All I've Never Wanted (46 page)

BOOK: All I've Never Wanted
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My first time riding a bike. My twelfth birthday party. My parents’ faces. Venice. Carlo. Adriana. Parker. Zack. Roman. My throat closed up and tears stung my eyes as I pictured his face. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t going to ever see him again.


James raised the knife, and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain.


But it never came.


The sound of the door slamming open burst through the air, followed by a startled shout, and more than a few angry ones.


My eyes flew open, and I gaped at the scene in front of him. Tattoo Guy was back, only this time he was being pinned and beaten down by Carlo and…holy shit, was that Rico?


I guess martial arts greatness ran in the family.


To the side, Parker was speaking frantically into his phone, while Zack held a wriggling brown-and-white ball of fluff in his arms. I realized with relief it was Mickey.


However, most of my attention was focused on James and Roman, both of them intent of killing the other.


I watched in horror as James managed to throw Roman onto the ground and raised his knife once again.


“No!” I cried, attempting to stand but failing. Then, a mass of dark hair flew past as both Carlo and Rico tackled James to the ground, but not before the knife lodged itself into Roman’s chest.


Forgetting once again that I was tied down, I lunged out of my chair, only this time, I actually managed to get out of my seat. Dimly, I realized Zack and Parker must’ve untied me without me even realizing it.


I ran over to Roman’s side, clapping a hand over my mouth at the blood pouring out of his wound. His face was drawn and pale, and he looked more vulnerable than I’d ever seen him.


I could hear the others shouting around me. I could hear Mickey’s barking. I could hear sirens in the background. But all I could focus on was Roman.


Roman, who was currently unconscious. His lip was split, and there was a giant bruise on one side of his face, not to mention more than a few smaller cuts. I couldn’t even see them all clearly thanks to the thick tears blurring my vision.


I could hear someone calling my name in the background, but I ignored them. I didn’t move. When the police and ambulances finally arrived, that was how they found me, kneeling by Roman’s side, clutching him desperately, and unable to let go. 






I’ve always hated hospitals.


I know it’s a pretty cliché thing to say—after all, who actually
hospitals?—but there’s something about the smell, the sterile halls, and the jaded attitudes of nurses and doctors that creeped me out.


Plus, hospital food sucks. Although, it can’t really suck if someone isn’t awake to eat it.


My heart squeezed at the thought, and I drummed my fingers nervously against my thigh as Carlo pulled into the hospital’s parking lot. The car barely had a chance to come to a stop before I flung open the door and raced across the parking lot, through the lobby, and up to the fifth floor, where Roman’s room was.


Carlo didn’t bother to tell me to slow down. After a week, everyone knew it was useless.


When I reached the familiar, blindingly white hallway, I was startled to see everyone was already there. We all visited, of course, but rarely at the same time.


Venice was curled up in an armchair in the waiting area, her red hair tousled. She was half-asleep, her head resting on Zack’s shoulder, while the blond chugged from a bottle of Frappuccino. Half a dozen identical bottles littered the table next to him.


Parker was sprawled out on the couch, and for once, the playboy looked scruffy and unkempt, a five o’clock shadow darkening his sculpted chin. He was staring at the floor with a depressed look on his face. Beside him, even Adriana was as dressed down as I’d ever seen in her. She wore a T-shirt, jeans, and almost no makeup, and was staring off into space.


The person I couldn’t help but focus on, though, was Giselle. Roman’s mother, usually so elegant (even when she was drunk), was pacing the floor outside his room, her face pale and drawn, etched with lines of worry. I’ve never seen anyone so frazzled, and my heart went out to her.


Despite what Roman said, I knew she really loved him. He was, after all, her son.


Although the same couldn’t be said for his father. A sour taste crept into my mouth as I thought about Mr. Fiori. He’d made a brief appearance the night Roman was stabbed, then promptly flew to China for a business merger that was, apparently, more important than a comatose son.


“Any change?” I asked, making sure to keep my voice low. This was the type of environment where everyone spoke in whispers.


“No.” Parker sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I swear, if that fuckin’ James wasn’t in police custody, I would—“


“Parker.” Adriana’s tone was a warning, and I saw her flick her gaze towards Giselle, who looked even more distraught at the mention of the person who’d stabbed her son.


“Well, it’s true. I would’ve loved to give him a taste of his own medicine,” Parker muttered darkly. “If it wasn’t for him, Roman would be awake right now, and probably yelling at us for something.”


I cracked a small smile at that, as I felt Carlo come up behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders comfortingly. “Do you want to go in?” He tilted his head towards the closed door.


I swallowed. I did and I didn’t, but I couldn’t very well give him that answer. Instead, I just walked over, gave Giselle a comforting squeeze, and quietly opened the door to his private room.


Even though I’ve been here every day for the past week, the air still whooshed out of my lungs at the sight in front of me.


I walked over to the bed, my knees so shaky I probably would’ve collapsed were it not for Carlo’s firm grip on my arm. Tears blurred my vision as I stared down at the bed where Roman lay. His eyes were closed, his usually bronzed skin pale and waxy, and his chest rose and fell shallowly.


I’ve always thought of Roman as a larger-than-life person. Even when I hated him, his presence filled a room, and you couldn’t help but be drawn to him. I guess in my mind I always thought someone that arrogant and powerful was invincible. There had definitely been times when I wanted to cut him down to size, but now, I hated how frail and weak he looked in that hospital bed, hooked up to IVs and beeping monitors when he should’ve been out there in the real world, hanging out with his friends and laughing—or, in his case, scowling.


A sob escaped my throat as I grasped his hand in mine, squeezing it tight. Of course, he didn’t squeeze back. I hadn’t expected him to, but I crushing disappointment still filled my stomach at his lack of response.


“I’m sorry,” I whispered, smoothing a lock of dark hair back from his forehead. “I’m so, so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have gone out. I should’ve just stayed in my house, and then none of this would’ve happened, and we would’ve had our one-month anniversary, and you wouldn’t be—be—“ My throat closed up, and I was unable to finish as the tears fell down my cheek.


I held my breath, trying my best to quiet my sobs. I couldn’t get hysterical here, what with everyone outside the door. Besides, I didn’t need to make his mother any more worried.


But what if he never woke up? The thought sent chills through my body, and my heart spasmed painfully. I squeezed Roman’s hand tighter, like the action might keep my worst fears from coming true.




I jumped at the unexpected sound of my voice, and when I turned, I could make out the tall, leather-jacketed shape through my tears.




Even though he’d helped save me the other night, a shiver of apprehension snaked through me, especially when I realized Carlo wasn’t in the room anymore. Although I now knew James was more than a little psycho, I still couldn’t forget what he’d said about Rico raping his cousin.


“H-hi.” I shifted in my seat. “Did you just get here?”


I’ve never seen Rico around here much, but then again, he didn’t exactly strike me as the camp-out-in-front-of-a-hospital-room type.


“No. I went to get something to eat.” He crossed his arms over his chest, and for once, I didn’t see the sly gleam in his eyes that told me he was checking me out. “Do you want to grab some food? Carlo said you hadn’t eaten yet.”


“No thanks. I’m not hungry.” I returned my gaze to Roman. It was an automatic response, but unfortunately, my stomach rumbled loudly, sounding like an angry lion.


Rico chuckled. “Right. Come on, the others will look over him. The food here’s not so bad, and we need to talk.”


I blinked. We did?


In the end, curiosity won out, and I reluctantly released Roman’s hand, casting one last glance at his prone form before following Rico out into the hall.


“We’ll call you if he wakes up,” Carlo assured me quietly.


I nodded, my smile small but grateful.


Luckily, the cafeteria wasn’t too far from Roman’s room, and I was surprised by the wide array of foods they had here. As I halfheartedly picked up a sandwich, I was aware of Rico’s gaze on me.


I felt a little more comfortable around him now, but that was mainly because I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to do anything in a crowded place. If he was going to do anything. Besides, if anything happened, at least I was in a hospital.


“So what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked, avoiding his eyes while I paid for my food.


“I figure James told you about Lexi.”


I froze, then looked at him, my eyes wide. “H-how did you know that?”


Rico smirked lazily. “He kept ranting on and on about how he was going to ruin us, and he mentioned her quite a few times.”


“You two were having an affair.” It wasn’t a question.


He blinked. “You sound awfully sure of yourself. You still believe everything James said?”


I lifted my chin up. “Well, I saw the picture.”


Rico’s eyes sharpened. “What picture?”


I gulped at the look on his face. Uh-oh. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Well, it was too late to back down now.


Slowly, I reached into my bag and pulled out the picture I’d picked up from the Fioris’ bathroom floor.


Rico immediately snatched it from me, a scowl taking over his face. Roman’s signature expression. My heart panged at the thought.


“Where did you get this?”


I took a small step back, almost causing a passing woman to spill her soup. “In the bathroom at—at Thanksgiving.”


He stared at it for a moment, then shook his head. “Of course. I’m such an idiot,” he muttered. “I should’ve guessed.”


Since he didn’t look like he was going to kill me, I ventured asking him the question I was dying to have answered. “Where were you?”


Rico didn’t look up. “What?”


“Where were you?” I repeated. “You just disappeared, then you came back just as suddenly. Were you…I mean, everyone was so worried.”


He snorted. “Right.” He caught my gaze again, and I saw that sly gleam again. For some reason, it actually made me feel better, because at least it was something familiar. “So you know about how Lexi and I had an affair.”


I was slightly caught off guard by how bluntly he put it. “Yes.”


“And I assume you know James thinks I raped his cousin.”


I coughed. “Yes.” A pause. “Did you?”


Rico narrowed his eyes. “What do you think?”


I was so not in the mood for guessing games. “If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking you,” I answered flatly.


He smirked again. “No wonder Roman likes you.” He flicked his eyes over me. “For your information, no, I didn’t. Victor—my gang leader—did and pinned it on me.” His voice hardened. “He found out about Lexi and I and decided that was the best way to punish both of us. Since I was forced to leave the country, I couldn’t take care of her—though he actually did me a favor, considering she turned out to be a bit of a…"


“Bitch?” I offered. “Slut? Gold-digger?” 


Rico startled me by bursting into laughter. It wasn’t quite as warm and velvety as Carlo’s, but it was nice nevertheless. Huh. Who woulda thunk it?  


“I suppose there’s no love lost between you two.”


“Uh, well, she tried to seduce my dad and break up my family. I’m sorry if I don’t feel all warm and fuzzy towards her,” I said flatly.


“Right. I’m sorry about that.” Luckily, there was no pity in Rico’s voice.


“Thanks.” I shrugged, staring down at my stomach. “So you never answered my question. Where did you disappear to?”


Rico leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Victor disappeared around the same time I left the country, and no one could track him down. I came back because a buddy of mine told me he saw him in New York, but on Thanksgiving, the people I sent to tail him lost him again.”


“Which was why you were so mad,” I realized. 


He nodded. “Right. I kind of threw a fit and I suppose that’s when this fell out.” He waved the picture in the air.


I smirked a bit at the idea of this tough ex-gang member throwing a fit in the bathroom like a child.


“Then one of my contacts said they found Victor in Acapulco,” Rico continued. “I didn’t want anyone following me, so I booked a plane under a fake name and flew there.”


I bit my lip. “Did you find him?”


Rico’s eyes gleamed. “Yes. And let’s just say, James is a lot better off than he is right now.”


Considering James was currently facing many, many years of prison for kidnapping, assault, and attempted murder, I didn’t even want to know.


I realized with a start that I believed everything Rico told me. Even though he seriously creeped me out in the past, I had to admit he didn’t necessarily give off a rapist vibe to me. Just more of a sexual harasser vibe. (I’m only half joking). Besides, if he had done all the things James said he did, I’m sure Carlo would
be ok with him being anywhere near Valesca.

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