All of me (6 page)

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Authors: S Michaels

BOOK: All of me
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‘Oh yes, that’s it,’ he is murmuring his
tongue lapping at my sex until I settle.

‘Oh my god,’ I groan, embarrassed now I
have come back to reality, that was something else.

He moves up my body and kisses me
passionately, I taste myself on him and the thought itself reawakens my body.  I
help to remove his shirt, feeling his body against mine I am confused by all
these alien feelings rushing through my body.

‘God, you have a good body,’ I groan
moving him off and climbing on top of him, he seems amused.  I unclasp his trousers,
his erection straining against the confinement of his clothes and pull them
down his legs and off.  I flush as I spot the size of his penis, shit will that

I may not have indulged in sex before,
but I had read and seen sex scenes I knew the basics, I could do this. 

I pull his underwear down slowly my eyes
marveling at the anatomy of the man before me.  I place kisses up the inside of
his thighs nibbling gently as he did to me until I reach my goal.  My heart is
thumping as I lick the length of the solid shaft and he groans.  Edged on by
his encouragement, I take the length and lick around the head sucking as a bead
of moisture appears tasting him…salty!  I place his erection in my mouth and
suck hard, ‘aahhh,’ he moans in pleasure.  I suck in until the shaft hits the
back of my throat, shit how it this going to enter me?  I suck up and down, my
hand moving up and down with my mouth as I locate a rhythm, ‘god Emily, that is
fantastic,’ he groans, ‘but I want to be inside you so you had better stop,’ he

I kiss up his body and circle his nipple
with my tongue, I reach his mouth and he smiles, reaching for my hair and
moving his hand in and around it, ‘you have good hair,’ he mumbles pulling me
down to kiss him.   

He flips me over laying on top of me his
erection pushing against me, my insides are aching once again needing a release
of some sort.

‘Condom,’ I remind him and he nods moving
off and reaching for his wallet, opening the foil packet and placing it on his
erection.  My heart is hammering in my chest, I want this but am anxious of the

‘You ok?’ he whispers his eyes finding
mine, ‘you want this?’

I nod not trusting myself to speak.  Once
again, his fingers find my moist core, ‘you are so wet for me Emily,’ he utters.
 My hips once again rise at his touch as he inserts two fingers, I moan,
pushing against him.  He bends and kisses me gently as he removes his fingers
and places his shaft at my entrance, I wrap my legs around him encouraging him
inside.  He pushes inside and I feel a brief, sharp pain.  I gasp as he stills,
‘what the fuck Emily,’ he pants and I move against him encouragingly.

‘Don’t stop,’ I demand, embarrassed by my
virginity. I circle him the pain disappearing, the need increasing, ‘Matt, move,’
I instruct and he eases out gently before pushing inside once again. ‘Seriously
Matt,’ I scold and he thrusts into me, his mouth once more over mine.  He
circles and prods as I adjust to the intrusion, I feel my insides recover and
begin to move against him, ‘hmmm I like,’ I pant against his mouth as I once
again feel my body building.  He tilts slightly and thrusts forward hitting the
ache that is within, I am gasping as his pace increases and my body explodes
once again around him, he calls out my name and stills before moving slowly in
and out, as he too reaches his release.

I am panting and gasping for breath as
Matt eases out of me and discards of the condom in the bin, close to the bed.

‘You ok?’ he tests, his voice anxious.

‘Fine,’ I pant.

‘Emily, you should have told me,’ he

‘What difference does it make?’ I fling
my arm over my eyes.

‘Well, I would have been gentler for,’ he
soothes, moving my arm and dropping a kiss down on my lips.

‘You was,’ I glance up at him.

‘How have you kept away from men, until
now, looking how you do?’ he whispers amazed.

‘I didn’t find them attractive, I had
offers,’ I defend myself.

‘I have no doubt you had offers Emily,’
he stares at me until I look away.

‘Wasn’t it good for you?’ I probe.

‘Emily, it was fantastic,’ he moves over
and pulls me into his embrace.

I wrap my arms around him, ‘want to do it
again, I hear practice makes perfect?’ I offer and he grins.


Chapter Six

It is eight o clock in the morning when
Matt finally leaves, ‘I have to go, I have a breakfast meeting at nine o clock,’
he drops a kiss down to my nose.

‘No problem, well thank you for an
amazing night,’ I mumble, not quite sure of the protocol.

‘Thank you Emily, speak to you soon?’ he
kisses me gently, pushing my hair away from my face.

‘No problem,’ I wave off his comment, ‘I
wasn’t looking for a marriage proposal Matt, it was an of the moment thing
honestly.’ I don’t want him to suddenly feel responsible for deflowering this
virgin, if it wasn’t him it would have been someone else.

He frowns, ‘all the same, I will be in
touch, fancy a gym session later?’ his car arrived a short while ago and has
been waiting outside.

‘Maybe this evening, I have chores,’ I
reply flippantly.


As I stand underneath the shower allowing
the water to cascade over my achy body, I feel alive, like a woman.  I grin as
I reach for the shower gel, well there is a surprise I love sex why didn’t I do
it years ago?

I dress in my jeans and a t-shirt and
twist my hair into a bun, as I move into the kitchen area I hear the doorbell
ring.  I trot down and open it to find Lucy on the doorstep, ‘well hello hussy,’
she calls, as she pushes past me, ‘come and tell me all.’

I stand in the middle of the room
grinning, ‘why didn’t you tell me?’

She giggles, ‘not something you can

‘Wow!’ I move to switch the kettle on,
‘it’s a wonder people go out at all.’

Lucy is giggling, sitting on the bar
stool, ‘right! Mind you what a handsome man to practice on,’ she rolls her
eyes, ‘I mean my husband is handsome, but wow Em.’

‘I know right!’ I agree.

‘So what now?’ she queries.

‘Now? Oh no, that was a onetime thing, or
three time thing depending on how you look at it.’

‘Emily Taylor, I am shocked,’ mocks Lucy,
‘well, I am glad you are happy anyway, I thought you were gay.’

‘I know you did, but seriously if I had
felt half of what I felt with Matt with anyone else, I would have! I just
really wasn’t attracted to anyone else,’ I shrug, ‘anyway how are you feeling?’

‘Fine, I have an appointment on Tuesday,
with Dr. Andrews.’

‘Do you want me to accompany you?’ I

‘Tom is taking half day, but thank you.’

‘Ok, no worries.’


I decide not to go to the gym later that
day, I didn’t want Matt to form the wrong impression of me, plus I was feeling
a little bit delicate from all the champagne I consumed.  It would feel as
though I was chasing him, if I made myself too available.  I did go on Monday
night, however, after work and enjoyed it thoroughly. I actually relished the
whole concept of working off all your energy with music blaring in your ears.

Tuesday night, I stroll over to Tom and
Lucy’s to check up on how they got on at the doctors.

‘I am going in on Thursday, and they are
going to have a proper look and laser the Endometriosis.’ Lucy relays the
consultant’s verdict.

‘Will they keep you in?’ I ask.

‘No, it’s keyhole surgery, so hopefully I
will be out Thursday night.’

‘Tom, do you need me to do anything?’ I
enquire, long gone are the days where I presume that I will be collecting or
dropping Lucy off being her only support network, these days Tom had most
things covered.

‘Actually Em, could you drop Lucy off and
I will collect her? I am in court on Thursday morning.’

‘Sure thing, I will let work know I will
be late.’ Tom also knew I preferred to be involved and where possible he would include
me into the plans, I am positive, just to make me feel valued.


Friday, I call in to work to inform them
I won’t be coming in. Lucy is sore, and sad, and I cannot help feel that it is
my responsibility to make her feel better.  Tom has departed to work leaving me
sitting with my little sister, who is sprawled out on the sofa under a duvet.

‘But they didn’t say you wouldn’t be able
to conceive?’ I recap.

‘No, but that said it was, ‘extremely
unlikely,’ that we would conceive naturally,’ she sighs, ‘the one thing I
wanted Em, my own family.’

‘There are other ways to have a family,
think of all those children we grew up with waiting to be adopted Luce.’

‘I want Tom’s babies,’ she sulks, tears
forming in her eyes.

‘What about IVF?’ I enlighten.

‘Not really an option, it is my womb that
is wrecked, not my eggs.’

‘Surrogacy?’ I announce, ‘I will have
your baby Luce, using you and Tom’s embryo, so it will still be yours.’

‘You would do that for me?’ she sniffs.

‘I would do anything for you Lucy, you
know that,’ I stroke her face, the face that has always looked to me for
guidance, my only family in the world.

‘But you have just found sex,’ her lip

‘Pffftt!  Plenty of time for that, and
believe me, I will be experimenting with it,’ I grin, ‘we will speak to Tom, we
will have to go to a clinic and pay, so obviously that bit will be down to you
and Tom.’

I am discussing it with Tom a short time
later, ‘what about your life stopping for nine months Emily?’ Tom is standing
in his kitchen regarding me.

‘What’s nine months for the sake of my
only family’s happiness? And I am including you too Tom, get them to insert
twins, two for the price of one.’ I grin.

‘You would do that for us?’ he shakes his
head, ‘I know you love Lucy Em, but this isn’t your responsibility, it is Lucy
and mine.  You cannot fix everything, you need to start living yourself.’

‘I am aware I can’t fix everything, but
this I can,’ I shrug, ‘and believe me, after this I intend to live life to the
limit so…..’

‘Yeah, Lucy said,’ he mumbles appearing

‘Bloody hell, is nothing sacred in this
family!’ I rant, as the doorbell rings.  Tom takes the opportunity to depart to
answer the door and I return to the lounge, where Lucy is still huddled beneath
a quilt.

‘You told Tom!’ I fume, ‘Jesus Lucy, what
happened to sister confidentiality?’ I frown and she giggles.

‘I had to, I was bouncing off of the
walls he wanted to know what happened,’ she grins, ‘sorry Em.’

Tom enters the lounge, accompanied by
none other than Matt, and my heart flips, ‘I didn’t know you knew Matt, Em?’
Tom announces surprise apparent on his face.

‘I didn’t know you knew Matt either, Tom,’
my eyes locate Matts and he smiles, his eyes penetrating mine, I cannot help
but grin.

‘Hey!’ he greets me, moving over to kiss
my cheek, ‘you unwell Lucy?’ Matt frowns.

‘Yeah, just a little op, women’s stuff,’
she hides further under the quilt, I think to contain her grin.

‘Oh I am sorry to hear that. Sorry to
disturb you, I was actually looking for Emily,’ his eyes return to mine.

‘That’s ok Matt, how is it you know Tom?’
she probes.

‘He looks after my legal affairs, small
world,’ he murmurs, taking my hand and pulling me gently.

‘Indeed,’ she smiles.

‘Can I steal Emily, for a bit?’ he tests.

‘Of course, good to see you again, Matt,’
Lucy smiles.

We exit the main house and pass the red
Corsa, ‘how is she doing?’ he directs his gaze to the car.

‘She is behaving well, thank you,’ my insides
are churning with apprehension.

He turns at the front door, ‘so, do you
fancy dinner?’

‘No Mr Ritchie, I fancy you!’ I reach up placing
a kiss on his lips and he pulls me into him groaning.

‘Hmmm, so what do you suggest Miss Taylor,’
he pants into my mouth as his hand moves down, pulling me into his groin by my

‘I suggest we take this inside, Mr
Ritchie,’ I gasp, as I feel his arousal at my abdomen, ‘I definitely need more

We reach the top of the stairs and Matt
approaches me from behind his hands moving up to cup my breasts, ‘the first
time I came here you had those shorts on, and they were all I could think about
for the entire journey home,’ he grumbles and my heart skips a beat at the
thought. ‘Now, I am going to take them off,’ he promises as he nips my neck, I
lean back against him moving my head to the side and he groans.

‘Do it,’ I insist.  He moves his hand
down to my shorts, undoing them, before moving his hand lower, until he is
cupping my sex.

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