Along Came Love (9 page)

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Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Along Came Love
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"So I've been told." He adjusted his hat. "So
is my niece doing better in class now?"

Samantha reddened, "Yes, I suppose."

"Uh-oh, that sounds ominous. What has she
done now?" He asked pushing his hat back on his head.

"Nothing…I mean…not really. It's just…"

"Go on, tell me, better for me to hear than
Deke and Emma." Jake said.

Samantha looked around her, coming closer she
whispered. "Well, it seems…well, she's pairing you and I together
now. I've done everything to discourage her but she seems
determined to bring you up every chance she gets."

"Really," he smiled. He studied her a minute,
then pulled her by the elbow out of the line of traffic and leaned
into her a bit, "What'd say we grab a coke and talk about it?"

"Oh really, it's nothing to worry about."
Samantha squirmed being this close was dangerous. Dangerous because
she couldn’t' take her eyes off Jake.

"I've got an idea, and I think, if you
co-operate a little, it might stop her once and for all," he

"Well…okay, a Coke would be good." Samantha
nodded as he pulled her with him.

"Good," he nodded at the McDonalds inside the
Wal-Mart. "This good enough?"

"Well, yes, of course," she said before he
pushed both their buggies away and took her arm.

He ordered for them and they sat at a table
in the back, so they could talk.

"You know, there's only one way to cure her
of this." He insisted as though he knew exactly how to handle this

"Oh…glad you figured something out, I hadn't

"We'll just have to play along," Jake said
with a smile that tempted Samantha's sanity.

"Play along?" Samantha nearly choked on her

"It's the only way to put a stop to it." Jake
insisted. "I won't be home that long, I don't suppose, so it won't
take any major acting on our part, but I think we should play right
into her little scheme. Are you game?"

"Jake, I'm not sure…"

"Well, to make it look good, we'll date all
week, be seen at the wedding together, by then she should be good
and snared into our little trap." Jake chuckled.

"Oh but, there has to be another way to stop
her from this foolishness," Samantha said, as a worry wrinkle
creased her forehead.

"There might be, but I don't have the time to
do anything else. Stop fretting. Dating me won't be so bad, now
will it?" he grinned.

She looked more than puzzled at him.

"Good. I'll pick you up for dinner tonight,
at seven?" he smiled and was off.


She couldn't refuse him fast enough, he
whirled around, took his buggy and went to the check out, leaving
her sitting there trying to figure out what she should have

This was one big mistake, Samantha

And she should be home with her mother. But
if she could just harness some of her mother's humor this might
work after all. She knew Jake wasn't in love with her and she was
adult enough to handle that, she'd handled it all her life. But
dating him…


That evening Jake called upon Samantha for
dinner. Selma smiled when she answered the door, "Why Jake Travers,
as I live and breath. How are you doing?"

Jake smiled irresistibly at Selma and handed
her the flowers, "For you, Selma."

"Me? Why thank you. Come in, Samantha is
getting ready," Selma smiled and opened the door wide for him. She
smelled the flowers and smiled again, "I haven't had flowers since
Samantha's father was alive."

"Selma, life is too short. A woman like you
should have flowers every day."

"Such a charmer, you are. It's so good to see
you." Selma said offering him the recliner. "I'd forgotten what a
charmer you were."

"Why don't you join us, Selma?" Jake

"Oh, no, you don't need me." Selma laughed.
"Besides, I've got a few plans of my own this evening."

"We'd love it. It would keep Samantha from
worrying about you so much." Jake smiled.

"Well thank you for the invite but I've got
several of my friends coming over for bridge tonight, maybe another
time." Selma said as she went to put the flowers in water. "And…"
She hesitated looking him straight in the eye. "I think Samantha
needs to quit hovering over me, and let me live a life too, don't
you agree."

"She's just worried, Selma." Jake said as he
peered around the corner for Samantha and didn't see her yet.

"I know, but Jake I'm so at peace with this.
I know where I'm going from here, you see." Selma smiled.

Jake suddenly looked at Selma seriously, "I'm
so glad of that Selma. It makes me very happy to hear you say that.
And rest assured some day that will be a happy thing for Samantha

"Yes," Selma's glance encompassed him now, as
though his words both pleased and startled her. "You’re a very
perceptive and Christian man Jake Travers, and I'm glad my daughter
is going out with you."

"This would have happened a long time ago, if
she hadn't been so stubborn. But I guess we just didn't know how to
send the right vibes to each other back then."

"You have all the right vibes, Jake, don't
ever change." Selma smiled and offered him some tea.

As he nodded and she went to get it she came
back and looked deeply into his face, "I sense something wonderful
about you Jake. I can't put my finger on what it is, but it is

His smile radiated.

Samantha came out a few minutes later, her
hair pulled up and her dress of ice blue was plain, but beautiful
against her skin.

"There she is…" Selma smiled. "You look
beautiful dear."

Samantha kissed her mother on the forehead,
"Thank you, hello Jake, I hope I didn't keep you waiting. But since
I wasn't sure what to wear I had a lot of deciding to do."

"Very nice, we'll just take in a restaurant
tonight," Jake looked her up and down. "You look wonderful."


"Sure you won't join us, Selma?" Jake asked

"Not this time…" Selma chuckled.

Jake acted the perfect gentleman opening the
car door for her and asking her where she wanted to go for dinner.
She told him Buck's Steakhouse, so Jake was pleased.

At the restaurant they ordered a light wine
before dinner and steaks for the main course.

The restaurant was full of people but they
managed to get a secluded corner.

"So, it isn't long till the wedding, is it?"
Samantha tried small talk.

"No, it's this next weekend." Jake glanced
about the place with mild amusement.

"I guess your dad and Bertha are getting
anxious and making a lot of preparations?" Samantha asked, as she
sipped the wine slowly.

"Yeah, the house is in utter chaos. Deke and
Emma just returned from their honeymoon, you know."

"Oh that's right? How did that go?" Samantha
ran her finger over the top of the glass.

"Good I guess, I didn't get any details of
course, but they both look five years younger, if that says
anything. Deke needed to get away. He's been so intense about the
ranch lately. He needed some time away. I really don't know how
Emma managed to drag him away." Jake chuckled.

"Where did they go, exactly?" Samantha

"They took a cruise to the Bahamas." Jake
glanced at her again.

Samantha's eyes lit up. "Sounds


Jake took her hand, and she nearly jumped.
"Easy," he cajoled as his fingers caressed hers. "Didn't you have a

If he had caressed her entire body, she
wouldn't have felt it more, but the gentle massage of his fingers
against hers, sent a fusion of emotions and sensations through her.
"No…no, Pete didn't have time…for a honeymoon."

"Sounds like he left a lot out of the
relationship that should have been a natural part of it." Jake
inserted gently.

"Maybe that was the problem, I don't know."
Her voice lowered, hitched and finally when she looked into his
eyes, she relaxed suddenly.

"Your mom's going to be all right,

His words stunned her. She hadn't expected
them. He had so quickly switched from talking about Pete, to
talking about her mother. It took her by surprise, but the
sincerity in his voice she quickly took note of.

She opened her mouth to say something, but
nothing came out.

He patted the top of her hand and let go.

"Thank you." She managed breathlessly. "I
have been worried about her. I felt as though coming back here
might perk her up, and it has. She's gotten back into some of the
same groups, like a sewing group, and a chess group. I'm so glad to
see her taking an interest. I wasn't sure if moving would be good
for her, but so far, it's been the best medicine of all."

"She is a remarkable woman Sam. And she has
all her priorities in the right place…"

"How do you know that?" she questioned,
picking up his inner calm and the strain of being with him seemed
to drain away.

"We talked a few minutes before you came out
looking like a beautiful princess. Selma has everything in order no
matter what happens."

"She told you that?"

"Yes, she did. I don’t' know why she opened
up to me, but she did. I'll admit I'm flattered." Jake said taking
her hands across the table and smiling. "I hope you don't mind that
she told me?"

"No…of course I don't mind. It's a great
comfort to know she feels so at ease with someone she can talk to
about it. I admit I was a little scared to talk to her about

Jake eyed her a moment, "If anything should
happen, Sam, she's ready. I can tell you that…"

Samantha's eyes began to tear but they didn't
spill. She smiled shyly at Jake. She couldn't stop the blush, and
to hide her feelings she tried to laugh, "It's very reassuring."
She looked away for a second then back at him and blushed, "But I'm
not princess."

"Of course you are…" he said huskily.

Suddenly she stared into his eyes and found
the strangest sense of calm there. The butterflies in her stomach
stopped, and she began to relax, completely.

She'd never imagined such a gentle side to a
man before. It was unexpected and like a breath of fresh air.

The atmosphere in the restaurant changed to
one of calm and peaceful, as though Jake himself had ordered it,
just for her.

Their steaks arrived and they were

Their conversation flowed and Samantha
enjoyed it.

But as he walked her to her door that night,
the tensions seem to mount inside her once more.

"I enjoyed the evening, Sam…"

She chuckled lightly, "Sam…huh…."

"Do you mind, I’m comfortable with it…" he

Another blush dotted her cheeks. She felt
flushed and she shouldn't. He was merely being charming.

He came closer, took her chin in his hand and
smiled down into her eyes, "I know you aren't fond of policemen.
And from our past relationship, I may be moving too fast, but would
you mind if I kissed you?"

"Well…I…" she began, but his head lowered and
his lips touched hers. She hadn't expected this. His lips were so
soft, so warm, and so inviting. He moved his mouth gently over the
top of hers for long lingering moments, then raised his head and
looked into her eyes. His smile was all for her.

"I've wondered about that for a long time,"
he whispered for her ears only.

"You have…?" she gulped, still reeling from
the impact.

"Mm…it was better than I imagined." He smiled
again. "Goodnight Sam…"

He turned and left…she was speechless.

Then suddenly he turned back with a smile,
"We're going riding tomorrow, I'll pick you up at one…."

"Oh but…"

It was too late, he was gone.

Chapter Five

Jake whistled softly as he walked inside the
house. It was dark and it didn't look as though anyone was up. But
Cal's voice called him into the kitchen.

"So…how was your date?" Cal smiled as he sat
and sipped his warm milk. His expression seemed knowing.

"Very nice…actually…what are you doing up?"
Jake turned his head in question.

"I couldn't sleep. I hadn't gotten a chance
to talk to you much about passing the bar and how proud I am of
you." Cal smiled.

Jake bent his head and went to the
refrigerator, poured himself a glass of milk and came back to the
table to sit across from his father. Seeing the oatmeal cookies
Emma had put in the glass jar on the counter, Jake took out some
napkins and gave himself and his father a couple. Cal chuckled.

Was it time to tell his father? He looked
into Cal's blue eyes and smiled. There was something so comforting
about his father that he didn't feel the least inhibited about

"I figured this conversation would come up
soon," Jake acknowledged his shoulders tensing.

"Your not taking the partnership are you?"
Cal asked, his smile still on his face as he fingered the cookie
then took a bite.

Jake glanced at his father with question in
his eyes, "How'd you know? How do you always know."

"I guess it's that third sense a parent has
that lets him know when there is something going on." Cal replied
evenly, his eyes taking on a far away look for a moment, "You're
Mom said that was her job, second guessing you kids, but I beat her
to it most times. I hope you weren't dreading telling me, son. You
can tell me anything you know. I'm your father and I love you no
matter what you do or say."

"Have I disappointed you dad?" Jake asked
dipping his cookie into his milk and taking a bite.

"Not in the least. I've always been proud of
you Jake. If you want to go on being a lawman, that's fine with me,
either profession is honest and upstanding. I only hope you've
thought it through and are sure of what you want. Although I must
admit, I was looking forward to you being around here more. I think
that is what appealed to me the most, having you home more." Cal
said quietly, staring into his son's eyes. "You know son, there's
something different about you lately that I haven't quite put my
finger on. But I still feel it."

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