All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) (43 page)

Read All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Online

Authors: Marie Wathen

Tags: #suspense, #true love, #sexy, #angst, #new adult, #college age, #hot twins, #law enforcement goth, #love contemporary romance

BOOK: All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)
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No Beatrice, don’t you
see? That is exactly what makes you the perfect person to talk to
about it. You understand because you’ve been through your own
bullshit with men. Just tell me what to do because right now all I
want to do is cut his balls off. And that may not be the best

I suppress a maniacal laugh, believing
that she may just be crazy enough to go through with that

Well, although it would be
effective in stopping him from screwing over the next woman that
comes along, it will probably get you sent off to

Yeah, well,” she scoffs
and counters, “because of that piece of shit I’ll probably never
get out of jail once the feds find out that I’ve been cooking his
books for the past year.”

What do you mean Ensley?”
Unfamiliar with the phrase, I tilt my head to the side and ask,
“What did Tox make you do?”

Actually, I did it for his
dad, but that part is just a technicality. When the IRS catches
wind of the trumped up tax forms I will be the one who serves the
thirty years in prison for embezzling while Tox moves along with
his recent conquests, both in the bedroom and in business. Ugh, I
am so screwed!” She whines, flopping back across my bed.

Wait. Let’s back up just a
little. First, you said you were working for his dad, right?” She
nods without looking at me.

Does Tox know about any of
the illegal stuff going on at his club?” I’m not trying to save the
guys ass (or balls), but I think he deserves a fair

Hell, I don’t know
Beatrice.” Slamming her arms against the mattress, she lifts her
head up, angrily adding, “It is his club so I would think he knows
what the hell is happening.”

I don’t know about that.
If his dad asked you to do it maybe Tox is clueless to the whole
thing. Also, I don’t think you get thirty years in prison for this
kind of thing.”

Whatever. That is not the
point. He dumped me for another woman and it’s only a matter of
time before he gives me the boot or worse. He could frame me for
this shit and be off on his merry way.”

I’m sorry he did this to
you Ensley. He seemed like a nice guy to me.”

Yeah, that’s another
thing. That night I was kind of bragging about–
,” She looks at me, and I notice
her cheeks are turning red. “I lied.”

Confused, I ask, “Why would you need
to lie to me about you having sex?”

Ohgod, the truth is our
relationship has been shit for a while. You told me that you
weren’t looking for a man, but I thought that maybe after you met
him you might find him irresistible. The first night he was back at
the club, I made up that shit about our outrageous sex life,
because I wanted you believing that we were together and happy, so
that you wouldn’t try taking him. At the time it may have been a
pretty stupid thing to think, but since that night he began really
pushing me away. Then tonight he told me there was someone

Her anger subsides and she’s sad
again. I feel terrible for her, and I guess I can understand her
reasoning, but damn if she doesn’t need to talk to a professional
about all this craziness.

The worst part,” her voice
is just a whisper now, “I threw myself at him tonight, but he
didn’t even look at me. Mygod Beatrice, I was in his office sitting
there on the sofa completely nude, waiting for him.” Her voice
picks up when she adds, “Do you believe that when the bastard
walked in he barely glanced my direction. He walked straight over
to his desk, picked up my clothes and told me to get dressed. Then
he left me there. I’m so pathetic.”

No, you weren’t. You were
doing exactly what you thought was normal for your relationship.
How can that be pathetic?”

It hasn’t been normal for
a long time. I think I knew there was someone for a while now. He
used to give me all of his attention and then one day it just

His dirty, rotten treatment of her
ignites my agitation, “Tox was cheating on you?” I ask.

Sitting up, Ensley tucks in her legs,
crosses her hands and places them in her lap. She stares at me a
moment and then says, “I don’t think so. He was always such a
gentleman with me when we were dating. Cheating isn’t his style.
Besides, he was always working and I was usually with him. Unless
he banged some bitch at the club while I was distracted, there
wasn’t time for him to sleep around.”

I cringe at the thought of someone
having sex in the club. It’s only ever held horrible memories for

Ensley, when did you
notice the first change in him?”

The night his dad came to
the club about a month ago. They have a volatile relationship and
Tox turns into someone else when he drops by. Even as proud as he
is of Toxic’s success, Tox loathes the fact that his dad bought the
club. I can’t blame him. His dad is a snake in the

Remembering how he didn’t look pleased
when I mentioned his dad, I mumble, “What I picked up on about
their relationship was genuine then?”

He told you about his
dad?” Her eyes are bulging and utter shock consumers her features.
“He never talks about him, not to me, or anyone. Hell, he can
barely stand to speak

Holding my hand up, I stop her
rambling before it turns into a thirty minute dissertation on how
much Tox hates his father, and I just want more answers. I need to
know if she has any information about the girls’ disappearance or
Ryske, but how do I bring it up without her getting suspicious and
blowing my cover?

Fine, I get it. My
problems aren’t your problems. Thanks for listening to me
Beatrice.” She hops off my bed and mumbles, “Mygod I need a

Thank you Topic-Changing Ensley, for
the perfect segue, “Or something stronger,” I suggest.

With her eyes glazing over from
fatigue and heartache, she snorts and responds while stumbling
toward the doorway, “Definitely.” Realizing what she did, she turns
back to me and begins back tracking for giving herself away. “No, I
didn’t mean…”

Nodding my head, I give her a look
that means “busted.” Panic flashes across her face.

Shit Beatrice, please
don’t say anything to Rhys. He would toss me out on my ass and I
don’t have anyone to turn to, especially now that Tox dumped me.”
Standing in front of me again, her whole body trembles and she
looks scared shitless.

Calm down Ensley. I won’t
tell Rhys, but how do you hide using from him?”

Huffing, she shrugs both shoulders and
the corners of her dark red lips tip up, “I only use at the club to
take the edge off. By the time I get home it’s late, Rhys is
usually asleep and by then the effects are worn off.” She’s
definitely proud that she has Rhys snowed.

In that case, maybe I
should try it. Since breaking up with Jeff all I’ve been is on the

No, you can’t.”
Dramatically shaking her head, she rushes her words together. “It’s
so addictive and if you try it once you’ll be hooked. Plus, it is
way worse than anything you’ve ever heard of, trust me. Beatrice,
promise me that you won’t touch that shit, please. If someone
offers you a chance to try Ryske, don’t just say

! I smile sweetly at her, taking her hand in mine, hoping the
gesture calms her. “Okay, Ensley. I believe you. I won’t
try Ryske. I swear

Damn. That’s good. And
remember, please don’t tell Rhys.”

Hey Ensley, just so I
don’t get mixed up with the wrong person, who is the hook up at the

OH NO that I will not tell
you. I’ll be hanging the noose around my own neck. You just keep
working like you do, and don’t take anything from anyone. Rhys
would be the one to string us up if something happens to you while
you work for me.”

Resigning that she won’t tell me
anymore, I nod and scoot off the bed to go back downstairs,

Ensley tells me goodnight and goes to
her room while I make my way back to the kitchen. Walking down the
hallway, I can hear all of the guys talking and their voices are
all elevated, which is not unusual. However, what is unusual is
when I join them they all stop talking, like they didn’t want me to
know what they were discussing; but they know me too well

Apparently, Tac drew the short straw
and is chosen as the bearer of bad news. I know by the way they are
all trying not to look at me they are hiding something. Whatever it
is it can’t be good. Lately, all of the news they give me is



I’m not kidding, Sam. The
minute we dock I’m driving. You can just get over it,” I tell her
as our boat approaches the harbor back at Willow Island.

That’s my baby,” she kicks
the inside wall of the deck and glares at me. “If you put one
scratch on it I will beat your ass, Marcus.” She crosses her arms
and slams down on the seat next to the deck rail.

Thanks sis, I just need to
get to Breesan now.”

I guarantee they already
told her,” Sam says with strong belief in her

No,” I grunt, keeping my
eyes glued on the approaching pier. “Kole assured me that they
would wait and let me tell her.”

You’re out of your mind,”
Sam laughs. “They are worse than girls about keeping a secret.
Believe me, I’ve been around Kole, Rhys and Morgan enough to know
that given the chance they will spill their guts about everything,
especially if they are drinking. And if they’re not all drinking,
they are going to act all weird. Breesan isn’t stupid. She will
catch on and demand they tell her.”

I spoke with Kole half an
hour ago and he said she went upstairs with Ensley, who was
apparently in meltdown mode so Breesan could be stuck with her
craziness for hours.”
I hope that’s the
case anyway
need to be the one to tell her about the murder.

That was the last thing I expected to
happen after speaking with Julia the other night. She insisted that
I find Breesan immediately. I did everything I could think of to
make her slip up and reveal to me that she was behind everything,
but nothing worked. I wonder if she suspected at all that after our
conversation another body would be discovered.

After only a few minutes and some
tight maneuvering, our boat docks. We jump off, hustling toward
Sam’s brand new silver Camaro, sitting backed into a covered
parking deck draped with a waterproof cover. She really does baby
this car and I can appreciate that, but I’m about to burn the
rubber off the wheels to get to Breesan.

With very little complaints from my
sister, we arrive at Rhys’ and I run as fast as my legs will carry
me up the front steps, bursting through the door. I hear voices
that sound like they are coming from the kitchen. I rush down the
hallway and scan the room for gray eyes. Sitting on the counter,
tucked in the corner beside the refrigerator, Breesan has a
necklace pinched between her lips. With shock marking her face, she
is lost in deep thoughts focusing on the floor while she drags a
small charm slowly along the chain. Clearly someone has told her

My heavy breathing prevents me from
speaking, but I don’t need to say a word. Her eyes lift up to greet
me, as if she could sense me before she could hear or see me. Wide
gray eyes melt into pools the second she realizes that I am here. I
bolt across the room and clutch her delicate, warm body to mine.
She nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck, drawing in a deep
breath and then relaxing into me.

I’m here now, Baby,” I
whisper against her cheek.

A silent sobbing takes over and her
entire body trembles from holding the grief in too long. With my
arms already engulfing her small body, I draw her tighter against
my chest. I glance up and see the guilty ass look plastered on
Kole’s face, confirming that they have told her the news and I am
about to get my pissed off on. Jerking my head toward the door, I
silently suggest that he can leave and he better take everyone with

After simply holding me for
a while in a tight embrace, Breesan slowly pulls away and peers up
at me through matted eyelashes. Tenderly, I raise my hand up, cup
her cheek, and stroke my thumb over her bottom lip. Staring
passionately into my eyes, she softly kisses the pad of my thumb.
Mygod, her full lips and sad eyes make me want to kiss the hell out
of her.
But I can’t take advantage of her
when she’s hurting

I slide my hand under her chin,
tipping it upward. My love for her grips hold of my soul and it
screams for me to handle Breesan with care. Placing my forehead
against hers, I squeeze my eyes shut and force away the desire to
ravage her on this damn countertop. Being away from her was too
much. I kiss her face starting with her forehead. My lips heat
instantly connecting with her smooth skin. I breathe in deeply,
savoring her intoxicating scent. She slowly glides her hands up my
arms. Her fingernails scrape along my skin, sending shivers through
every cell in my body. My lips move along her forehead, down the
side of her face, where I place several lingering kisses, and I
feel the grief flowing away with each one. Moving down her neck, I
slide my nose along the edge of her ear and kiss her

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