Alien's Innocent Bride: A Sci-Fi Alien Paranormal Shifter Romance (Mail Order Human Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Alien's Innocent Bride: A Sci-Fi Alien Paranormal Shifter Romance (Mail Order Human Book 1)
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“Mine,” he snarled, panting. “My Tara.”

She jabbed him with the stick twice more. “How do you know my name?”

“You are my mate, little human, and I’ve come to claim you.”

Her pretty blue eyes widened and she shook her head. “Like hell. I changed my mind. I want to return to Earth. This deal is off. I didn’t know they were setting me up with a crazy person.”

He advanced on her further, looming over her. Grasping the stick in one hand, he snapped it in two and tossed it aside. “You are mine, Tara. I bought you. Legally, you belong to me for the rest of our lives.”

She snorted and inched away from him, backing against a tree. “Oh, great. Just my luck. I’ve landed on the most backwards planet in the universe.” Though her words sounded brave, her whole body trembled. But her fear was an aphrodisiac. Not because he wanted her to fear
, but because he wanted to ease her fears and keep her safe. The urge to protect her consumed him. Didn’t she realize the chase was all part of the Zaxxumian mating ritual?

He cleared his throat. “Didn’t Mail Order Human show you the information tablets I transmitted? About our mating rituals?”

“No. I wasn’t even told which planet I was being sent to until the last minute, right before they left me here. All alone in the middle nowhere, I might add.” She stood up and brushed the dirt off her dress. “Would it have troubled you too much to meet me when the starship dropped me off?”

He stared down at her, his face heating with anger. He clenched his fists. “I paid five thousand
for you and went to the trouble of learning your language, and Mail Order Human didn’t show you the information tablets?” He felt like punching the nearest tree, but he held back, not wishing to frighten this female further. Had she read the contents of the tablets, she would’ve expected the chase through the forest. She might have even enjoyed it. No wonder she was shaking and looked so pale.

“Like I said, no one told me anything about my mate.” She stood straighter with tears brimming in her eyes. “I know nothing about your culture. It isn’t fair that you blame me for a misunderstanding. Please, it doesn’t even matter, because I would like to go home.”

“My transaction with Mail Order Human is final, Tara.” He stretched his fingers out, longing to touch her, but she recoiled from him and circled around the tree. He followed her and in a flash of movement, pinned her between his arms. Tilting her chin up, he peered into her gorgeous blue depths. “You are so beautiful you make my insides warm and tingly.”

“That’s nice. Now let me go. I must find a way to contact the
Starship Matchmaker
before they get too far away.”

“I cannot allow that, Tara.” He turned her and slipped the traveling bag from her back, hoisting it over his own shoulder. “Like I said earlier, you belong to me now.”

She tried to slip around him, but he caught her and tossed her over his other shoulder.

“Hey! Put me down, asshole!”

“Stop struggling, little human. I have chased you and captured you, and now I will take you to my abode where I will spend the night claiming you as mine.” A faint growl rumbled from his throat. “My Tara, my mate. My bride.”

Chapter Two


Tara closed her eyes and ceased her squirming after a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to escape the large alien. The tall, shirtless, muscular male terrified her, but his strength and speed surpassed hers, making escape impossible. Perhaps she could try sneaking away while he slept, or when his attention was focused elsewhere.

Oh, what a horrible mistake she’d made. At least while she was trying to elude Magino’s men, she was on her own turf. On Earth. Here, on this strange planet, she would be entirely dependent on her new mate. She had no money, no food, and she didn’t know a single person.

All the blood had rushed to her head and she wished he would put her down. She didn’t even know his name, this large alien who was carrying her through the tall grasses to his home. Did he live alone? Did he live in a village?

Each time she opened her eyes, she became nauseous from the constant movement, so she pressed her eyes shut and prayed they reached his abode soon. She prayed for a lot of things during the walk, but mostly, she prayed for the alien to have a change of heart. Maybe Mail Order Human would refund his money. It riled her that he believed he owned her.

His boots crunched over a rocky surface, and a quick peek showed they were climbing a mountain. He moved with surprising speed, taking long steps, his breath not even becoming labored. The warmth of his skin against hers sent a shiver through her. What if he really went through with it and claimed her? She doubted he would allow her to leave Zaxxuma if he took her innocence. She would have to do everything in her power to elude him tonight.

“We have reached home.” She felt his stride increase, and a second later, he sat her down on her feet. She heard a faint thump and realized he’d dropped her backpack near the door.

She blinked rapidly and put a hand to her forehead as her vision cleared. The alien kept an arm wrapped around her waist, holding her steady. Her dizziness gave her no choice but to accept his help, and his touch sent electric pulses straight to her core. She tried to ignore the feelings he incited within her. They had hardly spoken, didn’t know each other well at all, and for fuck’s sake, she still didn’t know his name. One glance into his dark eyes, and one brush of his skin over hers, and she became putty in his hands. The increasing warmth throbbing between her legs made her angry with herself.

“Sit down and I will get you something to drink, and to eat. You must be famished after the chase.”

She peered up at him and swallowed a scream. His eyes, though dark, appeared luminous and so devastatingly beautiful, they took her breath away. She concentrated on taking in air, then nodded her assent. Sitting down sounded nice. She still felt weak from being over his shoulder during the walk up the mountain, and she gratefully sat on a nearby sofa, with his assistance, of course. He seemed to have a difficult time keeping his hands off her, much to her chagrin.

Before he walked away to fetch the beverage and food, he stood over her and stroked the hair from her face. His eyes flickered with emotion, and her mind whirled as she tried to understand him. Surely, this arrogant male would never care about her. He kept reminding her that he owned her, and she doubted life with him could possibly be happy.

“I will take care of you now, my sweet Tara. You need not fear me or anything else on this planet.”

The burning in her throat intensified as he turned and left the room. She heard him rummaging around in what she assumed was a kitchen area, and for the first time she let her gaze wander around his home. Indeed, they were on the top of a mountain. Huge windows dominated each wall, displaying the forest, plains, and rivers below. There was just enough sunlight left for her to glimpse the outside, and panic struck her at the realization that there weren’t any other houses nearby.

She was all alone. With him. With a large alien whose name she still didn’t know.

Tears stung her eyes and she dashed the moisture away with the back of her hand. Damn the woman in red silks for not showing her the information tablets about this world, and damn Mail Order Human for making the promise of a new life sound so freaking wonderful in the brochures they had scattered around her town. Would it have been so bad to go into hiding? To escape to a nearby town and seek refuge with an Elder? The religious figures were quick to offer help. She could have changed her name, cut her hair, and begged an Elder to find her a kind husband.

Her hands curled into fists and she pounded them on the sofa. Once again, her fear had driven her toward a foolhardy decision.  She sighed and glanced around the house, appreciating the minimalistic décor. His home was large compared to the hovel she’d been living in on Earth. Small pieces of artwork, possibly wood carvings, sat on a shelf on the far side of the room. There were several sofas, all dark blue and leather in appearance. Lighted sconces dotted the walls and cast a soft yellow glow across the red wooden floor. His home reminded her of something out of a fairytale.

But she was no princess, and he was no prince. What would her life be like on this strange world? She still longed for her dream—for a loving husband and a couple of kids, a happy family that didn’t know hunger, violence, or hardship as she’d known it on Earth.

The alien returned with a glass of clear liquid and a plate of exotic fruit. She reached for the glass, only for the alien to sit beside her and hold it up to her lips.

“Um, thanks, but I am capable of holding a glass.” She tried to take it from him, but he swatted her hands away and shot her a scolding look.

“I will care for you on this night, Tara. It is your first night in my abode, and it is my duty to see you nourished before I claim you.” His eyes shone with kindness, and she couldn’t help herself but accept a sip of water as he held the glass to her lips.

“Mm. That’s so cold,” she said, smiling. “I haven’t tasted water so cold, and pure, since I was a child.” The water from the town well smelled stale and wasn’t clear. It was only safe to drink after boiling, and even then, the staleness managed to linger.

“I am glad it pleases you. Here, try some fruit.” He popped a tiny piece of something round and red into her mouth.

Pleasure exploded on her taste buds, and she moaned as she chewed the sweet fruit. A sense of déj
vu washed over her. It tasted like strawberries, her favorite fruit as a child. She hadn’t eaten one in years, not since before the Great War when her family had been forced to migrate west of the Mississippi River to escape the warzone.

“Wow, this is so good,” she murmured, and he popped another one in her mouth.

He continued feeding her by hand and giving her sips of water, until the plate and glass were both empty. He sat them aside and once again stroked her hair, this time tucking her long strands behind her ears.

“You are a beautiful woman, Tara.”

Despite herself, she blushed at his compliment.

“Come, and I will take you upstairs and show you our bedroom.”

“Um, wait.” She drew away from him and scooted to the other end of the sofa, her dress sliding easily over the leather material. “I don’t even know your name.”


* * *


Sev felt his face heating. His blunder embarrassed him, and he had to force himself to hold Tara’s gaze. Had he really forgotten to introduce himself to his new mate? He mentally replayed their interactions, and he realized that yes, he had indeed failed to tell the frightened little human his name.

He cleared his throat, reached over, and squeezed her hands gently in his. “My name is Sev. I am the guardian of this mountain range, known as the Rettana Mountains.”

“The guardian?”

“My people believe the souls of the departed inhabit the mountains of Zaxxuma. Our loved ones watch over us for all time from up high. Each mountain range has a guardian to ensure no calamity strikes, in order to keep the souls happy and the ground sacred. If a fire or some other disaster were to occur, I would summon help from the Zaxxumian cities.”

“You mean we’re the only people living on this entire mountain range?”


She paled and stared at the floor.

“I realize this saddens you because escape from me now seems more difficult, doesn’t it, sweet Tara?”

Her head jerked up and she met his gaze. “I shouldn’t be here. I told you, I made a mistake by signing my life over to Mail Order Human. Please have mercy. Please, can’t you return me to Earth and select another woman from their list?”

“You were the only virgin on the list during this trip.” He hadn’t given any thought to whether or not his human mate came to him untouched or not, but when he’d seen her name on the list along with the details of her innocence, he couldn’t help himself.

His family had gifted him with an enormous sum of money after his appointment as the guardian of these mountains, and he had held onto it, deciding to use it one day to procure a bride from another world. A human. A little virgin named Tara. He breathed in deep, enjoying her scent. His blood heated. He had to have her soon, had to feel her squirming beneath him, bare skin against bare skin.

Tara blew out a breath and glared at him. “Let me get this straight. So, you wouldn’t want me if I weren’t a virgin? Gee, thanks, Romeo.”

“You misunderstand me. I didn’t expect to see a virgin listed, but when I did, and after I looked at your image scan, I had to have you as mine. There was something sad in your eyes that I wanted to fix, and the fact that you are untouched, well, I confess that makes me want to teach you the most scandalous things. You are mine to corrupt, sweet Tara.” He cornered her on the sofa and clasped her wrists together after she attempted to push him away, then he leaned down to press his lips to hers.

His feisty human resisted him at first, keeping her mouth closed and refusing him entrance. He prodded her with his tongue until she gave way, parting her lips to let him inside. He released her wrists and cupped her face, deepening the kiss and delighting in her little gasps. When she finally began to return his kiss, her clumsy method invigorated him. He suspected that not only was she a virgin, but she’d never been kissed either. He decided not to ask, not wishing to embarrass her. Or anger her. He wondered if all human females had a temper or if it was just this one.

He drank her in, reveling in the sweetness of her. She tasted divine, like the nectar from a rare
flower. When she moaned into his mouth, a roar built in his throat, and he broke away, his hunger for her rising with each passing moment.

He cupped the side of her face in one hand, and to his delight, she leaned into his touch. “My Tara, my mate.”

Tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks, and she sniffled, though she didn’t pull away. “How do I know you won’t hurt me? Or betray me? I know nothing about your world and your ways, and nothing about you personally.”

Perplexed, he folded his hands in his lap and sat back, giving her space. Though a blush stained her cheeks, a crazed gleam flickered in her eyes. The poor little human was still afraid. Had she been afraid before she came to Zaxxuma? He studied her, wishing he could read her thoughts. Perhaps she’d had a horrible life on Earth, a life filled with fear and hopelessness. His first clue was the sadness in her eyes, and then her reaction to drinking water. He took cold, clean water for granted, and she obviously hadn’t partaken of any since her childhood. The thought of her going through much of her life without basic comforts saddened him.

“Tell me why you signed up for Mail Order Human, Tara.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t tell anyone.”

“I am to be your mate. We mustn’t keep secrets from one another.” He clasped her thigh and squeezed, then gave her a smile of encouragement. “Whatever troubles befell you on Earth, I promise you will not face them on Zaxxuma. The air here is clean, food and water is abundant, and I will always make sure there’s a roof over your head, and clothes on your body. I will keep you in comfort and strive to make you happy, Tara.”

“Sev,” she said hesitantly, using his name for the first time, “Why did you buy a woman from Mail Order Human? Is it because you live up here on the mountain, and there aren’t any females of your own kind around?”

Sorrow filled his heart at her question. “When I was a child, a plague killed off most of our female population. The majority of Zaxxumian males were immune to the disease, but our females were not. After my family gifted me with a large amount of money because of my nomination as a guardian of the Rettana Mountains, I decided I would use that money to purchase a bride from another world, so the males on my homeworld would have one less male to compete with. Not all the males on Zaxxuma have the funds to purchase a human bride, and Mail Order Human has so far kept the location of Earth a secret, making it impossible for us to venture to your planet ourselves in search of new mates.”

“I’m sorry about the plague. That must have been terrifying to witness as a child. Did you lose anyone in your family?”

“My mother and one of my sisters.” He swallowed the lump in his throat and spread his arms wide, lifting his hands in the air. “But now they are here. On this mountain with all the other departed souls, watching over all of Zaxxuma.” He dropped his hands back into his lap and met her eyes. “When I grieve their absence, all I need do is walk amongst the trees atop the mountain, and I feel their presence. Sometimes, when the wind blows, I can hear their voices.”

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