All Bottled Up (22 page)

Read All Bottled Up Online

Authors: Christine D'Abo

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: All Bottled Up
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When she was able to open her eyes again, she found herself staring at Jerod. She was back in her living room.






“Did you do that?” she whispered, not fully trusting her own voice.

He frowned. “I showed you what happened the night I was…changed. What’s wrong?”

“There was a woman…” she cleared her throat, “…who talked to me about you.”

“Not possible. I only showed you an image. The one captured by the bottle,” he said, frowning.

She couldn’t stop her hands from shaking, so she sat on them. “I need to think about what she said.”

“Sweetheart, I think you’re overtired. You need to eat. You still haven’t, remember?

You should try to rest.”

She nodded absentmindedly.

“What do you want? I can conjure up anything in the world up for you.”

“A double cheeseburger with large French fries and a chocolate shake.” When she looked at him, he merely blinked.

“I’m really hungry.”

Jerod snapped his fingers and instantly the aroma of food hit her hard, sending her stomach into a gurgling frenzy.

“Have I mentioned that I love when you do that?” She grabbed the burger and stuffed a large portion of it into her mouth.

“I have to say, I’ve grown rather accustomed to my powers. I’m not sure what I would do without them. I’ve had them for so long.” Viola stopped chewing for a moment. She hadn’t considered that.

After a large painful swallow, she put the burger down.

“Would that bother you? I mean, not having your powers?” He leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes.

“I’d miss the floating. I’ve always enjoyed that.” He peeked at her through half-squinted eyes. “No, I wouldn’t miss them. Though I’d be useless for a while until I figured out how to live again.”

Viola clapped her hands together, grabbed her shake and stood up.





“Then that settles things.”


“I’m going to figure out how to break this curse.” She walked out of the living room, sucking on the milkshake.

“Your food.”

“I’m coming back.”

It took a while, but she managed to find the power cable to her laptop and brought the whole thing out into the living room.

“What are you doing?” Jerod said and popped a fry into his mouth. He grimaced.

“How can you eat this garbage?”

She snatched the rest of the fries before he could devour the rest. “Don’t eat them if you don’t like them. And research.”

“You think you’re going to find information on three-thousand-year-old curses that change people into genies? You need to eat more. You’re a little light in the head.” She threw a fry at him. “Pessimist. There’s more out there than you realize. Even about three-thousand-year-old genie curses.”

Her laptop whirred to life, and Viola stuffed the rest of her food into her mouth.

Honestly, she didn’t have two clues about what to start looking for. But it was the only thing she knew to do. And she had to do something.

“Okay, let’s see what we can find.”

“Viola, this is pointless.”

She glared up at him. “Do you want to stay a genie for the rest of your life or not?” When he didn’t answer, she straightened. She’d assumed he wanted to become human again. Stupid, she never even thought to ask him.

“Do you?” Her voice shook ever so slightly, and she had to clear her throat to get rid of it.

Jerod stared at her, his expression unreadable. “I’m not sure. What would be the benefit of me becoming human again?”

She set her laptop on the coffee table and turned to face him.






“What do you mean what is the benefit? You’d be able to do whatever you want—”

“I can do that now,” he interrupted.

Viola crossed her arms across her chest. “You’d be free to live where ever you want.”

“Every time I am summoned by a new master I’m somewhere new.”

“You would be free of needing a master. You would have free will.” She felt the frustration building. Why the hell was he being so stubborn?

“Will I really? You are forced to go to work every day. You can only buy limited items because you need more money and are forced to work for a man like Bill, who quite frankly, is a moron.”

“But I don’t have to live in a bottle.” Her argument sounded weak, even to her.

He leaned forward, his knees touching her thigh, sending a shiver through her body.

His eyes glowed crystal blue, sending her heart into overdrive.

“So I’ll ask you again, why should I give up all my powers to become human again?”

William took that opportunity to insinuate himself between them. He totally ignored Viola and promptly curled up in Jerod’s lap.

“William hates everyone. What did you do to win him over?”

“I gave him treats. The good ones.” Jerod winked and scratched William under his chin.

“If we break the curse, you’ll be able to spend time with William and…” She couldn’t look at him. She kept her attention fixed on William and watched Jerod as he stroked William’s head. “And I would like to spend more time with you too.” Jerod reached out and cupped her chin in his hands, forcing her to look him in the eyes.


She realized it was the first time since she’d met him that he sounded scared. Could it be that he wanted her, wanted to stay with her and he didn’t know if she felt the same?

“Really.” The word came out as a whisper.





“Show me.”

She heard the tremor in his voice and she loved him for it. He was nervous. He was probably wondering if she could actually break the curse and if he was making the biggest mistake of his very long life. One he’d regret and hate her for the rest of his life if things went sour.

Viola picked William up and set him on the floor. She then stood and offered Jerod her hand.

“There’s only one way I can show you. But you have to come with me.” He paused, looking at her hand before he took it. “Show me,” he repeated.

Her bedroom wasn’t an exotic place. There were no ocean breezes rolling in from the balcony. There were no large, king-size beds they could explore. She was almost embarrassed by her belongings, they felt so simple and plain. Or else it was Jerod himself. Things always felt more exotic when he was with her. At least she’d put her laundry away.

She walked to the end of her bed and turned to face him. He’d stopped at the doorway and stood watching her. She smiled as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She looked down and realized she was still wearing the same clothes she’d worn on her date with Bill. Had it only been an hour since she dumped him? Had she had him long enough to dump him?

Stripping wasn’t something she considered herself an expert at. Considering she’d only done it once, and that was in a genie’s magic bottle with props, she really didn’t know what to do. A creative streak wasn’t what she needed right now.

Viola grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one swift action.

Next, she unhooked the clasp that held her skirt in place and let it tumble to the floor. In only her bra and panties, she walked over to him. Her heart was beating hard and fast and her stomach felt like a cluster of butterflies lived inside.

She took his hand in hers and rubbed his palm with her thumb.

“I can’t tell you what your life would be like if you gave up your powers. But I do know I would like to be there with you. If you want me, that is.” 206





He didn’t speak. She felt him stiffen, but she didn’t back down. She wanted him. It was about time she stopped being a coward. She needed to know.

“Do you? Want me for keeps?”




Chapter Fifteen

She felt amazingly calm considering her future happiness was riding on Jerod’s answer. She was relaxed and free of the uncertainty that had haunted her most of her life.

Why she hadn’t said anything to him before now was a mystery. She had feelings for Jerod. Okay, screw it, she was completely in love with him. Why she’d even bothered to go out with Bill was a complete mystery.

For his part, Jerod seemed completely on edge, which surprised her, considering nothing
seemed to bother him, not like this at least.

He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. She felt the familiar tingle as his lips kissed a slow trail up her hand to her arm and around so he could kiss her pulsing wrist.

When he reached the palm of her hand, he placed a single kiss in the center before he brought her arm up and placed it on his shoulder.

“I do want you.”

And that’s all he was able to get out. Viola sprung on him, her lips crushing his. She didn’t want gentle. Her whole life had been gentle, subdued. Right now, the only thing she wanted was hot, sweaty sex.

And a genie in her bed. Not just any genie—Jerod.

She was thankful he had his genie outfit on and not the cumbersome suit from before. Her hands found his sides and traced a path over his abs. She made sure to spend extra time playing with the hair on his stomach and fingered the waistband to his pants.

Jerod pulled back from their kiss only to place his mouth on her neck. She felt his tongue trace a path as he tasted her skin. Her body responded to every touch. When he pulled her bra strap down and kissed her shoulder, goosebumps rose and shivers trailed down her back.



Her hands continued to explore his body. She caressed his flat nipples with her thumbs, causing them to immediately pucker from the contact. He moaned and nipped at her shoulder.

“Minx,” he sighed.

“You have no idea. I’ve been repressed for years.” She grabbed his crotch and squeezed his erect cock. “I have lost time to make up for.” His groan echoed loud in her room. She continued to massage his balls, enjoying the feeling of them, the coolness of his sac in comparison with the rest of his body.

Not wanting to be outdone, Jerod tugged her bra cup all the way down and attacked her nipple with his mouth. His tongue teased her until she couldn’t think straight, sucking and nibbling on her sensitive bud.


She buried her hands in his head and pulled him closer. Her legs began to shake, the strain of standing against so much pleasure was overwhelming. Sensing her plight, Jerod wrapped his arms around her and carried her to the bed.

The duvet absorbed her body as he set her down gently. Not wanting him to escape, she wrapped her legs around his waist, preventing him from leaving her. Not that she thought he was going anywhere. But a girl couldn’t be too careful when dealing with a genie.

Especially since she didn’t want magic this time. She only wanted him.

Jerod smiled and raised his hand, ready to snap his fingers. She wrapped her fingers around his in time to stop him.

“Whatever you were about to do, don’t,” she whispered.

He frowned, but lowered his hand. “Why?”

“You’re all the magic I need.”

His eyes widened. Barely, but she saw it all the same. He kneeled down so his knees were on the outside of hers, trapping her body beneath his.

“You are a unique soul, Viola.”

I love you
, but it would do for now.


“Take your vest off,” she said in a husky voice that sounded more like it belonged in a porn movie than from her.

Jerod rose onto his knees, towering above her on the bed. His eyes never left hers as he shrugged the silk garment off and threw it to the floor. She’d seen him naked before, but there was something about the way he knelt over her like that. It set her juices pouring out of her. He placed his hands on his hips, making his biceps flex and relax. She wanted to feel his arms around her. The sooner the better.

“I want you to take my bra off.” This time the words came easier. She wasn’t a fragile flower anymore. Viola White was in charge and loving every minute of it.

She scooted up into a sitting position, leaning back so her breasts were thrusting up at him. In this position, he had to press against her to reach the clasp in the back. The friction between them, his warmth seeping through her thin material, pushed her arousal even higher.

When the clasp gave, Jerod leaned back. He kept his fingers hooked on the material and slipped the bra down, exposing her to the dim light of the room. His eyes caressed her skin and she shivered under his gaze.


It only took her a second to slip the bra off the rest of the way and toss it aside.

“Lay back,” he issued his gentle command and sealed it with a lick of his lips.

She felt her body recline, but kept her eyes fixed on him.

“Hardly seems fair. You have more clothing on than me.” He cocked an eyebrow as he hooked his thumbs under his waistband.

“Would you like me to take them off, Mistress?”
Do I ever
. “Yes.”

Jerod smiled and tugged them down half an inch. She tried not to react, but she felt like a child waiting for someone else to open a present so she could have her turn.

Another half inch and she felt her impatience grow. When he stopped short of exposing the raging erection that threatened to pop through his pants, she wanted to scream.

“Jerod,” she begged, squirming on the bed.



He jerked his pants down so that his engorged shaft stood proud in front of her. Viola felt the air leave her lungs at the sight of him. God, he was the most amazing man she’d ever laid eyes on.

He leaned forward on one arm and fingered her panties. “Now I believe you are the one overdressed.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to you removing them.” It was all the invitation he needed. She lifted her hips so he was able to slide them down her legs with ease, before he threw them to join the rest of their clothing on the floor.

When he stretched his naked body alongside hers, Viola suddenly felt everything was finally right. Her hip connected with his thigh. His calf was draped over hers, rubbing and teasing her. Jerod touched her stomach, circling her belly button with his finger.

“I want you,” she said and sucked on her bottom lip.

“Want me to what? Touch you?”

He was teasing her of course, but she liked his games. She nodded, squirming under his finger as he brushed the top of her pubic curls. She was so wet, ready for him. All he needed to do was take her.

Jerod lazily drew his hand up her stomach and between her breasts, before letting his fingers brush her hard nipples. His touch was so light it felt like a feather caressing her.

She balled the sheets in her hands and prayed she wouldn’t lose control as he bent his head down and sucked one of her erect buds into his mouth.

The heavy groan that escaped her made her body shudder. Jerod chuckled, but continued his assault with his tongue. When she reached over to touch him, he knocked her hand away.

“I want to touch you,” she said and groaned again when he flicked his tongue.

He pulled away long enough to say, “No,” before he returned his mouth to her other breast.

“No fair.”


When he looked up at her, his eyes looked dark, the pupils were so wide. He crawled closer to her face, but kept a small space between them.

“Just this once, I want to be the one in control. I want to touch and taste every inch of your body so I can remember everything about you.” Viola didn’t think it was possible, but her heart began to beat even faster. All she could do was nod her agreement. He wasted no time and nudged her head to the side so he could kiss her neck.

He was perfect. Jerod knew exactly where she liked to be touched. When he rolled her over onto her stomach so he could caress her back, she thought she’d died and gone to heaven. Her back was a giant erogenous zone, one that most men never noticed. But Jerod knew. She shivered when he trailed his kisses from her shoulder across the back of her neck and down her shoulder blade. His fingers stroked the small of her back, sending her hips bucking forward into the bed.

And then he began to massage her ass. Never in her life had anyone done that for her. The feeling was out of this world. He would alternate a hard squeeze with a gentle one, running his hand over her flank up to her back again.

“You have the most beautiful ass I’ve ever seen.” She giggled. He gave her a light spank in response.

“I was being serious. A woman’s ass is one of her most attractive features.”

“Really?” That was a new one for her. She wiggled her bum in the air. “Prove it.” She should have known better than to taunt a genie. Jerod leaned over and placed a kiss on her left, then right cheek. It felt foreign to have someone touch her there, let alone kiss her. Jerod continued to kiss, moving up to the small of her back. She thought he’d abandoned her ass when she suddenly felt his hand begin to tease her.

She sucked in a breath when his finger slipped between her cheeks to tease her briefly before finding her now very wet opening. He slid a finger inside her to moisten it, before pulling out to tease her clit.

Viola buried her face in the bed to cover up her moan. She wouldn’t last long if he kept this up. Her hips joined his hands in the silent rhythm, rocking hard against his 212



“You’re so beautiful. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.” Her body began to quiver, both inside and out. She could feel Jerod’s cock pressing hard against her thigh. She wanted him. She wanted to climax with him inside her. He shifted his body so his head lay beside hers, his hand continuing to tease her. Viola reached down, her hand wrapped around his erection and squeezed. She felt him exhale sharply against her shoulder.

“Can’t leave well enough alone, can you?”

She gently scrapped a nail across his tip. “You’ve taught me too well.” Jerod rolled her onto her back and eased himself on top of her. This was different from the other times they’d made love. She could almost hear his thoughts. Catch glimpses of their life together.

It was wonderful.

When he eased his tip to the opening of her pussy, Viola locked her gaze with his.

She wanted to watch him. Memorize every feature. He pushed into her, his eyes fluttered shut and his jaw clenched. Her own threatened to do the same, but she refused to give in.

His even thrusts in and out caressed every nerve inside her, the pleasure building faster than she wanted. Jerod swallowed, his body straining under his control.

And then he bent his head and kissed her. Her eyes shut automatically, focusing her attention on his touch. His mouth devoured her. She could feel him groan into her when she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer still.

The warmth between her legs began to spread up through the rest of her body. A fine sheen of sweat covered her and she felt her body shake. She couldn’t hold out much longer.

“Jerod,” she gasped.

He knew and increased the tempo, grinding against her pubic bone. Everything was focused on that spot, that single place where she knew he would bring her to heaven. One final grind of his hips and her climax slammed into her. She screamed as wave after wave of pleasure poured over her again and again. Jerod didn’t stop until every last wave 213

finished rippling through her.

When he eventually stopped, Viola couldn’t open her eyes. She held on to his shoulders, gasping for air, and praying she wouldn’t die from the overload.

“Look at me,” he cooed.

It took more effort than she thought possible, but she managed to open her eyes. As soon as she did, tightness pulled at her chest. Jerod frowned as he brushed the single tear that trickled down her face.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked.

She shook her head, knowing her voice would fail her. Instead, she kissed him. A gentle kiss, one she hoped showed him that she was in love. She ran her fingers along his neck and into his hair.

Jerod resumed his thrusting, this time at a much faster, more urgent pace. Viola thrust her hips up to meet his. Every time, they came together, joining their bodies as close as any two people could be. She squeezed her inner muscles around his shaft, and he faltered for a second.

“Do that again,” he begged.

As he thrust forward, she squeezed again. Jerod groaned loud.

“If I could die, that would kill me.”

“Then I should stop.”

“You wouldn’t be that cruel.”

To tease, Viola did stop for several thrusts until he bent his head and nipped her neck. She immediately squeezed as hard as she could and held it. Jerod increased the tempo again. Viola’s body reacted and she felt her second orgasm build. Her muscles began to vibrate and she wasn’t sure if she could hold on much longer. Jerod didn’t give her long to wait. His thrusting became frenzied as he cried out. Viola felt her body react and shake as she came a second time.

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