Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (44 page)

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Pat Dasch and Allan Treiman, “Ancient Life on Mars???”
Lunar and Planetary Institute,
index.shtml (accessed January 2, 2006).
Malin Space Science Systems, “The Face on Mars,”
Malin Space Science Systems,
(accessed January 3, 2006).
Brenda Flynn, “Asteroids, Comets, Rahab & Mars, Cherubim & the Megaliths of Cydonia, The Stones of Fire and Pre-Adamite Civilizations,”
Watcher’s Website,
~watcher/stones.html (accessed January 3, 2006).
Tariq Malik, “Most Americans Believe Alien Life is Possible, Study Shows,”,
(accessed January 3, 2006).
John B. Alexander, “The Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey: The Impact of UFOs and their Occupants on Religion,”
National Institute for Discovery Science,
response_analysis.html (accessed January 2, 2006).
Rick Meyers, “Equipping Ministries Foundation, e-Sword Bible software,” April 7, 2000,
Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon
(Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems Inc., 1995).
Michael S. Heiser,
The Facade
(Superior, Colorado: Superior Books, 2001), 261—270.
Ibid, 272.
1.   Fenis Dake,
God’s Plan for Man
(Lawrenceville, Georgia: Dake Publishing Inc., 1977), 480-481. Look up “Trinity” in the index to obtain all the page numbers for this source; there are twenty-five subtopics scattered throughout the book that relate to the Trinity.
2.   Brenda Flynn, “UFOS AND THE BIBLE, Aliens: The Angelic Conspiracy,”
Watcher’s Website,
(accessed January 4, 2006); Gil Bar and Barry Chamish, Israeli UFO Research, http:// (accessed December 12, 2005).
3.   Barry Chamish, “UFO Wave in Israel,”
Great Dreams Website,
(accessed December 16, 2005).
4.   Ibid, “Chapter 5, Israel Awakens to the Invasion.”
5.   Rick Meyers, “Equipping Ministries Foundation, e-Sword Bible software,” April 7, 2000,
Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon
(Oak Harbor,
Logos Research Systems Inc., 1995).
6.   Ibid.
7.   Chris Stassen, “The Age of the Earth,”
The Talk Origins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy,
of-earth.html (accessed January 6, 2006).
8.   William K. Purves and others,
Life: The Science of Biology, Fourth Edition
Sunderlan, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc., 1995), 646.
9.   Ibid. While much of the information in this book points to scientific data that indicates the Earth is billions of years old, it may not actually be that old. It might only be thousands of years old, as creation scientists contend, but this point is irrelevant in light of the theories I argue in this book. I do believe that the Earth is millions of years older than Adam and Eve, for several reasons I point out in this book, but the Earth doesn’t have to be billions of years old as most mainstream secular scientists believe.
10.   Dr. Walt Brown, “Online Edition, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (7th Edition),”
Center for Scientific Creation,
(accessed January 5, 2006).
11.   Rick Meyers, “Equipping Ministries Foundation, e-Sword Bible software,” April 7, 2000,
13.   Dennis R. Petersen,
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation: The Explorer’s Guide to the Awesome Works of God
(El Dorado, California: Creation Resource Publications, 2002), 30. This book, which supports Creationism, refutes carbon dating, and argues that believing in the old Earth theory supports evolution, but my argument is that it doesn’t matter how old the Earth is in order for the Bible to be accurate; Marvin L. Lubenow,
Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1992), 86-119; Marvin L. Lubenow, People Fossils: The Evidence for Human Evolution,
human_evolution.htm (accessed January 10, 2006).
14.   Marvin L. Lubenow, People Fossils: The Evidence for Human Evolution,
(accessed January 10, 2006). The human arm fragment listed here is but one example among many others that have been found throughout the years, discussed later in this book.
15.   Russell Grigg, “Pre-Adamite man: were there human beings on Earth before Adam?”
Answers in Genesis: Upholding the Authority of the Bible from the Very First Verse,
(accessed January 10, 2006).
16.   William K. Purves and others,
Life: The Science of Biology, Fourth Edition
(Sunderlan, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc., 1995), 636-640.
17.   David Getz,
Frozen Man
(New York, New York: Scholastic Inc., 1994), 19-20.
18.   Stephen Wagner, “The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts: The Grooved Spheres,” Phenomena,
library/weekly/aa011402a.htm (accessed January 7, 2006).
19.   Vera Solovieva, “The Map of The Creator,”
PRAVDA.Ru Russian News and Analysis,
(accessed December 24, 2005).
20.   Stephen Wagner, “The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts: 33 Million Year Old Mortar and Pestle Mystery,” Phenomena,
http:// (accessed January 7, 2006).
21.   Steve Byerly, OOPARTS,
(accessed January 11, 2006).
22.   Dennis R. Petersen, “Do Artifacts of Very Ancient and Even pre-Flood Technology Exist?”
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation: The Explorer’s Guide to the Awesome Works of God,
204-205, 224-225.
Readers Digest: The Worlds Last Mysteries
(Pleasantville, New York, Montreal: The Reader’s Digest Association Inc., 1979), 14.
24.   Ibid.
25.   Ibid, 11-27; Ellie Crystal, Ellie Crystal’s Metaphysical and Science Website,
(accessed January 5, 2006). While I don’t agree with a great deal of Ellie Crystal’s Web site, I validated much of the research she put into the section covering Atlantis by cross- referencing it with my highly reputable Reader’s Digest book. The most notable archeological findings pointing to Atlantis, in my opinion, are those found submerged off the island of North Bimini in the Bahamas. Information about these ancient ruins proliferate libraries, and the Internet.
Readers Digest: The Worlds Last Mysteries
(Pleasantville, New York, Montreal: The Reader’s Digest Association Inc., 1979), 14.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia Online,
s.v. “Furlong,”
Furlong (accessed January 4, 2006).
28.   WiseGEEK, “What are the World’s Tallest Mountains?”
wiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions,
worlds-tallest-mountains.htm (accessed January 12, 2006).
29.   Lisa Gardiner, Windows to the Universe: Big, Bigger, Biggest, http://
(accessed January 12, 2006).
30.   Brad Harrub, Ph.D., “Computer-Generated Neanderthals,”
Apologetic’s Press on the World Wide Web,
(accessed January 12, 2006).
31.   William K. Purves and others,
Life: The Science of Biology, Fourth Edition
(Sunderlan, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc., 1995), 636-640.
32.   Brad Harrub, Ph.D, “Computer-Generated Neanderthals,”
Apologetic’s Press on the World Wide Web,
(accessed January 12, 2006).

Chapter 4

1.   Voice of the Martyrs, “Home Page,”
Voice of the Martyrs presents,
(accessed January 15, 2006).
DC Talk,
Jesus Freaks: DC Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs—Stories of Those Who Stood For Jesus, the Ultimate Jesus Freaks
(Bloomington, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, January 1, 1999), inside flap of front cover.
3.   Voice of the Martyrs, “Restricted Nations Profiles, China,”
Voice of the Martyrs presents,
(accessed January

15, 2006).

4.   Voice of the Martyrs, “Restricted Nations Profiles, Pakistan,”
Voice of the Martyrs presents,
(accessed January 15, 2006).
5.   Franco Cavazzi, Illustrated History of the Roman Empire, http://
(accessed January 15, 2006).

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