Almost Forever (47 page)

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Authors: Linda Howard

BOOK: Almost Forever
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“What are you telling me?”

“Only what I've been trying to tell you for months. That I love you. With all my heart. In the very special and specific way that a woman loves the only man for her. Won't you please believe me now?”

He let a heartbeat pass before he answered, “Yes.”

Clay had never seen a smile as beautiful as the one she gave him then. And then she leaned her head on his shoulder.

He put his arm around her and spoke against her damp, sweet-smelling hair. “Hell, Andie. I have to say it. If there's any hero around here, it's you.”

She lifted her head at that and turned to grant him an impudent grin. “You noticed.” Lord, she was adorable.

“Andie…” He tipped up her chin.

Their lips almost met, but she held back at the last possible second. “Say it.”

He faked an innocent look. “What, that you're my hero?”

“You know what. Say it now.”

He stroked the curve of her back with the hand that wasn't holding her chin. “I want you. Damn. I always want you.”

But that wasn't enough for her. She pushed him away. “Say it, Clay. Say it now.”

“Come back here.”

“Not until you tell me. Not until you say the words.
There are only three—four, including my name. Four simple little words.”

“Damn it, Andrea Barrett.”

“Those aren't the ones.”

He reached for her and caught her. “You're not going to let me off the hook on this, are you?”

“You're right, I'm not.”

“All right.”

“I'm listening.”

He said it, very slowly, so she wouldn't miss a word. “I love you, Andie.”

Her smile was as bright as the sun after a wild, dark storm. “And I love you, Clay.”

And then there was no more need for words. Their lips met. Their lifetime bond was sealed at last, in the best and truest way—with honesty and love.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0400-3


Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.

The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

Copyright © 1986 by Linda Howington

Copyright © 1994 by Christine Rimmer

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