All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1)
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Chapter 38


As she was wheeled out of the hospital her breath caught. A sea of people greeted her. They parted to allow her to pass unharmed and were completely silent. Holding up a hand to bring the nurse to a halt she whispered, “Why are they all here?”

Jacob, Will, and Darren who had been walking besides her chair stopped as well. Possibly scanning the crowd for any potential threats.

“Yer Majesty, they came to see ye. To ken ye still live. Ye are our queen. ‘Tis our duty to see ye safe. They have been waiting since word was released that ye had been harmed.”

“Had no one told them that I was fine?”

“Aye, but they still waited.”

They were waiting to see her? To know that she was alive and safe like they had been told? They cared that much for her?

She flipped the handle down to set the breaks on the chair. Jacob was by her side instantly. “Lass, no. Yer too weak.”

“They deserve for me to be strong. I will walk the rest of the way. Just slowly.” She smiled in an attempt to re-assure him; however, she wasn’t really worried at what he might think. He was still on her shit list after all. She stood, her leg protesting her weight. The stitches pulled. It did not matter though. They needed to see her strength.

Stepping forward, her people watched with rapt attention. She smiled at them and waved. A sea of smiles broke out in the crowd. Her very soul was touched by them. She stepped further down the pathway, her guards by her sides. A few steps down, she addressed her people.

“I know the last few weeks have been very trying for everyone. We, as a united country, have lost so many that we love. We have lost more than a country should. People that were supposed to protect the interests of Scotland and the Scottish people, failed. They let you down. They let me down.

“It’s unfair to tell you that everything will be golden from here on out, because I really don’t know. We were betrayed, and you never really get over that.” She sighed deeply. “What I can tell you though, is that I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to ensure that it never happens again. Right now Scotland is stronger than it’s ever been.

“We’ve shown the world once again that the Scottish people will not back down from a fight! We’ve shown the world that the Scottish people will unite and rise up from any tyranny that should try to take us down! And we’ve shown that we will protect our own no matter what!” Her voice cracked, breaking from the inflammation that still haunted her.

“Now, we have choices to make on where we want to go from here. We can either close ourselves off or continue to make Scotland known as a mighty country filled with beauty. It’s your choice, but for me, I’m choosing to show our might, our beauty, and our strength. I’m choosing to open up Scotland, so everyone in the world will love us for who we are.

“We are the same as our ancestors who fought for freedom and for the right to be who they were. Who they were meant to be. We are Scots! We should be proud of this and flaunt it to the world!”

As cheers erupted from the crowd, Amelia felt her strength wane. Tears were running down her cheeks. Her family had given so much for Scotland, and yet there was still so much more to give.

She waved once more and continued to the waiting car. It would take her to the Parliament building. Tomorrow she would begin the process of rebuilding the palace. That would be their symbol of strength, and she would personally oversee it.

As she climbed into the car ,Jacob slid in beside her. Maybe she needed to be strong for herself too. She reached over and lightly grasped his hand. She would forgive his betrayal in time. After all, he had done it to protect her. He would learn though, that she made her own decisions and could protect herself. If he could accept her for that then they had a chance. A small chance, but a chance.

A sigh escaped her lips. Hell, who was she kidding. They had more than a small chance. He was the only man she had ever loved. No matter what he did, he still held the key to her heart.

“Jacob,” she whispered.


“I’m thinking ice cream for dinner tonight.”

“That can be arranged.”

She nodded and turned away from him, anticipating the events to come.



Chapter 39


Jacob stood at the open veranda, lost in things that once were. The past six months had been full of trials. They still had a long way to go. The mastermind was still missing, with no clues as to his potential whereabouts. Marcus was on the run too, attempting to make amends for what he had done. Jacob expected to see him again one day. It wasn’t his fault really. He was just a puppet.

It was still unclear how Thomas escaped. Chris’ theory was that when the blast went off around them, Thomas managed to get to a vehicle that he had waiting. Jacob hoped that the debris from the blast had caused some damage to the weasel as he ran for it. Marcus had always been good with explosives and it seemed that he had them layered just right to avoid the entrance where he and Jacob were. Maybe he had known more about where they entered than he had let on. Jacob still felt guilty about excluding Marcus as a child… Maybe if they hadn’t then Marcus would have known Brandir wasn’t capable of what Thomas proclaimed. Maybe then those that had perished in the Edinburgh bombing would still be alive… So many what-ifs.

His other brothers were slowly healing, as was Scotland. Amelia’s strength had brought them all together. It had saved the country in some ways. However, he doubted that Scotland had ever been lost. It had just taken some time for everyone to see how great it could be. His home was flourishing now, and it was all because of Brandir and his daughter. Brandir had been a good man, despite what some thought. He would be proud of the woman Amelia had become.

He jumped slightly as Amelia wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hon, what are you thinking about that has you so far away? You didn’t even hear me come in.”

Jacob turned from the view of Edinburgh to gaze at her. He smiled sadly. “I was thinking of the day I met your father. He was a good man.”

“Yes, he was. I wish I had been able to know him better.”

Sadness reflected in her gaze. Had anyone told her about the man that saved his life? Had anyone told her that her father had done more than train orphans to be guards? Half of Scotland owed Brandir for something, but he had never collected. He had given his life to free Scotland and give it the Queen it needed.

Turning towards her, he kissed her. His hands lightly rested at her waist. “Lass, ye will. I will tell ye everything ye wish to know. Let me start in 1993… I was in Edinburgh. Your father caught me. And my life changed forever…


As he looked down at the ten year old boy, the one that had nicked his wallet… Of all the… Well, that was neither here or there. It was perfect. Amelia would need them to protect her if his plan succeeded.

The little boy’s chin was raised defiantly. “Little one, that wallet is verra important to me. I’d like it back if you please.”

“I dinnae snitch nothing from ye!”

“The first thing ye’ll learn from me is that I don’t appreciate liars. Always tell me the truth and we’ll get along just fine. Now the wallet.” He held out his hand. “It has something verra precious to me in it.”

The boy tossed a wallet at him and tried to run. Deftly reaching out and snagging the dingy blue shirt, he hauled him up to where he had to stand on his tippy toes. The boy swung around to try to fight him and he laughed. The boy had some guts, that he was sure of. “Little one, my name’s Seamus Brandir. Have you heard it before?”

The boy went still. Obviously he had. “Good. Now, that wallet dinnae belong to me. Where is mine?”

“I took the money out and threw it away…”

Ah, the truth at last. “I see. The picture, that tis what I want. The money, I dinnae care about.” He lowered the boy fully to the ground and released his grip on his shirt.

The boy reached into his pants pocket and shakily handed Brandir the picture. “Who is she?”

Brandir eyed him with a silent regard. He was skin and bones. It was quite obvious the boy had gone without a meal for a bit. Probably living off of trash scraps, tossed out from pubs. He worked hard to survive, that much was evident. Perhaps he would work just as hard at other things. “What is your name?”


A smile graced his lips. A strong name to fit a strong boy. Jacob would do well for what he had in mind. “Jacob, this is my daughter. My sweet Amelia. She lives with her mother in America, but one day, one day she will be verra important. I worry that I will nae be around to keep her safe. How would ye like to help me?”

Brandir trusted that the boy already knew one did not tell Seamus Brandir no. He was in charge of nefarious dealings, but was known for protecting those around him by doing whatever needed to be done. Some said he was a murderer. Others said he was a good man who just loved too deeply. There were even a few that said he could rule if he wanted…

However, all agreed that if you wanted to be on his good side then you agreed to his terms, as they were presented.

“How would I do that?”

“Well, dear Jacob, my Amelia will need a protector once the world learns of her. Would ye be the one to keep her safe?”

“Sir, I am just an orphan. I cannae keep her safe. I cannae do much at all.”

“Ah, but that ‘tis where the difference lies, young one. How we see ourselves matters more than ye think. An orphan is a powerful thing. ‘Tis nothing to hold ye back, but ye have strength in numbers. Deal with one thing at a time or the world will fall upon yer shoulders. The world will break ye if ye let it. Never let it. Never let anyone see ye cry. Anger can focus ye, but tears can break ye.”

There was time to help Jacob grow into a good man. There was time to help him see that he could do amazing things. The others would help. He placed his hand upon Jacob’s shoulder. “Come, little one. We have much to do.”


Amelia felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. Her father had truly loved her. He really had left her to protect her, just like her mother said and just like Jacob had said. Her father had been a great man and he had brought her the love of her life. Her father had given her so much, so very much.

“I love you.” Her voice was raw with emotion, but she knew Jacob wouldn’t judge her.

“My dear Amelia, I have loved ye since I was a wee thing.”

She smiled as he pushed her hair back behind her ear. “Jacob, he knew. He knew when he saw you looking at the picture. That’s why he chose you.” It was true. Her father had chosen Jacob because of how he looked at her in a picture. He had known that Jacob would love her and do whatever was necessary to protect her. In that moment, she had never felt more loved and cared for in her entire life. She had never felt more at peace. Everything was going to be ok. She could be queen and she could be a great one. After all, when she was surrounded by so many people that cared for her, how could she fall?


BOOK: All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1)
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