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Authors: Jasinda Wilder

Alpha (39 page)

BOOK: Alpha
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Big Girls Do It
Better (#1)
Wetter (#2)
Wilder (#3)
On Top (#4)
Married (#5)

On Christmas (#5.5)

Delilah's Diary


Rock Stars Do It

Rock Stars Do It Dirty

Rock Stars Do It Forever

Rock Stars Do It Paperback Omnibus

Falling Into You

Falling Into Us

Falling Under

Big Girls Do It Pregnant


Forever & Always

After Forever

Saving Forever

Jack Wilder Titles:

The Missionary

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Initially, there was a little scene at the end of the story that I decided to remove in final editing. But then I remembered how much you all like your steamy sex scenes, so I thought I’d include it here as a bonus, just because I love you so much. Thanks for reading
. Enjoy!


As Harris pulled the Bentley into the stream of traffic, I watched Kyrie as she sat with her knees pressed together and her heels crossed at the ankles, a knee-length black skirt stretched taut across her thighs. Her hands were folded on her lap, one finger nervously scratching at her skirt. Her chest swelled as she took a deep breath, the thin linen of her button-down blouse stretching to reveal the lines of her bra and the hard dimples of her nipples.

I allowed my eyes to roam over her body. My gaze traveled up her legs, pausing at her magnificent tits. Her cheeks were flushed, teeth gnawing on her lower lip, breathing evenly in deep, steady breaths. Our gazes locked, her eyes as cerulean as the Aegean. She was waiting for me.

I reached up and adjusted the sound system, bringing up the background music loud enough to prevent Harris from hearing what was about to happen.

“Take off your panties,” I instructed her.

The corners of her mouth curved up in a brief and eager smile.

My lovely, horny girl didn’t hesitate. As soon as the command had left my mouth, she was lifting her hips, reaching up under the hem of her skirt and tugging off a black thong. She worked the underwear past her wedge-heeled shoes and dangled it in front of me from her index finger. I snatched the tiny garment and shoved it into my hip pocket. She resumed her seat and looked at me for further instruction.

“I want to see you. Pull your skirt up.” I uncrossed my arms, wanting to reach for her, to touch her, to take her.

Her eyes darkened and narrowed as she obeyed, pulling up the hem of her skirt so she was completely bare from the waist down. She leaned back against the seat and slowly, teasingly spread her knees apart, showing me her pussy. She’d kept it trimmed close, but not shaved bare. Just the way I liked it. I curled my hands into fists to keep from touching her. Three months I’d gone without her, three months of pure hell, three months of blue, aching balls. And now that I had her, I was going to draw out and savor every moment.

“Is this what you wanted to see?” Kyrie asked me, tracing her finger up the seam of her cleft.

“Yes,” I said. “Touch yourself. Let me watch you.”

She swallowed hard, and then brought her middle finger to her clit. Kyrie gasped softly as she touched herself, her mouth falling open, eyes going heavy-lidded, hips sliding down the seat.

“Have you touched yourself since you’ve been away, Kyrie?”

She shook her head. “No…I wanted to, but I…I just couldn’t. I couldn’t.”

“Good,” I said. “Your pussy is mine. Don’t ever touch yourself unless I tell you to. You belong to me. Your body, your pleasure, it’s all mine. Your orgasms belong to me. Do you understand?”

Kyrie nodded, her eyes squeezing shut as she pressed two fingers to her clit, circling, massaging, making herself wet. I had to re-cross my arms to remain still, driven crazy by the wet slick sounds her fingers made with each swipe against her cunt. I watched carefully, letting her bring herself to the edge. When I thought she was mere seconds from coming, I lunged forward and grabbed her wrists.

“Shit…Roth, I was right there….”

“I never said you could make yourself come, Kyrie. I only said to touch yourself.” I slid forward off the bench to lie on my back on the floor between the seats. “Ride my face, Kyrie. Let me taste you.”

Slowly, hesitantly, Kyrie moved off the seat and straddled my waist. I grabbed her bare hips and pulled her forward. She walked her knees past my chest, and I hooked my arms over her calves, holding onto her ass and cradling her body, bringing her soft, wet pussy over my mouth. I slid my fingers against her labia and pulled them apart, buried my mouth in her opening, my tongue spearing into her wetness, tasting her essence. I lapped up her dripping juices, sliding my tongue in as far as it would go, and then I swept it up her cleft to flick against her clit.

“Oh…oh, god….” she gasped, rocking her hips forward.

“Yes, Kyrie, ride me. Ride my face. Ride my tongue.”

She braced her hands on the seats, knees resting on the floor on either side of my head, her hips grinding as I licked and licked and licked, tasting her tart yet smoky musk on my tongue. I felt my way up her torso, unbuttoning her shirt, and when the edges of the shirt flapped open, I tugged the cups of her bra down, her plump, heavy tits hanging free to rest in my palms. I fondled her, thumbing her nipples, pinching and twisting and strumming until her spine arched. All the while, I set her hips to writhing in a circle with my mouth, bringing her to the edge within minutes. When I felt her body tense and her breathing go ragged, her pussy grinding against my mouth, I drew her clit between my lips and suckled it hard, pinching her nipples until she shrieked, back bowing, head hanging between her shoulders, her entire perfect body thrashing as she came apart. I tasted her come as it gushed, lapping up every drop, licking her until she couldn’t support her weight any longer.

“Let me up,” I said. She slid to the seat, wiping her hair away from her face, panting. I reached out to her. “My turn now.”

She moved to the floor, kneeling between my legs. Her hands caressed my chest, fluttered down to my waist and back up, her eyes on mine, lust shining in her features. Working open the button of my trousers with one hand, she traced the bulge of my cock with the other, making me go even harder, if such a thing were possible. Then she drew my zipper down, palming my length over the cotton of my boxer-briefs. I rolled my hips, grinding into her touch, wanting her hands wrapped around me. Finally, as if reading my need, she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my underwear, pulled the elastic away from my body, and tugged both trousers and underwear down around my ankles.

My cock jutted up, throbbing and aching. With a hungry smile, Kyrie wrapped her small, soft hands around me. I sighed in relief, feeling at last the heavenly perfection of her touch, groaning as she slid her palms down my length, twisted one hand around the head of my cock, and plunged the other hand down to my root. I jerked up into her touch, my eyes sliding shut.

“Ask me,” she whispered, licking away the drop of pre-come that pearled on the tip.

“Put your mouth on me,” I said. “Suck on me, Kyrie. Will you?”

“Yes, Valentine.” She tilted her head to one side and lowered her mouth to me, wrapping her lips sideways around me, her eyes on mine, sliding down until her cheek rested against my thigh, then drawing back up and straightening her head to take my cock into her mouth.

She hummed as my cock filled her mouth, her jaw stretching to take me, her moan sending vibrations rifling through me. I arched my back, moving my hips, unable to stop. She took my thrust willingly, bobbing her head down into my upward motion, and I felt the tightness of her throat around the head of my cock, felt her swallow the fluid leaking from my tip, felt her suck until I groaned.

“Jesus, Kyrie. Your mouth feels so good. So good.” I let her work me with her mouth until I felt the rise of the orgasm within me, and then pulled her up. “So good, baby, but I’m not coming in your mouth. Not this time.”

She climbed up my body, her hands resting on my shoulders as she moved astride me. “No?”

I slid my palms up her ribs, cupped her tits as they swayed beautifully with her motion. “No. Now you’re going to ride me. You’re going to take my cock deep inside that sweet, tight pussy of yours, and you’re going to ride me until we both come.”

She lifted up, her face tilted down to mine, her hips pressed against my chest, my cock lying flat against my body. Kyrie reached between us, grasped my cock in her fist, and guided me to her entrance. I groaned as the head spread apart her nether lips, then wrapped my mouth around one of her nipples and flicked my tongue against the erect nub, drawing a gasp from her.

Kyrie’s fingers clawed into the muscles of my shoulder as she held herself aloft, just the tip of me inside her. “Fuck, Roth. I almost forgot how goddamn huge you are.”

“Take me, Kyrie. Let me feel you stretch around my cock.”

“Oh, god. Oh, god.” Her tits rose as she sucked in a deep breath, her spine arched out, and then, with a whimpering shriek, she impaled herself fully on me, taking my entire length inside her in one quick thrust. “Oh,
, Valentine…don’t move, don’t—don’t move yet. Fuck…you’re so

I loved her dirty mouth. I loved the way she just couldn’t help herself, couldn’t help swearing as I filled her. She was almost painfully tight, her wet heat stretched around me and clamped down so hard I couldn’t move. We both groaned together as she finally began a gentle roll of her hips.

“God, Kyrie. You’re so tight…so fucking tight.”

Without warning, she lifted up so I was almost out of her. “I haven’t touched myself in three months,” Kyrie admitted, rolling her hips so the tip of my cock fluttered in and out between the lips of her pussy.

I hissed at how good that felt. “I haven’t, either,” I said.

“You haven’t?” Her eyes reflected her surprise.

I shook my head. “I tried,” I told her, caressing her tits with both hands. “A few days after you left. But I just couldn’t bring myself to finish. I didn’t want to. The only hands I want on my cock are yours. I don’t even want to come unless it’s inside you.”

Kyrie’s eyes melted, chest swelling as she sucked in an emotional breath, resting her forehead on mine. “Holy shit, Valentine. That’s actually really romantic.”

“It’s just the truth,” I said.

“Well, it’s a truth that happens to be the sweetest and sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.” She arched back, and I lowered my head to her tits. “Yes, Valentine…please. Suck on my tits.”

I grazed her nipple with my teeth, growling with laughter. “Oh, god, baby. You don’t know how bad I’ve missed this.”

I felt her body respond to mine, her juices flowing, dripping down to coat my aching, throbbing dick. “I think I do,” she said, and then she sank down, impaling herself another few inches onto me. “I’ve missed it just as much. I’ve dreamed about this. Your lips on my tits, your big beautiful cock inside me.”

“You’ve dreamed of it?” I asked, moving my mouth from one breast to another.

“All the time,” she mumbled. “Night after night I woke up dripping wet, dreaming of you.”

“Goddamn, you’re tight, Kyrie.” I sucked her tit into my mouth, flicking her nipple with my tongue. “I dreamed of you, too. Woke up so hard it ached. Woke up needing you, but I couldn’t have you.”

BOOK: Alpha
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