All Because of You (Lakeview #2) (5 page)

BOOK: All Because of You (Lakeview #2)
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But since Liz and Eric had moved away from city, the two girls didn’t see one another as often as they’d like, usually only when Tara came home to visit her parents.  

“So, how come you couldn’t come over last night?” Liz queried, throwing an eye towards Toby. “Are your Mum and Dad OK?”

Tara had been due to call over after visiting her parents the previous day, but had phoned later in the evening to tell her she’d be staying the night at their house, instead of having a night in at Liz’s as they’d planned. She would explain later, she said.

“They’re fine but …” Tara hesitated. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this yet,” she bit her lip, “but no doubt you’ll find out soon enough anyway. Especially in this town.” 

“Telling me what?” Liz put two mugs of coffee on the table and took a seat beside Tara.

“Emma’s pregnant.”

Liz didn’t think she could be more surprised even if someone had told her they didn’t like dogs. “

“I know,” Tara nodded, and picked up a Jaffa Cake.

“But … but who? What?”

“That’s exactly what

“But she’s not seeing anyone, is she?”

“She’s not seeing anyone – and she’s not saying who the father is either.”

“What? Why not?” Liz had no time for Emma’s theatrics, and even less time for Emma herself.

“I’m not sure. But she’s pretty determined all the same. I tried to convince her that the father has a right to know, but she’s determined to keep it all a secret from him –goodness knows why. Although reading between the lines, she must have been with someone she shouldn’t have been.”  

“So what does your mother think? I’ll bet she isn’t too happy about it.”

“That’s an understatement,” Tara said dryly.

“I can imagine. But look, Emma’s old enough to – ”

“Old enough to know better? You’d think so, wouldn’t you?”

“That’s not what I was going to say. I meant she’s not a teenager, and she should be well able to cope as a single mother. It’s not as hard for people these days, is it? What with all the help they get from the State and everything?”

Tara nodded. “I know, but it still won’t be easy. I know Mum will help, but she’s getting on herself now, and wouldn’t be able to handle a young baby. Not to mention that she shouldn’t have to.”

Liz swallowed, wondering what to say. “I’m sure it’ll all be fine, Tara – and I’m sure Emma knows you’ll do your best to help out too.”

Tara groaned. “The last person Emma needs giving her advice is someone like me.” “She’d be afraid you’d start using your ‘mind-warping’ tricks on her,” Liz joked, knowing full well how poorly Tara’s family viewed her profession. Then her tone grew serious. “Look, there’s very little you can do for her other than be there to help out if she needs you.”

“I just can’t believe it’s happened – and at her age. And then all this fuss about who the father is …”

“She really won’t say who he is?”

Tara shook her head. “She’s adamant about it.”

“But why all the mystery?” Liz asked shaking her head. “I mean, these days, getting pregnant outside of marriage is hardly that unusual is it?”

Tara took another sip from her coffee, but said nothing.

“Well, I really hope she hasn’t got herself involved with somebody she shouldn’t have – a married man or something,” said Liz, finally vocalising what both had been thinking.

Tara r
olled her eyes. “Unfortunately where Emma’s concerned, that’s a distinct possibility.”

There had never been any great love lost between Liz McGrath and Emma Harrington. 

Unfortunately, much of Liz’s reservations about the girl stemmed from the fact that Tara’s sister and Eric had once been an item.

When they first started seeing one another in Dublin, Liz wasn’t too bothered about Eric’s relationship history; by this stage she’d fallen madly in love with Tara’s childhood friend and that was all that mattered. She’d heard that he’d been a bit ‘wild’ in his younger days and that there had been more than a few old flames, but at the time she didn’t pay much heed.  And when shortly after they started going out she learned from Tara that Eric and her sister had once been a couple, she didn’t bat an eyelid. The past was the past, and it wasn’t as if Liz hadn’t left a few broken hearts in her wake too. 

But when a few months into the relationship, she eventually came face to face with Emma, all Liz’s nonchalance went straight out the window. There were no two ways about it, this girl was stunning. Long flaxen blonde hair, huge blue eyes and a beautifully structured face – your average nightmare.

The first time Liz met the girl was when she h
ad come to visit Tara in Dublin at the flat she shared with Glenn, and Tara had brought her along on one of their nights out. From the outset, Emma let it be known very clearly to Liz that she and Eric had been an item. According to Eric, the relationship had been brief and ended not long after he left Lakeview to go and work in Dublin. But he and Tara were closer in age and had been friends when they were younger, and so they stayed in close contact and met up in Dublin frequently, which is how Liz and Eric had first been introduced.

But while neither Tara nor Eric had made too much of his relationship with Emma, throughout the course of that visit Emma used every possible opportunity to let Liz know that she and Eric had been much more than good friends.

“Does Eric still snore like a train then?” she’d asked Liz, within two minutes of meeting her. Then she added with a beatific smile, “I could never get a wink of sleep with him.”

smug tone left Liz in no doubt that she wasn’t just referring to Eric’s snoring. She’d been so taken aback by the comment that she hadn’t been able to think of a decent reply, something that would sort the girl out once and for all. Not to mention that she was doubly surprised that she could be so unlike her genial good-natured sister. 

there was no point in rising to the bait; any fool could see that Emma was an immature and attention-seeking little madam and anyway, so what if she and Eric had been together? They weren’t together any more, were they?

And she might have been a little madam but at the same time she was Tara’s sister, so at the time Liz decided that there was no point in causing trouble. 

“Tell me how long you two were together again?” she’d asked Eric, not long after Emma’s first visit. 

“Not sure to be honest. About a year on and off, I suppose,” he’d replied off-handedly.

“Really?” Liz wrinkled her nose. “I don’t mean to sound nasty, but what on earth did you see in her? I couldn’t take to her at all – she’s so different to Tara in every way.”

Eric shrugged. “Yeah, she can come across a bit standoffish, but she’s alright when you get to know her.”

Which you obviously did, Liz wanted to say, but decided against it. There was no point in causing trouble between them. Emma would probably love that and Liz wasn’t going to let the little witch have her way. And in all honesty, she didn’t really know what to make of her. Did Emma still have residual feelings for Eric, or was she simply one of those immature women who got an idiotic thrill out of staking a past claim on another’s boyfriend? Liz didn’t know and, for the most part, she didn’t care.  Emma would soon toddle off back home and Liz wouldn’t have too much to do with her.

But when
a few years after they married, she and Eric began to think seriously about moving to Lakeview, where Tara’s sister still lived with her parents, Liz was no longer so sure.

She was furious with herself for letting the girl mentally inveigle herself into their relationship like that – despite the fact that it had been years since Emma’s relationship with Eric. She and Eric were married, had a gorgeous son, and their relationship was as good as it could possibly get. They’d barely spent a day apart since they’d first got together and deep down Liz knew that their relationship was as ideal as anyone could hope for. Yet there was something about Emma that unsettled her, that had always unsettled her, though she wished with all her heart that she didn’t feel this way. She tried to tell herself that there was no real reason to feel threatened by the girl or her previous association with Eric, yet she had to think very seriously about going to live in close proximity to her husband’s ex.

Despite the fact that she was now thirty-one years of age, Emma still lived at home with her parents, the reason being, according to Tara, that she found it difficult to hold down a job. 

But it seemed Emma’s employment requirements were very specific. She’d left school without proper qualifications, hated office work, refused to work in retail and following a brief stint in the village café, would “never again lower herself” to serving tables. So instead, Mammy and Daddy looked after her while she sat on her pert backside waiting for the perfect job to come to her. 

“Which is?” Liz had asked Tara.

“Last I heard, she’s hoping for something in fashion or beauty.”

“And of course, Lakeview is the right place to be for that,” Liz drawled, decidedly unimpressed. “Sure, wasn’t it only the other day that I bumped into Vivienne Westwood in Ryan’s supermarket – or no, now that I think of it, was it Stella McCartney?”

Tara laughed. “Stop it.
No, apparently she’s doing some kind of correspondence course – something to get her started.”

“And a job in a boutique wouldn’t help at all, I suppose?” Liz retorted, shaking her head in dismay at the girl’s apparent lack of ambition. 

Her own family had been very different. Liz and her brothers had each left home at seventeen and had worked hard and made their own way in the world. She couldn’t understand how an intelligent grown woman like Emma could sit at home and expect her parents to look after her. Again, she was so different to her sister. Tara had gone through years of hard study in order to work in her preferred career of social services, and had then eventually decided to retrain as a Life Coach. Such a shame she couldn’t coach her own sister.

So, despite her misgivings about Emma and the fact that she downright disliked her, Liz eventually agreed to move away from Dublin and relocate the family in
Lakeview, the fact that she adored the village and knew it would be a wonderful place in which to raise Toby having everything to do with the decision.

And in truth, she’d worried for nothing. She hadn’t seen much of Emma at all other than the few times they might bump into one another in the pub (whenever she and Eric managed a rare night out) or briefly when she worked at the café. And recently Emma had secured a job in Dublin and gone to live there, so they crossed paths even less.

And now Emma was pregnant, and by a man who was, and would for the near future remain nameless. Despite herself Liz was curious, very curious as to why Emma was being so reticent. That certainly wasn’t the girl she knew; if anything she’d have thought Emma would be only too eager to boast to all and sundry about her relationship. Although in truth, she hadn’t had too many in the space of time that Liz had known her. In fact, Liz couldn’t recall Emma ever going out with anyone for a sustained period. It seemed Eric had been her longest relationship, something else that had always troubled Liz. 

So who was this mystery man now? And why did the whole notion of Emma being pregnant send an inexplicable shiver up Liz’s spine?





Later that evening while she prepared dinner, Tara having returned to Dublin, Liz found herself still pondering on Emma’s mystery partner. Why was it such a secret? Surely she was only making things harder for herself by refusing to reveal her pregnancy to the father, whoever he might be. 

Or was that it
she wondered, smiling absently at the sound of Eric’s woeful singing floating in from the bathroom. Was Emma’s reticence to say anything to the father more to do with
he was than anything else? Maybe he was a bit of a brute and she just wanted nothing to do with him and was simply protecting herself or the baby, rather than protecting him? It was a possibility, she supposed. According to Tara, Emma seemed to have a knack for picking troublesome or unavailable men, so it could very well be that this time she’d chosen particularly badly, and as a result was adamant about not telling the man in question.   

Just then, Toby gave a loud wail, temporarily putting a stop to his mother’s musings. Liz whirled around, wondering what the problem was this time. Since starting to stand up on his own a while back, Toby had become a right handful and lately was getting himself into to all sorts of trouble. The other day, he’d almost pulled a bookcase down on top of him, so anxious was he to try and climb up on top of it. These days, Liz had only had to turn her back and Toby was into cupboards, pulling down curtains, and grabbing at everything he set his sights on. 

“Oh, Toby!” This time, it seemed, her son had had a run-in with a drum of talcum powder and had emptied the contents on top of his head and shoulders, and all over much of her newly polished kitchen floor. Blast it. She was sure she’d put that out of sight earlier.

at are you up to now, you divil.” As if on cue, Eric walked in and promptly swept his errant son into his arms, getting the front of his T-shirt covered in fragrant talc for his troubles.

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