All Good Things (3 page)

Read All Good Things Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: All Good Things
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His blue eyes flashed to mine and worry pinched his expression. "What is it? Are you all right?"

Oh God, he was worried about me. Who the hell was he? My palms were sweating and my stomach ached from the bundle of nerves that had gathered like a flock of butterflies. If he was my husband...well, then I didn't do a bad job in picking him from the crowd. The problem was I couldn't remember him. I couldn't remember anything about him. Surely, I would remember his matter the trauma I had endured?

"How old am I?" I whispered. Emotion cracked in my voice, as I tried, desperately, to recall something about this man.

His eyes widened. "Fuck," he leaned over and pressed the button again. "You don't remember how old you are?"

I shook my head and my eyes filled with tears I was determined not to let slide from my eyes. "Who are you? Where is Trisha?"

Relief washed over his face. "You remember Trisha?"

"Of course," I squeaked. I couldn't stop staring at him. "I don't know you."

His perfect mouth opened at the same time the door opened and a doctor rushed into the space, commanding it.

The mans blue eyes focused on the doctor. "She doesn't know how old she is."

My eyes swept over the nametag clipped to the white jacket, Dr. D. Bower. "What happened?" I asked, panic started to filter into my voice.

He held up his hand. "How many fingers am I holding up?" His voice was filled with unquestionable authority.

"I-um three." I answered.

Blue eyes shifted his stance as he watched Dr. D. Bower pull a small tube-like object from the pocket of his jacket. "David, I had her moved here because you are the best," Blue eyes spoke roughly. His voice was thick with restrained emotion. "Why can't she remember how old she is?"

He was on a first name basis with the doctor? What did he mean, he had had me moved here? Did that mean blue-eyes was indeed, my husband? Oh, good lord.

"Jace, you need to keep calm." David spoke with a clipped tone. "Sometimes the mind needs time to recuperate."

I looked back and forth between Jace and David and hoped I might hold just an ounce of recognition for either of them, but there was nothing. I had nothing.

I couldn't hold my questions in a moment longer. I needed answers. I looked to Jace and blurted, "Are we married?"

His brows plunged high, almost to his hairline, as he stared at me in astonishment. "Pardon me?"

I set my eyes on him, hoping they were stern and unwavering. "Are we married? I don't recognize you at all...but, it appears you know me. I don't remember anything about our life together."

David sighed. "Jeez," he shot a glare to Jace, who shifted uncomfortably, before focusing on me. "How old do you think you are?"

I shrugged. What if I was missing time? I would feel humiliated saying I had only just turned twenty-two. I coughed and mumbled. "Twenty-two."

David smiled and nodded. What did that mean? "And what is the last thing you remember?"

I bristled, uncomfortably. "I remember," I looked at Jace with wide, uncomfortable eyes.

"Jace, I think you should step out into the hall." David said, sternly. Jace looked murderous at his command, but he nodded and shifted.

My heart lurched and I felt suddenly panicked. "No, he can stay."

Jace turned to stare at me with those intense eyes and I felt as though I were about to melt into a puddle on the bed. David sighed. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'm sure."

He shrugged as though he had been overthrown and gestured to the chair. "Sit over there and don't say a thing." He commanded. Jace nodded tensely. He didn't look like a man who was easily dominated, but he obliged.

David shifted so he was sitting half on the bed. "Now, what is the last thing you remember?"

I thought for a moment, trying hard to remember some semblance of a life where Jace existed before I cracked. He held no place in my memory. "I remember being on my way home. I was texting my best friend and roommate, Trisha."

David nodded and a hint of a smile touched his lips. "Well, it seems as though your memory is intact."

Chapter 2

My memory was intact. That just didn't make an iota of sense. Jace was here. He knew me. It was obvious he knew me, but I didn't know him. I couldn't remember him at all. How was my memory intact, if I couldn't even remember his eyes? I knew for the rest of my life I would never forget his eyes. I was so confused and frustrated. The emotions were leaking from my body in the form of tears.

What was wrong with me? I never cried. My family had always told me my emotions were combustible. Over the years, I had grown a thick protective layer around my heart that kept situations like this from arising. I never allowed my emotions to surface until I was safely locked behind closed doors. I hated crying in front of others. It was a weakness I never allowed myself to succumb to. I couldn't lower myself to that action now. I survived for years without showing fear or pain. It was, in part, the reason why I had chosen to move to New York. After my grandfather passed, I couldn't live near my family. It was too much pain and no relief. I needed an out, and my inheritance had given it to me.

I shook the thought from my mind and looked at David. For the first time since he walked through the door, I was seeing him. He was young. Probably, five years older than Jace and he was handsome. He was not particularly my type, but then who was I kidding? I didn't have a type.

"I don't understand." I finally mumbled. "I don't remember meeting Jace. Ever."

David nodded and Jace sighed as he stood from the chair he had been instructed to remain sitting in. His features were tense and his eyes looked saddened. "We have never met. Not officially, anyway."

My brows furrowed and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Please explain."

"You were in a car accident." He stated as though he had rehearsed the speech. "I was there, I saw the whole thing happen. I pulled you from the car and rode with you in the ambulance to the hospital. You were in a coma for four days."

My heart thumped erratically in my chest as I stared dumbfounded at him. Four days? Crap! "It's Monday?"

Jace frowned at my response, but he nodded. "Yes."

"No!" I covered my face with my hands as my mind worked to think of a way to fix the mess I was in. I had had meetings out the ass for the building I just leased. Obviously, I'd missed them all.

"What is it?" Jace asked. His tone told me he was determined to fix all my problems. As if!

I waved my hand and sighed. "It's nothing." I narrowed my eyes at him again. "What are you doing here? I get why you rode with me to the hospital and all, but why are you still here? Don't you have a life of your own?" I was pissy, and apparently, I was taking it out on him.

Surprise flashed in his eyes and David laughed as he stood from the side of the bed. "You're going to have your hands full with this one." He looked at me, ignoring Jace's scowl. "You need to stay awake for the next few hours, but you can leave in the morning."

"Thank you, Dr. Bower." I smiled politely before turning back to look at Jace with a scowl on my face. I didn't trust him. I didn't know him and he was way to beautiful to be trusted. "Are you going to answer my questions?" I snapped, as David walked from the room, still chuckling.

Jace cocked a grin that would have made any girl turn to cream. Any girl but me. "I couldn't leave. I had to be sure you were all right."

Wow, he sounded sincere. I almost wanted to curl up and soak in his words like the Hawaiian sun, but I kept my expression stern and untouchable. I had learned my lesson on trusting without reason. I would not make the same mistake twice. "You can leave now."

He shifted, but his grin never ceased. "You heard the Doctor. You have to stay awake for the next few hours, and who better for the job than me?"

I frowned. "I can keep myself awake."

His smile disappeared and steely determination filled his ice blue eyes. "I'm staying. I've waited four long days to hear your voice. Now that you're finally awake, I am not leaving."

I stared at him in awe. There was something about him that told me not to question his decision to remain in the room with me. Raw power, unlike anything I ever experienced, rolled off him in waves. Instinct told me to accept his company without quarrel, but the side of me that was unable to consent without challenge, refused to rest.

"Fine. You don't have to leave, but we are not discussing anything personal." My tone was barbed, challenging him to argue. His eyes flashed in a moment of surprise, but finally, he nodded and settled back into the chair.

"Sounds perfect." His eyes never left mine. "I don't do personal."

I scowled at his reply. His overall aura was bursting at the seams with confidence. Who was this man? How could any one person be so full of himself? I almost worried he would drown in his ego, suffocating with self-inflicted expectations. I rolled my eyes and sighed, trying to think of something that might conquer the silence but I came up empty. After countless minutes of strained silence where Jace just stared at me and I avoided his eyes like the plague, I had to say something.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked. It was apparent by my tone I was on edge. How could I not be? I felt as though his gaze was moments away from lighting me on fire.

"Well, since you have forbidden anything personal...that leaves us with very little to discuss. Does it not?" His voice moved over me like silk and I fought the urge to curl my toes at its decadency.

I needed to harden my resolve. Men, like him, were the last things I needed in my life. Actually, men, in general, were the last things I needed invading my carefully planned agenda. And, who was I kidding? Jace was stunning. He was everything I was not. I had no place thinking the heat of his gaze held anything more than friendly concern. He was so far out of my league it wasn't even funny.

I glanced at him and realized he had yet to put a shirt on. I shifted uncomfortably and winced at the stiff pain that held onto my body. Jace frowned and I scowled at him. "You should put a shirt on."

"You don't like the view?" He asked. I stared at him with wide eyes. Was he serious? His expression was serious...but he couldn't possibly think the question was appropriate.

My cheeks were warm as I fumbled for an answer. Finally, I settled for the truth. "The view is nice, but I would still prefer you put a shirt on."

He grinned as though he had just won a gold medal, and I rolled my eyes. He stood and walked to a small suitcase, while I watched the muscles in his back shift with each movement. Goodness me...he really was a piece of art. His body should not be covered, and yet, I had asked him to do just that.

"Are you sure you want me to put a shirt on?" Jace asked without looking back at me as he pulled a black dress shirt from the bag. My eyes widened, and my already warm face, felt as though it was on fire.

"Um, yes." I murmured, forcing my eyes to look away from his picturesque physique.

Jace laughed. The sound was all consuming and my eyes lifted of their own accord, finding the source of the sound. His lips. If I was not discharged from this hospital and his company, I was surely going to combust. Jace made me think thoughts I had never bothered to entertain before now, and quite frankly, the thoughts were inappropriate. I should be scolded, but to hell with the idea of admitting my thoughts aloud to earn a well deserved scolding.

I sighed and watched as he moved across the room with the skilled agility of a stalking panther. Jace made me feel as though I was safe, while at the same time, inflicting the fight or flight response. It was conflicting and I decided he was not responsible. No, I had to be hazy from the coma. I would not admit he affected me so completely.

"What shall we discuss?" Jace asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, puncturing my bubble of personal space.

I fought for control. "What would you like to talk about?"

"I want to talk about you, Olivia." He said matter of fact. There was no humor in his eyes. All fun and games had been lost the moment he buttoned his shirt.

"What about me?" I whispered. He was so close to me I could smell him. It was a delicious scent that overpowered my mind, throwing my senses into overdrive. My every nerve felt stimulated and my every hair stood on end, as though the static in the room had been corrupted by his powerful energy.

"Everything, Olivia." He replied, and I lost my breath. "I want to know everything."

I swallowed. "There's not much to know."

"Of course there is." He smiled a ghost of a smile. A haunted shadow passed through his blue eyes before it was gone. Their icy depths were staring at me with an intensity that burned.

"I don't know what to say." I admitted. I cursed the fact that I had never really bothered to date since the disaster of a relationship I had in university. My parents had adored him, but he had been a jerk. My parents were the only reason I stayed with him for so long. If he hadn't been the reason they looked at me with pride for the very first time in my life, I never would have put up with his shit.

"Tell me about you." He commanded, and I shivered. His eyes burned as he stared down at me with...interest? No, someone like him couldn't possibly be interested in someone like me. And, I honestly didn't want him to be...did I? "What's your favorite pastime?"

Seriously, he wanted to know what I did with my free time? Well, I was pretty damned boring. "I like to read."

The corner of his mouth twitched, pulling his lips into a half-grin. "What is your favorite food?"

I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. He was not playing fair. "What's your favorite pastime?"

Darkness settled over his features, but his eyes never wavered from my face. "You don't want to know." I shivered again and his eyes flashed. "If you keep shivering, I'm going to be forced to find a way to warm you up."

I didn't know why his words sounded so threatening, but my lips formed an 'o' as my mind envisioned the many enjoyable ways he could warm me up. I shook the thought from my mind, scolding myself internally for my rash track of thought. Jeez, he was going to give me an aneurism. I said the only thing I could think to say, "I like Italian."

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