Authors: Leonard Rosen
Maidenhair fern. Image courtesy of George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical Garden. Fern. Image courtesy of Henry Domke, Nature Art for Healthcare.
"Stiff" fern and "Schizoid" fern. By Lon Kirschner, Kirschner Cardoff
Design, Inc.
Mathematically generated fern and accompanying equation. Image courtesy
of Larry Bradley.
France [maps]. Stella Maris, "Cartes vectorielles." France [maps]. "Communes of Metropolitan France." Godefroy. Wikipedia
Creative Commons License.
Metal alloy (Al-Mg-Mn) crystal grains and equation. Created by Slinky
Puppet on 20th Dec 2005 for use in Recrystallization (metallurgical)
article. Wikipedia Creative Commons License.
Cracked sidewalk: Courtesy of Kari Cates.
Electrocardiograms. Reprinted from The Lancet 347.9011, A. L. Goldberger,
"Non-linear dynamics for clinicians: chaos theory, fractals, and
complexity at the bedside." (11 May 1996): 1312–1314, with
permission from Elsevier.
Leaf. Progressive Gardens: Knowledge tree/plant physiology.
Québec [map]. By Lon Kirschner, Kirschner Cardoff Design, Inc.
Lightning over Tucson, AZ. Fotolia/valdezrl.
Tree branches. Author photograph.
Hand with arteries. Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff, MD [Image altered to show darkened circle].