Read Alien Salvation Online

Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #erotica, #tracy st john new concepts publishing futuristic romancebdsm forced seduction multiple partners aliens

Alien Salvation (11 page)

BOOK: Alien Salvation
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Again he tapped the panel, his fingers
a blur. A red line appeared on the map, far north of where
Lindsey’s finger indicated. “No stop there. Go more

“Good. From what I’ve seen, the less
population we encounter, the better.”

The rest of their trip that day was
uneventful and quiet. Silence reigned in the shuttle, everyone deep
in dark thoughts.

Chapter Six

The shuttle ran low on juice over the
Everglades, and Bacoj found a relatively dry spot to land for the
night. Japohn set up a perimeter field circling a quarter mile
around the ship using an armful of sensor sticks set up at
equidistant points. Bacoj, whose limited English was better than
Vax’s, managed to explain that the perimeter field would set off an
alarm if anything bigger than a cat crossed its boundaries. After
seeing the violent human wreckage back in Fort Lauderdale, Lindsey
was relieved the Kalquorians had the alarm system. Making life even
better, Japohn caught and killed a five-foot long alligator, giving
them a hot meal that night.

Tara praised their meal, first
congratulating Japohn on his hunting skills until the giant alien
was awkward with embarrassed pleasure, then Vax who couldn’t bear
to simply cook the meat over a fire. He pounded the gator until it
was tender and then prepared it in a mildly spicy sauce. The
results were spectacular.

“Vax, you are an artist when it comes
to cooking,” Tara sighed, rubbing her stomach with satisfaction.
“Thank you.”

“Mine all is pleasure,” Vax smiled. He
lifted an eyebrow at Aaron. “Correct?”

“The saying is, the pleasure is all
mine,” Aaron gently amended.

Lindsey huffed. “Dad, why are you
teaching him complicated phrases when ‘you’re welcome’ would

Aaron huffed back. “There’s nothing
wrong with them speaking like gentlemen.”

“I think we’d do better learning their
language seeing as how we’re ending up on Kalquor.”

Bacoj interjected a bit of diplomacy.
“Good us learn you language, good you learn our.”

Aaron gave him a thumbs-up.

Lindsey held back a giggle as Japohn
copied the motion. The frowning Kalquorian didn’t look natural
doing a thumbs-up. If he wouldn’t look so grim, it would work out
better. Maybe if he wore that devastatingly gorgeous smile he’d
shown her earlier today?

Lindsey’s lower parts tickled to life
as she thought about Japohn’s smile and the reason she’d received
it. He still owed her a good time.

As if the universe agreed with her, her
parents stood. Now that they were fed, their heads nodded with
fatigue. Tara asked, “How do we say ‘goodnight’ in your

Vax stood and bowed. “Ek

Tara copied him. “Ek dug,

Bacoj and Japohn rose to echo the good
nights. Lindsey stayed seated, and Aaron frowned at her. “Staying
up, Lindsey?”

His suspicion was obvious, and she
tried not to let it bother her. She was a grown woman after all,
not a little girl. Still, it was difficult to meet her father’s
gaze. “For a bit. Ek dug, old folks.” She waved with a

Tara snorted with pretended offense.
“Old indeed.” She tugged Aaron into the shuttle. They were using
the clan’s sleeping room, the Kalquorians having insisted due to
their elder status and Aaron’s injured back.

The Kalquorians sat down next to
Lindsey before the fire. All were silent, and she realized they
listened for the door to the sleeping room to close as she

With the peeping of frogs and the
crackle of the flames, Lindsey couldn’t hear when that happened,
but it was obvious the men did. They slid closer to her in unison
and she warmed to feel their bodies brush against hers.

“Go in?” Bacoj suggested.

She liked how the firelight gave their
dark skin a warm glow. While the night had turned cool, the fire
drove the worst of it away. And it was less likely her parents
would hear anything untoward. “It’s a beautiful night. Let’s stay
out here.”

Delighted grins surrounded her. The
next instant, the three men were seated in a circle and she was
lying on their twined legs.

Mouths tasted her exposed skin, and
hands worked quickly to expose even more. She gasped at the
suddenness, but quickly warmed to the eager touches. When Vax’s
fangs bit into her upper breast, she groaned with desire. The pain
was a sweet prelude to what was to come, and her body clenched in
happy response.

As the warm elixir of the intoxicant
flowed through her veins, making her more pliant to the men’s
ardor, Lindsey felt her almost desperate need to control everything
slip away. It was a relief to acquiesce to the strength of the men,
to allow them to strip her clothing away, and to let them direct
the lovemaking.

Lindsey groaned as hot mouths tasted
her flesh. Teeth scraped her skin, sending tendrils of sensation
deep into her body. The blend of pleasure and slight pain was heady
stuff, making her insides melt. The more insistent the men’s
attentions became, the more sublime. Lindsey felt she might simply
dissolve into a boneless puddle in their arms.

“Lindsey no wish control now?” Japohn
growled. His hands kneaded her buttocks, his fingertips brushing
her anus. The sensitivity she felt there was a happy

“You know more about this than I do,”
she sighed. “You’re better off taking the lead.”

Vax’s fingers stroked her womanhood,
making her wet and aching. Bacoj sucked hard on her breast, as if
he’d draw it all the way down his throat. She felt completely
possessed and loved it.

“Lindsey want more submit?” Japohn’s
whisper in her ear was full of lascivious threat. “Play our slave,
be fun game?”

She knew if she hadn’t been bitten, the
menace in his tone would probably have sent her running into the
swamp. But euphoria held her in its grip, making the peril an
irresistible tease. She was eager for whatever the dangerous
Kalquorian had in mind.

“Anything you want. Just don’t stop,”
she answered recklessly.

That brought growls rumbling from all
three aliens. “You obey clan?” Bacoj asked, his eyes

“Obey?” Lindsey giggled. “You really
want to order me around?”

Bacoj grinned, and the heat in his
smile twisted her guts, wringing more wetness from her body. “We
masters. You slave.”

She tried to be responsible for an
instant. “Are you going to hurt me?”

“Small hurts.” He pinched her nipple
hard enough to make her gasp, but the quick stab of pain made her
insides tumble with desire too. “Hurts to make excite.”

“And punish for no obey.” Japohn’s open
palm suddenly cracked hard against one of her buttocks, and Lindsey
jumped. Heat radiated from the blow, and she squirmed from the
sensation heating her nether regions. She was definitely turned on
by the aliens’ forceful display.

What an interesting

“We’re playing a game right? You don’t
mean for real?” With the intoxicant flowing through her, she was
fighting to keep her senses. “Just for this?”

Bacoj leaned close to kiss her gently
on the lips. “Yes, a game. Too much, you tell us. We

Vax chimed in. “You safe,

Well then. There was nothing wrong with
a game. She bowed her head, trying for a subservient posture. “I’m
yours,” she whispered, excitement making her mouth dry.

With another chorus of animal growls,
the men shifted position until they knelt all around her. Bacoj
grasped her upper arm, lifting her upward. “On knees,” he

She rose, grateful for the springy
vegetation cushioning her bony joints. She looked up at the Dramok
for approval.

“Eyes down. Hands behind back,” he

Lindsey dropped her head and brought
her hands to the small of her back. She was left staring at the
very prominent bulge at the crotch of Bacoj’s formsuit. Honey oozed
down her inner thighs.

“Legs apart.”

She slid her knees outward, feeling the
lips of her sex part open with the motion. She moaned at the

“Stay still. You no move. No speak.
Punish if no obey.”

Her backside still gently throbbed from
Japohn’s demonstration of the discipline she’d suffer. Lindsey
shivered thinking of the rewards of disobedience. She might try
misbehaving later. For now, she wanted to know what delights the
clan had for their ‘slave’.

They explored her body with a
thoroughness that shocked Lindsey. Despite the intoxication of
Vax’s bite and her arousal, she found it hard to remain still. Fear
of discovery and capital punishment from the former fanatical
regime had scarred her emotional health. At times she wanted to
swat away the big hands roaming over her trembling flesh. She
fought the instinct to cover her nudity. What had she been thinking
to want to remain outside where passing refugees might glimpse her
wanton actions?

The Kalquorians tested her resolve to
remain submissive to their demands, drowning out her fears.
Calloused fingers pinched her nipples until she shuddered against
the mingled pleasure and pain. The thick digits pressed into her
sex and anus, probing and stretching the pliant passages. When
Vax’s thumb brushed the slick button of raw nerve-endings, Lindsey
jerked. The stab of pleasure overwhelmed her senses.

“Please,” she moaned, eager for

Japohn’s hand smacked hard against her
buttocks once, twice, three times. “Silence!” he hissed.

Lindsey’s hungry sex clenched around
Vax’s fingers as the warmth of the blows penetrated deep in her
flesh. Her sleeve flexed in a slow, small climax that offered
little relief. She panted as the Imdiko’s fingers

“We no say pleasure. Wait permission,”
he warned. When she peeked up through the hair keeping her face
hidden, she saw his normally gentle face was almost as severe as

“You pleasure, Lindsey?” Bacoj

“Just a little one. I’m sorry,” she
whimpered. She’d never felt less sorry in her life.

Bacoj grasped her chin and lifted so
she faced him. The instant before she cast her eyes downward, she
saw the pleased expression he wore. It made her feel

His deep voice held only the steel of
command. “You control body. We tell you when pleasure

Silence spun out for a moment, finally
broken by Japohn’s voice behind her. “You say, yes

“Yes, Dramok.”

Bacoj released her chin, and she dipped
her head again. The men resumed their clandestine explorations.
Lindsey bore it silently, though she wanted to scream her longing
for them to take her, to bury their thick appendages deep in her
hungry body.

At last Bacoj stood, peeling his
formsuit down his delicious body as he loomed over her like a great
tree. Lindsey suddenly found his twin sexes only inches from her
face. The scent, so much like cinnamon, hung heavy in the air. His
hand gripped the larger of the two penises.

“Open mouth, slave.”

A bolt of ecstasy struck her nether
regions and she gushed fresh wetness over Vax’s fingers. The Imdiko
emitted gruff laughter. “She like,” he informed Bacoj.

Bacoj buried the fingers of his other
hand in her hair, pulling her parted lips to his hard length. He
slowly slid into her accepting mouth.

The spicy-sweet flavor of his
lubrication coated her tongue, delighting her. Bacoj tasted
scrumptious. Lindsey moaned as he gradually filled her mouth. His
stave was hot, and she felt his pulse on the underside of his
thickness. She rubbed her tongue against the throb, eager for more
of his juices. She swallowed against the delightful intruder. He

He slid in further still until Lindsey
couldn’t breathe, and she gagged against his implacable entry.
Suddenly her hands were planted against his thickly muscled thighs,
shoving to escape the terrible choking sensation.

Bacoj drew back to allow her to
recover. As soon as she stopped coughing, Japohn captured her
wrists in his hands, pulling them to cross behind her back once
more. He held her arms imprisoned there with one hand while
peppering her backside with light spanks. “Take what Bacoj

Tears sprang to her eyes as the
thrilling punishment stung. “He’s too big!”

Harder swats for her temerity to speak.
Bacoj still held her by the hair, and he was advancing towards her
again. “Open mouth. I teach.”

Despite the fear of gagging again,
Lindsey obeyed the command as if born into servitude. She wanted
this. Their domination made her body alive with deep, undeniable

Again the velvety slick penis slid into
her mouth. “Relax throat. No breathe when all inside. Wait for pull

She forced herself to remain relaxed as
he breached the point of comfort, holding her breath as he pressed
farther in. He tilted her head back as he traveled deeper, opening
her throat to take all he had. Lindsey closed her eyes in the
effort to keep panic at bay.

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