Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge (9 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolves, #menage, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #bbw, #mm, #mf, #plus size heroine

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Slowly, I dragged my gaze up his body. I
noticed the miniscule tremble in his limbs, as if he was holding
back. What I saw in his deep brown eyes shook me to my core. He
didn’t bother hiding his desire for me; he didn’t bother to cover
up his waking emotions. Every second that ticked by, I was drawn
deeper into him. In that moment in time, it was as if his eyes were
a pool I needed to merely wade through to reach his soul.

I was never this sappy. This was new. I was already under his
spell. My hands itched to caress his tight body, to thread my
fingers through his hair as he devoured my lips. What I wouldn’t do
to squeeze his biceps as he drove his cock into me.

Almost immediately, I
sensed the change in the air. His arousal wafted towards me. A
leering smile curled his lips as his tongue darted out to wet
If the
promise in his eyes was anything to go by, I was in for

Chapter Four


My wolf howled at the desire mingling in the
male’s honey brown eyes. He was softer, longer muscle compared to
my solid mass, but I could tell there was a fierce fighter in him.
He was fighting his need to submit. He was fighting his body’s
reaction to me. It didn’t stop him from lifting his chin as he
finally met my gaze. It also didn’t stop his body from shuddering
sweetly beneath my prowl.

My cock throbbed as it curled up towards my
stomach. My need surpassed a physical desire to possess him though;
it shot straight to my heart, it was embedded in my soul. I didn’t
even know his name, but I knew he was mine. That was enough for

I studied him as he clenched his jaw, still
fighting his hunger. “What’s your name?”

His eyes shifted, looking their fill of me.
They narrowed as they met mine again. “Just because we’re meant for
each other doesn’t mean we have to be together.”

I growled, my wolf fighting to break free
and force him to take back every word. I leaned in close, loving
the way his breath escaped him as I hovered near his lips. “I don’t
share what’s mine.”

He swallowed hard and took a tentative step
backwards. I smiled devilishly. My sexy mate was digging his own
grave; or better yet, stacking up his punishment with every denial,
every defiance.

What is your name?” I over
annunciated each syllable. I pressed my lips together, glaring at
him, willing him to answer me.

My cock ached to be buried deep inside him.
I was going to make him pay for prolonging my pain, especially
since I knew he was feeling it to. He could try to push past his
physical yearning, but he couldn’t hide the evidence of it. His
dick pressed hard and long against the crotch of his jeans, and his
tight little nipples strained against his thin, black V-neck tee.
If the physical signs weren’t enough, his arousal swarmed deep in
my lungs, permeating my chest, driving my own need up with every
inhalation of him.

Barrett,” was his one word

My gaze traveled down his athletic body. His
lean muscles flexed beneath my gaze. It was obvious he didn’t want
to acknowledge that I affected him just as much as he affected me.
He was a submissive, that much I sensed, yet I couldn’t help but
think he didn’t want to be one.

Chapter Five


Are you going to tell me
your name or are you going to analyze me all day?” I

Damn it.
This alpha made my knees weak. I hated feeling
less than. I hated him knowing that he had an affect on me. All the
feelings I thought I’d destroyed by killing my last alpha, by
proving my worth to my old pack, returned with a vengeance. There
were feelings of inadequacy; a fear of being dismissed. Just
because he was my mate didn’t mean he had to love me or even
respect me. Mating was a physical thing; it didn’t require

Drew,” he stated. I
watched as he crossed his arms over his pecks. His chest pumped
outwards to meet his arms, his biceps bulging under their new
position. His eyes sparkled with amusement. “I make you

I wanted to deny it, but it was the truth.
There was no use lying if he’d picked up on it. I’d be damned if I
stood there, letting him further cut me down though. I turned from
him, swung open the door to the freezer, grabbed a large bottle of
water and headed for the counter.

I didn’t have to turn around to know he was
on my tail. I felt him. I felt his energy cocooning me. His scent
filled my lungs with every breath, his arousal tickled my balls,
driving my own longing to the tip of desperation; his heat
surrounded me even as I tried to escape it. He was everywhere. And
that’s when I knew there would be no escaping him.

I abruptly stopped, turned and faced him
head on. As if he was in sync with me, he’d paused in his pursuit,
watching me closely, carefully. I sighed, trying to bury the last
few days as it inched further to my surface. My wolf fidgeted,
unease wracking his limbs as we stared directly into the hard stare
of our mate.

The glint in Drew’s eyes was unmistakable.
I’d pissed him off. I’d walked away when he hadn’t dismissed me

Suddenly his brows furrowed; he searched my
face, as if he was turning over every stone in seek of answers to
questions unknown. He lifted a hand and palmed my cheek. “I’d never
hurt you, but I’m not letting you go,” he solemnly swore.

I found myself leaning into his touch; my
wolf whimpered, closing his eyes, longing to be one with his mate.
Why now? I was past the typical mating age. I was a world away from
ready to submit to an unruly alpha, yet my heart, my body, my wolf
and my soul declared otherwise. It was my brain that wouldn’t shut
the hell up and give in. My sensible mind thrashed me with warning
bells; my head had sirens blaring as the past six months living in
hell sped through my mind.

Drew moved his other hand, both hands now
cupping my face. “Who hurt you?” The vein in his neck swelled
beneath his flesh. His nostrils flared as he clamped his jaw.

I averted my gaze. Now wasn’t the time. The
wounds were too fresh. My emotions, mainly my embarrassment and
anger, were still raw.

He sighed. “Let me grab what I came for,
then we’re going back to my quarters.” There was no arguing. His
tone rang with finality. He really didn’t plan on letting me go.
Damn my weak heart for gushing over his insistence; and damn my
sensitive body for illuminating with a novel desire under his

I shook my head, rolling my shoulders,
struggling to work out the tension flowing through me and pitting
in my groin. I turned and headed towards the register, this time
not stopping until I got there. No sooner had I set my bottle of
water on the counter than Drew stepped behind me, placed a box of
pills on the counter next to it and slapped down a twenty, in case
I’d thought I was still independent enough to pay for my own

Thanks,” I muttered,
grabbing the cold drink and moving past him.

The moment I walked outside, he yanked me
around to face him before backing me against the truck parked
closest to the establishment’s door. His arms fell on either side
of me as his eyes darkened, honing in on me. “You’re mine. Maybe
you’re not ready to accept that yet, but I’ll be damned if you walk
away.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “Once I give this to
my beta and send him on his way, I’ll drive you to my place, in
your car. If you run, don’t think I won’t hunt you down, strip you
bare wherever I happen to catch you, and fuck you right then and
there, with no lube to soften the blow.” His voice was low and
tight near the end, driving home his threat. I couldn’t hold back
the shiver that chased down my spine and pooled low in my stomach.
He smirked knowingly as he pushed off the vehicle and headed
towards the passenger side.

Chapter Six


Even speaking the warning had me yearning to fuck the sexy pup
right here and now. My cock had swelled past the point of comfort,
my balls so tight you could bounce a quarter off of them. I tugged
at my pants, seeking some alleviation, but got none.

I stalked around the truck to the passenger
door. My beta was eyeing me and Barrett with curiosity. He’d been
wise not to intervene, although he probably noticed that I had it
under control.

I pulled open the door and Jonah slid out to
meet me. “What’s going on?” His gaze flew between me and Barrett;
he was at attention, his reflexes sharp, ready for me to issue an

I chuckled. “You can relax.”

His brows drew together. “What am I missing?
You looked ready to take a bite out of him a minute ago.”

Jonah knew that I was gay. We’d both agreed
to practice openness and acceptance within our pack. No one ought
to be shunned over something they couldn’t control. We were trying
to start a progressive movement within the world of weres, which
was easier said than done when elders, with strict, traditional
beliefs, remained as counselors in packs decades beyond their
serving years.

Barrett.” Speaking his
name sparked a fire within me; saying it felt right.

The reluctant male faced me; his features
were tight. I could tell he was still trying to work through
everything; he still wasn’t prepared to deal with reality, to
accept reality. My wolf roared in rage over his denial.

Jonah, this is my mate,
Barrett. Barrett, this is my beta, Jonah.”

Oh, shit!” Jonah smiled
wide, slapping me on the shoulder. He was a young, yet ambitious
beta. “Congrats, boss.” He thrust out the same hand that had been
on my shoulder towards Barrett. “Nice to meet you.”

Barrett eyed the hand cautiously. I didn’t
miss the way his brows lifted slightly, as if he couldn’t believe
my beta welcomed our union openly. “Hi.” He finally shook Jonah’s
hand, quickly withdrawing it though.

Take this back to Martha.”
I shoved the package into Jonah’s hand.

Sure thing. I’ll take over
the pack for a while to give you some time. Just ring me if you
need anything.” Jonah ran a hand through his blonde hair, a smile
of amazement on his face as he glanced between me and Barrett

Here.” I passed the keys
to him. “Now get lost.”

He laughed. “See you two later.” He winked,
taking his time walking around to the driver’s side.

Tension hovered in the air as I turned back
to Barrett. He frowned at me, his features pulling down beneath an
invisible weight. He needed that weight lifted from him; he needed
someone else to carry it for him, to free him of his burdens.
Whether he liked it or not, he was going to surrender each and
every one of them to me. I’d be damned if my mate sulked about; he
deserved happiness, even if he didn’t choose to stay with me.

Keys.” I held my hand out,
palm up.

He pursed his lips. “I can drive.”

And I can turn you over my
knee and make you beg for forgiveness.” I watched him swallow hard,
even as his arousal grew. He was still fighting it. I jerked my
hand towards him. “Keys, now,” I demanded.

He stuffed his hand into his pocket before
dropping his keys into my hand.

I loved his feistiness. I was proud that he
wasn’t afraid to challenge anyone, but the fact that he insisted on
continuing to challenge me only intensified my need to dominate
him. My wolf and I delighted in the simple surrender of his keys. I
was looking forward to the moment he gave himself up to me; body,
mind, wolf and soul. My wolf was clawing my insides, anxious to
mark Barrett as ours permanently.

Chapter Seven


I both loathed and loved his demanding
attitude. My body responded to him every time; my wolf bowed his
head every time Drew’s voice rang in a command. It was my mind, my
will power to never succumb to my past that drove me to defy his
every mandate, spoken or unspoken.

Lead me.” He flicked his
wrist, ordering me to direct him to my car.

I rolled my muscles, releasing a heavy sigh.
There was no way out of this. I was conscious of his every move
behind me as my mind sought for a plausible escape. The problem
was, there wasn’t one. I was truly trapped, stuck with my mate
whether I wanted to be or not.

If I ran, he’d chase me, which would only
piss him off and cause his wolf to attack me hard. If I stayed, he
would still try to claim me. At least with the last option I could
possibly hold him off, give myself time to work through

. I felt like a fucking girl. Since when did I overthink
things, rehashing them over and over until it either broke me or
built me up? I analyzed decisions for the pack as a beta, however,
I didn’t stress over them the way I was now.

I headed towards my car and immediately got
in on the passenger side. My anger broke for a second as I watched
Drew slide into the driver’s seat, his legs being squished before
he moved the seat back. I felt a tug on my heart as he filled the
driver’s side, as his smell saturated the car, overwhelming my
senses in the enclosed space.

He looked at me. “Don’t look at me like that
unless you want me to take you right here.” His eyes glittered with
amusement and desire; a smile lifted his lips.

Something about him wriggled past my
defenses in the moment. I felt heat fill my cheeks as I focused on
the window. He laughed quietly, starting the engine and pulling out
towards the main road.

He drove about ten miles outside the
moderate sized town’s limits and turned off onto a dirt road that
could have easily been missed. We traveled another few miles down
the path before we pulled into what appeared to be a campsite. Cozy
cabins dotted the open canvas of land surrounded by thick forestry.
Pack members, young and old, bustled with energy at they interacted
with one another. Several recognized their alpha in the new car and
waved. Drew nodded a greeting in return. Based on his pack’s
reception and his beta’s interaction with him, it seemed I might
have nagged a good alpha this time.

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