All I'll Ever Ask (The Greatest Love Book 1)

BOOK: All I'll Ever Ask (The Greatest Love Book 1)
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Copyright © 2015 by Genevieve D. Woods


All Rights Reserved.


This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the authors’ rights is appreciated.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Some places are real but they are not actual event unless cited. Otherwise, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All referenced music and lyrics are copyright protected and are the property of its owners.











About the Author

First Things First, fictional love and life resembles reality. It is imperative for me to show how the Lord meets individuals where they are and restores them through His Word for them to become the individuals he predestined them to be.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ, who is the lover of my soul, so much that He gave His life that mine might be saved from eternal damnation. Therefore, His praises shall continually be on my lips. I give Him Glory & Honor for they belong to Him.

I am happily married to a wonderful and handsome man who supports me in all things. He encourages me to stand on the promise that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. He is a solid rock, my muse, the second lover of my soul, and the only lover of my body. I adore him. Song of Solomon 3:4, explains how I adore him, by stating “but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go.” That is Biblical Romance read it for yourself.

Our union has been blessed with two handsome sons, one beautiful daughter, and a Shi-Tzu (dog) we all love and think he is more human than Shi-Tzu.

I have been called to narrate Christian love stories that reflect the greatest love of all time. That love is Christ’s love for his bride, the church.

The characters that live these stories don't always start on the right path. Sometimes they fall down, but through the long suffering of the Heavenly Father and their earthly lovers, they find redemption and happiness (in most cases).


Love is patient! Love is Kind!



Advance Readers & Supporters

To my first group of readers, thank you for taking the time to read an unedited work of fiction. Your feedback helped make this storyline. You are the reason; I am now a published author. Patrick E. Woods, Patrick Ray Woods, Leah Woods, Phillip Woods, Carlene Woods, Norbert Woods, Tina Jones Herron, Ricky Herron, Tawanda Hightower, Lillie Phillips, Joe Bowen, Sr., Brenda Bowen, Joe Bowen, Jr., Lonnisa Bowen, Khalia Bowen, Debra Phillips Duffy, Phyllis Miller, Angelica Smith, Anthony Smith, Sr., Tarsha Yancey Harris, Jasmine Joyner, Latonya Broome, Kingston Westmoreland, Bonnie Wagstaff, Damon Miller (Kevin Michelson-photo model), Kari McKean, Michelle Jenkins, Christine Moranville, Samantha Hatter, Tonya Owens Hicks, LaKisha Johnson, Mia Cobb Jackson, Dee Day, Diamond Presswood, Melissa Saulsberry Smith, LaKeisha Maxwell, Anna Maxwell, Karla Stephens, Correada Coco Sanders, Sherman Hamilton, and all other supporters and readers.

Ms. Melissa Y. Evans
–  Thank you for your Point, Blank, Period, editing services. I am grateful for every grammatical error you caught. I humbly appreciate all the red ink. Looking forward to After Church with you. Thanks for putting up with me, I am slightly neurotic and you looked passed that

Mrs. LaShawn Vasser –
When I grow up I want to be a best-selling author like you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read and offer me insight. All I’ll Ever Ask would not be the story it is without your guidance. Thank you for taking me under your wings.

JB Logic Covers –
Thank you, the cover is perfect as the women of this story have to rise above their troubles to see what the Lord has for them.

Dodson Media Designs – Jasper Dodson, Thank you for an awesome book trailer.

Debra Phillips Duffy – My self-appointed promoter, Thank you!  Your faith in me touches the core of my being.  I love you!

Pastor Rick Gering – Thank you for allowing me to adapt your sermon Baggage Sunday into my story. The message was an inspiration to me and the characters.

To my parents – Wade Hightower Jr. and Martha Thomas, thank you for giving me the best of yourselves!

To the Savior of my soul, thank you for breathing this vision into me. May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart, be pleasing and acceptable in thy sight. My Rock and Redeemer!


The Greatest Love Series


Camille James, a workaholic by day and a fantasy reader by night, knows she needs to break the monotony of her life. Due to past hurt, neglect, and rejection, she stays in her own bubble. Her world consists of business, books, and family.

Benjamin George Adams is a man with regrets. He is an executive that has always placed his career first, before his family, friends and love life. The untimely death of his longtime girlfriend, has given him a change of heart. After a year of mourning, he is ready to be free of his past and ready to find true love.

One night Camille and Benjamin were paired up by good friends for a date, and neither knows what lies ahead. Read and witness a date that turns into a Hit and Run, which causes a domino effect of unexpected reunions, tragedies and triumphs for Benjamin, Camille, their families and friends. These unexpected circumstances happen in the name of love, as they find Christ.








Chapter 1: Hit and Run

Camille James

She found her one and only love, he found the beat for his heart; Neil and Jessica triumphed over adversity and overcame every obstacle that blocked their way. Now the sky was clear from any clouds that could stop them from living out their destiny.

Camille James sighed as she scrolled over to the ratings page on her Electronic Reading Device and gave the author three stars and a lengthy written review, for the BWWM romance novel she completed reading in one setting. She applauded the author for writing a romance book full of angst, twists and turns that ended in a neat little, happily ever after. The three stars were because it was wrapped up too neatly to be believable. However, she would definitely give the author another chance with a different book. 

Once she finished the book she needed to get up and prepare for the next work day, or maybe she would start one more read before turning in. She chose to download and laughed at herself another night alone with her reader. She whispered to herself, “I need to get out more, rather than sitting here reading novel after novel and not living my own life. This is not getting me closer to the family that I long for.” She needed to be out dating and trying to obtain her own happily ever after. Oh well she thought, at least I am going on plenty of trips, to faraway places with some of the most handsome, wealthy, and caring men ever penned to paper. Pathetic she was and she knew and accepted the fact. At thirty-three years of age, reading romantic fiction was how she spent her evenings. Camille decided she deserved to relax and drift off to the land of fantasy, at night.

By day she was the owner of a successful distribution company, In Transit Systems (ITS), with seventy-five employees in Memphis, TN. Camille worked ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week. She put out corporate fires like the chief of the fire department. She was fierce, confident, articulate and financially secure. But it still remained true, after six p.m., she was like Levar Burton from Reading Rainbow, in a book she was taking a trip to anywhere other than reality.

A buzz of her mobile device displaying her best friend Paige Richard’s picture, brought her out of her introspective thoughts.

“Hey Paige, what’s up?”

With her normal upbeat voice Paige said, “Just checking on you, what you are doing? Let me guess you are reading a romance novel written by one of your author, Facebook friends. Who wrote the book for tonight Camille, LaShawn Vasser?”

Camille laughed saying “Whatever, Paige.”  “Surely you did not call for that.”

Paige began with a sly “Well, I actually have a real life date for you. Kevin and I have two extra tickets to a stage play at the Theater tonight. Kevin’s friend, Benjamin George Adams, has agreed to meet us. I have to persuade you to join us.”

Since there was only silence Paige continued. “I promise you will like Ben and we will have a great time. Now will you grace us with your presence”?

“Paige, who is Benjamin? Why is he named after dead presidents? What kind of play is it? Who produced the play? What time does it start? I have to get up early for a 6:30 morning meeting.”  Camille rolled all of that out without allowing Paige to respond.

“Whoa - Mille, Benjamin is a friend of Kevin’s as I said before. The play is umm… I guess urban, with a gospel feel to it. The producer is some guy who use to be homeless. Come on just say yes, do it for me.”

“Paige, I will not be attending a play tonight and with a blind date no less. I’m going to decline on this one.”

“Camille, come on, Benjamin is not really a blind date. You two have been at a few of Kevin’s political events together.”

“Have we been introduced?”

“Not exactly.”

“Well Paige, my friend, the answer is the same, NO!” Camille was now exasperated. She needed to end this conversation. She had a book she wanted to begin reading before preparing for work.”

“Okay Mille, I see you’re becoming all tensed and would rather curl up with imaginary people. So what about meeting him next Saturday, we have tickets to another production at the theater.

“Paige! What part of, I will not be going on a date with someone I have not at least spoken with, don’t you understand?”

“Ok, how about I give you his number and you can call him?

“Another negative, Paige! But you can give him my office number and I will let you know once I speak to him.”

“Fine Mille, have it your way. I wish you would understand you have to live outside of work.”

“I do understand that Paige, that is why you can give him my office number.”

“Okay, but do you promise you will allow Karen to put him through and you will talk to him?

“Yes Paige, I promise. Do you need a Color Purple’s – my tee tah on it?”

“Matter of fact, I do. I will come by your office and we can do our hand clap tomorrow. I got to run now and meet my man. Smooches.”

“Smooches!” That is how Paige and Camille ended every phone call.

Camille was relieved to disconnect from that matchmaking phone call. The only reason she was entertaining this Benjamin guy, was because Paige was one of her dearest friends. She vaguely recalled Paige mentioning a guy name Benjamin, as one of Kevin’s friends. She thought that Benjamin had a girlfriend, she could not remember. Maybe she had nothing to worry about. Most guys would be offended if she did not meet on the first request and not call her. One could only hope, but if he did call, she would go through with her promise to Paige.

Camille and Paige met while attending the Business Institute of Memphis. Camille obtained a degree in Business Management with emphasis in Project Management. Paige obtained a degree in HealthCare Administration. The two hit it off in a study group held at a local bookstore, with a coffee shop. They became the best of friends. Over the last few years, they have seen each other through several career changes (including the start-up of ITS), relationships, family tragedies and so much more. They were both grateful for their sisterhood.

Paige’s personality was a little rough around the edges. While she looked like refinement and sophistication, she could go from one to ten, in a second. But Camille had nothing but love for Paige, because she was loyal. The trust between them was unbreakable. Paige was a true ride or die friend but often Camille would have to rein her in, if Paige felt provoked by someone.

Camille smiled at those thoughts and returned to her novel. She had to giggle because Paige was correct. She was about to read “A Storm is Coming,” by LaShawn Vasser, and by the end of the first chapter she knew this one would receive a five-star rating.

The next morning it was a little after eight when Camille made it to her office. She was elated that a local retailer had signed a three-year contract with ITS for their distribution services. Before she could power up her laptop, Karen, her Executive Assistant, came on her phone’s intercom stating there was a Benjamin Adams on line one. Camille lifted the receiver of her desk phone, “send him through Karen.”

Although Camille knew it was Benjamin on the line, she always answered the phone “Camille James, ITS.”

“Hello Ms. James, this is Benjamin Adams.”

“Hello Benjamin.” “How are you?”

“I’m well thanks for asking. I am assuming you know Kevin and Paige gave me your telephone number?”

“Yes. I gave Paige the okay, last night. I was expecting your call although not this early. Paige is my persuasive best friend and can get me to do just about anything.”

“Well she could not get you to go to the play last night” Ben said with a smirk that Camille could hear over the phone.

“Benjamin you did not want our first meeting to be at one of those gospel slash urban plays. The last one I went to I had Karen, my executive assistant who answered your call, to look up the promoter, via text for me. It was just that bad. I had to know who to give the credit to. To top it off, all night I felt like I was on some island and the joke was on me. There was Kevin Michelson, an Assistant District Attorney, laughing out loud at the ridiculous ensemble of cast and hideous dialogue. Not only was he sitting through the ghetto fabulous mess, but was enjoying it more so than Paige. It was just beyond my realm of comprehension. So Mr. Adams, I did you a favor by not attending it, that is not the introduction to me you would have appreciated.”

Camille paused to allow Benjamin to get his laugh out. She was happy he found mirth in what she said, but she was serious. Poorly scripted gospel stage plays were a pet peeve of hers.

“You know what Ms. James, we have our first thing in common, and I have a secret to share. 

“Really? We are just a couple of minutes in our phone conversation and a secret already?”

“It’s nothing major I promise.” Ben blushed into the phone.

“Okay, so spill it.” Camille could not keep her bossy side down, she hated that. Her last serious boyfriend said, “she was too guarded and bossy.” She did let down her guard and revealed her bourgeois side, which was a plus.  There was nothing she could do about being bossy. She was the boss.

“I don’t like those plays Kevin and Paige are always dragging people to either.”

“Well, why did you agree to go?” Camille was bossy but did not want a pushover. She bored with them too quickly.

“I tag along because Kevin is my boy and he is trying to get me out of my normal dating habits. I am trying something new, in hopes that I can find the right lady.”

Camille, thought that was a satisfactory answer, not really a push over’s response.

“So am I on a ‘right lady’ phone interview, if so how am I doing so far?” Camille frowned at herself. Did she really ask that? Was she flirting with this stranger? She had to admit his voice was speaking to her. It was deep and husky and was giving her goosebumps. Had it been too long since she had a conversation with a man that was not about business?

“Ms. James, I am the one on the interview. After all, you would not go out with me, without a prescreening.”

“Touché, but a girl can’t be too careful, Benjamin George Adams. By the way, I love your name, it is so Presidential.” (Really Camille, that was lame).

“No I understand. I am happy you stood your ground. I have to respect a woman who makes a brother work for it. If you are as lovely in person, as you sound, it will be well worth my effort.”

Did he just flirt with me? This brother has game, Camille thought as she blushed into the phone. She was positive Benjamin could hear it. Her goosebumps were now sizzling from the heat of his last statement. Benjamin sensuously spoke to her and she could not remain focused on the words, only the sound of his voice. She had to get her mind out of the gutter and stir this ship back to safe and dry land.

“Ummm…have you been on many blind dates? Camille said.

“I have had more than I would like to admit. However, I can’t say that they were official, blind dates. I always google her name and check out whatever public social posts, and pictures are available.”

“Really? Tell me what you think about my public social media image.” Camille said

“I didn’t have time to google you.”

“Sure Benjamin, you didn’t look me up.” Camille said with sarcasm.

“Honestly Ms. James, Kevin invited me last minute. I said okay then rushed to get dressed. Then he called back and informed me you had rejected me. So I took my broken heart to bed, and resigned to call you this morning.”

Camille’s heart warmed as she listened to Benjamin recap’s of being turned down. She was now regretting not going to the play. “I did not reject you, I just delayed our meeting.

“Tomato Tomata, Ms. James…”

“Well I gave you my phone number.”

“To your place of business, Ms. James.”

“Regardless of that, Benjamin, we are now speaking. To prove that it was not my intention to leave you feeling rejected, text your phone number to 901.789.2345.”

“Ok I’m texting. Whose number is this, your assistant’s?”

“Ha. Ha. You are a comedian. That is my mobile number. Ben can we make an agreement, until we meet at the play next week?”

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