All of Her Men (10 page)

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Authors: Lourdes Bernabe

BOOK: All of Her Men
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In fact as of late, it was all I thought
about. It seemed like eons ago since I felt the final cling of a soul onto its lifeless body in my arms. So long it had been since I could bask in the glory of yet another conquest. I imagined this is what a thirsting vampire might feel like if he’d gone too long without a meal. I could feel that constant ache burning a whole in his esophagus. Vampires weren’t real but I was. And my thirst? That was real too.

I was trying to avoid going out for another kil
l but the longer I restrained myself the more I yearned for it. I didn’t think I’d be able to hold out for much longer. Usually, I could control how and exactly when I went out for a kill. But there were times when emotions got the best of me. I grew crabbier and crabbier as the days went by. I got cranky if I couldn’t kill. I could always blame the bad attitude on PMS or some other female malady, but it would do little to fix the problem. There was a difference back when I believed that no one was aware of my extra curricular activities.

how deeply mistaken I was, it was as if someone had rudely pushed a pin to the little balloon that was my world. My bubble was burst. Part of the reason I enjoyed my nightly excursions was my anonymity in it all. I brought myself to a place where I was unknown to all and all was unknown to me.

Unfortunately, that was
no more. It saddened me to know that going forth from now, instead of completely immersing myself into my project, I would be thinking about the fact that someone could be, might be watching. It wasn’t for shame or fear. Not really. Exhibitionism just wasn’t my thing. Sure, exhibitionism could become a welcomed element of a kill, but more on a level that I
get caught.

How could I be sure that
Derek or any of the others wouldn’t take curiosity about what I do to another level? One in which they stalked me and tried to go along on what used to be a solitary field trip. The truth was that I couldn’t be sure. Not anymore. What was once certain was no more. The situation begged the question. How long would I be willing to sit it out and abjure my needs?

There was no way for me to know for sure. Yet, I knew for certain that I couldn’t wait forever. I couldn’t even fathom surviving such a denial of my instinct for any measurable amount of time. It would go against my very nature to deny myself even the tiniest morsel of pl
easure. I was a hedonist by the very definition of the word. I lived to enjoy the endless bounds of Earthly pleasures and to deny my source of that very pleasure would extinguish the essence of my existence.

I needed to distract myself if I planned on holding out

What better way to shift gears than to call E
ric. Ah, Eric. Of course, Eric wasn’t the man to satisfy my most basic needs but he’s always been able to fill a specific niche in my life. He was the innocent ying to my vicious yang. I could always count on him to please me the way a woman needed to be pleased. If I called him now, he could be at my apartment in twenty minutes flat. I supposed I could wait that long. Why oh why couldn’t he just magically beam himself into my bedroom and do exactly what I wanted him to do?

I dialed his name into my iphone and it rang what seemed like a hundred times, though obviously it didn’t.
Finally, he answered the phone.

“Hey babe. What’s up?”

“Hi honey. How are you?” I said.

I’m good. I’m headin’ out to play basketball at Martin’s house. We finally got a couple of guys to get a game going,” he said.

“Yeah, that doesn’t really work for me,” I said. “
I want you to come over.”

“Jolene, I haven’t played in weeks. All the guys are going over there and I really wanna play,” he pleaded.

“I know honey. But I haven’t seen you in a few days and you know how I get. I’m a woman with very special needs,” I replied. “And…in case you’ve forgotten. It’s your job to fill those needs. Otherwise, why keep you around?” I was teasing him and he knew it.

“You’re a
fucking bitch. You know that right?”

Of course I was a bitch.
I wouldn’t argue that. But this conversation was boring me with each and every additional word that either of us spoke. “Eric, if your dick isn’t at my door in 30 minutes or less, you’ll have the answer to your question.” I hung up the phone assuming he’d received the message loud and clear.

With Eric on his way over I figured it was the perfect time to take a shower.
I was in and out of the shower without much fuss and it took me only a few minutes in front of my closet to decide what to wear. I grabbed a black see-through bra and the accompanying black V-string thong.

I decided to
add a touch of simple make up to the repertoire and proceeded with the blush and lipstick. Something was off. Was I forgetting something? The apartment was so quiet. I couldn’t even hear the usual deafening rock music seeping from the next door neighbor’s apartment. I grabbed the remote to the television in my bedroom and put it on the first porn channel I could find.

Perfect. It was a threesome. A cute little blonde, couldn’t have been more than 20 years old, was sucking on a huge white cock while another generously endowed young black fellow fucked her doggy style. Blondie looked to be struggling a bit but she was takin’ it like a champ.

I turned back to look in the mirror to put the finishing touches of my mascara. I primped until there was no primping left to be done. Which was easier said than done. I kept getting distracted by all the fucking I could see through the reflection in the mirror. Oh how I tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but my brain could not override the visual. I’d often heard that men were only capable of thinking with one head at a time. So what was my excuse? I swore my clitoris did all my thinking, or lack thereof, for me.

By the time I finished with all the necessary preparations, the scene had changed and the three lovebirds were on a couch. Blondie was still taking in two cocks but in a much lovelier fashion.

Double penetration. What a lovely image. Black Mandingo, with his big juicy biceps sat comfortably on the couch while Blondie sat on his engorged penis. This man was blessed. It was the type to make you question if that shit was real or not. No matter, though. It looked good. Then, white boy shuffled in and started fucking her tiny asshole while Mandingo simultaneously pounded away at her pussy without mercy. She screamed in both pleasure and pain.

I was just getting into it when there was a knock at my door. I checked my cell for the time and twenty minutes had indeed gone by since I had spoken to Eric. I opened the door wearing only the bra and thong and there was Eric.

I stepped to the side allowing him to come in and then I shut the door.

Good boy. Just in time,” I said.

smiled unwillingly. After all of our years together, he still blushed when he saw me naked. I wasn’t quite nude but it was close enough.

ou bait me with pussy whenever I feel like hanging out with the guys,” he said. “It’s not nice.”

“Is there a problem with that?” I asked while grabbing a red bull from the fridge and taking a sip.

“Jolene, you’re evil, he continued. “You’re -”

I walked to my bathroom and shut the door
loudly. Whatever it was that Eric felt the need to say; I wasn’t interested. His complaints fell on deaf ears. Through the door, I could hear he had stopped talking and was walking around the apartment. I opened the door to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a joint. I lit it up and took a deep pull. I exhaled as I watched my reflection in the mirror. I took another hit and my eyes began to droop. Marijuana was a beautiful thing.

“I’ll be just a minute,” I called out to Eric through the door.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m looking for a decent movie while you smoke up in there.” he called back.

I finished off the joint and flushed it. I washed my hands and opened the door. I didn’t really know how long I was in the bathroom. I walked into my room and Eric was sitting there facing the window playing with what I assumed was his phone. I couldn’t have been in the bathroom long because I looked up at the giant flat screen on my bedroom wall and Blondie was still sucking away on both Mandingo and the Eminem look- alike.

Lying down on the bed, I ignored Eric and slowly started to rub my clitoris. I kept my eyes on the threesome on screen. The bud helped to get things moving and I wanted Eric to join me. “Baby come eat my pussy,” I whispered over to him. He got up from the bed and come over to my side but he held something in his hand. As he came closer it gleamed and shock ran through me. It was a knife.

It wasn’t my usual knife but it was THE knife. The one I received just
recently. “Jolene, what is this?” he asked.

What could I say? I didn’t
have an answer that would satisfy his question. I felt clueless as to how to respond. I was panic stricken and I wondered how much of it he was able to pick up on. I pulled myself up to a sitting position on the bed and quickly grabbed it from his hand.

“How did you find this?” I asked
wielding the knife. The sharp edge of the knife glimmered in his direction. I was stalling, unsure of my next move.

“I was look
ing for a movie in your bookshelf. I saw a box and opened it. Why the fuck do you have this? When did you get it?” Confusion contorted his facial features. His thoughts began to settle and I saw fear. And that fear tormented me. The last thing I ever wanted was for Eric to be afraid of me. I enjoyed toying with him sexually, yes. But I could never hurt Eric in any way.

“We’ll talk about this later,” I dismissed his questions. I knew what I had to do.

I laid back down into the bed slowly. I opened my legs as I stared directly into Eric’s eyes. With knife in hand, I pointed at my pussy. Bringing the knife down gently, I carefully nicked the black thong and it flung open to reveal just how aroused I had become.

“Eat my pussy,” I repeated. However, this time, it was a command.

Eric’s eyebrow popped up and his neck twisted to the side as if he’d taken offense to my words. His green eyes shot back and forth between my face and my pussy. Still confused about the knife, I could see the questions mounting on his face. But still, none of that was enough to stop the blood rushing to his dick. He climbed into the bed and put his face directly in front of my open legs. He stopped to enjoy the scenery for a moment or two and then dove right in.

Dear Jesus. I
laid back to enjoy the view of Eric devouring me in the form of The Last Supper. His passion to serve me was unquestionable. The ruffled hair atop his head was all I could see as his face was lost in the world between my thighs. My palm squeezed the all powerful knife in my right hand and the surge of carnal bliss threw me into a state of pleasurable despair. I needed more and I couldn’t wait. I tapped the tip of the blade on Eric’s head motioning for him to come up.

Eric pulled his weight forward.
His face came up to meet mine and then he grabbed my head with a powerful grip and forced his mouth onto mine. I could taste myself on his tongue. Delicious. Still I wanted more. I shifted down a bit and shoved his hips into mine. I was lost in carnal bliss.

The sounds of heavy breathing were
the only sounds escaping from Eric’s mouth. Still, Blondie continued to suck those cocks on screen. They put her to work. Hopefully, Eric wouldn’t take note of the movie’s slight distraction. His thrusts slowly increased in speed and pressure. I was almost there. Mandingo continued to fuck Blondie viciously while Eric continued to pound away at me. I squeezed the knife once more.

My thoughts began to take a starker turn.
The knife was right here, nestled in my firm grasp. Brand new, having never been used; I felt it calling upon me. Using the knife on Eric right here would make the perfect maiden voyage for such a beautifully crafted knife? My own thoughts bewildered me. I knew I didn’t want to kill Eric. Yet, suddenly I felt as if I had to.

My instincts were
comparable to that of a praying mantis. There were certainly times when I could withhold myself from killing an innocent partner. I’d hoped that part of me, the part that didn’t need to kill, would show up and save me from my own self. But I could feel myself coming. “Harder baby!” I screamed. Containment was no longer a possibility. My eyes squeezed shut and my neck curled back. The knife in my hand came up and sliced across Eric’s neck as my body convulsed in harsh waves of pleasure.

Then I felt the quiet. Ev
erything stood still as I regained control of my breathing. Moments passed by before my eyes fluttered open to see that I had not indeed killed my precious Eric. I’d wanted to. But I hadn’t. Thank God. My imagination had simply gone too far. Better it be my imagination than my actions.

Eric disengaged and I remained in the same position for
a while longer. I couldn’t move. I could have moved had I tried, I simply lacked the motivation to do so. I just wanted to be. Droopy lids shaded half my eyes as I stared into the ceiling while both my body and mind recovered from the aftershocks of a pulsating orgasm. I rested blissfully for a few short moments and then I shot up out of bed like a canon.

“What are you doing?” Eric asked with his head still buried in his pillow. His muff
led words were just barely audible enough to comprehend.

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