Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (6 page)

BOOK: Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome
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One such Italian encounter story comes from 1950 and happened in the small town of
. According to Billy Booth, writing on the website, "On the 24th day of April, 1950, 42-year-old factory worker Bruno Facchini was working the late shift and stepped outside to get some fresh air on his break. His home city of
had just had a severe thunderstorm. The last distant streaks of lightning were still visible as Bruno decided to see if the electrical system had popped a circuit breaker. He was completely taken aback at what he saw not far from the factory doors."


Bruno went to investigate a bright light that he thought was part of a transformer problem and was shocked to see a circular-shaped, glowing object with a ladder descending from its bottom. At the top of the craft was a greenish glow which partly obscured a light-skinned being. The strange being appeared to be welding something on the ship.


"Bruno's first impression of the craft," Booth writes, "was that it was a type of experimental craft from a nearby air base. His impression was quickly altered by the sight of several other small alien creatures which emerged from the craft. In a moment or two, the ladder began to be drawn up into the mysterious craft, and the beings began to reenter the craft through an invisible door of some kind."


The full realization of what he was seeing caused Bruno to simply flee on foot, at which point he began to hear a sound like that of a large beehive.


"One of the remaining creatures," the post continues, "pointed a type of weapon at the scared worker and a beam of force knocked him to the ground. Although in pain, he was able to watch the last activities of the strange aliens as they prepared the craft to take off. The beehive-like sound increased as the object made its way into the skies and vanished from view."


The following day, Bruno filed a full report with the local police. Signs that something really had been there the night before were still visible, such as burned patches on the ground and the indentation marks of an extremely heavy object. The police also found some odd, green pieces of a metal-like substance, which were sent off for analysis.


"The results of this test concluded that the fragments were an 'anti-friction' material," Booth writes, "containing several types of metal along with a lubricant."


Later tests of the same material commissioned by UFO investigators and conducted by a scientific institute specializing in metallurgy found that the debris was 74 percent copper, 19 percent tin, and other trace elements, which does in no way cast doubt on Bruno's story since we cannot know whether those metals are found only on Earth.


"Bruno's story was taken very seriously by all who knew him," Booth says. "He was a respectable man, very well-liked and considered to be reliable and trustworthy. He gained nothing from his tale of the strange object and occupants he described."



Fetus Of The Gods?

In an online posting from the website circa 2010, writer Chris Capps relates the story of an Italian woman named simply "Giovanni," who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO for the purpose of creating a hybrid alien/human race. The notion of an ongoing alien genetics program has been considered a central element of the aliens' plan since 1987, when Budd Hopkins' seminal work "Intruders" revealed that abductee Kathie Davis was also used for breeding experiments and even met one of her own half-alien children while onboard a UFO. The fact that there is an Italian woman reporting the same thing should come as no surprise.


In Giovanni's case, there is plenty of supporting evidence, including implants in her brain, a strange phosphorescent material embedded in her skin in strange symbols, and even a fetus which was not detected until complications from her up to that point unknown pregnancy required an examination by a team of doctors.


"The phosphorous material in her skin," Capps writes, "has been analyzed and shown to be a singular glowing material that experts are saying has not been fully identified and is thought to be made only under extremely specific circumstances, using magnetic fields comparable to those found in the
Large Hadron Collider. The material was not only discovered within her skin, but also in her home and in a small patch of burned grass in her yard."


Meanwhile, her doctors don't understand the tiny artificial metallic implants which Giovanni has had in her brain for several years. She claims they were put in her brain by the creatures who had been abducting her since she was four years old. She has no idea what the implants do or what their intended purpose is.


The well-known abductee, Whitley Strieber, once had his own brain implants verified by doctors using an
machine. The scan proved the objects were indeed there, but were positioned in such a way as to make surgically removing them impossible without causing some degree of brain damage in the process. It is generally believed that implants in the brain simply come with the territory where alien abduction is concerned.


"Finally," Capps writes, "the most grim bit of evidence is the undetected life sign in Giovanni's body that ultimately ended in abortion. After the fetus was removed, doctors claimed it was certainly not what they expected. Though human fetuses can at an early stage resemble what many describe the Grays as looking like, they also said that several developed features were distinctly not normal for a fetus at that stage, and that it was likely that the child was either developmentally mutated, or something else had caused it to exhibit abnormal features."


Of course none of this was any surprise to Giovanni, who already suspected that the child was a hybrid implanted in her by her alien captors. By itself, the fetus could have been an earthly aberration, but, when combined with the other evidence, her claim of an alien abduction becomes all the more believable.


The gods of
would mingle their seed with the occasional mortal woman, breeding creatures half human and half god who would go on to live their own mythical adventures. Was the strangely misshapen fetus found inside Giovanni intended to be just such a hero of prose and poetry?



The 1978 Italian UFO Wave

The February/March 2011 edition of "
Open Minds Magazine
" (website at featured on its cover a fascinating account by Umberto Visani of the 1978 wave of UFOs sighted over
that was so undeniably real that politicians of the time demanded an investigation.  One such sighting took place on September 16 of that year, in a section of
, at
10 P.M.


"Antonio Attansio and Franco Prezioso, two fishermen, were fishing on the dock. All of a sudden, the water in front of them appeared to boil, with huge bubbles seven feet in diameter appearing on the surface. At the same time, the two men could see an underwater beam of light illuminating the boats out at sea. This beam was very long, thin and greenish in color. After a few minutes, the beam moved slowly away, and the fishermen could no longer see it because other boats were hampering their field of vision. As the strange beam disappeared, the water stopped boiling. The two fishermen were astonished and could not think of any possible explanation as to what they had witnessed."


Was it perhaps a visit from Neptune, the Roman god of the sea? While it is true that some modern day "Romans" still believe in the ancient gods, maybe there are those who need reminding that the world is stranger and the gods more powerful than one might be comfortable with.


Another sighting recounted by Visani took place on December 24 of that fateful year of 1978, in a place called
, near Mount Gran Sasso, at
7 A.M.


"Benito Franchi, an employee at the power station, had barely started to work that morning when he began to suffer from a strong headache that nearly paralyzed him. Bizarrely, at the same time, he felt as if his hair was crackling. During this time, the controls of the power station went wild, and the generator progressively lost energy for no apparent reason. Then, after seeing a strange flash coming from a window, Franchi went outside and observed a dazzling spherical object flying high in the sky. Franchi called his colleague, Guido di Varano, and informed him about the events. Together, they tried to call the police station, but the telephone did not work. The sighting was corroborated by a local hotel owner and its guests."


This has been a sampling of the cases reported by Visani, whose article was itself a small sampling of the many sightings that took place in 1978. At the time, the Italian military admitted to having collected several reports from prominent and reputable members of the community, and a member of
's parliament demanded to know "which measures Parliament wants to take to establish the origin of such phenomena and calm down the population."


There has been an enormous amount written about the idea that the gods of old have manifested themselves in our relatively new technological age as highly- advanced creatures exhibiting a technology still light years ahead of our own. The gods of old and the present day UFO occupants appear in many guises, but their origins and purposes remain mostly unknown and are likely unknowable. But perhaps Zeus is still up there, observing the Earth from a flying saucer and seeking a new mortal woman to impregnate as he savors mischievous Puck's comment.


BOOK: Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome
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