Read All About the Hype Online

Authors: Paige Toon

All About the Hype (23 page)

BOOK: All About the Hype
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I step up to the mic. The lights are blinding – I can’t see Stu or Tom or my friends. All I can do is sing.

The bass and beat of my bandmates’ instruments reverberate through my body and my voice fills the venue.

Despite what happened only moments ago, I feel on top of the world.

The first two songs fly by. Sometimes the lights on the stage turn on the audience instead and then I seek out my friends, right near the front. I can’t see Stu, but the others are all
there, jumping up and down and getting hot and sweaty in the crowd. It is the most amazing high, but it’s so hard to describe. It makes me want to do better. It makes me want to succeed.

By the third song, I’m totally in my element. I have time to take in my surroundings and I notice Johnny backstage, standing in the wings with his arms folded, smiling at me.

I glance at Jack. His dark hair is damp with sweat and falling down across his forehead. He’s wearing a dark graphic T-shirt and his POW! tattoo stands out on his right arm, his biceps
lean and muscled. His other tattoo, an intricate criss-crossing bracelet of black ink running round his left wrist, is usually hidden by a series of leather straps, but not today. He is sexy as
hell. He grins at me before jumping in the air and pounding his guitar with boundless energy.

I look over my other shoulder and catch Brandon’s eye. He still doesn’t look amused as he gazes back at me, but even he manages a wry smile, and then I turn and walk towards Miles,
singing directly to him and trying to make him smile. It works. He’s still angry, but finally he gives in and grins back at me.

I only just manage to stop myself from laughing into the microphone as I turn round and see Brandon shaking his head, entertained.

Nothing can dampen our enthusiasm while we’re playing. And I have a sudden surge of faith that everything is going to be alright.

The boys play a longer intro to our last song, while I address the audience. I’m slightly stunned at the noise from the crowd when I introduce myself. The stage manager raises the lights
so I can see my friends at the front. I introduce the band, starting with Miles and moving onto Brandon. It doesn’t escape my notice that Jack gets the loudest screams. I imagine most of the
girls in the audience would give anything to get up close and personal with him.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that, but, as we launch into our final song, I mostly just feel proud.

I don’t want the gig to end but end it does. We walk offstage to raucous applause and shouts for more, and then we’re in each other’s arms in a four-way, sweaty hug, squeezing
the life out of each other.

Brandon shoves Jack gently and prods him in his chest.

‘Don’t fuck it up,’ he warns.

Jack takes it on the chin, but I notice he doesn’t make any promises.

I turn away from them and look for Johnny.

‘You were unbelievable,’ he says, laughing as he holds his arms open. I run into them and they close around me.

‘Really?’ I ask hopefully, smiling up at him.

‘Even better than last time.’ He shakes his head at me. ‘Seriously, chick. You really didn’t need me.’

I purse my lips at him in amusement.

‘So what now?’ he asks. ‘Back to the hotel bar for a quick drink before I fly home?’

‘Sounds great. Can I see if the others can come?’

‘’Course. There’s a tour bus waiting outside.’

‘You mean limo?’

‘Nah, swapped it for the tour bus. I didn’t realise how many people you had coming.’

‘Nice one!’ I hold up my hand to high-five him and he raises his eyebrows at me as he drily obliges.

‘Jess?’ Jack calls, nodding towards the stage. ‘They want us to do one more.’

‘Are you serious?’ I glance from him to the stage manager. Nobody else did an encore.

‘Go for it,’ Johnny says with a grin. I’m stunned as I follow my bandmates back into the light.

Chapter 20

‘You look tired,’ I say to Stu. We’ve taken over a whole corner of the hotel bar and everyone is in high spirits. ‘You should probably call it a
night,’ I add solemnly.

‘You trying to get rid of me?’ he asks.

‘Yes,’ I state.

He shakes his head good-naturedly. ‘OK, Jess, but you know what Johnny said. Stay—’

‘—in the venue!’ I finish his sentence for him.

Johnny and Sam left half an hour ago, but not before reiterating the rules.

‘I know.’ I nudge Stu’s ribs with my elbow. ‘I’ll see you at breakfast.’

‘Text me when you’re upstairs,’ he replies. ‘So I know you’re safe. No later than midnight.’

‘Come on!’ I squawk.

‘One a.m., then.’

‘OK. One it is. Thanks.’

That was easier than I thought.

I grin at all of my friends as the last of the adults finally leave us. I’m not including Jack’s brother Drew in that description, although he has recently turned twenty-one.

Agnes and Drew are deep in conversation, her dark head and his blond head pressed together. Brandon is, as usual, getting up close and personal with Lottie. I watch them uneasily. He’s a
fine one to talk, telling Jack not to mess things up. He has a girlfriend, yet he flirts with Lottie every time he sees her – and she’s affected by it. I don’t know what
he’s playing at.

Tom is surrounded by Gina, Margarita, Sienna, Rafe, Jenna, Justin and Peter. They’ve all gone nutty over his English accent.

And Jack is on the other side of me, talking shop to Miles.

I never did ask Johnny about flying my other friends over from the UK. They were all a little off the last time we talked, and I didn’t feel comfortable asking my dad to splash out again
so soon after the last time. I was only going to be here for the weekend, so I wouldn’t have seen much of them. Stu has asked me to go home for Spring Break, and that
be nice,
but right now I think I’d rather stay here with Jack.

I squeeze his leg.

‘You OK?’ he asks, reaching over and stroking his thumb across my lips. ‘It’s wearing off,’ he notes of my lipstick.

‘Shall I reapply some?’

‘Not if it means I can’t kiss you.’

We smile at each other. I notice Miles taking a sip of his drink and realise that I’ve interrupted their conversation. I nod pointedly at Miles for Jack’s benefit and pat his leg
again. ‘See you in a bit,’ I whisper.

He nods and lets me go.

I’ve barely spoken to Tom tonight. As soon as I approach the huddle he’s in, everyone sits back and merrily makes room for me. It’s still a squash, though, so I end up
completely flush with Tom’s right-hand side.

‘You having fun?’ I ask him with a grin.

‘It’s a bit surreal,’ he replies under his breath.

I giggle. I know what he means. We’re surrounded by Gina and Peter, two of the country’s hottest up-and-coming actors; Margarita, child star turned sexy pop starlet; Justin and
Jenna, tween music TV hosts; and Sienna and Rafe, who are well on their way to supermodel stardom. And then there’s Tom and me.

‘Do you like them?’ I whisper. ‘They’re nice, aren’t they?’

He smirks at me. ‘A bit full of it,’ he replies.

I frown. ‘What do you mean?’

He cocks his head to one side, a curious expression on his face.

‘What’s that look for?’ I ask, bemused.

keeping your feet on the ground, Jessie Pickerill, aren’t you?’

My insides flutter as I stare back at him. It’s been a long time since anyone’s used my name like that. My real name.

‘Of course I am,’ I whisper, wanting it to be true, but not entirely sure that it is.

‘I hope so,’ he says, not once taking his brown eyes from mine.

Considering all of the people around us, it feels like we’re alone in the room. I jolt suddenly and look away, instantly locking Jack in a stare.

I force a smile, but he doesn’t smile back, so I impulsively stick my tongue out at him. He returns to his conversation with Miles.

‘So what did you think of the gig?’ I ask Tom, trying to perk up our conversation a bit. It was getting kind of heavy.

‘Incredible,’ he replies, nodding. ‘Bit of a change from SingStar.’

‘I rocked SingStar,’ I tease. ‘When I was drunk,’ I add offhandedly.

‘Exactly.’ He laughs. ‘Seriously, you’re like a proper rock chick now. It’s pretty nuts.’

‘Aw, thanks.’ I bump his arm with mine. ‘So you fly home tomorrow?’

‘Yep, tomorrow evening.’

‘Maybe we could catch up for lunch?’

‘Maybe. I’ll have to see what my dad and Riley are doing first.’

‘OK, cool. Listen, I’ve got to head to the bathroom. See you in a bit.’

As I’m washing my hands, I note that my lipstick has indeed worn off. I have a sheer lipgloss with me so I apply some of that instead, smiling as I remember Jack’s earlier words.

‘Hell, yeah, let’s do it!’ I hear Rafe saying as I return.

‘What’s this?’ I ask, sitting back down opposite Jack.

‘There’s a club around the corner,’ Sienna tells me. ‘Let’s go!’

‘Oh. I can’t. I have to stay here,’ I reply with regret.

‘Come on, it’s literally a minute away,’ she tries to persuade me. ‘Don’t you feel like dancing?’

I really
feel like dancing, actually. ‘Absolutely, but…’

‘No selfies,’ Margarita interjects. ‘Your dad will
know that you’ve left this hotel.’

‘Scout’s honour!’ Gina says, holding her hand up. ‘I’ve already posted a dozen pictures tonight, anyway.’

‘You know you want to,’ Sienna urges. ‘Anyone would have to get through all of us to get to you,’ she points out. ‘We can be your bodyguards.’

I look at Jack. He shrugs, leaving me to make up my own mind.

‘I’m pretty tempted,’ I say with a grin. I’m rewarded with cheers.

That’s when I see Tom’s face. He’s looking at me like I’m mental.

I get up and go over to him as everyone else finishes their drinks and gathers up their things. ‘Honestly, it’ll be fi—’

He cuts me off. ‘Are you crazy? After what happened in England?’

‘It’s not like that over here!’ I whisper, not wanting to draw attention to us. ‘That was a one-off. Johnny’s gone totally overboard on all of this security

‘You’re out of your mind,’ he says. ‘It’s not worth it. Aren’t you having enough fun here?’

‘Yeah, but I want to dance. And everyone else wants to go, too.’ In fact, Rafe, Sienna, Brandon, Lottie and Peter are already halfway across the room.

‘Come on!’ I urge.

‘What’s the problem?’ Jack asks, as he joins us.

‘Are you seriously letting her do this?’ Tom asks Jack.

‘Have you tried stopping her?’ Jack replies, draping his arm round my shoulders.

‘I have, as a matter of fact,’ Tom tells him, his hackles rising.

‘And where did that get you?’ Jack challenges.

‘Stop it,’ I say, putting my hand on Jack’s chest. It’s hard as a rock, he’s so rigid.

‘Almost killed, if you want to know,’ Tom states furiously, balling up his fists.

‘Tom, please,’ I beg, slipping out of Jack’s grasp to stand between them. ‘I’m sure it’ll be OK.’ But inside I’m wavering.

‘Are you guys coming or what?’ Margarita shouts from across the bar. Miles is standing beside her, frowning at us.

Oh, God,
I don’t know

‘We can stay here with you, Jessie,’ Agnes offers. I glance from her to Drew. He’s staring at Margarita, but Agnes, I can see, will do whatever I ask of her.

I look at Jack again.
What should I do?

‘Don’t,’ Tom warns me.

‘Fine!’ I snap, sitting down in a huff, my mind made up. Or at least Tom’s mind made up for me.

He sighs and sits down next to me.

‘But don’t let me stop you,’ I say to Drew. I can see him hesitating. ‘Go, seriously, I really don’t mind.’

‘Are you sure?’ he asks.

‘Of course I am.’ I’ll only feel bad if he stays. I don’t even know him that well.

‘I’ll let the others know,’ Agnes says.

‘Don’t stay behind, Agnes,’ I call after her reluctantly. ‘Go have fun.’

She glances back at me and shakes her head. ‘No way.’

I stare up at Jack miserably, but he doesn’t look down at me because he’s glaring at Tom. I glance at Tom to see them in an all-out staring match. They look like they’re going
to thump each other.

‘Shouldn’t you be going to the club with your friends?’ Tom asks Jack sarcastically. ‘After all, Jessie’s not your girlfriend. Why would you stay here?’

‘They know,’ I tell Tom, as Jack slumps down on the bench seat next to me and slides his arm round my waist.

‘Jack told them earlier,’ I add. Tom looks shocked. I glance at Jack to see him raising a smug eyebrow at Tom.

‘Stop it.’ I whack Jack’s stomach.

‘I’m not doing anything,’ he replies casually.

‘Do you know what?’ I say, sitting upright. ‘If you two don’t cut it out, I’m going upstairs to bed.’

‘What have I missed?’ Agnes asks, returning.

‘Nothing.’ I sigh. ‘I’m sorry. Clubbing would’ve been fun.’

‘I didn’t feel like going, anyway,’ Agnes says. ‘My feet are killing me.’

I smile at her. She’s such a good friend.

‘Thank you,’ I murmur. I feel a little stung that the others barely even looked back.

‘And thank you, too,’ I say to Tom. ‘You’re right. I would have only regretted it.’ I sigh. ‘Jeez, I’ve become a right bore.’

‘I’m going for a smoke,’ Jack interrupts, getting to his feet. ‘Anyone for a drink on my way back?’

‘I’ll sort out the drinks,’ Tom says, standing up.

Agnes and I watch as they walk away from us. Side by side, they’re about the same height and build, one with black hair, the other with brown. Jack peels off to go outside while Tom heads
to the bar. I turn to Agnes.

‘So it’s all out in the open now, is it?’ she asks.

My eyes widen. ‘I can’t believe I didn’t tell you! Jack came clean to Brandon and Miles before the show.’

‘Were they angry?’


I fill her in. Her phone beeps, distracting us. She yawns as she pulls it out of her bag.

‘I’m so tired,’ she says. ‘I was up late, FaceTiming Brett.’ ‘What the hell do you talk about?’ I ask with a grin. She’s always FaceTiming

BOOK: All About the Hype
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