All You Desire (33 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Miller

BOOK: All You Desire
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“It's easy for Calum to judge me,” Owen said. “He spent his childhood being coddled by the Society. I spent mine with two otherwise decent people who think homosexuality is a moral disease. I left home a year ago, and it may take a few more years to recover from that particular experience. And believe it or not, Haven, this has been one of my easiest lives. I've told Calum a little bit about my previous existences, but he'll still never understand how it feels to be betrayed, disinherited, thrown in jail, or murdered—just for being gay. I've had nightmares almost every single night since I was a kid. So
why I'm not eager to publicize my preferences. But, for the record, I don't hide them, either. Calum says I'm being archaic. Maybe he's right.”
“Even if he is, it doesn't give him an excuse to be mean,” Haven said angrily. “Why in the hell are you friends with him, anyway?”
“Calum decided to be friends with
,” Owen said, setting her straight. “I've never had much of a say in the matter.”
“Well, I know someone you might get along with a little bit better,” Haven said, rushing to complete her secret mission before Alex and Calum returned to the table. Owen, she'd decided, was the one person who might stand a chance of convincing Iain to spare the Society. “He used to be a member of the OS, but he left because it was so corrupt. I've been trying to tell him that it's going to be a whole new place soon. I haven't been very successful. I think he needs to talk to someone like you.”
Owen shook his head. “I hate to disappoint you, Haven, but even without the drug dealing and prostitution, the OS is almost the same as it was when I joined.”
“What do you mean?” Haven asked, her enthusiasm trickling away.
“Look around.” Owen gestured to the empty restaurant. “Is
how points are meant to be used? To let some nineteen-year-old movie star empty out an entire café on a Thursday morning? I'm not insulting Alex. She's a sweet girl, and she doesn't know any better. But I'm fairly sure this is not what August Strickland had in mind when he devised the OS points system.”
“Dr. Strickland didn't invent the system,” Haven said. “There were no points while he was alive. They were introduced after he died.”
Owen grinned. “That's right! Alex told me that you were one of the original members of the Society. So there were no points back then, huh?”
“So how did people keep track of the favors they performed?”
,” Haven said. “Dr. Strickland taught that doing good should be its own reward.”
“Interesting theory,” Owen mused.
“You know, I
think you should meet my friend,” Haven repeated just as the door opened, and two men entered the café. They were both dressed in Dockers and white button-down shirts. They looked nothing alike, and yet they could have been twins.
“We're closed,” Alex snipped from the other side of the room. “There's another café just down the street.”
“Miss Moore,” said one of the men. “Will you please come with us?”
Haven rose from her seat to face the gray men. Only one person could have sent the pair. “Why?” she asked. “Do you know what Adam wants?”
“No, Miss Moore. We were only told to find you.”
“Do you need help?” Owen whispered to Haven. Across the room, Calum and Alex stood watching the scene, their jaws agape. But they didn't dare make a move.
“You need to come with us to the Society,” stated the second gray man.
“Haven?” Owen whispered again, this time with more urgency. “Do you want me to deal with this?”
“It's okay,” Haven assured him, though she was certain it wasn't. Adam would never have her hauled away unless Haven was about to be punished. If there hadn't been witnesses on the scene, she might have collapsed under the weight of her fear. But somehow Haven managed to keep her knees from buckling, and she hid her hands in her pockets so no one could see how much they were shaking.
“Let's go,” said the second man, taking Haven by the elbow and leading her out of the café.
“How did they know where to find her?” Haven heard Calum casually inquire before the door slammed behind her.
The two gray men deposited Haven on the front stairs of the Ouroboros Society.
“Wait inside,” one of them instructed her. They remained stationed on the sidewalk in front of the building, but they didn't follow her up the steps.
Beyond the front door, it was business as usual, and several members were milling about the lobby.
“Hello, Miss Moore,” the receptionist said pleasantly. “Adam will be with you in a moment. Would you like to take a seat in the waiting area?”
Haven walked in slow circles around the room but didn't settle into a chair. She was trying very hard to appear calm while she secretly fought the urge to vomit. Something had gone terribly wrong. A door opened on the other side of the lobby, and a group of children emerged. Haven recognized them as the birthday kids she'd seen bird-watching with Adam. They walked, almost single file, past Haven and toward the front door. The last person in line was Flora, who stopped to zip up her coat.
“Hello, Miss Moore,” she said when she spotted Haven.
Haven cleared her throat. “Hi, Flora. How are you? Did you have a good birthday?”
“Yes, it was wonderful,” Flora said. “But I'm looking forward to getting back to school.” There was something so odd about the kid, Haven thought once again. Flora had changed so much since their first meeting. Then, all at once, Haven figured it out. The politeness, the slightly stilted language—even the oddly penetrating stare. Flora was mimicking Adam Rosier. “I heard you were there yesterday. What did you think?”
“How do you know I was at Halcyon Hall?” Haven asked, feeling suddenly exposed.
Flora frowned. “Everyone knows. We don't have many visitors. Did you like it?”
“Of course I did!” Haven tried to laugh and nearly choked instead. Was this why she'd been dragged to the OS? Was Adam furious that she'd visited Halcyon Hall without his permission? “It's
much better than the school I attended. All the classes seem so interesting! What are you studying there?” Haven babbled.
“The same subjects as everyone else.”
“But don't you have a special gift? Weren't you an epidemiologist in your last life? Shouldn't you be studying biology or medicine?”
“I don't
to study those things,” Flora informed her politely. “I already know everything I need to know about medicine. There are many more subjects I'll need to master if I'm going to be ready for the future. Adam says we all have a great responsibility on our shoulders.”
“Flora.” It was the receptionist. “Please don't dillydally. The car is waiting for you outside.”
“Bye, Miss Moore,” Flora said. “I hope I see you soon.”
“Yes,” Haven said. “I hope so too.”
Haven felt someone watching her. Adam was standing in the door of the room on the other side of the reception area. Haven hurried over.
“What's going on?” she asked. “Why am I here? Is this about Halcyon Hall?”
“I apologize for dragging you away from your friends,” Adam said. “But I needed to speak with you at once.”
“Is this about Beau?” she tried again.
“No. And it's not a subject we should discuss in public. Come with me, Haven.”
Adam led the way up the stairs toward his office on the second floor. Inside, he pointed to a chair. Haven sat down while he closed the door. He paced the small room a few times, then came to rest three feet away from her. He leaned back against his desk and said nothing. His fingers gripped the edge of the wood with such force that Haven expected chunks to snap off in his hands.
Suddenly his black eyes were on her. “I know Iain Morrow is alive.”
Haven could feel the red-hot flush creeping across her chest and scaling her neck. “What?” she managed to croak.
“I've known for months. You were spotted together in Rome. My people tell me that Marta Vega is alive as well. I doubt that comes as a surprise to you.” It wasn't an accusation—merely a statement of fact.
“You knew all of this and you didn't—”
“I promised you this life to lead as you chose, and I will keep my promise no matter what happens.”
That was one possible explanation, Haven thought, her mind racing. Unfortunately it wasn't the only one. Months had passed since Adam had discovered the truth about Iain. If Adam had set his sights on revenge, he'd had more than enough time to put together a plan. Haven shuddered at the thought—and prayed that Adam would prove true to his word.
“I wouldn't have said a thing,” Adam continued, “but Iain approached one of my men this morning. He asked to meet with me.”
“He did?” Haven said, genuinely shocked. She had never known Iain to be so reckless. What was he trying to accomplish? What was he trying to prove to her? Phoebe had been right to warn her. If Haven wasn't careful, Iain might get them both killed.
Adam remained motionless—so still that he couldn't possibly be breathing. “May I ask what the state of your relationship is at this moment?” He looked down. “I wouldn't dare inquire if it weren't for the other night.”
“Our relationship?” She could barely hear her own words over the pounding in her chest.
“Are you and Iain together?”
Adam had caught her off guard. She should have had a response prepared, but Haven had never expected the question to be posed so bluntly. What would happen if she said yes? At the very best Adam might call off the search for Beau. She didn't want to imagine the worst he might do. Everything now depended on her answer.
“We came back to New York when Beau disappeared,” Haven explained. “I thought the Pythia could help me uncover the clues I needed to save him. Iain wanted to hire a private investigator. He didn't want me anywhere near the Ouroboros Society. Anywhere near
. He made clear from the beginning that he didn't trust me. When he heard that I'd seen you at the spa, he went crazy. I could tell that he didn't really give a damn about Beau. So I asked for your help instead. Iain and I haven't been together since. As far as I'm concerned, it's over. He didn't trust me, and he wasn't there for me when I needed him.”
She lifted herself slowly from her chair, approaching Adam as cautiously as she would a wounded beast. When she was close enough, she took one of his icy hands. Her touch seemed to reassure him.
“Why did Iain want to meet with you?” Haven asked again. “Did he say?”
“Yes,” Adam said. “He wants you back. And for the first and last time, he has my sympathy.”
“It doesn't matter what Iain wants anymore,” Haven declared.
“How can you be certain that you won't forgive him? You've forgiven
, haven't you?” There was such sadness in Adam's question that Haven's heart hurt. “You don't need to answer. But you should know that Iain won't give you up easily. I believe he asked me to meet him with the hope of imprisoning me.”
“What makes you think that?” Haven asked, forcing herself to speak.
Adam must have mistaken the grimace on her face for confusion. “Iain suggested we meet at an address in Harlem. He said it was neutral ground. I sent one of my men to do some reconnaissance. It was a storefront on a block slated for demolition. There wasn't much to see at the location in question, but my man discovered an abandoned bank vault in the basement of the building next door. I suspect that's where I might have found myself had I agreed to the meeting.”
Adam paused to study Haven's response, and she prayed he would misread her horror. She now knew what Iain had been trying to accomplish. Phoebe had told them both where the Horae planned to confine the magos. Iain had substituted himself as bait. Had he believed he could lock Adam away on his own? Or had Iain planned to sacrifice himself just to prove that Adam was evil? Whatever the case, it was pure insanity.
“I doubt the vault was Iain's idea,” Adam continued. “The modus operandi leads me to believe that he's been in touch with a group called the Horae. Have you heard of them?”
“No,” Haven lied, hoping Adam didn't know more than he was letting on. “Who are they?”
“You might say they're my enemies. The Horae devote themselves to hindering my work. Once or twice a millenium they convince some gullible soul to assist them with their schemes. They spin a tragic story about how they were once sisters who met a terrible end because of something I did.”
“The story isn't true?” Haven asked, her mind reeling. She had come so close to being that gullible soul.
“It could be. As you know, I've unleashed horrible things on the world. But in this case the accusations against me are false. The Horae were never innocent girls.”
“What are they?”
“The world is full of forces that humans don't understand, Haven. I bring chaos. The Horae do their best to restore order. There are others at work, as well. We aren't the only ones.”
“I don't understand.”
“It's much like the weather,” Adam explained. “Most people think of the weather as sun or rain. Heat or cold. But there are countless invisible forces forever battling to bring about one or the other. The battle itself is the most important part. It can't be allowed to end. If one force ever prevailed, there would be drought. If another won, the whole world would wash away.”

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