All In: Double or Nothing (3 page)

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Authors: Lane Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: All In: Double or Nothing
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Chapter Four




Of all the fucking nights I'd get stuck dealing with a four car pileup during rush hour, it would be tonight. Damn it, I was an hour late. If Lauren had even showed up she’d probably already left. I pulled open the door to Shooter's and desperately started looking for her anyway. I’d taken a quick five minute shower at the station, and luckily had a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt in my locker to change into before heading over.

I glanced around the bar. It was starting to get crowded since it was a Friday night. Shit, I should have written down her phone number this morning so I could call and let her know I was running late, but I had been too distracted to think straight.

Well, hell. She was nowhere to be found, and I couldn’t blame her. I saw Caleb, Dylan, and Will playing at our table in the back and started making my way over. That’s when I finally spotted Lauren, her long blond hair hanging over the green pool table felt. I hadn't seen her before because my best friend completely covered her, bending over, pressing his body against hers to help with her shot.

Did she tell them she was waiting for me? I hoped to hell not, since it was clear Caleb was making a move by practically fucking her on top of the pool table. He'd never do that shit if he knew she was here to see me. 

“Hey, sorry I’m late. Got held up with a
,” I said as I approached the table.

Dylan and Will nodded in greeting before their eyes went back to studying Lauren's cleavage in her low cut tank top. Caleb and Lauren were too preoccupied with each other to notice my appearance, so I walked around the table until I stood directly in their line of sight.

Lauren looked up and noticed me first. Her eyes widened and her lips opened to what I was pretty sure was a gasp. Those beautiful green eyes looked hazier than I remembered, and I wasn't sure if it was from lust or alcohol.

“Hey Ty, what took you so long? Meet our new girl, Lauren. Lauren this is our friend Tyler,” Caleb introduced us, clearly having no idea I was the reason she was here in the first fucking place.

I waited for her reaction. Would she admit I'd asked her to come by and blow off my best friend, or would she pretend like she didn't know me to stay with him? She stood up from the table, but didn’t say anything when Caleb's arms wrapped around her waist. Fuck. So she wanted him. Fine, I'd play along for her. I stuck out my hand for her to shake.

“Nice to meet you, Lauren,” I said sarcastically, making her cringe. She seemed to be the only one that noticed my clipped greeting, before she shook my hand quickly then pulled away.

“I ah, need to run to the ladies room. I’ll be right back,” she said, maneuvering out of Caleb’s arms and heading to the other side of the bar.

“Damn, is she fine as fuck or what?” Caleb remarked, his words starting to slur. We all watched her hips sway in her tight jeans as she walked away.

“Yep, she sure is,” I agreed.

“Ty, can you believe she's a fucking stripper? Who wouldn't pay to see her naked?" Dylan asked, and Caleb shot all of us a don't-even-fucking-think-about-it glare. 

Why, of all the damn people in the bar, did he have to go after Lauren? If it’d been anyone else I would’ve just walked up and told them to back the fuck up off of her. But Caleb was probably the only man I couldn't compete with.

I needed a shot or twenty to get through this night. If I was smart I’d turn around and walk out the door. But it was clear Caleb had been drinking. His slight slurs and staggering were obvious signs. Since leaving Caleb drunk in public with her was not something I was willing to do, shots it was.

“I’m heading to the bar, you guys need anything?” I asked. Surprisingly, everyone was good, and passed on a free round.

By the time I’d downed a shot and bought a beer, Lauren was back with the guys. Caleb was groping her ass in ways that made me want to punch him. Not that she seemed to mind, which only pissed me off more.

I sat down on one of the stools near their table, and watched while the four of them finished whatever number game they were on. I tried not to stare at her, but a couple of times I caught Lauren’s eye for a second. It may have been my horny fucking imagination, but I swear she looked at me like she wanted me.

Then I started paying more attention to her speech and movement, rather than her tits and ass. I didn’t need police training to know she was intoxicated too. Caleb’s wonderful idea, I was sure.

“Lauren, have you been drinking?” I asked. She looked up wide-eyed at me, then over to Caleb.

“Calm the fuck down Tyler. You’re off duty,” Caleb said as he pulled Lauren to him, staggering her off balance as he rubbed up against her. “Don’t worry about him sweetheart. Tyler's just an uptight cop.”

When he leaned down and kissed her I saw red.

"Man, Tyler, what’s up? You look strung out tonight,” Will asked from his chair beside mine.  I relaxed my balled up fists and pulled my eyes away from the couple when Caleb’s tongue went down her throat.

“She’s only twenty,” was all I said through clenched teeth.

“How the hell do you know that?” he asked.

Shit. I didn’t want to have to tell him the story. “Uptight cop’s intuition.”

When Caleb’s hand went up her shirt I’d had enough.

“I’m calling it a night. Will you make sure they get home in one piece?”

“Sure. I’ve only had three beers in the last two hours, so I'm good.”

“Thanks. See ya,” I told him, then headed toward the door.





Oh God, this man was turning my legs to jelly with just a kiss. What the hell would it be like to let him take me home, have his hard, ripped body above mine, while he fucked me with the enormous erection that he’d been rubbing against my ass all night?

I knew I was tipsy, but I didn’t care. I was having a lot of fun with Caleb, and a part of me liked how jealous Tyler looked when he watched us. I’d have to be an idiot not to notice that he wanted me too. Friends, of all damn things. Just my luck that I'd meet two unbelievably hot men in one day, and they'd know each other.

“You wanna head back to my place, sweetheart?” Caleb asked, echoing my own desires, as his mouth made its way down my neck.

“Yes. And the sooner the better,” I suggested.

He pulled his mouth from my neck, and the heated look in his eyes said he was thinking about throwing me over his shoulder, hauling ass out of the bar, and fucking me in the alley, which was so freaking hot.

“See you guys,” he called out to his friends. I think their names were Will and Dylan, maybe. I looked around but didn’t see Tyler. I wasn’t sure when he’d left.

“Hold on,” one of his friends yelled, jumping off his stool and heading towards us. He was the shorter one with brown hair and glasses, and really cute in a bookish, geeky way. “I promised Tyler I’d get you home safe and sound tonight. Let me give you a ride. Lauren, you coming with us tonight?”

Oh, I hoped I’d be coming tonight.

“Thanks Will, and yeah, she’s staying with me tonight,” Caleb said, putting his arm tight and possessively around me. So this one was Will, and Dylan was the big, tall blonde one.

“Then let’s go,” he said. 

With Caleb’s help to keep me walking mostly in a straight path, we made it outside to Will’s truck. Oh, this was going to be an up close and personal ride.

“Plenty of room. Here, you can sit on my lap,” Caleb said. He climbed in, then his strong arms reached and grabbed me up, pulling me onto his lap. His mouth smothered mine, and I didn’t remember anything else about the ride to his house. The only things I noticed were Caleb’s mouth and hands on me, up my shirt teasing my breasts, and his erection pushing into my ass, getting me hotter by the second.

The next thing I knew he was actually carrying me into his house. When he threw me on the bed I yelped in surprise before he was on me, pulling off my clothes frantically. Thanks to tonight's alcohol, the room seemed to be spinning, but if anything it only made Caleb's hands and mouth feel even better on me. 

“Oh God, you are so fucking hot,” he said as he hovered above me, running his fingertips over my now bare breasts, down my stomach, and cupping my throbbing sex. I cried out as he pushed two fingers into me, the heel of his hand grinding against my clit at the same time. Then his mouth followed the trail of his fingers, until his tongue penetrated the warm wetness between my legs. My pelvis came off the bed as my entire body caught fire. All I could do was moan and beg for more. I needed more. More of his mouth, his hands, more of him in me.     

“Don’t worry. I’ve got more for you sweetheart. I’ll have you coming every way possible before tonight’s over,” he promised. Then his mouth went back to work, driving me insane with one flick of his tongue at a time.

Chapter Five




Oh hell no! That son of a bitch got her drunk and brought her back here to fuck her? I sat down and gripped the bed post to stop myself from barging into his room and asking him what the hell was wrong with him. Although, based on the sounds she was making, she didn’t seem to mind whatever he was doing. She was actually begging for more.

Damn if I wouldn’t give anything to be the one in that room with her. Kissing every inch of her perfect curves, tasting her sweet pussy, which had to be what he was doing to make her scream at the top of her lungs.

“Fuck!” I yelled.

Apparently Caleb had left his door open, since the sound was carrying so well. The pervert in me wanted to see her. As disturbing as that was, my feet were up and moving before I could talk myself out of it.

I went to the other side of the dark house and froze.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ
. She was sprawled out across his bed naked, her legs spread wide as he went down on her, kneeling at the footboard with his back to the door. Thankfully, he still had all of his clothes on. From the streetlight shining in through the bedroom window I could see her perfect body undulating. I watched her cry out his name, and God's, while she writhed through her orgasm before hauling my peeping-Tom-dumbass back to my room. My empty room, where I could still hear her moans. It was going to be a long night.

I undressed down to my boxer briefs then climbed into bed. There was no choice but to pull out my cock, and try and ease the pressure. I was so hard it was painful. Of course I imagined it was me with Lauren instead of him. And it would have been me if I hadn't been so goddamn late tonight..

I woke up a few hours later to the unpleasant sounds of someone throwing up. I looked at the clock, which said it was closing in on four a.m. The retching paused, then started up again. Shit, it was probably Lauren, and Caleb was no doubt sleeping right on through.

I climbed out of bed, found some sleep pants to pull over my boxers, then headed down to the hall bathroom that we shared.

How was it possible for her to be beautiful even when she was kneeling over a toilet? Her long blonde hair was loose and mussed from sleep, and she was wearing nothing other than Caleb’s black wife-beater, that I could see.

Pulling my eyes from her, I went back into motion, finding a washcloth and running cool water over it in the sink. I raised her hair, holding it up off her neck so I could lay the cloth across it, and simultaneously keep it from getting puked on. Lauren looked up at me, then quickly away. 

“W-what are you doing here?” she asked. 

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“No. I mean … you live here?”

“Yeah," I sighed. "Unfortunately.”

“Oh God. So you heard-?” she started to ask, then vomited again. I didn’t bother answering her question. The answer was obvious, so I just held her hair out of the way.

When she seemed to be finished I helped her up and got out the mouthwash for her.

“I’ll give you a few minutes, but I'll be out here if you need anything,” I told her, before shutting the bathroom door to give her some privacy.

A little while later she came out, eyes downcast, her face pale, and body trembling.

“Do you want to crash on the sofa? It’s right across from the bathroom, you know, just in case.” I also didn't like the thought of her climbing back in Caleb's bed.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” she agreed. One of her arms was wrapped protectively around her waist, and the other was tugging the hem of his shirt down to cover more skin.

“I’ll be right back, let me see if I can find you some pajama bottoms."

“Thanks,” she said softly.

I grabbed a pair of pants from my dresser, then headed back to the living room. Lauren had curled up in a ball on the couch. She looked so small, and incredibly pitiful.

“Here you go.”

She stood up and pulled them on while I grabbed a blanket and pillow from the hall closet. When I came back I lifted her head to put the pillow under her, then covered her with the blanket.

“Thanks Tyler,” she whispered, looking up at me with an expression that almost brought me to my knees. She looked so sad and embarrassed, but the worst part was that she looked so grateful. From what she'd told me about her home life, she'd probably never had anyone take care of her before.

My fingertips glided over her gorgeous face, brushing her hair back, and making her eyes flutter closed for a second before opening again.

“So, my best friend huh?” I asked.  

She placed her hand over top of mine and gave it a squeeze.

“I’m sorry. I had no idea he was your friend, and you were late. I thought you'd stood me up." 

“Yeah, a hell of a rush hour wreck I couldn’t get away from,” I told her, unable to stop touching her.

“You’re a good guy, Tyler.”

Her words finally had me pulling my hand away, and backing up a few steps. “Yeah, but not as good as Caleb, apparently.”

I started heading back to my room before I did or said something I'd regret. “Let me know if you need anything,” I told over my shoulder.

I laid down but tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I kept listening for Lauren in the living room. I should've just curled up in the chair in there with her, but I wasn’t that big of a damn loser. Finally around sunrise I fell asleep.

I came to with something cool and wet on my shoulder, gliding down my back. Lying on my side, I felt a soft hand caress slowly down my stomach, underneath my waistband before grasping my morning wood.

Oh fuck
,” I groaned, finally opening my eyes.  

Holy shit, Lauren was in my bed. Not just in my bed, but jerking me off.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked breathlessly. I was too big of a jackass to move her hand.

“What’s it feel like I’m doing?” she asked playfully, her hand gripping and stroking me for all she was worth.

“Oh, I know what the fuck you’re doing, but why? Where the hell is Caleb? Shouldn’t you be giving him this wake up hand job?”

“It's actually going to be a wake up blow job, and he left me all alone in his bed,” she said, pressing soft kisses down my back, before jerking my pants and boxers down.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed as my erection sprang free. She pushed me to my back and then leaned over and took me into her mouth.

“Lauren stop. Shit! Oh God, don’t stop.
Oh fuck
.” She licked me, sucked me and blew my damn mind. Her hair was wet and cold falling along my stomach and around my hips, unlike her warm, wet mouth working up and down my cock. And she wasn't wearing a shred of clothing. Her body was even better than I'd imagined after seeing her in the darkness last night. Her perfect tits hung heavy and mouthwatering, swaying with every little motion.   

“Stop damn it, I’m close,” I warned her, trying to pull her away as the pressure built. It was way too soon, but I couldn't stop the momentum. She looked up at me, her mouth full, her tongue driving me crazy, and shook her head no. I could feel my cock rubbing her throat with the motion.

“Shit that feels good. Faster baby. Oh God, Lauren.
,” I exclaimed, rubbing my hands through her wet hair and pressing her to me as I came in her mouth. She took as much of me as she could into her mouth as I exploded, and rubbed my balls until she felt me start to shrink.

Still shuddering, I grabbed her and pulled her up my body, crushing her mouth to mine.

“Are you trying to drive me crazy?” I asked around our all-consuming kiss. “Because you are. Damn, you are making me so fucking crazy.”

“I haven't stopped thinking about you since yesterday morning," she said breathlessly as she rubbed her hands through the back of my hair while looking down at me, heat filling her eyes. "You are so damn sexy in your uniform. I wanted you to rip my panties off and fuck me in your cruiser.” She was straddling me, pulling my mouth to her tits while she rubbed her pussy over my still throbbing cock.

Her words had me groaning into her mouth as she pulled me back into a kiss. She rolled her hips, and I knew she was lining herself up to drop onto me.

I flipped us over so that I was on top of her. Reaching into the bedside table I grabbed a condom and rolled it on in record breaking time. I sent my fingers searching, feeling between her legs to see if she was ready, but she felt too damn good to rush.

“Fuck, I’ve got to taste you first,” I told her, lowering my head and licking over her tits and down her belly, until I was lapping up her wetness.

She moaned and squirmed, just like she had last night. Last night with him. Fuck, what the hell was wrong with me? My stomach twisted, but she was too fucking amazing to stop. I attacked her clit angrily, and she grabbed my head, grinding against me. After I made her come, screaming my name instead of his, I climbed off the bed, panting, and harder than granite.

“Where are you going?” she asked, still sprawled out naked on my bed. Her arms were thrown above her head in surrender, her face flushed, looking like the ultimate wet dream come to life. 

“We can’t do this. You need to leave.”

“What? Why? Because I slept with Caleb?” she asked, raising up on her elbows.

“Yes, because you just fucked my best friend! I shouldn’t have let this go as far as it did, but when you put my dick in your mouth it was sort of hard to protest,” I yelled defensively, knowing I sounded like a complete jackass. I rubbed my hands over my face and blew out a breath. “Look, let’s just forget you ever stepped foot in this room, and pretend like nothing happened, okay?”

“Tyler, wait,” she called out.

“No. If you wanted me you should have said something to him last night. But you didn't. You came home with him, and I'm not the type of guy that screws his friend's hookups, or whatever the fuck you are to him. So, I hope you’ll be out of my bed before I get back,” I growled, heading for the bathroom and slamming the door.      

Damn it, I could put a hole through the wall. I’d never wanted anyone more, and here I was walking away, trying to be the good guy. A good guy who got a blow job, but damn it, I wasn’t strong enough to say no when her mouth was on me.
, I’ve got to clear my head and get Lauren out of it. That girl is nothing but trouble waiting to happen between me and Caleb.

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