All That Remains (22 page)

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Authors: Michele G Miller,Samantha Eaton-Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Teen & Young Adult, #Love & Romance, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: All That Remains
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“And this is what you call a win-Jules-back date?” she points out sarcastically.

“No, Buffy, you said I’ve already won you. This is a take care of my girl date.”



* * *


They spend the morning jogging and then competing with each other on the circuit equipment at a local park. West pushes her to be better and faster with every snarky comment he makes and Jules rises to the challenge. When they’re wiped out physically they head to the lake an hour away, eat street tacos from a food truck, and lay on the shore all afternoon. They agree, for today, to talk about good things. West tells her about football, his plans to start for A&M next year, and about Mindy and Carson’s New Year’s Eve wedding.

“So, I’m asking you now. What are you doing New Year’s Eve?”

She scrunches her face, trying to look thoughtful as she playfully responds, “Hmmm, let’s see. This is the 4th of October sooo, we have roughly three months and I don’t usually plan -” Her rambling is interrupted by West grabbing her waist and tickling her.

“Gah!” She laughs and falls back on the blanket they’re using.

West rolls over her and continues to dig his hand into the curve of her hip, right where she is most tender while he asks again, “What are you doing for New Year’s Eve, Buffy?”

She bucks at him trying to fight him off, but he is too strong for her and all too soon she is giving in.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to a wedding with you,” she cries, her breath coming in gasps as his tickle assault continues. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

“Are you sure?” He asks slowly, his eyes narrowing, his lips fighting against the pull to smile.

“Positive.” His hands still and she takes a deep breath, looking at his face above hers. “You can have all of my days, West. As long as you want them.”

West’s brown eyes soften and he lowers his face inches from hers. ”How about forever?”

“You can have it.”

“Good answer,” he whispers into her mouth as their lips touch.


* * *


“One twelve hour day a week isn’t nearly enough time with you,” Jules complains as she’s talking to West two weeks later.

She’s only been able to see him once in two weeks due to an away game this past Saturday that kept him out of town until late. Tomorrow’s game is away as well, meaning they will have one more day to be miserable. As much as they both wanted to sneak in a visit or two during the week, they’d had midterms to study for. So they kept to the plan he’d offered and spent last Sunday together all day, just as the one before and just like they plan to do this weekend.

“I know, Buff. A few more weeks and then I’m all yours. All the time.”

Jules can hear the exhaustion in his voice. He’s been working three times as hard as he was before, trying to prove to the coaches at A&M he’s ready.

“All the time, huh? You mean until spring camp and then summer camp.”

“Would you want me to quit?” he asks out of the blue.

“No! How could you even think that?” she jumps at him immediately. “West, don’t you dare ever quit football again! You love it.”

“I do, but I -”

“Nope! Don’t even say it. I would never ask that of you. Football is part of who you are and I love it.”

He doesn’t answer and she listens, hearing his deep even breathing. “West?” she asks. “West!” she says a little louder and he grunts.

“Hmmm? Oh, babe, I’m sorry. I need to get to sleep. This week has been killer and the bus ride was crap.”

“Nooo, I’m sorry. I should have let you go a long time ago. Get some sleep, Number Twelve. I’ll be checking in for updates, so you better bring your A game. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Night, gorgeous.”

They hang up and Jules falls to her bed thinking of Sunday morning when West will show up at her door with some sort of amazing surprise date for her. She can’t wait to see him. Sunday’s have become the best day of the week.





There is nothing more appealing to West than the sight of Jules when she is laughing. He is standing in the large backyard of the Sigma fraternity house watching Jules as she plays volleyball with her friends, Jeff, and several others. He can’t help but smile. Two weeks ago he’d been trying to force himself to let her go and now here they are. It’s one a.m., he’s wiped out from a hard played game and a long, hot bus ride home, and yet here is he at a frat party because he couldn’t stand not seeing her for another seven hours.

“You’re so whipped,” he mumbles to himself, shaking his head and heading towards the court.

He navigates the groups of party goers with expert ease, dodging the groups he’s sure will try to stop and talk to him and giving others brief waves and nods. His internal GPS is set to Jules and nothing will detour him from that course. When the game is between serves, he sneaks to the back side of the pit, holding his hand up to wave off anyone from giving him away as he rushes Jules. Grabbing her by the waist, West picks her up and swings her around as she squeals.

“Room for one more?” he asks, laughing as Jules recognizes him.


Jules spins, jumping up and into his arms the moment he places her bare feet in the sand; her sand-covered hands grasp his neck and pull his lips to hers.

“We’re in the middle of a game, Romeo. Take your girl off the court.”

Recognizing Jeff’s voice, West lifts his hand and flips his best friend off as he tightens his grip on Jules to move them out of the way.

“Mmm, no,” Jules finally moans breaking their kiss. “We’re in the middle of a match. Play with us,” she invites as he sets her down for the second time.

“No couples on a team!” Katie calls from across the net.

West smiles at Jules and looks around at the others playing. It’s a mix of football players, frat boys, Jess, Katie, and a few other girls he doesn’t know who stare back at him curiously.

“Do you mind?” he asks nobody in particular.

“Come on, Rutledge, get over here so we can finish kicking their ass.”

“Oh? So I’m going over to the winning team then? Cool,” he teases, winking at Jules as he ducks under the net and puts himself opposite of her spot.

“Not for long, Spike.”

He chuckles at her game face and gives her back a good gamely ribbing. “Yeah, babe. All five foot four inches of you at the net totally intimidates me.”

“Game on, Twelve.”

The ball is served from behind his head, flying across the net where a tall blonde sets it for Jeff who jumps and tries to use his power to spike it. Unfortunately for him, West is there to jump up and block his aim.

“Denied!” he taunts as the ball deflects to the sand and West’s team wins a point.

West’s team rotates and Katie is up to serve. The ball barely makes it over the net where Jess is stationed.

“Gah!” she yells as she brings her hands up to volley, missing the ball completely causing a shirtless frat boy to dive into the sand at her feet. He catches the ball before it hits the sand, sending it flying backwards and straight into Jeff who is ready and waiting for it.

“Jules!” he shouts as he hits it up lightly in her direction and West grins as he watches Jules move.

Her tan legs spring from the ground, and her long arm shoots forward, the slap of her palm making contact with the ball ringing out. The volleyball slices through the air and
knocks West right in the head before he even thinks to move. The move causes his team to groan and Jules’ team to laugh and high-five.

Jules gasps, covering her mouth, but not before he sees a smile.

“You all right there, QB?” asks Scott, a tight end for A&M, as he picks the ball up and tosses it to Jules’ side.

Jules mouths ‘sorry’ while he shakes the sand from his face and nods ruefully. “Yeah, just got distracted by a sexy little number, won’t happen again. Sorry, guys.”

The game goes on, West’s team is clearly the more superior team with more ballplayers on their side. For the most part, the game is a contest between the guys to serve aces or spike the ball. The girls, on the other hand, tend to shuffle in the sand; set the ball; or, in the case of Jess, scream when it flies at them. Jules impresses him, though. Each time she’s in position she sets, spikes, or volleys perfectly. Her serves are strong and she never cowers when going for a play. He’s had to restrain himself twice as he’s watched her throw herself to the ground to save a point. When Jeff knocks her to her knees hard as they both go for the ball he finally breaks.

“Dude, save it for the NFL!” West yells, ducking under the net and pushing Jeff aside as he tries to help Jules up.

“Chill out -” Jeff replies, throwing his hands up and taking a step back.

“Chill out? You want my ass to plow into Katie and see how you feel?”

“West!” Jules snaps.

She’s helping herself up since he was too busy arguing with Jeff to actually offer her a hand. Her face is red and angry. Very, very angry. Brushing the sand from her legs, she pushes at West’s chest with a grunt.

“Get on your side.”

A smile breaks on his face at her feisty attitude and he moves to argue back at her, but thinks better of it when she narrows her eyes at him. Grateful the rest of the players are cutting up with each other and paying little attention to the skirmish, he moves back to his side of the net. Jeff taps Jules’ hip and West watches her turn, her brows raised as Jeff speaks a few low words to her. She nods with a smile, turning back to the game.

Three more points are scored for his team with little fuss and the match is won.

“Drinks on JP!” one of the veteran players calls out as they high-five each other and make their way to the large bar set up under a newly constructed pavilion on the property.

West stops Jeff before he leaves the court. “Hey, I shouldn’t have jumped on you. Sorry, man.”

“She’s tough, bro. It’s all good.”


* * *


West hangs back as Jules talks with two girls from her team and waits for them to leave before he approaches her. She hasn’t looked his way since she snapped at him and, while her anger is adorable, he doesn’t want to fight. He’s tired, more so after playing half a volleyball match, and wants to bring her to the nearest empty bed, snuggle up, and sleep.

“Hey, tiger. Quite a performance there. Sure you don’t want to go out for the team?” he teases, hoping to bring back her smile. He’s rewarded with an icy glare. “Okay… clearly you’re not amused.”

She looks about, stepping into the grass and brushing her feet off to slip on her flip-flops. He follows her closely, causing her to bump into his chest when she turns back to him. His hands grasp at her wrists as she sighs heavily and steps back looking up at him.

you think I’m made of porcelain.”

, I worry about you too much. I’m sorry; I was a prick to Jeff. I apologized.”

“And to me?” she asks pointedly.

“Baby -” he looks down at her with his hands pulling her wrists into his chest. She shakes her head as a small grin appears.

“Oh no you don’t, West Rutledge. You do not get to ‘baby’ me. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you going all caveman on me because a friend bumps into me. Your best friend, I might add.”

“I know.”

“I’m not made of glass and I can take care of myself, you know. I’ve grown a lot. I’m not the -”

She rambles and West swoops down, stopping her words with his mouth. He doesn’t linger or try to kiss her deeply; he presses one hard, long kiss to her firm lips and then pulls away. She’s still glaring at him, but the angry bluster is gone and he gives her a little smile before speaking again.

“Jules, it is two in the morning, I’m worn out and I do not want to stand here fighting with you, baby.”

“Oh my gosh. I sound like such a shrew. I’m sorry.” Jules pouts, propping her chin on his chest and looking up with her big puppy dog eyes. “You came to surprise me and I sound so ungrateful.”

She rubs her cheek against his shirt and allows him to move her arms around his back before he lets go and hugs her with his own. Glancing around, she sees that the majority of the party has moved to the pavilion now. There are a few groups sitting around in chairs and a small group of guys shooting hoops, but for the most part they are alone where they stand.

“God, I missed you. I’m so glad you came.”

“I was kinda banking on you letting me stay with you tonight. I’d never make it home.” Uncertainty flicks across her face when he mentions staying the night and he quickly amends his statement. “I can stay with Jeff, it’s fine.”

“No. I don’t, that is… I want you to stay with me, it’s just that -” she stops and he chuckles.

“Buff, I’m talking sleep. That’s it. Remember we are taking this slow. I wouldn’t have the energy anyway.”

She giggles, “Really?”

“Hell no, not really! Do you know how hard it was for me to not jump across that net and drag you into a dark corner? Every time you went for that ball, you were sexy as hell. I’m amazed you only nailed me once,” he complains, and Jules laughs again, the sound music to his ears. “My point is, I want you, but we aren’t ready for that. We’re doing everything right this time.”

“Let’s put you to bed, Number Twelve. You look ready to fall.”

West agrees whole heartedly, letting her go and rubbing his sore neck muscles as his body starts to protest from the few hard hits he took today on the field.

“I’m so excited. I get all these extra hours with you.” Jules smiles as they start for the front of the house. “Oh! Let me run and tell Katie, though. Maybe she could bunk with the girls or Jeff.”

“No worries, babe. I already cleared things. She’s staying with Jeff tonight.”

Her face scrunches up, one smooth and perfectly arched brow lifting. “You totally planned this out, huh?”

“Maybe.” He shrugs. “It was an eight hour bus ride, I had a lot of time to think about you and how much I miss you during the week.” He tugs her back into his arms lightly and hovers near her ear. “I spent a lot of time thinking about kissing you for hours and hours, and hearing your little gasps when I touch this spot right here,” he teases, lightly touching the sensitive spot under her ear with his tongue.

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