All In: Double or Nothing (17 page)

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Authors: Lane Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

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Chapter Twenty-Six




I woke up with someone’s mouth sucking on my breast. The fact that I wasn’t sure whose it was didn’t bother me at all. I moaned and arched my back in encouragement. Now that he knew I was awake he became more explorative, cupping my sex.

I gasped and finally opened my eyes. Tyler was the culprit.

“Good morning. I like this sort of wake up,” I told him, pressing down against his hand between my legs.

“Morning. You’ve got about ten minutes before you have to start getting ready,” he said.

“Well, I hope you’re going to make them count.”

He switched sides and took my other nipple into his mouth before responding. “You know I will baby, now spread your legs for me.”

I quickly did as he asked. He plunged his cock into me, then raised my legs straight up against his chest as he hammered into me over and over.

“Are you sore?” he asked.

“No,” I breathed. “Harder.”

Caleb groaned from beside us. “Too early for this shit,” he mumbled, but when I looked over at him he was watching and stroking himself.

“You didn’t … Oh God! ... think so …Oh! ... yesterday,” I told him, and then words failed me as my body tensed and then shook when my orgasm ripped through me.

A couple of hard thrusts later Tyler lowered my legs and collapsed on top of me. “Five minutes,” he said.

“That’s not something I’d brag about buddy,” Caleb said before cursing when he came in his hand. He jumped up to clean himself, which sort of took the air out of his jab at Tyler.

Tyler laughed then rolled off of me.

“Is there a rule that whoever’s bed I’m in the next morning gets dibs?”

“Unspoken, but pretty much,” he said.      

“Maybe so, but how do you feel about shower sex with me, sweetheart?” Caleb asked when he came back into the room still gloriously naked.

“You two are turning me into an insatiable nympho. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed lots of sex, but lately I can’t get enough.”

“Oh, and we are more than happy to get you off as many times as you need. Well, until you pass out on us,” Caleb said with a chuckle.

“Hey now, you two are a lot to take, especially at the same time.”

“But fuck if you don’t take us both so damn good baby,” Tyler said. “My sheets have never seen so much action.”

“Well, except for the first week after Caleb left,” I reminded him, and watched as he cringed.

Caleb went still, probably thinking I was referring to when I had been with Tyler.

“Tyler brought home four skanky ass women that week,” I explained to him, and saw him exhale heavily in relief.

“Yeah, and Lauren was so pissed I’m surprised she ever slept with me after that. Although she was the reason I slept with them in the first place – to try and stop thinking about her.”     

“So, despite how much fun I have with you two, I’ve got to get ready for class,” I told them as I climbed out of bed.

“Come on. I’ll bend you over and fuck you just as hard and as fast as Tyler,” Caleb assured me as he held out his hand.

“Who says romance is dead?” I joked.

Hours later I finished my exam, which I felt like I nailed, even after my late night of getting nailed so many times I lost count, then headed to the cashier's office to start paying on next semester's tuition. I walked up to the available cashier and gave her my name and student ID.

"I'd like to set up a payment plan and make the first payment today," I told the lady while she looked up my account in the computer.

"That won't be necessary," she said with a smile.

"Ah, what do you mean? I always do the payment plan."

"Your spring semester balance has been paid in full, as of yesterday actually."

"What? That's not possible. Someone must have made a mistake, and I don't want to get kicked out of all my classes next semester when you all figure that out."

"Oh, we don't make those kinds of mistakes."

"But how? Does it say how it was paid?" I asked, so damn confused. She typed in a few other things.

"It was a payment transfer from a bank account."

"A bank account? Whose bank account?"

"It was authorized by Caleb Thomas."

"Caleb? Caleb paid all of my one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-eight dollar balance?"

"Um, yes, that's what it says."

Why would he do that?

"Holy shit. Crap, I'm sorry. Can you refund it back to his account?"

She looked at me like I had two heads, blinking a few times before she responded. "Um, well, ah, I'm sure we could if that's what you wanted us to do, but it's paid in full and you had asked to do the payment plan."

"Yes, but
l be paying for it on the payment plan, not someone else who shouldn't have spent that much money on me."

"Okay, then we'll credit it back and set up the payment plan."

"Good. Thank you."

For some reason I was still pissed when I got home, as evidenced by the way I slammed the door. Tyler was in the living room and looked up with an eyebrow raised.

"Something wrong?" he asked, patting the spot beside him on the couch for me to come sit.

I sat down and exhaled. Should I tell Tyler? Maybe he knew.

"Did you know Caleb paid my tuition for next semester?"

There was no shock or surprise on his face. He knew. Did he …

"Ah, yeah. I gave him half for it and I think he called or something yesterday."

"What? Why would you do that?"

"Because we wanted to. To help you out. If you didn't have to pay tuition would you stop stripping?"

I scoffed. "Whose idea was this?"

"Caleb's. Why? Are you mad at us for wanting to help you?"

"I'm already living here for free, and I don't need either of you to help me. I expected this from you, because you've always made it clear how slutty I am for striping, but not from Caleb."

"Lauren, we just want to take care of you. What's wrong with that?"

"I don't need anyone to take care of me, especially when by doing so you think you have some say in the decisions I make in my life."

"What? That's not-"

"No. I'm done. Shit, I don't even have my own room here and I'm pissed at you both. I can't be here right now," I told him as I grabbed my purse on the way to the door.

"Lauren, just because your sorry-ass mother never cared about you or did anything for you, doesn’t mean you don't deserve to have that. Why can't you see that’s all we're trying to do?"

I shook my head and walked out the door.

Chapter Twenty-Seven




"Hey," I said to Tyler when I walked into the house after work. "Where's Lauren? Her car's not here."

"She found out we paid her tuition," he said from the couch.

"What does that have to do with her not being here?"

"She was pissed. Like really fucking pissed. I don't get it."

"She was mad. Why?"

"I don't know. She said she didn't need our help, and that we were trying to make her decisions for her or something."

"That doesn't make any sense." I tried to think about it from her perspective but it still didn't add up. I must be missing something.

"Where is she?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Jess's maybe, until she has to go to work?"

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "I'm going over there."

Walking to my car I tried Lauren's cell. No answer. I drove to Jess's and ran up the steps to her apartment on the second floor, then knocked on the door. Jess answered, looking happy and peppy like usual.

"Hey Caleb. I have no idea why she's mad at you."

"Me either. Can I come in?"

"Sure, and I'm going to head to the store to give you a few minutes."

"Thanks," I told her. She left as I went in and shut the door.

Lauren was sitting on the couch looking visibly upset, biting her lip. I sat on the loveseat across from her but she wouldn't looked at me.

"Lauren, what's wrong? Why are you upset?"

"You don't get to make decisions in my life. Just because you're fucking me and tried to pay a couple thousand on my school account, you're not going to tell me what I can or can't do."

"I'm confused. What the hell are you talking about?"

"I thought you didn't mind where I work."

"I don't."

"Right, and that's why you want to pay my tuition so I'll quit."

"I didn’t pay it so you'd quit your job. Why would you think that?"

"Then why did you pay it?" she asked.

"Just to help you out. You work so hard and stress about making ends meet. I know getting this degree is important to you, and you're so close to being done. I didn’t want anything to keep you from finishing it, least of all money."

"But Tyler said that if I didn't have tuition to pay I could quit dancing."

"That ignoranus. Maybe that's what
thought. He's never liked you working there…well, except when he got to see you naked while we were together. But it doesn't bother me. I know it's the only place you can work to make enough money on weekends so you can be off during the week while you're in school."

The anger completely slipped from her face.

"Oh," was all she said, then she looked away. "I told them to credit it back to your account."

Shit, why did that hurt so much?

"I'm sorry. We should have asked you first, but I swear there aren't any strings attached, okay?" I told her as I stood up to leave. "Will you come home after work?"

She nodded.

"Okay good. I love you and I'll see you later."

"I love you too, and I'm sorry I left. It's just, I don't have my own space there, you know?" she said sadly.

"I know. But you could always take over my room whenever you need it."

I hugged her and kissed her cheek, then left to give her the time alone she wanted. I had an idea I needed to talk to Tyler about.





I'd just finished my routine when Ronnie came up to me backstage.

"You're booked for the rest of the night, so head on out to the champagne room."

"Wait, what?"

"Two guys paid for the champagne room for the rest of the night."

"But it's only eleven. That's three hours. How much did they pay?"

"A lot, and instead of three girls they only want you, so you get the whole shebang."

Holy shit, that’s a lot of money, but this wasn't good. Anytime someone paid that much it was to try and get sex. There were no cameras in that room because the club left it up to the girls for what they will or won't allow.

"I want a bouncer listening at the door, and if they even try and touch me they're gone. I don't care how much money they paid."

"Sure. They've been given the rules, and they don't look like trouble."

"Okay good."

I checked my makeup, pulled the naughty cop costume back on, then with shaking hands headed for the private room.

"Hey Tom, you know I don't allow shit," I reminded the big bouncer at the door.

"I know, and I've got ya."

"Thanks," I gave him a weak smile, took a deep breath, and finally opened the door.

I almost fell over laughing.

"You two scared the shit out of me," I told Caleb and Tyler. Tyler was grinning like his face was going to split in two, but Caleb looked concerned. That's what tipped me off.

"Wait. I know what you're doing, and you're out of your minds."

"You want to earn the money you make, so tonight we're paying customers. Although don't be surprised if we get out of line," Caleb said, but despite his teasing words his expression was still cautious.

"Come on Lauren. You can handle a few hours with us, can't you?" Tyler asked. "And you know I think that outfit is hot as fuck. Are those real handcuffs?"

I laughed and went back to the door and cracked it open to tell Tom he was free to go. After assuring him several times that I knew these guys he finally left.

"Fine. Thank you both for your very generous contribution toward my education. There are no cameras in here so anything goes."

"Hold on. You don’t, usually, in this room, you know …" Tyler asked, looking like he wanted to kill someone.

"I don't, and never have, no. But that doesn’t mean that for the right price one of the other girls wouldn't let you touch them, give you a hand job or even a blow job in this room. In fact they are all probably pissed that you've booked it for the whole night. Especially when they see how hot you two are."

"Damn right. Now get naked woman," Tyler said, lifting his glass of champagne.

"You know, for what you paid you could have had three women in here."

"Do you seriously want two other women in here dancing naked for us?" Caleb asked with a raised eyebrow.

I thought it over. "I'm sure Jess would love to dance for you two, instead of creepy old men…then neither of you would have an empty lap."

"Hell yes, bring her in! She’s hot as fuck," Tyler exclaimed. When I raised an eyebrow at him he backpedaled. "No touching, or anything else. Don't worry baby, we'll just look."

"Okay, I'll go get her." I gave them a smile then headed out to the main room.

We were supposed to let men buy us drinks to help bring money into the bar, and give the customers the illusion that they had a chance in hell with us. I found Jess was having a glass of wine with a man old enough to be her grandfather. Hell, maybe even great-grandfather.

"Hey Eve," I said, using her stripper name. That was rule number one in the strip club, don't ever let the men find out your real name.  "Sorry sir, but she's going to have to come with me to the champagne room for the rest of the night."

She jumped out of her seat, eye's wide. "The rest of the night?"

"Yes." When she was within whispering distance I added, "Two sleazy old men asked me to pick someone to share."

I laughed when she shivered and opened her mouth to start protesting.

"Come on, it's a lot of money for a few hours."

We headed to the back room, and Jess started to panic when she didn't see a bouncer at the door.

"Are you crazy? We've got to get Chris or Tom to listen in case ..."

"Don't worry. These two look harmless. Probably can't even get it up." When she made a whimpering noise I laughed and pushed her through the door.

All the air in her lungs whooshed out. "Caleb and Tyler? Seriously? You had me freaking the fuck out."  

"Hi, Jess," they both greeted her.

"Nice outfit," Caleb told her, eying her up and down, and just those two words and his appraisal of her outfit stung. Maybe this was a bad idea. 

"The naughty nurse is in. Any boo boos you boys need kissed?" she asked them with a smile as she started unbuttoning her super short uniform.

"I've got a few. But damn, I may have to take off my pants and my shirt for you to get to them," Tyler said, flashing her his sexy smile.

"Now how can I possibly give you a proper examine unless you're completely naked?" she asked as she headed for him.

A sigh of relief came out of me when she started undoing his belt, and I hadn't even realized I'd been holding it in. Caleb was watching me thoughtfully, probably trying to figure out what was on my mind. He looked so sweet and sexy, laid back and more relaxed now that I was okay with them being here, and I wanted him so much it hurt.

I headed for him, straddling his lap and crushing my mouth to his to show him how much I loved him in the teasing tangle of our tongues. He instantly picked up on my desperation and reciprocated, wrapping his arms around my head and waist to hold me closer to him, while my hands dug into the back of his hair. It was the most intense kiss I'd ever had, and it went on so long I'd completely forgot about everything else until Jess interrupted.

"Hey Lauren?" she asked.

I pulled away from Caleb panting, but didn't turn around to look at her. "Yeah?"

"Mind if I give Tyler an oral exam?"

"Hell yes!" Tyler exclaimed and I smiled.

Caleb watched me, his face only inches away from mine, those light blue eyes piercing through me, waiting for my reaction or response or both.

"Sure, if he even likes that sort of thing," I told her.

"God yes! I'd give anything to see your mouth around my …
oh fuck
!" he exclaimed, then his groans and curses were so loud they drowned out the music coming from the speakers. But it didn't bother me, not even a little. I was trying to figure out what that meant.

"You okay?" Caleb asked, reaching up with his fingertips to brush the hair from my face.

I nodded. "Yeah I am," I told him. I looked at him and considered how I'd feel if it was him Jess was going down on instead, and just the thought made me feel sick. "Actually, I think I'm about ninety-eight percent okay."

His mouth covered mine hard before the words left my lips, understanding exactly what I was saying. A second later he'd shifted us until my back was on the couch and he was above me, pressing into me like he couldn't get close enough to me.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

And in my stripper outfit, on a couch in the champagne room, five feet away from two other people, Caleb made love to me. Made me forget everything else. The two of us together was all that mattered.

Afterwards we laid wrapped in each other’s arms, mine around Caleb's neck, his around my back, and the rest of the world started coming back into focus. Caleb pressed sweet, loving kisses all over me as I held him to me.

I heard what sounded like a condom wrapper tear, and then moans from across the room. I glanced over to the other couch already knowing what I'd see taking place. Jess was naked except for heels and hose, bouncing up and down on Tyler's lap. Her back was arched against his bare chest, his mouth covered her neck, and his hands were grasping her breasts, using them to slam her down on his cock. Other than slight arousal at watching them have sex, I didn’t feel anything else.

I looked back up at Caleb and he smiled, seeming to understand my lack of jealously and what it meant. He worked the naughty cop outfit over my head, leaving me naked except for my thigh highs and heels, then pulled off his shirt, and pushed down his jeans all the way.  Lowering himself between my legs he leaned down to kiss me as he entered me again.

When Jess screamed out her very first orgasm in various colored phrases neither of us could keep from laughing.

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