Read All About the Hype Online

Authors: Paige Toon

All About the Hype (4 page)

BOOK: All About the Hype
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Chapter 3

‘Surprise!’ Agnes shouts, as I warily step off the bus. She runs forward and, as she embraces me, I gaze over her shoulder at Jack.

‘Hey,’ he says, sounding amused as he tugs me out of his sister’s arms. He gives me a hug and releases me so that I can say hi to our bandmates, but, as he withdraws, his lips
brush against my ear. That small contact alone makes my heart flutter and we haven’t even kissed. We
kiss. Not here, not now.

The reason Agnes is the only one of our American friends who knows about our relationship is because Brandon and Miles would hit the roof if Jack got it on with another All Hype singer. Eve,
their last lead singer, quit because it didn’t work out between her and Jack, causing all manner of grief. Back in the autumn, when I returned to LA, they were auditioning for a guy so
history would have no chance of repeating itself – but their attempts failed and they widened the net.

Jack is known for being…
. But he swore to Brandon and Miles that he wouldn’t jeopardise the band by mixing business with pleasure again.


We figured it might be a good idea to keep our relationship under wraps for a bit.

‘What the hell is going on?’ I gasp, extracting myself from Brandon to look towards the giant white structure in the back garden. ‘And what is

‘It’s an inflatable igloo,’ Agnes states nonchalantly. ‘An igloo disco. You’re having a party.’

‘But I don’t know enough people to fill that thing!’ I exclaim.

‘Agnes has invited half of your class,’ Miles tells me.

‘Actually, I’ve invited
of your class and all of the year above, too,’ Agnes corrects him. ‘You don’t want to leave anyone out when you’re
starting a new school. They’d hate you for it.’

At this point, Johnny joins us. ‘Did you know about this?’ I ask him, probably resembling a goldfish.

He raises one eyebrow at me. Stupid question. As if anyone could have got it past him.

‘He masterminded it,’ Agnes chips in with a grin. ‘He gave me permission to invite everyone.’

‘She’s been on her phone for the last two days solid,’ Jack says.

‘But I thought you were in Washington?’

‘We were,’ Jack replies. ‘She’s been organising your social calendar from there.’

They came back early for this? For
? Jack gives me a sexy, lazy smile and my heart skips a beat.
Must not kiss him
Must not kiss him

‘Meg’s taken Phoenix and Barney to stay at a friend’s tonight,’ Johnny tells me.

‘Speaking of which, introduce us to
friends!’ Agnes cries.

I come down to earth with a bump. Anxiety racks my stomach as I turn to see that everyone is now off the bus. I point at each of them, saying their names. I feel Jack tense as I get to Tom, and
Tom has seen pictures of him, so he knows
who Jack is.
. If looks could kill…

I’d give anything for a bolt of lightning to strike a hole in the ground so I could jump into it. Damn LA for being so storm-free.

‘Right, ladies!’ Agnes barks. ‘Come with me!’

‘Where are we going?’ I hiss, as she drags me away, hoping that Jack will make himself scarce and won’t attempt to speak to Tom.

‘You’re not wearing
to your sixteenth birthday party,’ Agnes states, glancing at my jeans and T-shirt. ‘I’ve brought some stuff. For your friends,

This should come as no great surprise. Agnes wants to be a fashion designer and styled me for my recent All Hype gig. She’s always telling me what to wear. Not that I mind. She’s
brilliant at what she does.

Sam, my favourite security man, is waiting inside the house. I say hi to him as we head up the stairs to get ready. I assume he’s in charge of making sure the majority of guests stay
outside tonight.

‘I’ve set everything up in your room,’ Agnes tells me.

I belatedly realise that my friends are not immediately behind us. Coming to a stop on the landing, I turn to see them walking in a daze up the wide staircase, looking around at the house that I
now call home. The architecture is modern and open-plan and the furniture is designer and minimal. Enormous floor-to-ceiling windows offer a view over our infinity pool to the City of Angels in the
valley below. I smile at the expressions on my friends’ faces.

‘My room is this way,’ I say, turning right at the top of the stairs.

Agnes has set up two clothes rails in my bedroom and they’re bursting with colourful, shimmering party dresses. ‘Choose anything you like,’ she directs my friends.
‘You,’ she says to me, ‘are wearing this.’

She passes me a long emerald-green dress. It has an asymmetrical strap going diagonally across one shoulder and it’s cut square under the opposing arm, with a thigh-length slit up the

‘I love this colour on you,’ she says, and I’m reminded of the first time I wore a green dress belonging to her. She took me to Lottie Tremway’s house to hang out.
‘Try it on.’

All around me, my friends eagerly strip off and do just that with the glittering array of dresses hanging on the rails. I don’t hesitate to join them. The green dress fits like a

‘Oh, wow!’ Lou says suddenly. She’s staring straight at me.

‘You look amazing!’ Libby exclaims.

Agnes, appearing pretty pleased with herself, pushes me in front of the floor-length mirror.

‘Oh, Agnes!’ I squeak. ‘I love this dress!’

My American friend is a couple of inches taller than me, at about five foot eight, and her very dark hair has been cut into a blunt bob. Her trademark eyeliner is perfectly applied in its usual
feline flick. Her reflection briefly smiles back at me, but a moment later she’s serious and businesslike again. ‘Strappy heels,’ she decides abruptly, going to my wardrobe and
hunting some out.

Natalie flashes me a knowing smile. I’ve told her Agnes is a force to be reckoned with.

‘Did you know about tonight?’ I ask Natalie, remembering her earlier mischievous look and her comment about the night not being over.

‘I knew something was happening,’ she admits. ‘I heard Johnny talking to Stu.’

‘I didn’t have a clue,’ Libby interjects.

‘I bet your dad didn’t trust us not to blab,’ Lou points out with a smirk.

‘On that note,’ I say, growing serious, ‘Brandon and Miles don’t have a clue about Jack and me getting together, so please be careful what you say.’ I turn to
Natalie. ‘Can you warn Aaron and Dougie?’

‘Sure.’ She nods decisively.

‘I’ll tell Chris and Tom,’ Lou chips in.

‘Thanks.’ I flash her a grateful smile.

Lou and I hit it off straight away when she joined our school last term, but, after I left England, she and Libby became friends. It bothered me initially, the thought of them growing closer
without me, but hopefully I’ll feel better when I make new friends of my own.

A flurry of nerves goes through me at the thought of starting school in a couple of days.

I refocus on the here and now and realise with a jolt that everyone is dressed.

Lou has chosen a metallic silver slip dress, Libby has gone for a long black dress with beaded detailing and Natalie has opted for a midnight-blue fringe dress. They all look totally stunning,
and I tell them so.

‘Do you really like your dress?’ Agnes asks.

‘I love it,’ I reply with awe.

‘Good, because it’s your birthday present. I made it for you,’ she adds with a sheepish smile.



‘Bloody hell, Agnes! You are
talented, it’s not even funny!’

She blushes as I throw my arms round her.

‘You’re not done yet,’ she says with a giggle, pulling away. ‘I have to do your hair and make-up.’

She’s halfway through when the door flies open and Lottie bursts in.

‘There you are!’ she shouts, spying me. ‘Your man downstairs told me that no one without an English accent was allowed inside. It’s just as well I can act.’

‘Hello, you,’ I say, laughing, certain that Sam knew
who she was. She must’ve been on his list of friends allowed inside. ‘Everyone, this is
Lottie,’ I say after I’ve given her a hug. Only then do I realise that the room has fallen silent. They’re all completely star-struck by the A-lister in their midst. I laugh as I
introduce her to everyone.

‘Are you guys nearly done?’ Lottie asks, flicking her long dark hair back. She’s wearing a red dress and looks unbelievable as usual, with bright red lipstick to match, her
perfectly curved eyebrows framing her oval face.

‘Pretty much,’ Agnes answers her question, dusting some blusher onto my cheeks with a fat brush.

‘Good, because I really need a drink.’

I hate to disappoint her, but I doubt there’ll be booze. Johnny is teetotal. Although he has let me have the odd drink in the past, so maybe we’ll be allowed one or two…

‘Why are you so desperate for a drink?’ I ask Lottie, as she and I lead the way back downstairs.

‘I need a distraction.’

‘From what?’ I frown at her.

‘Brandon,’ she mutters.

I soon discover what her problem is. Maisie, Brandon’s girlfriend, is here. Brandon usually keeps her all to himself – I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend at first because
he always flirts with Lottie and it’s hard to imagine how any girl could ever compete with her. But I met Maisie at the All Hype gig and she’s lovely, with big dark eyes and a shy
sweetness about her. She and Brandon have been going out for a long time.

I didn’t actually know that Lottie cared this much, so I’m kind of flattered she shared her feelings with me.

As soon as I get outside, I’m hit by another attack of anxiety. Earlier I managed to convince myself that Jack and Tom will have kept their distance from each other, but now I’m not
so sure. We head straight for the igloo, where ‘Reptilia’ by The Strokes is blaring from the speakers.

‘I take it your dad’s responsible for the playlist,’ Jack says drily, materialising at my side. My heartbeat spikes. There are dozens of people around us, but my attention is
now entirely on him. He looks hot in grey jeans and a fitted black shirt. His rolled-up sleeves reveal his comic-book-style POW! tattoo on his right forearm.

‘What’s wrong with the playlist?’ I ask, trying to act cool when all I really want to do is pounce on him. ‘I love this song.’

‘So do I, but Isaac over there tells me he’s only allowed to play stuff from the 2000s for the first coupla hours.’ He glances in the DJ’s direction. ‘So far
we’ve had The White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, The Libertines, The Streets and Yeah Yeah Yeahs.’

‘What are you complaining about?’ I smirk. ‘You love those guys.’

‘Yeah, but do we really need to hear
stuff from your dad’s decade? He’ll be playing Fence next.’

Fence is the name of Johnny’s band from before he went solo.

‘I was born in the 2000s,’ I point out. ‘I’m sure it’s more about that than my dad’s ego.’

‘If you say so.’

I grin at him because I know he’s teasing. ‘I’m sure you can get on the decks later,’ I say.

He cocks one eyebrow at me. ‘You think?’ He sounds sardonic. ‘I’m sure Isaac would love that.’

Isaac?’ I ask with a frown.

‘Isaac Paulson.’

‘Oh, wow.’ No further introduction needed. He’s, like, an
famous DJ. ‘My dad really went for it.’

A couple of seconds later, the smile on Jack’s face fades.


Even from this one word, I know that’s the end of our light-hearted conversation.

‘Tom, hey?’

‘I had no idea he was coming,’ I reply fervently, hating the change of subject. ‘But I’m glad he did,’ I add, prompting Jack’s eyes to widen fractionally.
‘I mean, I emailed him,’ I quickly explain. ‘I wanted us to stay friends. I’m glad he’s willing to try.’

Jack stares at me humourlessly for a long few seconds. ‘You want to stay friends,’ he repeats slowly.

‘Surely you don’t mind?’ I say irritably. ‘If you avoided every girl
ever hooked up with, you wouldn’t have any female friends at

He averts his gaze and I feel a little bad, but unfortunately what I’ve just said is pretty damn accurate. Agnes told me that Jack has messed around with loads of her friends – even
Lottie – and I have no idea how many girls he’s gone all the way with. I’m sure he had sex with Eve, my All Hype predecessor.

As my thought process plays out, I feel increasingly nauseated. And here I am thinking that we might actually have a shot at being boyfriend and girlfriend.

‘How many girls have you slept with?’ I find myself asking.

His eyebrows jump up. ‘Are we really having this conversation now?’

‘No.’ I shake my head and look away, slightly mortified that that just came out. ‘No, we’re not. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to know.’

We stand there in stony silence. ‘Hey,’ he says eventually, rubbing his thumb across my hipbone. I jump at the contact, then glare up at him. ‘People are gonna think
we’re having an argument,’ he says.

‘Aren’t we?’ I challenge him.

‘No,’ he says reasonably. ‘We’re having a conversation. But this subject is not going down too well so how ’bout we change it?’

‘Great idea,’ I reply sarcastically.

I stiffen as he slides his hand round my back and draws me closer, leaning in to speak in my ear. ‘You look hot, by the way.’

My body softens towards him and then Brandon sticks his face between ours, making us both jerk away from each other. ‘Hands off my bandmate,’ he jokes, pointing one finger mock
accusingly at Jack.

Brandon is tall, slim and very good-looking with light-blond hair styled in a quiff. He has a tattoo of a seagull on his right shoulder, and you can just see the bird’s feet poking out
from beneath the short sleeves of the tropical Hawaiian shirt he’s wearing. A little bit of irony in the middle of winter. Not that it’s particularly cold here. This is LA we’re
talking about.

BOOK: All About the Hype
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