All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II (77 page)

BOOK: All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II
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s two weeks of leave was quickly  increased to  four as she was determined to savor every second of Logic’s prolonged stay in Baltimore. Caught up and held captivated by his love and all around finest, Queen completely forgot that she was still engaged to be married to Christian. Well that was until Queen's house phone unexpectedly rang at three in the morning. It was Christian.

I don’t know who this is but this had better be good.” An annoyed, groggy Queen answered the phone.

I’ve been looking all over Baltimore for you. What are you doing over there?” Christian chuckled.

I was sleep. Do you realize that it’s three in the morning over here?” Queen nonchalantly answered as Logic set up in the bed to see who was on the phone.

Yeah I know. It’s three in the morning here as well.” Christian responded. “I’ve been calling the condo and your cell since nine to tell you that I’m on my way home.”

Home… where?” A startled Queen inquired as she set straight up in bed. “Are you in Baltimore?”

sighed, “No… I wish. My flight had to make an emergency landing in Atlanta for engine trouble. I’m on a three hour delay and then I’ll be flying in to BWI.”

Are you serious?”

I’m dead serious. I’d been home by now if it wasn’t for that raggedy ass plane.”

So what time does the flight out of Atlanta arrive in Baltimore? I’ll meet you at the airport.”

Don’t sweat it. My agent has already arranged for a car to pick me up. I should be home in your arms by nine and parting those pretty brown thighs by nine o’ five. Just meet me at the condo. I'm not up for a ride to White Marsh from BWI in rush hour traffic.”

was left virtually speechless. She knew she had fucked up big time and there was no way out. Still somehow she managed to maintain her cool and simply say, “Okay, well I’d better get a few more hours sleep before you get here.”

Yeah, I’d advise you to, because I’m about to do work when I get there.”

Alright, well call me when you get to Baltimore.”

Is everything okay? You don’t sound too enthusiastic.”

Christian, it’s three o’clock in the morning and I’m sleepy. Just call me when you land and I’ll meet you at the condo.”

Look, I know that you’ve been in a little funk lately because of your uncle’s death, but shake that shit off. Daddy’s home and he’s missed his girl, immensely. Okay?”

Okay… We’ll talk when you get here.”

Oh no we won’t! Not unless you’re talking dirty.” Christian laughed. “And even then you’d better be saying some filthy, nasty ass shit. Other than that I don’t want to hear anything but slurp- slurp.”     

You’re nasty!” Queen complained.

And you’re nastier!” Christian countered. “I love you Mye Queen. Get some sleep, you sound tired. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Love you too.” Queen mumbled as she watched a naked Logic get out of the bed and head for the bathroom. She set up on the side of the bed unsure what to say or to do.

Logic did not utter a single sound she instinctively knew that he was no longer a happy camper. Logic knew that if Christian was back home then his extended stay in Mye Queen’s cozy little love nest would come to an abrupt end. The sound of the shower running was a very strong indication that he was preparing to leave. The problem was that Queen was not ready or willing to let him go. But at this point what could she say or do to convince him to stay?

hesitation she joined Logic in the shower, maneuvered herself in front of him and dropped to her knees before him. Logic tried as hard as he could to ignore her, but her gentle stroke was making it quite hard for him, in so many ways.

Queen get up… you’re going to get your hair wet.”

It’ll dry.” Queen responded as she popped his hardness in her mouth and savored his sweetness. “Logic, don’t leave.” She pleaded when she popped it out of her mouth.

Why should I stay?” He asked finding it extremely difficult to deny that request, considering the position Queen had him in.

Because I love you and I don’t want to see you go.”

Then I’ll leave while you’re at the condo screwing your fiancé.”

didn’t let his dig deter her from getting her way as she continued to have her way with Logic’s hard dick. She methodically continued to simultaneously suck and stroke it as her large brown eyes stared at him for approval.

Logic may have been mad but his swollen cock was as happy as hell.  Queen was showing him absolutely no mercy as she continued to plead her case on her knees.

You said that you’d give me some time to sort things out. Stay with me in Baltimore while I do.”

What? No, Queen. I can’t stand around and watch you with that man. Not to mention sneak around Baltimore with you lapping up his sloppy seconds.”

But you promised.” Queen insisted as she continued to work her magic on Logic’s pole.

I promised to give you a chance to sort shit out, but I didn’t promise to stay in Baltimore while you did. I think it would be better for both of us if I went back to Vegas.”

I’m in love with you and I don’t want to lose you again.”

Then you’d better tell Dr. Love that.”

would not budge one step on his decision to leave and Queen understood. Everything in her screamed, “You’re going to lose him if you let him go!”

nothing she said or did could convince him to stay. Eyes now closed and so enjoying the comfort of Queen’s warm, persistent mouth, Logic could not see the trail of tears that ran down Queen’s face. The shower was instrumental in removing all traces of her tears of regret.

that this truly may be the last time she made love to him Queen was determined to leave him wanting her even more.   Sensing that Logic was extremely close to completion Queen doubled her efforts and made it almost impossible for him to speak, let alone stand.

Ah shit, Queen you’re going to make me come.” He groaned as Queen continued to screw him with her mouth. “Fuck! I love you so damn much! Why do you keep doing this shit to me girl?”

didn’t answer. She couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. Knowing that she couldn’t answer without releasing suction from his pulsating dick, she continued to suck his hardness harder and deeper into the perfect vacuum that her mouth had become. In retrospect she knew that Logic would appreciate this a lot more than any lame ass excuse she could come up with for fucking over him repeatedly.

if this was in fact their last sexual encounter Queen wanted Logic to remember exactly why he loved her as hard, as long and as unconditional as he had. She wanted him to remember that she was the mother fucking beast in and out of bed and that he would never know her equal when it came to pleasing him.

Logic’s body began to shake and convulse uncontrollably he screamed out as he hit the peak of his orgasmic release. “God I love this woman!”


s soul smiled and said, “Mission accomplished.”


was rolled up on Christian's couch in the fetal position as she anything but anxiously awaited his arrival from the airport. It had been almost eight weeks since she saw him last. And in light of everything that had transpired since she last made love to him she found it difficult to say the least to muster up the strength to properly greet him. She was unusually exhausted, confused and understandably upset that she let Logic walk out of her life once again.

couldn't stop replaying his good bye in her mind, over and over again. A long stare, a gentle kiss on the forehead and a classic, "I'll give you a call." was all that she got as Logic turned and walked away. The air left the room the moment he did and Queen hadn't been able to breathe or stop crying since. And though she dialed him repeatedly he did not respond to one of her calls. Like it or not she had to come to grips with the fact that it was finally over between them.

she heard a key turn the lock on the condo door Queen stood up with mixed emotions to greet the bachelor behind door number two and what a fine specimen of a man he was. Christian had to but smile and Queen bolted across the room and jumped in his arms. He dropped his bags and lifted her body in his arms and kissed her with all the resolve and passion of a soldier who had just returned from the front line of a losing war.

that she was crying Christian, consoled her. "What's all this about? Queen don't cry... I know it's been hard for you since I've been gone, but I'm home now. And I promise I'm not leaving without you again. God I've missed you." He said as he sampled her lips and squeezed her ass.

missed you too." Queen admitted as she gave into to his seductive advances.

you okay?" He asked concerned. "You don't seem like yourself. What's wrong?"

thought all you wanted to hear from me was, 'Slurp- slurp!' Isn't that what you said?''

chuckled. "You know that I was kidding."

you don't want to hear slurp- slurp?" Queen teased.

mean, yeah... sure! But if something

wrong lets deal with it first. We have plenty of time to slurp- slurp afterward. So, what's going on? Talk to me."

searched Christian's face and found nothing but unconditional love, devotion, understanding and trust, none of which she deserved right now. Naturally it made it even more difficult for Queen to say what she really wanted to say. It wasn't going to be easy to tell Christian that she was still in love with Logic, especially, since he never knew that they even dated. Besides, what did she have to gain by telling him at this point in the game? It would only break his heart and it wouldn't bring Logic back.

just been a little melancholy since the funeral. It stirred up some difficult emotions and I foolishly allowed them to overwhelm me again. I'll be okay now that you're home." Queen lied as she sampled his lips and attempted to engage him in a five alarm blazing kiss.

really buying the explanation or the kiss, Christian pulled back and took a good, hard look at Queen. She looked worn and torn and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. Something was different about her. Something had changed. He could see it in her face and he felt it in her kiss.

worried about you.


wrong." Queen insisted, but Christian wasn't buying it.

I can't fix it if you don't tell me what it is. What's going on? If there's nothing wrong then why are you crying?" Christian asked as he watched tear after tear escape from the wells of Queen's eyes. Queen reserved comment as she attempted to wipe the tears from her face. "Queen, you know you can tell me anything. What's going on?"

can't tell you this." Queen thought to herself as Christian rubbed the small of her back in to console her.

well when you're ready to talk, we'll talk."

leave it alone Christian. There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine... I'm just tired. I'll be as good as new after I get some rest, you'll see."

if you say so... but if not we're going to see Dr. Small tomorrow."

psychiatrist? I don't think so! You're making too big of a deal out of this. I said I was okay. Let it go. Okay?"

sampled Queen's lips again. "Okay, if you say that nothing is wrong, then I trust you....  I know how to make you feel better."

bet you do." Queen giggled.

not talking about that." Christian smiled. "Sit down and relax. I'll get you some tea."

I'm okay. You don't have to do that. Besides I don't think that that was the
that you really wanted to hear." Queen said as she attempted to stop him.

not really, but I'm cool with it. Let me get you some tea. I'll be right back."

watched as the tall, extraordinary man swaggered into the kitchen to get her some tea. Deprived of sex and love and affection for almost six weeks this drop your panties on site, gorgeous man was compassionate enough to put his physical needs and desires on the back burner to pamper her and calm her emotional instability. Well if Queen ever deserved to see exactly what a selfish ass she had become now was the time. Contemplating beating her own ass for being so damn inconsiderate, needy and greedy, Queen balled up on the sofa, closed her eyes and carefully considered her next move.

handsome and sexy and sweet and nurturing as Christian was, the triple truth of the matter was that Queen was still bananas over Logic. It hurt to think that her chances of reconciliation were impossible without coming clean and breaking this man's sincere heart. She had to face the facts that any decision that she made would involve someone getting hurt and unfortunately right now that someone was Queen. Her heart ached and she didn't know how to make it stop.

tears slowly begin to seep from her eyes at an uncontrollable rate, Christian returned with a hot cup of herbal tea. He saw the pain and anguish in Queen's face and realized that she was an emotional wreck. He said not a word as he handed her the cup of tea, set beside her and gently pulled her on his lap.

whatever it is that's bothering you just know that it's going to be okay. We're going to get through this together. Okay? I promise you."

nodded as she searched his face for a clue if he knew exactly how scandalous she had been while he was away. To her absolute surprise his eyes told her that he didn't give a damn what she did while he was away. He was home now and everything would be okay. Queen sighed a grateful sigh of relief and took a sip of the hot tea as Christian gently stroked her long hair from her face and kissed her shoulders. She found comfort in his arms and for a brief moment she felt content to reside with him forever. That was until she heard her cell phone chime out with Logic's unique ring tone.

get it." Christian offered.

worry about it. Let it go to voicemail. I'll get it later." Queen nonchalantly replied as she snuggled in his arms and continued to sip her tea.

to have his Queen in his arms Christian continued to soothe and seduce her with soft comforting, reassuring kisses, strategically planted on Queen's shoulders, back and neck. This both relaxed and stimulated Queen. She could feel Christian get hard. She said not a word as he gingerly removed the spaghetti strap of her nightgown from her shoulders allowing her gown to fall and expose her perfect breasts. His eyes met hers for approval and a signal that it was okay.

nodded to indicate that it was okay to proceed with caution. Christian's sexy, soft lips sampled Queen's. Her kiss was sweet and he craved more. Cautiously he introduced his tongue into her mouth and waited patiently for Queen's tongue to respond. He didn't have to wait long because Queen's hungry mouth quickly reciprocated. Receiving the green light that it was a go, Christian's long slender fingers slowly kneaded Queen firm round breasts before they slipped beneath her short night gown.

Queen's hands went on a treasure excursion of their own. They quickly unbuckled Christian's jeans and slowly stroked Christian's rapidly expanding nature.

I missed you." He moaned before kissing her hard in the mouth again.

said nothing as she continued to tongue wrestle with him and methodically stroke his man- man to within an inch of completion.

you love me?" Christian asked as he searched Queen's eyes for an honest, sincere answer.

I love you." Queen nodded as she simultaneously begged forgiveness with her eyes.

nodded in affirmation that he trusted and believed her.

returned to the sweet nectar of her breast and Queen took the liberty of shoving the Lochness Monster that she had been soothing between her thighs to replace his slow, steady hand.

immediately gasped as he entered Queen's hotness, raw and uncovered for the very first time. "Damn you feel so fuckin good." He groaned.

remained silent as she continued to gaze upon her handsome fiancé' and slow screw him within seconds of a nuclear meltdown. Finding it difficult to hit it and bring it home like he wanted to in that position, Christian grabbed Queen by the waist and manipulated her rhythm and stroke volume to get it just the way he liked it.

the long one eyed monster closed in on Queen's G-spot she quickly begin to lose her composure and squealed in pleasure as their bodies grind harder and harder against each other. Knowing that he was near release and Queen was close, but not quite there yet, Christian quickly flipped Queen on her back and went on a little treasure hunt of his own. He was starving for a taste of her love.

Honestly, Queen really wanted to stop him, but she couldn't figure out how to do so without sending up a red flag on the play. So she simply relaxed back and let Christian have a piece of her tasty cake and eat it too. Like a heat seeking missile on crack his steamy hot mouth went right for Queen's swollen clit. Just like a Tootsie Roll Pop all it took was a couple of licks, a few hard sucks and Christian soon uncovered Queen's delicious chocolate explosion.

Without warning Queen came hard and fast. Christian grinned as he quickly reentered her and long stroked her to her final destination and to a screaming demon, back cracking orgasm of his own. 

Happy to be home, and even happier to cuddle up with his Queen, Christian quickly laid aside all doubts and suspicions and allowed Queen to seduce him into another winning round of hide the salami.

BOOK: All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II
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