Read Alluring Turmoil Online

Authors: Skye Turner

Alluring Turmoil (25 page)

BOOK: Alluring Turmoil
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“Have you now? Well I guess I was busy. Now since I know you’re not dead, I’m going to bed! Goodnight, Jude!” I snap out.

He sighs. “Lexi, baby. Don’t hang up. I’m sorry. Don’t be mad. I’m sorry. I was dealing with some stuff… some stuff with Dade and I lost track of the time. When I saw what time it was, I ran to my phone and saw the missed calls and text from you. I’m so sorry. Don’t be mad. Are you at home?”

“Yes Jude. I’m at home. Where the hell else would I be? Now I’m tired and I really want to just go to bed!” I’m still pissed…

‘Dealing with stuff with Dade.’ What stuff?

And maybe this is petty, but he can miss my calls and texts and I’m supposed to just be ok with it, but he’s annoyed that I didn’t answer his?! I was worried, dammit!

“Baby, can I come over? I
so sorry. I mean it. Please don’t make me sleep without you in my arms tonight…” He pleads with me.

Don’t give in, Lexi. Don’t you give in… Dammit!

“Fine, but I really am tired and I’m not ok with this. So, I’m ready for bed.”

“Ok. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I’m sorry, baby. I love you.” I can hear the frown in his voice.

“Uh huh.” And I hang up. I’m allowed to be a bitch sometimes.

I’m lying in bed with the TV on when I hear the knock at the door. Padding through the living room barefoot, I check the peephole, and then lean my head against the door for a second before opening it.

Jude is standing there, with a sheepish look on his face, a bag on his arm, and three pink Gerber Daisies in his hand. Holding them out to me, he whispers, “I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

Frowning, I take the flowers from him before gesturing inside and shutting the door. “Did you steal these from my garden? And I was really worried, Jude!”

“I did not steal them. I simply thought they would look better in your bedroom than left to wither and die in the garden. And I know you were. I’m sorry. Really, baby, I am! Do you want me to grovel? I will! Just tell me what you need me to do.”

He’s so sincere. Rolling my eyes because I’m so ridiculous, I walk to the kitchen and grab a vase from the cabinet, before filling it with water and setting my flowers in.

Taking the vase with me, I turn out the light and lead the way to my bedroom. Jude follows silently.

We get to the room and once I place the flowers on the nightstand, I turn around. He’s dropped his bag to the ground and is standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, just looking at me.

“Am I forgiven or am I going to get the silent treatment all night?” he asks.

I smirk. “No. No silent treatment. But some groveling would be nice.”

He stalks over to me, picks me up, and drops me on the bed, leaning over me. “Ok, I’ll grovel. Would you like me to do it with words?” he whispers in my ear. “With my mouth and tongue?” He licks and nips my neck. “Or with my hands?” He trails his fingers up and down my arms from wrist to shoulder.

I’m shivering. How does he turn me on so fast? He’s barely touched me and two seconds ago I was mad at him, but now I want to just lie back and let him ravish me. Something is wrong with me.

I lean up on my elbows and press my lips to his ear. Licking the outer rim, I whisper, “I’d like all three please.”

He lifts his head, gives me a wolfish smile, and pulls my tank top over my head in one motion. As I gasp at the unexpectedness of it, he pushes me back so I bounce off of the bed and grabs the waistband of my lounge pants and panties, and pulls them down my legs.

In seconds, I’m completely naked.

“Um, a little warning would be nice…” I gasp out as he kneels on the floor and pulls me to the edge of the bed, licking my breasts and sucking a nipple into his mouth. The statement ends on a moan.

He’s feasting on my breasts, sucking and rolling his tongue over the taut peaks one at a time, as his fingers pinch and roll the nipple of the other. He moves between the both of them. Once my nipples are swollen and standing at attention, he nuzzles and licks the valley between my breasts and nips the undersides of them, using his tongue to soothe the spot, after he bites down and sucks.

My hands have fistfuls of the sheets and I’m rolling from side to side with the pleasure.

He kisses and licks his way down my stomach, pressing kisses here and there and swirling his tongue into my belly button. My hands leave the sheets and grab his head; pushing him down, moving him into the position I most want him in.

He looks up and grins at me. “Where do you want me, baby? What do you want me to do to you?”

I moan as he licks around the seams of my thighs, and avoids the spot that is begging for him. “Lick me. God Jude, I want your mouth on me. Eat me… please…”

I’m begging him. He mutters, “As you wish.” And then his mouth is on me. He’s licking me, tracing the folds, before he flicks my clit with his tongue. When I’m writhing and fisting his hair, he moves and licks me along the seam of my pussy. I’m so wet.

He pushes my thighs apart as far as they will go and he starts thrusting his tongue inside of me, wriggling it as he thrusts. He’s fucking me with just his mouth and tongue and it’s driving me crazy.

“More, Jude. More. I need more. Give me more. Deeper.”

So, he adds a finger to my channel and starts curling it inside of me as he sucks on my clit. He adds another and then another.

I’m so close. I see starbursts behind my eyes.

He can feel me tense and he knows I’m right there. He blows on my clit as he moves three fingers inside of me, and then he bites my clit just as he hits the spot.

Fireworks go off in the bedroom and I scream out his name.

He licks me gently until I stop convulsing, and then he climbs up my body, and pulls me into his arms.

He whispers, “Better?” and as I burrow into his chest and nod, completely spent, he whispers again, “I love you, Lex.”

I murmur, “I love you too. You’re forgiven.” After pressing a kiss to his chest, I fall asleep.


It appears as if I am forgiven. Thank God. I can’t believe I forgot the time. But Dade called and then things got crazy, and I spent all afternoon dealing with the situation.

That was close though. I can’t lose track of things like that again. I have to be more aware of what’s going on. When Lexi wouldn’t answer my calls, I panicked. I can’t go through that again. I’m going to handle the situation and then I can spend another week with Lexi before we have to head out.

She doesn’t have to know. I’ll handle it and all will be ok.

I look over at her, asleep in my arms, and feel my chest clench. I love her so much. She’s everything… The most important thing in my life. I’m going to do whatever it takes to prove that to her this time.

I pull my arms out from under her and get up to check my phone one last time, before undressing and climbing back in bed to fall asleep with Lexi in my arms… exactly where she’s meant to be.

Chapter Twenty-One


he smell of coffee and bacon reaches my brain through the haze of sleep and wakes me. I look over and there’s Jude, the most beautiful man in the world, sharing my pillow. I’m so lucky.

He stirs as if he feels my gaze on him and slowly opens his eyes. They meet mine. “Morning, baby. Whattimeisit?”

I look over at the clock. Wow, we slept late.

“9:15. I can’t believe I slept this late! I haven’t slept this late on a Saturday in years. I bet you anything, Erik pops in here in about five minutes.” I kiss his scratchy chin and laugh.

Jude grabs me and rolls me underneath him. He kisses my neck. “Hmmmm. Do you think we have time for a quickie?”

From the doorway, we hear, “Nope. Now get your lazy asses up.”

Both of our heads whip up and Erik is standing there shirtless, with my coffee in his hand, laughing at us. “Ugh… if you bring me that wonderful coffee you are forgiven for ruining our moment!”

Jude says, “Well, I don’t drink coffee. I’d rather have sex. Go away Erik!” And he rubs against me.

I laugh, scandalized.

Erik walks in, reaching out his arm so he’s not too close to the bed. I reach up from under Jude and grab it.

“Dude, you’re such a cock block. Go the fuck away,” he grits out.

Erik and I laugh and Jude groans and throws himself facedown on the bed.

Erik walks back to the door, trying to mute his laughter. “Man, you’re grouchy without your morning sex. We’re leaving here at eleven, so if you really need your morning dose of Lexi, go into the bathroom. I only have one set of earphones!” He laughs as he shuts the door, right before the pillow Jude was lying on bounces off it, and hits the floor.

“I hate him,” Jude says.

“No you don’t. And I do feel kind of
. I could use a shower…” I get up and walk across the bedroom naked with his eyes following me. Bending over like I dropped something at the bathroom door, I open my legs and call back, “Coming?”

Jude jumps up and races after me, to the bathroom. “Not yet, but soon!”

An hour later, we exit my room. Dressed, sexually satisfied, and ready for the day.

Erik and Alec are being all lovey dovey in the kitchen.

Jude good naturedly grumbles at them, “I wish you two were all hot and heavy, just so I could cock block you too!”

We all laugh hysterically. The mood for the day is set!

Bradi and Micah arrive a bit later, always fashionably late, and I must say she looks great. She’s got on a very short denim miniskirt with a cropped LSU jersey and wedge sandals. Her blonde and brown hair is in twin braids, and she’s wearing eye black strips that read “LSU” on her perfectly made up face.

She takes in my appearance and lets out an approving sound. She makes me twirl so she can get the full effect. I’m pretty pleased with myself.

High ponytail with an LSU headband, tight purple LSU see– through shirt with a gold tank top underneath, white skinny jeans, and brown knee high, flat boots complete my ensemble.

“Your ass looks almost as good as mine. We’re some sexy bitches!” Bradi says. Then she looks over at Jude. “So what the fuck happened with you last night?”

Erik and Alec quickly look over, and Micah raises his brows in surprise. I gasp out,

Jude answers her. “I got caught up in something with Dade, but it’s under control now. I completely forgot the time. I groveled, dished out sexual favors, and she’s forgiven me. So, can we all just have a good time today?” He takes my hand and pulls me to his side as he says the last part. I hide my face in embarrassment.

Bradi grins, wiggles her eyebrows at him, and says, “From her reaction, that was some
good shit
! So, if she’s good, we’re good. Now, let’s go boys. My girl and I look too fucking fabulous not to be on display today!”

Everyone laughs. She is so nuts, but it’s hard not to love her!

We pile into Alec’s SUV so we can all ride together and head to campus.

Jude gets a text as we pull through the gates and head towards the stadium. The rest of the guys are there and have already set the tent up.

It seems like we’re all excited for today.

Forty-five minutes and about thirty texts later, we find a parking spot and start our trek to the tailgating spot.

Jude pulls his baseball cap low and puts on dark sunglasses, but with the entire band out here together, I have no real hope for them not being recognized.

He takes my hand as we all stroll through campus. The energy is electric. Don’t ask me how, but the guys have secured us a spot near Tiger Stadium, right near the old Alex Box Stadium. It’s a premium spot, so I’m wondering if someone used their “celebrity card”.

Jude is looking around and holding tightly to my hand. It’s crowded and people are pushy. “Man, I’ve missed this! Nothing like game day in Death Valley! It’s seriously like no place else on earth!”

I look at the people and all of the purple and gold. Our tailgaters are like nothing you see anyplace else, that’s for sure. I ask him seriously, “Really? As many stadiums and arenas as you’ve been in… nothing like this?”

He thinks a minute before responding. “No, honestly. Nothing and no place. It’s like the entire campus is charged with an electrical current. I’m so glad to be back and that I’m here with you today, baby!” He pulls me tightly to him.

BOOK: Alluring Turmoil
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