Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge (43 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolves, #menage, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #bbw, #mm, #mf, #plus size heroine

BOOK: Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge
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I looked to Eddie. His hands were shoved in
his pockets, his faced turned down. His lips were mashed together.
It took a minute for him to finally lift his gaze, but it was his
wolf shining through, not him. And without asking, I just knew it
was the truth.

He blinked several times, suppressing his
wolf. “Diddo, sweetie.”

My heart took off, my pulse speeding ahead
of it. Reeling didn’t properly explain my reaction. “I…” I clamped
my mouth shut, closing my eyes for a moment. They’d turned my
entire world upside down; they’d turned all I’d fought for on its
head. This whole time I’d been fighting not to look at them this
way, and they’d been fighting for the opposite, a war of wills, so
to say.

I didn’t want to ruin our
friendship. My parents take off around the world anytime they feel
like it; they don’t even bother to help me financially. You’re the
only ones who are there for me; you’re all I have. I never wanted
to lose that.” Emotions thickened my voice. “It’s not about the
money; I just never wanted to lose either of you.”

Jay released a breath, smiling charmingly.
“Baby, letting me take care of all of your needs is not gonna send
me packing.”

I felt my cheeks flush even as I met his
passionate gaze. “What if I’m extra needy?”

The guys chuckled softly. Eddie licked his
lips. “That’s why you have two mates.”

Jay stalked towards me. “What do you say,
Callie Cat? You gonna finally open that door and let us in?” He
bent, pressing his cheek against mine. Whisper soft, his words sent
desire chasing down my body, pooling in my womb. “Because, baby, I
want in. Forever.”

I felt Eddie behind me. He swept my hair
back, kissing my exposed neck and shoulder on the opposite

Suddenly, my lungs struggled to expand.
Their warmth sent erotic tingles through me; their declarations
effortlessly demolished my walls.

This is a forever type
thing, sweetie. We don’t plan to run, and we won’t allow you to run
once we’ve claimed you. You’ll never want for anything, but you
have to decide if this is what you want forever.” Eddie sealed his
words with a kiss on my cheek.

Right now?” Damn my voice
for squeaking.

His hands combed my arms, drawing them back
towards him. “Right now.”

Jay leaned back, making eye contact. “Right
now, Callie Cat.” For the first time, he sounded unsure of himself.
Jay was overly confident, bordering cocky most of the time. I’d
never seen him nervous before.

I don’t want to lose
either of you,” I stated.

The muscle in his jaw flickered. “It’s a yes
or no question, Cal. Either you want to be with us, in every way
possible, forever, or you don’t.”

Eddie’s thumbs drew circles around my
wrists, silently reassuring me.

They were amazing. They were sexy as hell,
smart businessmen, true leaders in the most attractive way; they
were self-assured, never floundering. Their confidence was a
security blanket for me. I felt safe with them; I felt loved by
them. Not once did I ever question whether or not they cared for
me. They were there for me when no one else was. They’d proven
themselves time and time again. They deserved the same love and
acceptance from me.

The true question I had to answer wasn’t
whether or not I wanted to be with them; I did. The question was
whether or not I could allow myself to be. I looked up to them.
They set the bar so high, and with my lack of a job, I didn’t know
if I would ever be their equal. I loved them enough to set them
free to find someone better than me, if that’s what they

What if I don’t find a
job? What if I do find a job, but it’s out of state? You guys can’t
just uproot your packs and move.”

You let us handle that.”
Eddie’s breath tickled my neck, sending a chill down my spine. My
breasts swelled, reacting to his calm control.

I don’t want you two being
responsible for me in that way.”

Jay’s green eyes sparked, lighting up as if
I’d challenged him. “I don’t care if you never work a single day in
your life. If you do find a job out of state, we’ll make it work.
One of us will always be there with you unless it’s close enough
that the packs can migrate. We want this to work. We want you,
Callie Cat. We’ve wanted you every single day these past ten

Happiness flourished within me. I’d be a
fool not to take that offer with its guarantees attached. The
conviction in his voice helped wash away any lingering doubt. I
fought to suppress my smile. “Okay.”

Okay?” He quirked a brow,
analyzing me.

I nodded my head in agreement. “Okay.” This
time I let my smile break through.

There is a God!” A growl
vibrated through Eddie’s chest, shaking me. Without warning, he
spun me and captured my lips.

It was then that I realized I was
incapacitated. He wasn’t soothing me, the bastard had been tying my
arms behind my back, and damn if I didn’t find it sexy as hell.

My body melted into him; over and over his
lips collided with mine in a fury of passion. His tongue thrust in
my mouth, curling to taste me with every stroke; stoking the flame
burning at my core.

It felt like an eternity before he broke
away. My lips had never been so thoroughly ravished. I’d never
witnessed the determined expression on his face before; he was dark
and dangerous yet safe and alluring. I didn’t question whether or
not I could trust them; I knew I could.

I want you naked now,”
Eddie snarled.

I arched into him; my nipples hardened,
painfully sharp. Breathing was no longer easy; each breath was

Jay turned me towards him. “You take the
bottom, I’ll take the top.” He stared intently at me as he shredded
my shirt and bra.

I frowned. “That was a comfy shirt,” I

I’ll buy you another,”
they replied in unison.

I felt a breeze skitter across my body,
making me hyper-aware of my lack of clothing anywhere. I hadn’t
stepped out of anything, meaning Eddie had discarded the rest of my
clothes the same, even my socks.

Their heated gazes swallowed me; I couldn’t
see Eddie, but I felt his eyes on me.

I shifted uncomfortably, abruptly realizing
that I was standing naked - truly naked - before them. All of my
flaws were on display while their perfection was still clothed in
shorts. I felt beyond exposed; their lack of a reaction had me
feeling more and more like an exhibit every second that passed in

Stay still, Callie.”
Eddie’s soft, yet firm, command had me halting. This was a side of
him I’d never personally experienced. I’d witnessed it when he
addressed certain members of his pack, but he’d never spoken to me
like that. They’d never told me what to do.

Jay closed the distance between us, claiming
my lips. He was softer than Eddie in his approach, but more intense
in emotion. His hands curled around my hips; he jerked me against
him, unashamedly rocking his erection into my stomach.

Heat scorched my womb; adrenaline pumped
through my veins. I was nervous, yet excited. I didn’t know what to
expect. The only thing I knew was that this felt right; they felt
so right. If I did nothing else right in my life, at least I knew I
would always have them.

Chapter Eight


Callie’s arousal swarmed my nostrils. There
would be no more hiding, no more guessing. The torture was coming
to an end today.

My wolf rode dangerously close to freedom.
My weakness was his strength. It took every ounce of my control to
keep him from breaking loose and roughly claiming our mate.

Without warning, I broke between Jay and
Callie, tossing her over my shoulder. She screeched. I delivered a
loud smack to her ass. That quieted her quick.

I heard Jay half growling, half grumbling
behind me; he was following me nonetheless. I knew my actions could
have incited his wolf; had he not had complete control, our wolves
would be fighting right now.

I kicked open my bedroom door. A swift flick
of my wrists and Callie’s ass was in my hands. Another jerk and her
legs were over my shoulders. Her lack of a cry told me she trusted

I collapsed onto the bed on my back and
immediately locked my mouth to her pussy.

Her breath hitched; her exhale was a moan.
Her knees hugged my head. She arched backwards, laughing as she
wiggled over my tongue. “You boys are crazy!”

Jay moved in beside her. He palmed her
breasts, forcing her to bite back a moan. “Damn right, baby.”
Leaning in, he nibbled her top lip until she freed her bottom. He
didn’t hesitate to claim her mouth again.

I dipped my tongue inside her channel,
tasting her honey. She was sweet with a hint of a salty floral
base. Repeatedly I shoved my tongue in and out of her, mimicking
what my cock was about to do.

I closed my mouth over her, and sucked her
clit. Jay smothered her cry, but he couldn’t stop her hips from
writhing. I clamped my hands around her hips, forbidding her from

She broke away from Jay, erotically throwing
her head back, which pushed her breasts outwards. “Oh, fuck!” Her
lips fell into the perfect ‘O’; her nipples pebbled. She gasped for
each breath. “Damn, Eddie.” She twisted her upper body, trying to
fight to get free of my grasp. Pain twisted her features before
release brightened her eyes. I felt her pussy flutter as she cried
out. Seeing Callie let go was a beautiful sight.

My wolf damn near purred witnessing her

I kissed a trail down the inside of her
luscious, thick thighs. There wasn’t a moment they didn’t touch
when she was upright. They curved up into round, wide hips that
were the epitome of feminism. I knew she didn’t like her soft
stomach, but it was a part of her, the rounded center of her
hourglass. Nothing would delight Jay and me more than watching it
grow with our baby inside.

Get up before I smother
you, Eddie,” she dazedly drawled.

To prove a point, I tossed her up in the

Jay caught her and jerked her flat against
him as he lowered her to the ground. He nipped her bottom lip. “Let
me see how wet your pussy is, Callie Cat.”

She swallowed hard, her eyes widening

Spread ‘em, baby,” he

When she just stood there and stared at him,
his features hardened. “You asked for it.” His voice was menacing,
even to me.

A heavy slap had her yelping and jumping.
The red mark on her ass was a beautiful sight though, especially
with her hands cuffed behind her.

Jay forced her legs apart with one of his. I
knew he didn’t need to see her; hell her orgasm still perfumed the
room. It was a show of dominance.

He stepped back and squatted.

Callie blushed, averting her gaze.

He closed the distance between them fast.
Cupping her chin, he forced her to face him. “You never hide from
us; do you hear me, Callie?” She attempted to nod her head, but he
held her still. “Tell me your answer.”

Yes.” I saw the glitter of
defiance touch her eyes before she even spoke. “But if you think
I’m ever calling you master, you’ve got another thing coming,

I had to move away to keep from laughing.
Damn, I loved this girl. She was a firecracker. Losing that quality
of her these past few weeks was difficult. It was far removed from
her true character, from the strong woman we’d fallen in love

Jay chuckled. “Fair enough.” Abruptly he
tossed her on the bed, careful to ensure she landed at a safe angle
with her arms unable to catch her fall.

I’m not a freaking rag
doll, you know.” She grumbled. All objections fell away as Jay damn
near swallowed her pussy. Her back bowed off the bed.

He secured his arms beneath her thighs, up
and around her hips. It was sexy as hell watching her hips writhe
against my friend’s mouth. I understood the appeal of voyeurism in
that moment. No one outside our triad would ever see Callie this
way though. She was ours, and there was one thing a wolf didn’t do:

Sexy or not, my wolf raged inside at the
sight of another male ravishing his mate. We were supposed to be
the sole supplier of her pleasure, regardless of how pretty of a
picture she painted on the bed with Jay right now.

Chapter Nine


First Eddie caught me off guard, attacking
my pussy into surrender; now Jay. These boys were a powerful duo. I
didn’t stand a chance against them. I was forced to take the
pleasure with as much grace as I could muster, doing what every
girl in this situation would do: pray she didn’t make any strange
sounds with their supersonic hearing.

I tried to hold back my cries, but they
seemed to skillfully wrestle them from me.

My pussy wept, my muscles tightened
painfully as Jay’s tongue relentless swept over my clit, diving
into my channel on occasion. He kept me guessing. He kept me on
edge. My pulse echoed in my head, my heart beat impossibly fast; my
breasts ached, swollen to the point of pain.

Tell us what you need,
Callie.” Eddie stood on the other side of the bed, hovering over
me. His gaze was dark; flecks of gold brightened his eyes

I stared up at him, easily brought to my
knees. I’d never felt so bare, so raw. They not only saw all of me
physically, but I knew the longer Eddie stared into my eyes, the
more of me he saw. He exposed my soul in that moment.

I startled as his fists pounded the bed on
either side of my head. He bent over me.

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