down the front tucked in to snug blue jeans. The jeans were obviously hers, they fit like a second skin, but the shirt seemed oversized and oddly masculine. Not that the garment detracted from her feminine appeal. It just triggered something dark and possessive, made him want to strip her naked and imprint her with his scent, his taste—his seed.

Forcing back the unwanted
urge, he focused on the answer to her question. “The Shadow Assassins were a closed society of male mercenaries who lived by their own rules. They literally hunted females for the purpose of pleasure and procreation. As an alpha hunter, it was Nazerel’s job to train the others, help them hone their skills.”

Her brow arched and one corner of her mouth twitched as if she were fighting off a smile.
“They sound like Amazons.”

not familiar with the term.”

Amazons were mythological female warriors who had no use for men except to replenish their ranks.”

He nodded and
moved closer, not understanding her mood. Why wasn’t she taking this seriously? Didn’t she realize the danger was not only real but personal? “There are similarities. Shadow Assassins kept their females captive until they delivered a child. If the child was female, both mother and daughter were returned to the world above. But if the child was male—”

‘The world above?’ What does that mean?” Her lashes lowered and her expression smoldered with feminine awareness. Why the hell was she flirting with him? This wasn’t a history lesson. He was trying to brief her on the enemy.

“Shadow Assassins lived in an underground complex that could only be reached by teleportation.”

Her tongue peeked out, drawing his attention to the lush fullness of her lips. “You’re saying all of this in the past tense. If the danger is in the past, why are Shadow Assassins on Earth?”

Desire coiled through him, his body reacting despite his suspicion that she had an ulterior motive for her actions.
“The Shadow Maze was liberated and all the men retrained. Most successfully integrated into Ontarian society, but the hunters were used to commanding others, not being commanded. The strongest rebelled and made an alliance with one of our most powerful enemies.”

She pushed off the counter and moved closer, her gaze focused on his mouth.
“How did they end up on Earth?”

He needed to snap her out of this mood before he did something they’d both regret. Dragging his gaze away from her mouth, he cleared his throat and gave himself a firm mental shake.
“They came here in search of females with compatible physiology. You are one such female.”

“Long story short,
Nazerel wants me to have his babies?” She smiled and shook her head. “I’ll just tell him I’m not interested.”

Her lightheartedness annoyed him enough to clear his head, allowing him to regain control of
his wayward body. “You’re thinking in human terms. Nazerel is not human. He has no intention of giving you a choice. He’ll seduce or outright rape you until you conceive.”

“What a charming concept.
Good thing I’m on the Pill.”

grasped her upper arms and drew her forward until he towered over her. “This isn’t a joke. Nazerel is dangerous. We haven’t found out exactly what they’re up to, but we suspect it’s more complicated than producing children. The Rodytes are continually dabbling in genetic manipulation.”

She stared up at him, gaze no longer hungry, but she wasn’t nearly as afraid as she should be.
“What’s a Rodyte?”

“Rodymia is a planet in the same star system as Ontariese. A highly placed Rodyte is financing the Shadow Assassins, which makes them even more dangerous.”

She nodded though her lack of curiosity made it highly unlikely she’d accepted the information as fact. “Do I have time to take a shower before Lor gets here? I’m hot and grimy and still in yesterday’s clothes.”

It was a reasonable request, but he still couldn’t help thinking she was up to something. “Use the hall bath and leave the door unlocked.”

“Why? Are you going to spy on me?” In an instant she was back in seductress mode. “I’m not shy. You can shower with me if you like.” She tugged the ends of the shirt out from inside her jeans and began unfastening the buttons.

“Stop it.” He caught her wrists and pulled her hands away from her chest. “I will not be distracted by your…amazing body. I’m here to protect, not satisfy you.” Besides, he had no doubt she’d wait until he was diverted by his physical needs then bash him on the head
with something heavy.

“Can’t you do both?” She tilted her head back and pressed her teeth into her lower lip.
“I think you’re really hot.”

He took her by the wrist and led her from the kitchen. “Gather what you’ll need before you get started. I do not want you parading around in a towel.”

She groaned and snatched her hand from his grasp. “You don’t have to be such a jerk about it. If you don’t want to play, that’s fine. Just say no.”


She made a rather childish face then rushed into Tori’s bedroom. Blayne sighed. Had he misread the situation? If her attraction was genuine, he should have been more tactful with his rejection. He had to remember all she’d been through in the past few weeks. Maybe she just…

Angie came strolling out of Tori’s bedroom and Blayne’s thoughts scattered. The jeans were gone, as were her boots. She still wore the
masculine shirt, but she’d freed all the buttons, revealing the inner swell of her breasts and her toned abdomen, even her tiny black panties.

Lust slammed into his gut, instantly hardening his cock and freeing his aggressive nature. He shoved her against the wall, pinning her hands above her head as his mouth
took possession of hers. Her lips parted and their tongues dueled, her aggression easily matching his. He parted her thighs with his knee, lifting her to the balls of her feet.

For one blissful moment he allowed himself to enjoy the frenzy,
then he reined in his lust and went in search of her true motivation. Most Mystics could intercept thoughts, though they were taught that it was unethical to enter someone’s mind without permission. This was different. Angie’s antics were putting her in danger and he needed to know what she hoped to accomplish.

She rubbed against his thigh and arched until her breasts touched his chest. He’d love to believe she was just naturally uninhibited, but her seduction didn’t make sense with the danger they faced. Keeping his eyes tightly closed
, he stubbornly tuned out the softness of her flesh and the promised pleasure in every move she made.

He gently sank into her mind, keeping his scan light and superficial. Desire blasted into his mind and his own
need surged. She might be using this as a distraction to mask her true purpose, but her sexual hunger wasn’t feigned. She would eagerly accommodate his desire and revel in every touch. He shifted her wrists into one hand, freeing his other to explore. Her skin was velvety soft and warm, beckoning him onward. He touched her face, then curved his fingers around the back of her neck, all the while enjoying the sensual slide of lips and tongues.

slowly sank deeper, absorbing her chaotic thoughts along with more emotion. Fear and determination twisted around an image. A beautiful blonde female, with bright blue eyes alight with confidence and intelligence. This was Angie’s target, her ultimate goal. He focused in on the image, searching for a name or the reason this woman made Angie feel safe.

Sliding his hand around to the front of her neck, he collared her throat and released her lips. “Who is Jillian and why would you involve her in this crisis?”

Angie’s eyes narrowed and she tugged against his hold. “You bastard. Why did you kiss me if—”

“Using your body to distract me so you can escape is fine, but my distracting you in much the same way makes me a bastard? That doesn’t seem fair.”

“I told you to stay out of my head.”

He lowered her feet to the floor and overlapped the front of the shirt before pushing off the wall and releasing her completely. “I will not allow you to escape. It is far too dangerous for you to wander about on your own. Is Jillian human?”

“Yes. She’s Tori’s best friend.”

“Nazerel will not hesitate to use friends and family to get what he wants. If you care for
this woman at all, do not involve her in this.”

She stilled her gaze centered on his chest. “You’re right. That would have been foolish.”

Her expression indicated contrition, but he sensed cunning behind the superficial remorse. She might look similar to her sister, but they were nothing alike. Tori faced challenges head-on, while Angie was obviously a schemer. He would have to stay on his toes if he hoped to keep this one safe.

“If you still want a shower, you better hurry.”

She nodded and rushed into the hall bathroom. It was an interior room with no windows. As long as he guarded the door, she should be relatively safe. He leaned against the wall across from the door and listened for the rush of water.

Pain and fear rippled across their mental connection and he started to pinch off the link. He hadn’t meant to leave it active. He’d just been highly distracted at the time. But the intensity of her emotions gave him pause. If she w
as this volatile, she would remain unpredictable. A mental link would increase his chances of anticipating her rash actions. It might be the only way he could protect her from herself.

Not wanting to infringe on her privacy any more than necessary, he constricted the link until only a vague impression of her inner struggle reached his mind. She was far more wounded than she appeared, and these wounds were old and festered. Tori had mentioned her sister’s rebellion
. He should have realized there would be a cause.

He finally heard the shower and allowed himself to relax.
Bending his knee, he rested the toe of his boot on the floor and leaned his head back against the wall. It was so easy to imagine her naked, water cascading along her curves. All he had to do was open the door and undress. Would she gasp as he snatched back the curtain or smile and make room for him beneath the spray?

A flash in the living room jarred him from his inappropriate thoughts. “Hey.” He straightened as he greeted Lor and Tori, trying not to look as guilty as he felt. “She’s in the shower all safe and sound.”

“I’m surprised you’re not in there with her,” Tori said.

“My men are professional,” Lor objected. “None of them would allow that sort of distraction.”

Lor’s vote of confidence only made Blayne feel even guiltier.

“You don’t know Angie. Sex is her go
-to game. She’s flirted and teased her way through the past ten years.” She looked at Blayne, her gaze suddenly assessing. “Has she given you any trouble?”

His erection was nearly
gone, thank the gods, but his cheeks felt suspiciously warm. Blayne ran a hand through his hair and joined them in the living room. “The trouble came when Nazerel showed up at the police station. He flashed into view and attacked me with energy pulses. Angie saw it all. I had no choice but to flash her out of there. Your car is still in Utah.”

Tori sighed and rubbed her forehead. “
I don’t care about the car, but I’d really hoped to keep Angie out of this as much as possible.”

“How did Nazerel know where
to find her?” Lor looked at him then shifted his gaze to his mate. “Either your phone or this house is bugged.”

“Knowing how the Rodytes love gadgets, it’s probably both,” Blayne told him.

Then we have to abandon this house and Angie cannot stay here.
Lor used the highly shielded link known only to Master Level mages, yet the sudden concern in Tori’s expression made it obvious she could hear as well. Lor must be passing her the conversation.
The Shadow Assassins are escalating. At least three of the women featured in the notebook are missing. And that’s just the ones we’ve been able to verify. This can only mean one thing. The hunt has begun.

Blayne nodded. Though not surprising, the news was definitely troubling. They’d recovered the notebook during their raid on the Team North house. The notebook contained information on hundreds of females
. The medical records and detailed backgrounds identify potential targets. They’d hoped knowing where the Shadow Assassins were likely to strike would give them an advantage. But there were hundreds of females in the notebook. It wasn’t possible to protect them all.

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