Read All I Need Is You Online

Authors: M. Malone

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #Erotica, #African American, #Contemporary Women

All I Need Is You (28 page)

BOOK: All I Need Is You
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“Twelve twenty-five?”

“Christmas Day,” he clarified.

Her eyes softened. “The first time we kissed. That’s a good code. I definitely won’t forget that one.”

“I’ll never forget it either.” He stepped back and slid the doors to the closet closed.

Once the contents were covered up again, Kay visibly relaxed. She crossed to the bed and sat down on the edge, then peeked up at him with a mischievous smile. “I feel like I’m not supposed to be in here.”

He grinned at her. “You can go anywhere you want to go. Why don’t you lie back?”

When she did, she let out a small gasp.

He climbed up on the bed next to her and reclined, looking up at their reflection on the ceiling. “Yeah, I wasn’t sure if you’d noticed this last time. The closet had all your attention, so I figured this wasn’t a top priority.”

She turned to him and buried her face in his shoulder. “I like this part,” she whispered.

“Oh yeah? My angel secretly likes the idea of watching? What a bad girl.”

She peeked up at the mirrors again. “I do. I really

He rolled over and propped himself above her. “Well, I’m happy to provide some entertainment for your viewing pleasure.”

KAY STRETCHED LANGUIDLY, loving the way her body sank into the mattress and even more how she was trapped by the weight of Eli on top of her.

“I’m going to do some things to you, angel. Dirty things. Shocking things. Things that good girls don’t do. Are you okay with that?” Eli raised his head from where he’d been nuzzling her neck to look at her.

Kay shivered at the stark, raw need reflected in his eyes. How heady, how thrilling to know that she pushed him to the brink of insanity. That she put that look on his face. That fierce, possessive look that told her he’d do anything to have her. To take her.

It was madness. It was thrilling and primal and wild. She loved every minute of it.

“I don’t want to be good when I’m with you. I want to feel. And I want to make you feel things, too.”

His arms slipped under her shoulders, holding her caged in his embrace. He was huge and hard between her thighs.

“I’m pretty sure you already know that I feel a hell of a lot when I’m with you.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips, thrilled at his sudden hiss of breath. “Good. I want to be the one who drives you crazy.”

Her words were cut off when he kissed her, a rough dance of tongues and lips, hands and hips. Her skin heated and she pulled the edges of his shirt up frantically. He needed to be naked. Skin. She needed to feel his skin.

“Lift up, angel.”

She obeyed instantly, allowing him to draw her jeans down her legs. He followed the path of the fabric with hot, wet, suctioning kisses. She yanked her sweater off in record time as he kicked out of his jeans and underwear. It was strange and thrilling to see their actions reflected back above them. Her eyes drifted closed as his mouth went to work on the front closure of her bra.

“I can’t seem to move fast enough. I want you, all of you, now but I also want to go slow. Savor you. You make me want it all. Everything. All mine.”

She wasn’t sure if he was aware of the things he was saying. He was rambling, a stream-of-consciousness flow of love words that made her feel like she wasn’t the only one who was going crazy.

She wanted to experiment. She’d never tried anything adventurous. Never had the opportunity to try anything. Now she had a man she trusted with her life who could teach her things. Delicious, sensual things. She wanted to know it all.

But she wasn’t the first woman to look up at this reflection.

Jealousy swept through her. Carly’s words had been the catalyst to get her thinking, but it was more than just envy that the other woman had clearly experienced everything Eli had to offer. It was knowing that she wasn’t afraid to do or be whatever he needed. That was the kind of woman Eli needed. Someone who was courageous and strong.

Kay wanted to be that woman.

Eli framed her face with his hands. “What’s wrong?”

“I want to know how to please you, too. And don’t say just being here is enough. I’m serious. Show me what you like.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. He got up and walked over to the closet. Kay sat up on one arm and watched in trepidation as he selected something from one of the shelves and walked back to the bed. She couldn’t see what he’d taken, but it had to be small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. He climbed up on the bed, straddling her.

Lifting her arms over her head, he pressed them back. “Keep these here.” The movement forced her breasts up and in his face. He buried his head between them.

At her shocked look, he grinned. “You thought I was kidding when I said I love your body. But I wasn’t.”

Kay blushed, feeling like her face was on fire. “I didn’t think you were kidding. I just didn’t think you meant you loved to look at it up close and personal. Plus, I thought you’d want to tie me up or something.”

“Not all bonds are physical. The most arousing bondage of all requires no props. Do you remember this?” He touched her neck, his fingers wrapping slightly around her throat. Instantly Kay’s thoughts flashed to the first time they’d made love, when he’d held her there. She’d felt the ghost of his touch on her throat for days.

“Yes, I remember.”

“The sensation of being collared or controlled can be very arousing. But not just for the reasons you think. It represents trust. You trusted me enough to let me do that. You’re trusting me now even though I’m much stronger than you. It’s the most beautiful gift, the way you look at me.”

He flicked the tip of her nipple with his index finger, teasing it into a sharp point. Kay moaned and bit her lip to hold in the sound. He dipped his head and finished the job with his tongue until he seemed satisfied that she was at the point of insanity. Then Kay felt a tug of sensation that made her inner muscles clench against a throb of need. She looked down. Eli had attached a small metal clamp to her nipple. Little rhinestones dangled from the clip, catching the light.

“I love your breasts. I could play with them all day.” His tongue curled around the other peak until it stood up. Then he attached the other clip.

“Beautiful,” he whispered.

He lowered himself on top of her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their lips met again and they didn’t break apart even to breathe until Eli slipped a long finger into her heat, coaxing a startled cry from her lips. He grabbed at the nightstand and sat back long enough to roll on protection. Then he raised one of her legs and wrapped it around his hip, using it as leverage as he thrust into her.

Her hands curled around each other, forming a tight knot against the sheets. He’d taken her slowly and sensually, but this was hard and fast, her breasts rocking in time with his powerful strokes. His eyes fixed on the movement of the little tassels, watching as they bounced and swirled with every thrust.

Kay looked up at their reflection in the mirror and was shocked by the erotic tableau reflected back. Was that really how she looked? All flushed and tousled and… sexy? Eli’s muscled back moved over her, his ass flexing as he pushed deeper and deeper.

That was when she lost it.

oh God
.” She exploded in a burst of light and sensation, shuddering as waves of pleasure radiated through her. Eli growled her name and buried his face between her breasts, his deep groan muffled against her skin.

When she finally had enough energy to lift her eyelids, she was startled to see him gazing at her with such affection.

“What?” she asked.

“Look at your hands,” he ordered.

She glanced up to see that through it all, she’d kept her hands exactly where he’d put them.

“I’m not sure why I did that.”

“Because you wanted to please me.” His gaze held hers. “That pleases me most of all.”

ELI PULLED HER hands down and massaged her arms. He’d been shocked that she’d kept her hands in place. Even more so that she’d looked so aroused by the notion of being held captive, even if the bonds were mental.

And the way she looked… His whole body tightened as he remembered her captive beneath him with her eyes closed and her mouth partially open. She’d panted and whimpered, every one of her little sounds making him even hotter. It was such a high, watching the moment she realized her body was no longer her own and that her cells and nerves responded to his will alone. It was everything he’d ever dreamed love could be.

He loved her.

It was a terrifying moment and also one of the happiest of his life. He adored her, and she actually seemed to feel the same way about him. Never before had he wished he knew poetry or wished he’d paid closer attention when they’d been forced to read that sappy Shakespeare stuff back in school.

But he wanted the words to express his feelings. Needed to tell her all the ways she was perfect. If he could, he’d wrap her in verses and odes to her loveliness. Crown her with sonnets of her beauty. But in the end, he wasn’t a poet or even a romantic.

He was just a guy in love with a girl.

“I have a surprise for you.” He moved off her, allowing her room to stretch out.

“You do? You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“I know. I wanted to. It’ll be here tomorrow.” For a moment, Eli wished he’d gotten her a real present. Something expensive and shiny that he could present to her while down on one knee. He’d never understood the need some men had to shower their women with monetary gifts, but he could understand now that it was just a reaction to overwhelming feelings. It was difficult to express how you felt and buying jewelry was easy. Hopefully the gift he’d gotten her would mean more.

Kay’s eyes lit up. “What is it? Tell me?” She tackled him and he staggered back, laughing as he tried to keep them upright.

“I’m not saying a word. Now, is there anything you need from the other room for the night?” He deposited her back on the bed and kissed her on top of the head, breathing in her scent.

“So, I’m sleeping in here from now on?” Kay hugged her knees to her chest. She looked so cute with her curls standing up on top of her head and a bashful smile on her face.

“Damn straight you are. I love this room. Every single thing in here I picked out personally. I love sharing that with you. I just couldn’t show it to you before.”

“Because you were worried about how I’d react to your freak supplies?”

He pushed her back on the bed, covering her with his body. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.”

“Am I?” She giggled.

Her laughter rang out and filled all the empty spaces in his heart.


BOOK: All I Need Is You
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