Almost Perfect (43 page)

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Authors: Patricia Rice

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Laughter spilled from the direction of the bonfire, but the occupants of the beach house had flames of their own to entertain them.

Don't miss Patricia Rice's next historical romance


Part of the “Magic Series” that began
Merely Magic

Coming in August 2002
From Signet


London, April, 1752

“He's mine,” Lady Leila Staines announced, studying the imposing man who stood at the entrance to the ballroom, scowling at the guests as if deciding whose head he would sever first.

Leila's sister Christina drew in a sharp breath as she followed her gaze. “
Dunstan Ives?
Don't be absurd. He's an Ives and a

Fascinated, Leila watched the formidable gentleman dressed entirely in black except for the immaculate white cravat at his throat. This Ives could put her world back on course. She had to have him. “He's not a murderer; Ninian says so.”

“He could snap your neck with a flick of his wrist,” Christina whispered, watching with fascinated horror as Dunstan's companions were announced. “Look, his aura is black as night!”

Ignoring her younger sister, Leila observed the entrance of angelic Ninian beside her handsome husband, Drogo, Earl of Ives and Wystan, but Leila's gaze followed the towering man who was now dissociating himself from his companions by lingering behind them. Both Ives men exhibited their scorn of society with their sundarkened visages and lack of powdered wigs. The lean
earl possessed an air of intellect and refinement, but his broader brother glowered with hostility as he scanned the glittering throng. In his tailored coat, with shoulders broad and strong as those of an ox, Dunstan Ives made the rest of the lace-and-silk bedecked company appear effeminate.

“I don't know about his aura, but his clothes are certainly unfashionably black,” Leila observed as she studied the brooding looks and powerful physique of the man she meant to proposition. He was definitely not the usual sort of London gentleman. But then, Ives men never were.

“He must still wear black for his wife,” Christina murmured. “I suppose if he did not murder her, that would be tragically romantic.”

“If he ever loved her, he fell out of it,” their cousin Lucinda said, joining them to hear this last. “Of course, one shouldn't assume his lack of love means he intended harm,” she added.

Since Celia Ives had been murdered most violently over a year ago, Leila knew her cousin hastened to correct any impression that Dunstan might have had something to do with his wife's death. Lucinda possessed a gift for revealing true character through her paintings, and people tended to pay particular attention to even her most casual comments. She was careful, therefore, not to misstate her opinion and leave the wrong impression. Like all Malcolms, she had acquired a keen sense of responsibility along with her gifts.

Gifts that Leila still didn't possess. All her life, Leila had searched for a similar gift in herself, but she had never discovered the magic that would prove her a Malcolm. Still, even with her limited perception, she could see that the arrogant man standing in the doorway despised the parrot colors of fashion and wore black out of
disdain for the society over which she prevailed. Love had nothing to do with it.

He was an Ives, after all—cold and unfeeling.

Fanning herself as she admired his stature, Leila thought of her own dark attire and smiled faintly. They were soul mates in matters of dress at least. Black gave her an authority her age did not, and it set her apart from the common herd so she might better wield that authority. She was smart, as her mother had always said. She'd focused her intelligence on understanding society, and applied what she learned to make a place for herself and her late husband in fashionable circles.

At least she'd made her husband happy.

What her intelligence couldn't master was what her family did without effort: see beyond the obvious, dabble in the supernatural, and help those around them through those gifts. All her life, Leila had been excluded from the whispered consultations of her younger siblings and cousins, simply because she could not see or hear what they could. Behind her, she could hear Christina and Lucinda whispering about their insights into Dunstan's character. Despite knowing everyone in this room, she stood alone, the solitary cuckoo in her family's nest.

Until she discovered some special ability in herself and proved she was a Malcolm, she would always feel incomplete, a failure.

She'd spent her entire life doing what her family expected of her. She'd married well, raised her husband's social and political standing, acquired wealth, made others happy if not herself. Widowed now, finally free of all expectations, she stood on the brink of opportunity, if she only possessed the courage to take the risk. With the help of an Ives, she might discover who she really was and what she could accomplish.

Leila allowed a tendril of hope to creep through her
usual restraint as she watched the commanding man in the doorway. Nervously, she waved her fan, bouncing a loose pincurl in the breeze. After a year of planning and dreaming, she'd made her choice. All she need do now was approach Dunstan Ives and state her proposal. Even if he was immune to her charm, he should succumb to her monetary largesse, and then she would have En-gland's most learned agronomist at her disposal.

“He's an Ives,” Lucinda whispered in warning, apparently noting the direction of Leila's gaze. “Don't forget what happened to cousin Ninian.”

Leila was aware of the danger Ives men posed to women, and to Malcolm women in particular. The attraction between them must be as powerful as legend said if even Ninian had risked disaster to fall for one of the logical, passionless men. But Leila was prepared to take her chances with the fire of physical attraction. Although men habitually flocked around her, she had never felt passion for them in return.

Her only dilemma lay in whether she dared retire to the country in the company of a man whose adulterous wife had been found with her neck snapped. No evidence confirmed Dunstan's guilt. None confirmed his innocence, either.

Leila offered a practiced trill of laughter at her cousin's warning. “I seduce men, not the other way around. An Ives is no match for me.”

“Leila, you cannot tell what he's feeling as Ninian can,” Christina warned. “He looks incredibly dangerous.”

“Shall I go closer and see what I can learn?” Leila snapped her fan closed, and forgetting everyone else in the room besides the Ives, left her sister and cousin.

Progressing through the crowd of London's wealthiest and most powerful, she stopped often to meet and greet her guests, never losing sight of the man she intended to
trap in her net.
Mother of goddesses,
but he was built like a mountain, a smoldering one. She chattered and exchanged mindless gossip, but she couldn't look away as Dunstan Ives glared at a footman and ended up with two glasses of champagne in his huge fists.

“Isn't that the Ives who murdered his wife?” one countess whispered. “Honestly, Leila, even
can't expect us to acknowledge a murderer!”

“Dear, dear Betsy.” Leila patted the woman's gloved hand without paying her much notice. “I invited your current lover, the father of your son, and your husband, and I'm still speaking to all four of you. Be a good girl, and don't spoil my fun.”

She left the rouged and powdered countess with her mouth open.

“He looks as if he might murder someone any minute,” Hermione, Marchioness of Hampton, murmured worriedly, sidling up to Leila and fiddling with the gossamer scarf about her throat. “I cannot think why you invited him.”

“Because he is the best agronomist in all of England,” Leila assured her mother. “Even Father says so. Since Dunstan has come to work for him, the estate has improved tremendously, is that not so?”

“Yes, but your father is a
, dear. It is not at all the same thing. I do wish you would reconsider offering him a position.”

“But the opportunity is perfect,” Leila explained. “You know Father means to put Rolly in charge of the Gloucestershire estate. Rolly loathes Dunstan, says he does not take orders well. Why should I let Rolly drive him away when
can have him?” Leila did not slow her progress across the drawing room. Tugging at shawls and scarves, her mother trailed in her wake.

“Leila, you know nothing of these things—”

“Ninian does, and she says he's innocent.” Ninian was years younger than Leila, but she possessed a gift of empathy and a talent for healing that had saved lives and fortunes—including Drogo's. Ninian was the one her whole family turned to because she
things without being told. Leila bowed to her greater gifts, even as envy devoured her.

“You know perfectly well that Ninian is not herself when she's in town with so many people around to disturb her gift,” Hermione whispered. “She could be wrong about Dunstan …”

“I'm not changing my mind,
” Leila said. “He's mine.”

A sensual shiver rippled down her spine as she repeated those words at the same moment that Dunstan turned his brooding gaze on her, and the implication of her arrogant declaration raised its serpent head.

She wanted an agricultural expert, not a lover, but Dunstan's hooded dark eyes and prominent nose stirred long-dormant feelings in her. Uneasy with the sensation, she reminded herself that no man had
wielded the power to tempt her.

Safe behind a shield of indifference, Leila brushed a kiss on Ninian's cheek. “How good of you to come.” Murmuring polite nonsense, she flirted with the impervious Drogo, then turned the full brunt of her attention on Dunstan, standing slightly distant from his family.

Oh, my.
His presence hit her with all the force of her mother's candles scented for seduction.

“Black becomes you, sir,” she murmured, drawing her black-gloved finger down Dunstan's lapel, resorting to her practiced role of flirt to hide the sensual impact of this man. Was it her imagination, or did his air of disdain conceal a slight whiff of loneliness? Perhaps his lack of artificial scent distorted her perceptions. Fascinating.

“Black's not fashionable,” he replied, staring past her powdered curls.

“So flattering of you to mention that.” She immediately retracted any sympathy she might have mistakenly offered. “Shall I run upstairs and slip into something more to your liking? In red, perhaps?”

Dunstan glanced down at her wide, black skirts, then focused his gaze on the expanse of bosom exposed by her low-cut gown. “Scarlet seems appropriate.”

With the lady's sensual perfume of roses and jasmine wafting around him, Dunstan noticed she stood taller than most, reaching past his chin in her heeled shoes. She wore a lacy black cap over tight, powdered curls that accentuated her rouged lips and darkened lashes. Despite the starchy powder, he knew she was a Malcolm, and had silken blond hair like all the rest of her kind, along with eyes that could ensnare and bewitch. He refused to look into them.

Nodding curtly in dismissal, ignoring Ninian and Drogo, Dunstan spun on his heel and strode blindly for what he hoped was the card room.

The lady's exotic perfume clung to his senses as he departed, and raw hunger clawed at his insides—

It had been that way with Celia.

Never again.
He'd put a bullet through his ear before he became enthralled with another aristocratic, conniving female again.

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Adrian Quinn trusts no one. Four years in prison will do that to a man-especially when he's innocent. Adrian feels someone owes him the truth and not to mention a fortune he desperately needs to live on. His late partner's ex and very spoiled wife is the first person he'll look to. She ruined his life and now he'll return the favor.

Faith Nicholls escaped from her two-timing husband right after he shattered her dreams and left her with nothing. Yet, she made a fresh start in a quiet town where nobody knows her name…until Adrian Quinn shows up, dredging up dangerous secrets and awakening smoldering passions-and making her believe in love again.

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Maya Alyssum's impossible dream is to open a school where kids can find unconditional love and acceptance, the very things she never had as a child. The town council of Wadeville, North Carolina, is determined to stop her until the day Axell Holm walks into her life. He's the kind of uptight authority figure she loves to hate…and hates to love.

Axell knows trouble when he sees it. But he needs the ethereal schoolteacher and the magic she works on his motherless daughter. He's willing to face the wrath of his hometown to get what he wants, but he's unprepared for his reaction to this strange and wonderful woman who turns his ordered life upside down, making him believe in dreams again. …

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After landing in gorgeous St. Lucia on business, Penelope Albright receives the shock of her life: She is accused of smuggling drugs. Then a sexy stranger appears, claiming to be her husband, and “kidnaps” her before trouble begins. Or so she thinks. Trouble and Charlie Smith have met. He needs a wife-temporarily-to help him keep a low profile while snooping into the mysterious disappearance of his partner. And like it or not, Penny is already involved.

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