All You Desire (50 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Miller

BOOK: All You Desire
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“You're going inside?” Haven asked.
“Frances will kill us if I don't tell her what's going on! And I figure I can get some money for the cab and a fresh change of clothes for Beau. He smells like a slop bucket. You mind if he borrows some of yours?” she asked Iain.
“Not at all,” Iain replied with a lopsided grin. Leah clearly couldn't wait to introduce Owen to Beau.
“I see Leah's still crazier than hell,” Beau remarked once the girl had slammed the car door behind her. “Nice to know some things don't change. But I just can't get over the stuff y'all just told me on the ride over here. You really think
Leah Frizzell
is supposed to save everyone in New York City from a plague?”
“I think that's why we're
here,” Haven said.
“So you've gotten me involved in some sort of cosmic conspiracy?”
“Isn't that what friends are for?” Haven asked.
“Jesus,” Beau muttered. “I guess I need to start spending more time on my own.”
“I bet you don't feel that way when the night's over,” Haven joked.
“You know what? I'm getting pretty tired of you screwing with my head, Haven Moore. In fact I think I'll take this opportunity to spend some time with my thoughts. At least I know
sane.” Beau closed his eyes, and Haven pressed her face to Iain's chest, trying to muffle the sound of her giggling.
“I can hear you!” Beau barked.
A few minutes later, Leah slid back into the cab. “Boy, that woman's got a one-track mind,” she said. “The first thing Frances asked was if we're all going to die. The second thing she wanted to know was if Haven and Iain are still working things out.”
“Technically, that's a two-track mind,” Iain said.
“So, I got the clothes. What's our plan now?” Leah wanted to know.
Haven leaned forward and rapped on the Plexiglas barrier that separated the driver from the back seat of his cab. “Gramercy Gardens Hotel,” she ordered.
THE HOTEL'S LOBBY was virtually deserted, and Haven breathed a sigh of relief. The clerk at the reception desk nodded at the party of four and returned to surfing the Internet. Now that Adam was gone, it seemed a spell had been broken, and Haven was blissfully anonymous once more.
“Iain?” Virginia Morrow was sitting in one of the lobby's love seats. She glided toward them like a ghost. Still dressed in a white linen dress, she wore neither coat nor stockings.
“You guys go on upstairs. Room 2024.” Haven gave Leah and Beau her room key. Without thinking, she stepped in front of Iain as if to protect him.
“May I speak to my son alone, please?” Virginia asked.
The changeling?
Haven wanted to say.
The boy you tortured because he couldn't be yours alone?
“Haven is my family,” Iain said, his tone matter-of-fact. “She can hear whatever you have to say.”
“Fine. I want you to know that I'm leaving New York,” Virginia said. “I'm returning to my villa tomorrow, and I won't be back. I thought we could speak just once before I go. Alone, if possible.”
“Haven stays,” Iain insisted. Haven took his hand. His grip was too strong; she could feel her bones beginning to crack. She bore the pain without complaint.
Virginia nodded. “You must have many questions to ask me,” she said.
“No. Not anymore,” Iain told his mother. “I know what you are. I know about you and Phoebe and Calum.”
“So Haven told you. You're lucky you found her again,” Virginia said. “I know how terrible it is to be alone in the world.”
“Alone?” Iain's temper was rising. “You were never alone. What about all your sisters? What about

is just a word we use. The Horae are related in name only. I wanted a child so I could finally have a real family. I dreamed of a child who would look at me with nothing but love. Someone I could devote my life to. You won't remember, of course, but when you were a baby, I smothered you with affection. I wouldn't even allow your father to hire a nanny. I wanted you all to myself. And then—”
“And then I learned how to talk,” Iain said.
“Yes. That's when I discovered that you weren't mine at all. You belonged to Haven

“I could have belonged to you too,” Iain said.
“Perhaps. But the disappointment was devastating. Then your father had his affair with Phoebe. She paraded her son in front of me. It was clear from the beginning that this was Calum's first time on earth. I was so jealous. My hideous sister had been given a pure soul.”
“And look how Calum turned out,” Haven said. “He's not so pure anymore.”
“Yes,” Virginia replied. “The poor child never had a mother to guide him.”
“Neither did I,” Iain noted.
“You didn't need me. You had
. Calum is the one who was left all alone. He's the one who deserves my pity. That's why I've asked him to return to Tuscany with me. There's nothing left for him here. If Calum stays, he'll only end up in jail.”
“I still don't understand why you came to New York in the first place, Mother. If you hate Phoebe so much, why on earth would you help her?” Iain asked.
“Because there was no more money. That and scotch were the only two things that seemed to dull my pain. I knew the day would come when I would have to do without both. I was terrified. It had been almost twenty years since I'd seen the world through sober eyes.”
“I would have given you anything you'd asked for,” Iain said. “I could have found help for you too.”
“I didn't want your help,” Virginia stated. “It would have made it impossible for me to hate you. I needed that hate. It was the only thing keeping me alive.”
A silence settled over the group. Haven prayed for the strength to keep herself from strangling Iain's mother.
“Things have changed now,” Virginia said at last. “You're the only one I can turn to. Calum and I must have money if we're to survive.”
“Why should I give you more money?” Iain asked. “You'll only spend it on scotch. God only knows what Calum will buy.”
“It's been two weeks since my last drink,” Virginia said. “I don't expect you to have any faith in me, Iain. I know I can't salvage our relationship, but perhaps I
help your brother.”
“What about the Horae?” Haven asked. “Don't they want you to stay with them?”
“My sisters and I have elected to go our separate ways. Now that the magos has been imprisoned, we deserve to live our own lives for a while. If the snake goddess chooses to release him, we will reconvene. But Phoebe will never be allowed to lead us again. Vera has taken charge.”
“Make sure she keeps an eye on Chandra and Cleo too,” Haven said. “They're every bit as bad as Phoebe.”
“Possibly,” Virginia said. “But don't judge them too quickly. We're
capable of terrible things.”
“So I've been told,” Haven quipped.
“You're referring to our conversation at the villa?” Virginia asked. “Have you stopped to wonder what might have happened if I hadn't warned you about yourself? I did you a favor, Haven. You should
Iain must have sensed an argument brewing. “Haven,” he said before she could respond, “why don't you go ahead to the room while I show my mother to the door?”
Haven gritted her teeth and nodded. She headed toward the elevator bank but didn't go upstairs. She watched the pair from around the corner. A half hour later, they were still chatting, but even if they'd talked for the rest of the night, Haven wouldn't have left Iain alone with his mother.
“Engaged in a little espionage?”
Beau and Leah stepped out of an elevator. Haven spun around to shush them, but she couldn't help but smile at the sight of the freshly scrubbed boy with sandy blond hair. Even the fading bruises around his eyes couldn't ruin his looks.
“Cleans up real nice, don't he?” Leah joked.
“You sure I look okay?” Beau asked. “Iain's jeans feel a bit tight on me.”
“They look pretty darn good to me,” Leah said.
“It might help if you told me where we were going at two o'clock in the morning,” Beau said. “Then I'd know if skintight pants were appropriate attire.”
“We're going to wake up a friend of ours,” Haven said. “Right after Iain says goodbye to his mom.”
“So that's his evil old mama?” Beau said, peeking around the corner. “You know, that dress isn't doing her any favors. Most women with a figure like hers would want to show it off a little. If I made her a formfitting Cruella de Vil number, she'd be the hottest villainess this side of Disneyland.”
A memory flitted through Haven's mind, leaving behind a wide smile on her face. “Oh boy. Have I got a surprise for you,” she told Beau.
“Save it for later. My surprise reflex is dead at the moment. Anyway, looks like Cruella's just hit the road.”
Haven saw Iain standing alone in the lobby. It took less than a second to reach the boy and wrap him up in her arms. She didn't need to ask what answer he had given his mother. Whatever his decision had been, Haven knew it had been the right one.

is where my supposed soul mate resides? I don't know if I could get used to such luxury,” Beau joked, but Haven could tell he was nervous. The four of them stood in the grand lobby of the old police headquarters, waiting for the doorman to materialize.
“Yeah, it'd be a real struggle,” Leah said, gazing up at the gilded ceiling. “He's got the penthouse too.”

seen my soul mate's apartment?” Beau asked her.
“Weren't you listening in the back of that cab? I'm the snake goddess—all knowing, all seeing.”
“Save your bragging for people who didn't go to kindergarten with you,” Beau said. “What's old Earl going to say about all that, anyway? D'your uncle always know he was in the presence of a goddess?”
“He does now. I called him the other night and told him all about it. He didn't stop laughing till I hung up the phone.”
“You should have one of your snakes give him a nice little nip the next time he's preaching. That ought to teach him.”
Leah's brow furrowed. “I don't control Earl's snakes any more than I control my visions. You know I was just joking, right?”
Beau mussed the girl's hair with his knuckles. “Yeah, Leah. I know you were joking.”
“ARE YOU HERE to see someone?” The doorman appeared holding a cup of coffee and a microwaved burrito.
Haven stepped toward the front desk. “I'd like to see Owen Bell. Please tell him Haven Moore is here.”
“You leave your watch at home, sweetie? It's almost three o'clock in the morning. You sure Mr. Bell will want visitors?” He clearly wasn't with the Ouroboros Society.
“Why don't we ask him?” Haven said, almost regretting the sudden loss of her VIP status.
“Okay,” the doorman agreed reluctantly. “What are your friends' names?”
“I'm going up alone first.” She glanced back at Beau. “Business before pleasure.”
“If you say so,” the doorman said. He rang Owen's apartment. It took forever before anyone answered. “I'm really sorry to bother you, Mr. Bell. I have a Haven Moore here to see you. Mmm-hmm. Will do.” The man hung up and pointed toward the elevator. “Go right on up, Miss Moore.”
“HAVEN.” OWEN WAS in his boxers and a T-shirt. “I've been trying to reach you at your hotel for the past two days. I heard Calum had something to do with your friend's disappearance. Is that why you're here? I
I wasn't involved.”
“I know,” Haven told him. “I found Beau. He's downstairs right now. He wants to meet you.”
Owen looked down at his outfit. “I suppose I should get dressed, then.”
“No rush,” Haven told him. “I was hoping I could have a word with you first. About the Ouroboros Society.”
“What's there to talk about?” said Owen, leading Haven to the seating area in the middle of the large round room. “It's over. Have you read the papers?”
“I know what happened, but I've been a little preoccupied for the last twenty-four hours. How bad is it?”
“It couldn't get any worse. Padma Singh destroyed hundreds of careers. Some of the stuff these people did . . . I can't even imagine. Calum Daniels was one of the worst. Even the
. Did you know about his little

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