All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy (14 page)

Read All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: All of Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy
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“Good girl, see we’re getting along much better now we understand each other,” he says, winking at me.

Eww. Satan's spawn winked at me! That's just nasty. I almost regurgitate at the sight. He steps back from me and slowly backs away, walking out of the kitchen.


By the end of the workday, I’m drained. The therapy session, the argument with Aiden about James sending me those stupid flowers, and Alistair’s taunts, along with being physically exhausted from staying up all night making love with Aiden, I feel like I could sleep for a week.

“Ready?” Aiden asks, pulling me from my thoughts of sleep.

I nod and he takes my hand.

“See ya, Bree,” Aiden calls out.

“I’ll see you tonight. Mom invited me, Adam, Blair and Benjamin; apparently she has something to tell us?”

I look up at Aiden as I wonder what she would have to tell us. He raises an eyebrow and a frown appears on his face.

“We’ll see you there,” he says.

Bree nods, turns off her computer, and walks with us to the elevator; we seem to have a habit of leaving without Alistair these days, much to my delight.

After Mike pulls out of the parking garage, Aiden wraps his arm around me and nuzzles his face into my hair.

“Jeni?” Aiden asks quietly. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah fine, why?” I ask, trying to sound upbeat rather than sounding as deflated and depressed that I feel.

“Jeni, look at me,” he says softly.

I gulp. I know he suspects something is wrong, and it scares me to think that he might figure it all out.

“I’m comfy right here where I belong,” I say.

“Jeni, look at me,” he says, pulling my face up.

My eyes dart around, looking everywhere but into his.

“Jeni, what’s going on with your eyes?” he asks, obviously noticing they are tired and bloodshot.

Oh crap, I better think of something quick…

“Oh, my allergies are really acting up today.”

He stares at me, deep in thought; his brows are creased and his lips are in a thin line.

“And that’s all that’s wrong?” he asks.

I smile to reassure him while leaning up to kiss his lips.

“I’m fine. You know I’d tell you if something was wrong.”

He lets me snuggle back into him. I feel bad for omitting the truth, and I’m sure I will be serving a lengthy sentence in hell for lying to him so much when he’s only trying to take care of me.

Once we've thanked Mike and are at the front door, I fumble around for my keys, yawning—again.

Aiden chuckles.

“Tired are we?”

“Yep, had a busy day, hectic morning and a crazy fiancé who kept me up all night fornicating.”

“So we’re fornicating, not making love anymore?” he asks with a smirk.

“Potato, potata,” I say to him making him laugh again.

When I finally find the key and open the door, we're greeted with the heavenly smell of homemade bread. We make our way to the kitchen and see that Chris has a pot of soup on the stove and a fresh baked loaf of bread cooling on the counter.

“That smells really good,” Aiden says, holding me from behind, wrapping his arms around my stomach, and resting his head on my shoulder.

“Thanks man,” Chris says. “You guys home for dinner?”

“No, we’re going to Callie’s for dinner. She has something to tell us apparently,” I say.

Chris raises his eyebrows.

“Oh, you know what that means,” he says with a smirk.

“I’ll bite, what does it mean?” Aiden asks.

“She’s up the duff, knocked up, with child, has a bun in the oven, preggers, in the…”

“Right, uh-huh that’s enough. She’s not pregnant, you
,” Aiden interrupts.

“You should’ve seen your face though. Classic,” Chris says.

“Maybe she’s not pregnant. Maybe she’s becoming a madam at a brothel,” Chris says.

Aiden lets go of me, grabs an apple from the fruit basket and hurls it at Chris. Luckily, Chris catches it and he laughs hysterically.

“I’m waiting for the ‘yo mama’ jokes now,” Aiden says.

Chris’ face lights up.

“Oh I got one for ya. Yo mama is so skinny that instead of calling her your parent, you call her transparent,” Chris says, laughing at his own joke. Aiden and I are laughing so hard, tears are rolling down our faces.

The second we get to our room, I plonk myself onto the bed and rest my head on the pillow.

“Baby, if you’re tired, I can tell Mom we’re not coming,” he says with a softened voice.

“No, we have to go. She wants to tell us something that’s obviously important to her. We can have dinner and then leave early, if that’s alright with you?”

He sits on the edge of the bed next to me, leans down, and kisses my cheek.

“I’m fine with that.”

Aiden stands up and gets changed into a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He grabs my yellow summer dress with the brown belt for me to wear. I sigh and slowly get up off the bed to get dressed.

“Are you sure you want to go tonight? I’m sure Mom won’t mind if we cancel.”

“Aiden, we’re going,” I snap at him in frustration.

“Okay, sorry,” he says, looking at me raising his eyebrow. Now I feel bad. My tiredness is making me cranky, and I should know better than to take it out on Aiden who’s only trying to do the right thing by me. I’m such a bitch.

“I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m sorry. Your mom obviously wants us there for a reason, so we should go. I'll be okay. I’ll drink a Coke on the way over to wake me up.”

“If you start to fall asleep at Mom’s, I’m taking you home right away, no arguments.”

“Sure, you won’t get an argument from me on that,” I say, throwing on my yellow sundress.

I inhale, close my eyes and exhale, mentally preparing myself by saying in my head that I can do this, it’s just an apartment and
won’t be there. I open the car door and exit.

My heart is pounding as we walk to the elevator, even though I know we’re not going up to
apartment, I can’t help the memories that flood back each time I’m here. I hold Aiden’s hand tightly, and we enter the elevator and ride it to Callie’s floor.

Aiden knocks on the door and a few seconds later Blair opens it.

“Hey, hey big bro and sis-in-law. What’s the goss?”

Aiden shakes his head. “No goss from us, little bro. It’s the same old, same old,” Aiden says.

We walk in and everyone is already here, including Mike.

Mike seems nervous for some reason. His eyes are darting all around the room and he keeps straightening out his shirt and pants. I ignore it and make my way to the sofa and sit down next to Callie.

“Hi, Jeni darling, how are you?” Callie asks kindly.

“I’m good thanks, how are you?”

“Are you alright? You look like you’ve been crying? Aiden what did you do?”

“No, he didn’t do anything. I had a busy day today, and I didn’t sleep well last night so I’m just really tired,” I say, glancing at Aiden who is smirking widely, obviously remembering our sexy session.

“You poor thing,” Callie says, patting my knee.

“I’m fine,” I say to everyone.

Callie gets up and walks to the kitchen.

“How’s life working for Blair?” Aiden asks Benjamin who raises his eyebrows and purses his lips in response making us chuckle.

“Hey, you love working with me,” Blair says, making kissy faces to Benjamin.

“Yeah, it’s all good. I’m really enjoying it. Plus getting to spend each and every day with the person I love is pretty awesome,” Benjamin says, making Blair smile.

“I know what you mean,” Aiden says, sitting on the sofa next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him.

“Mom, how come we're here?” Blair calls out to Callie who is in the kitchen with Mike.

“I'll be there in just a second. Can everyone take a seat, please?” Callie asks.

Aiden and I plop down on the sofa. Everyone's expressions are a mixture of confusion and worry.

As Callie and Mike enter the living room, we all turn to face them. Poor Mike looks like he wants to escape. He's rubbing the back of his neck and hasn't made eye contact with any of us. I'm jumping up and down on the inside because I think—and hope—I know what the news is.

Callie grabs Mike's hand and they round the sofa, stopping in front of us—squee!—still holding hands.

She looks at Mike who glances at us; his face is pale and sweaty.

“I have some news I would like to share with you,” Callie says.

Mike turns paler and his breathing is shallow. Callie takes his hand, and he smiles as they stand holding hands in front of us.

“Mike and I are… seeing each other,” she says, glowing with happiness.

Mike cautiously awaits Aiden’s response.

“That’s wonderful news, Mom,” I say. The first to speak and congratulate them, I stand up and hug them both. Mike’s eyes are still diverted towards Aiden. He’s desperately seeking the blessing from his friend.

Brielle stands up and hugs them both. “Welcome to the family officially, Mike.”

Mike's posture is completely rigid as he watches Aiden, waiting for his reaction. While Blair and Benjamin congratulate them, Aiden's blank face is driving me crazy—he's not giving anything away—I'm not sure if he’s happy or angry. Callie glares at Aiden who eventually stands up and walks over to them.

“Mike, I’ve spent all of my life with you in it. I trust you with everything, but I never thought for one moment that you’d end up with my mother,” Aiden says emotionless. “I’ve always had the utmost respect for you. So welcome to the family, officially. Oh and I think you’d better start calling me Aiden,” he says, putting out his hand to shake. Mike smiles widely and then pulls Aiden in for an embrace.

“If you hurt her, I’ll fire you and punch you in the face. Understand?” Aiden says into Mike’s ear jokingly.

“Aiden,” Callie berates, making us laugh.

“Sorry, Mom. Mike, look after her, she deserves someone special in her life. If I could choose who my mom dates, it would definitely be you,” Aiden says, letting Mike go.

Mike takes a relieved sigh and starts to relax.

“Congratulations Mom,” Aiden says hugging his Mother.

“Now, I prefer it if you would please refrain from talking to your Father about this. I think it’s only fair that he should hear it directly from me,” she says.

Mike raises Callie’s hand and kisses it tenderly. Aiden wraps his arm around my shoulders again kissing me atop my head.

“See, Mike, it wasn’t that bad, was it?” Callie asks as they walk hand in hand to the kitchen. Everyone follows the happy couple to the kitchen and we all take a seat at the dining room table. While Callie puts a mixed salad, spaghetti, and a loaf of garlic bread on the table, Mike watches her every move with yearning. When she passes by him, I catch him licking his lips—like he wants to devour her. After he comes out of his Callie haze, he looks at me. I give him a goofy grin, letting him know I totally caught him. He grins back at me with flushed cheeks. I'm so glad that they've finally admitted their feelings for each other. Callie deserves happiness after being married to Satan's spawn for the last thirty-seven years.

We're the first to leave after dinner. Although I love spending time with his family—excluding Alistair, of course—I can't wait to get home. Aiden opens the door for me and helps me buckle my seatbelt. The last thing I remember is hearing Aiden start the car.


After a relaxing weekend, I get up on Monday feeling much better. I get dressed in a black skirt and a blue top. I pull out a black suit, blue shirt, and matching blue tie for Aiden and place them on the bed.

“Matching outfits huh?” he asks, smirking and raising an eyebrow at me.

“Yup,” I say, feeling good for the first time in a few days.

The second we sneak out of the house and join Mike by the car, my day turns to shit. When Mike opens my door, my shoe slips as I step into the car. I stumble, twisting my ankle slightly, which causes me to bump my head on the top of the car.

“Ouch,” I say, gathering myself.

baby, did you hurt yourself?” Aiden asks as he slides in effortlessly. I start to rub my head.

“I hit my head and my ankle is a little sore, too,” I say while he shuts the door.

Tapping his thigh he says, “Put your feet up here.”

I pull my legs up and rest them on his lap.

“Which one is sore?”

“This one.” I raise my leg; he takes my ankle in his hands and massages it all the way to work. He holds my leg and kisses my ankle before I take it away from him and put them to the floor of the car. I put my shoes back on and very carefully get out of the car after Aiden. My ankle still twinges a little but it’s safe to walk on. Aiden holds my arm and helps me walk even though I’m not limping too badly, but I let him take care of me. It makes him feel good to help me, and I love him for it.

We proceed to the office where Brielle is sitting talking to Alistair. I look at Alistair and sigh. Aiden walks me to my desk.

“Good morning, everyone,” Aiden says, and helps me to sit down.

“What happened?” Brielle asks.

“Nothing I’m fine,” I say honestly.

“She twisted her ankle getting in the car and bumped her head. Can you watch her today please, Bree, and help her if she needs it?” Aiden asks.

Bree nods her head, reassuring Aiden that she will look out for me.

“Bree, Aiden's just being overprotective. I have a little headache and my ankle hurts, but I can walk on my own. I’m fine.”

“Bree,” Aiden says sternly.

“Yep, I’ll take care of her, big bro, don’t worry,” she says.

I shake my head and give in, and Aiden walks to his office.

“If you’re injured, go home. We don’t need you here whining and complaining all day about your stupid ankle. If you have a headache, you won’t be concentrating on your work, and I need people here who are dedicated,” Alistair says to me.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I say sarcastically.

Alistair huffs and walks to his office. I roll my eyes behind his back when he closes the door.

I turn back to my computer and there’s an email waiting for me from Callie.

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