All the Wrong Reasons (2 page)

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Authors: J. L. Paul

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: All the Wrong Reasons
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But, as Morgan was far more conservative than Bailey, I didn’t think it would be that bad…

“I’m in,” Bailey said with a shrug. I’d only known her a short time but I could tell that she was already planning to hook up with some guy for the night. She glanced at me and my heart jumped – I thought she’d read my mind. “You in, Irelyn?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to bow out but I really wanted to fit in here. I wanted to make friends, do well in my classes, and start my life. Besides, what would it hurt? I didn’t have to drink and it wasn’t like I was going to guy hunt. I smiled, suddenly eager. “Yeah, sure. I’m not going to see Dustin this weekend, anyway.”



I nearly changed my mind when we pulled up to the bar Friday night. The place was packed and the girls had dressed me in a short, tight skirt and a shirt that dipped far too low in my opinion. Definitely not my usual apparel.

Taking a deep breath, I tossed my blonde hair over my shoulders. I was determined to have fun and maybe have a funny story to tell Dustin when I called him Saturday.

“Let’s go,” Morgan said eagerly as she took my hand.

Rolling her eyes, Bailey strolled casually behind us. “Morgan, quit acting like a virgin looking to get laid and just relax. The band doesn’t go on for twenty minutes yet.”

In the pale light, I could see color touch Morgan’s cheeks but the smile never left her face. I was a little surprised because she struck me as more like my type – quiet, studious, and not much of a party person.

The bar was larger inside than it appeared on the outside. A bar stretched across the back, dirty-mirrored wall. Every stool was full and three harried waitresses scurried among the thirty or so square tables, delivering drinks and collecting tips.

A stage was positioned opposite the bar and a drum kit already sat waiting, along with two microphone stands and a couple of guitars. I didn’t see any band members anywhere though I was probably looking for someone with long hair wearing spandex - my mother's type of band members. I wasn’t really sure what people who played in bands looked like these days – even guys who were only known in my little corner of the world.

“There’s a table!” Morgan shouted above the din as she dragged me to the corner of the stage. Empty bottles and overflowing ashtrays covered the top but the chairs were empty so we snagged them.

A waitress floated over to clear the mess with a meager smile. Bailey ordered a whiskey and soda while Morgan and I just ordered soda. Bailey gave us one of her fabulous eye rolls before informing us that we would be drinking something with a little more kick by the end of the night. I hesitated to tell her that the hardest drink I’d ever had was a little red wine with dinner at my grandparents’ house. The look on Morgan’s face told me that she was in the same boat.

I didn’t dwell on the drink situation because the house lights flickered on and off as three guys jumped on the stage. The bar patrons went wild and I straightened, ready to see what the fuss was all about.

Once the spotlight hit the lead singer, my breath left me in one noisy whoosh. Luckily, the music so loud that no one noticed. I finished my soda as my eyes drank in the lean form strumming his fingers manically over the guitar strings and singing with his mouth provocatively close to the microphone.

He wasn’t as tall as Dustin in my estimation but he was thinner. He’d ripped the sleeves off his black t-shirt to reveal a decent muscular build. His hair was sandy brown and gelled in a messy fashion while his eyes reflected the spotlight – their color still unknown to me.

He definitely wasn’t as clean-cut handsome as Dustin but something about him attracted me like bees to honey and all those other cheesy sayings. I closed my eyes as I listened to his voice, imagining being wrapped in his arms on some lumpy mattress in a smoky hotel room.

I sighed, opening my eyes, my cheeks burning. My greatest ambition was to be a writer and I often found myself letting my imagination run away in situations like this. But this man singing was the epitome of any leading man I’d ever conjured.

By the time the band started their second set, I was on my second vodka and cranberry juice, compliments of Bailey. And it wasn’t too bad. It at least helped me relax so I could enjoy the music.

My pulse shot through my veins when the band started a ballad and the lead singer’s eyes met mine. His lips curled in a sardonic smile as his gaze remained fixed on mine. My heart thumped in my throat and I couldn’t move. I understood immediately how a rabbit felt when it hopped innocently into the path of a rattlesnake.

Giving a low chuckle, Bailey rested her arm on the back of my chair. She leaned in close to me to whisper in my ear. “I think Lucas likes you.”

“Huh?” I asked, still mesmerized by the man on the stage.

Laughing, she shook my shoulders. “Lucas, the lead singer,” she said a little louder. I snapped my head in her direction as my jaw fell. She stuck her index finger under my chin and closed my mouth. “You’ll catch flies.”

“What are you talking about?” I managed to utter.

She laughed again, her dark eyes filled with amusement. She nodded at the stage and I chanced a quick look over my shoulder but the lead singer’s eyes were darting throughout the crowd. “His name is Lucas and he can’t stop looking at you.”

“But…but…” I stammered. “I have a boyfriend.” I winced as I heard the stupid words fall out of my mouth. The lead singer, er, Lucas, wouldn’t know about Dustin. An electric thrill zipped through my body. Maybe it was the alcohol. “What should I do?”

“Smile at him,” she said with a lift of her shoulder. She leaned back confidently in her chair and lowered her lids. “And not an idiotic smile.”

I nodded, slightly doubtful. It wasn’t cheating, right? Just flirting. I tossed back the remainder of my drink and motioned for the waitress to bring us all another round. My heart was free and I was feeling adventurous. I wanted to be able to giggle and laugh with my friends on Monday as we relived the weekend together.

The band ended their performance to raucous applause and Bailey nudged me annoyingly. “Go say hi,” she said.

With Dutch courage, I scooted my chair back clumsily and made my way through the hordes of fans anxious to congratulate the band on a great performance. By the time I reached the stage, the guys were gone. Heaving a sigh, I perched on the edge, dejected. I glanced at our table, blinking rapidly, trying to focus, and found a small group of brave guys congregating around Bailey and Morgan. Sighing again, I was considering either grabbing a cab or getting another drink when someone sat beside me, offering a glass.

“Cranberry and vodka,” he said with a hint of an accent. “That’s what Marissa said you were drinking.”

I looked into the soulful brown eyes of Lucas, the lead singer. I smiled, hoping it wasn’t idiotic, and accepted the drink. “Thanks. Um, Marissa, whoever she is, was right.”

He smiled and I immediately fell in love with his mouth. His teeth were perfectly straight and amazingly white while his eyes crinkled in the corners with the weight of his smile. “I’m Lucas, by the way. Lucas Newton.”

“Um, Irelyn Colby,” I said and sipped my drink. “You guys are really good.”

“Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the show.”

I inched closer, not able to help myself. His grin widened as he planted a palm on the stage right behind me. He inclined his head closer and his beer breath tickled my ear. “It’s sort of stuffy in here – want to go grab some air?”

“Yeah,” I said a little too quickly. “Sure.”

He plucked the drink from my hand, set it on the stage, and laced his fingers through mine. He helped me up and led me through a narrow hall and into an alley. The air had a bit of a bite to it making me shiver. He pushed me against the brick building and rubbed my arms, trying to create a little friction. I could have told him that his touch was enough to heat my insides but I was enjoying his hands on my body far more than I should.

“Better?” he asked with raised brow. Before I could nod, his lips were on mine. I clutched his t-shirt, wrinkling it in my fists, as I returned his kiss. When his tongue traced my bottom lip, I groaned as my knees buckled. He grabbed my hips and pulled me to his body. My hands climbed his chest and laced behind his head. I couldn’t believe this was happening but I didn’t want it to stop. Never had so much passion raced through my body – even when Dustin and I let things get out of hand.

“Want to take this inside?” he asked as he dragged his lips from mine and trailed them along my jaw. I lifted my neck so he could reach my throat.

“Yes,” I gasped.

“If you’re sure,” he mumbled. He edged back and his glossy eyes bored into mine.

I already missed his touch. “I’m sure.”

His lips returned to my neck. I could feel his smile on my skin as he steered my body up a set of metal stairs. I held tightly to his shoulders so I wouldn’t fall, clinging to his body as he dug a key out of his jeans pocket to unlock a door.

I barely registered where we were as he backed me into another room. I fell on a mattress and yanked him on top of me. I felt like an animal that had escaped from a lifelong imprisonment as he resumed his frantic kisses. The heat from his body was scorching and I happily helped him remove my clothes.

As heated as our kisses had been, I expected the sex to be the same way. But it wasn’t. Lucas slowed his pace and left not one inch of my body unexplored. When he finally took me, every nerve in my body was on edge and aching for him.

Afterwards, he dropped beside me, his chest heaving. I was having the same struggles with my breath – and with my guilt. What had I done?



Chapter 2

Rolling to his side, Lucas traced my lips tenderly with his index finger. I closed my eyes, my traitorous body responding to his touch. I needed to move away and dress and escape. I needed to run home and hide under the blankets of my bed and not come out until my mother forced me. I needed to figure out what I was going to tell Dustin. I needed to figure out what I was going to tell myself.

“You okay, love?” he asked as he yanked the blanket out from under me to cover both our bodies.

“Yeah,” I whispered. “Fine.”

Inching closer, he rested his head next to mine. He fumbled for my hand, lacing our fingers on top of my stomach. “Stay with me tonight. I’ll drive you home in the morning.”

“I can’t…I shouldn’t,” I tried to object.

He dragged his lips across the side of my neck and I shuddered. “Stay, Irelyn. You know you want to.”

I did. I wanted to stay more than anything else at that moment. And if I did, I could prolong this amazingly ridiculous situation in which I’d suddenly plunged. Why not prolong the agony? Or rather, the pleasure. No need to have to face reality until the ugly rays of day smacked me in the face.

“Um, do you live here?” I asked stupidly.

When he chuckled, his breath blew my hair and tickled my ear. “No. This is Spencer’s place. I have a key. But don’t worry – this is the spare room.”

My eyes popped open and I nearly bolted upright. “Is he here? Is he coming home?”

Laughing, he released my hand to trail his fingers up my body and to my face. He stroked my cheek. “Spencer will crash at my place tonight.”

“Um, who’s Spencer?”

“The other guitarist who happens to be my cousin. Collin, the drummer, is my brother.” He propped his head with his hand, smiling at me. I melted. “My twin. Fraternal.”

“Oh, that’s um cool.” I cursed my utterly stupid, idiotic mouth. My first one-night stand and the only pillow talk I could come up with is ‘that’s cool’?

“Where do you live? So I know where to take you in the morning,” he asked.

“Dunne-Browling. The dorms.”

“Ah, a college student,” he said as he dropped his head next to mine. “How come I haven’t seen you at Rusty’s before?”

“First time,” I said. My head grew groggy and my eyelids heavy. The tender caress of his fingers on my skin lulled me into a drowsy state.

“Sleep, love,” he whispered as he kissed the skin under my ear.



I came to before the sun and eased out of Lucas’s grasp. Snorting in his sleep, he rolled to his back. I froze, afraid he’d wake, but he didn’t.

I slipped off the bed to gather my clothes. I hurriedly dressed, grabbed my bag, and jumped as something thumped to the floor. I watched Lucas carefully but he didn’t budge. Once I was sure he was still out, I tiptoed out of the room and stumbled through the dark apartment until I found the front door.

I pounded down the metal stairs to flee through the alley, the cool, early morning air nipping at my arms. As I reached the sidewalk, I rifled through my bag for my phone. Panic seized me when I couldn’t find it and I glanced toward the alley.

“It must have fallen out of my bag,” I groaned. I rubbed my forehead as I looked left and right. Finding a corner diner, I crossed the street. I went inside, ordered a coffee, and asked for a public phone. The waitress directed me to the hall where a payphone was perched between the bathrooms. I called Bailey’s cell hoping she was in the dorm and not with a guy.

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