Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories) (11 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Fall for a Cyborg (Sci-Fi Futuristic Alien Abduction Fantasy Space Warrior Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Paranormal Urban Short Stories)
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“So what did you mean by stalking you?” he said calmly.

“I saw the file you have on me. I am assuming you got to Jenny Albright to make sure I was the agent sent here,” I explained. His jaw dropped. He stared in amazement for a moment and then actually blushed slightly.

“Ah I see. I have never actually met Jenny Albright. I know of her through the file I have on you. I will not say who collected it for me, not right now. I saw you first at the Hotel Madras when you busted that crooked jewel dealer. I was at the hotel for a conference. I was an instant fan of your work, since I dislike men who do what he did. I took a picture because you intrigued me.

“When I found out about your Master’s degree, I was amazed. I believe your instructors missed the really important sections in your wonderful thesis. As a dragon I am something of an expert on those things, so I was really intrigued. So I asked a person to look into you and gave him the photo as an identification. He gave me that file about, oh five months ago now,” Goldland explained. I nodded blankly.

“So he gave you the picture of me in my swim suit at my apartment. Considering your money I do not believe I could actually bring charges against you, but that is stalker behavior,” I pointed out. He really blushed here and almost squirmed in embarrassment. He put a hand over his chest.

“Honestly I gave no instructions for that. It came with the package and I did reprimand the person for doing it. I was going to just throw it out but... I couldn’t do it. I understand why you would be thinking and feeling the way you obviously are, but hear me out please.”

He paused, watching me. I just nodded politely waiting to hear what he would say.

“I am a dragon. As a dragon I revere all beautiful things. Jewels, gold, silver, handmade things, paintings, and women. You must be aware that you are an amazingly beautiful woman. Your intelligence and passion for your work increase your beauty exponentially in my eyes. So that is how attractive you are to me. Also, I am a human male and as such you are beautiful to me for the same reason. Basically I could not help myself.

“I did not, however, have anything to do with you being sent here. I found out a day before you arrived and was shocked, but delighted too. At the very least I hoped to have some time to discuss stones and metal with you. If I wanted to know more about you or had really been stalking you my surveillance would not have stopped five months ago would it?”

He had a point with that remark. There was nothing in the file that I saw that was newer than that. This did not let him off the hook, although his glowing words almost did. Not quite though. I was not that easy. My stomach rumbled, and he grinned.

“Good, you are hungry. Let us get something to eat at the house. You are free to go anytime you wish,” he said. I wanted to keep questioning him but my stomach rumbled again. I sighed and gave in. We went to the elevator he had mentioned and it took a while to get there but soon enough we walked out of the door in his office. He led me down the hall to a small dining room set with dinner and wine.

Once we had both eaten some to take the edge off of the hunger, I started my questioning again.

“So what is going on with Ronglin? I am sure you know something about it,” I said. He nodded in answer to me. Took a long swallow of his wine. So did I.

“His family and I have been friends for a very long time. Reginald is his cousin actually. Reginald’s father worked for me before he did,” he answered. I was surprised but kept my mouth shut wanting to hear the rest.

“Jeremy Ronglin is the son of Peter Ronglin, Reginald’s uncle. Peter and I were great friends for many years, as I was with his father. Yes, I am older than I look. Anyway, when he passed three months ago, it was a sad time. Jeremy is incredibly jealous of what I have here. In fact, he asked me to make him a dragon shifter. I refused of course. His temperament is not in line for it. You would make a great one by the way, but it is not something I have ever done and would feel awkward doing. His father had never asked it, ever. I was surprised at Jeremy’s request, but I turned it down. That is what started the trouble.”

“He threatened to expose me, but he knew if he did, that not only could it not be proven, he would become a laughing stock. Also I and Reginald control the deed to his place. More Reginald than me, actually; I am just an adviser in that part of it. Reginald as you can imagine is embarrassed by Jeremy’s antics. I was considering buying Jeremy off, just to spare Reginald, but then he stole a vehicle, damaged equipment, flattened your tires. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior.”

I can only guess that he is trying to get so much attention on me that I may move or flee, to keep people away. It is known I live for my privacy. I will cop to going there again the other night, to my favorite hill. I knew you were coming and wanted hopefully to fuel an interesting conversation with you, so I left a few coins. I see that has backfired. Oh well,” he said wistfully.  I thought about what he had said while finishing my food and pouring another glass of wine.

He could have been handing me a load of shit, but I had a feeling he was telling the truth. I am not sure why, other than I think I gained a feeling for him. I could feel his passion for Reginald and his family, as well as his distress over the rift between their families. I also could feel his desire for me and was amazed at the very fact of it. I had no doubt about what I had seen though, as shocking as it was. I stood and walked across the room and back. He remained silent, sipping his wine and watching me.

“Ok then,” I began. “Does Jeremy Ronglin really think he can scare you off? Why would he think that?” He shrugged as I asked it.

“I am not sure. Perhaps he thinks if enough fuss is made and enough government employees start nosing around, that I may leave here. I also am beginning to think he may have found out I am interested in you. I reach out to many people with the same interests as you when I can. If knows I am interested in you, then he may be using that against me. A threat to you, in his mind, might work. In my mind I would have to get violent, and not as a human. Therefore I would risk being exposed.” He said the last with annoyance.

I blushed a little and decided to change the subject. I had enough to reflect on for the moment and maybe the wine was kicking in so I asked him about a Mount Kilimanjaro sample displayed in a small case.

He lit up like a Christmas tree. After that, I know the wine was affecting me and him too. We ended up going around the magnificent house so he could show me his amazing collection. We drank wine and discussed geology, and soon enough I decided to worry about it all in the morning. I was having too much fun.

It could be that which caused me to start what I then did in the lounge.


We were standing next to another display, this one holding a rare mineral from Siberia and standing close together. He was still wearing flannel pants and had put of a button down shirt that had not been buttoned. His naked chest seemed to call to my desires and I sighed, leaning my head against him and placing my hand against his chest. He had a light amount of hair on his chest that felt good under my hand. I little voice in my head was reminding me I was headed for trouble. I figured I was going to be in enough of it anyway and I needed a release from tension, a little human contact. Or dragon contact, should I say?

“Are you sure Crystal? You may feel different in the morning.”

I chuckled as he pointed that out. I looked up at him with a slight smile. His blue eyes seemed to draw me in.

“I need this tonight Markus. I have to let tomorrow sort itself out. I can’t make enough sense of it right now. It is all too much.”

I saw understanding in his eyes. He reached up and put his hand on my cheek. I leaned into it and ran my hand over his chest. He put his arms around me and a hand slid up my back and under my tank top. I sighed and kissed his chest, then made my way up to his lips. As our lips touched and we kissed, our eyes met. It was like a trance, but it was a mutual one and the passion in his eyes was matched by what I felt inside. He scooped me up like I weighed nothing. We continued kissing and he carried me in his arms to his suite of rooms. I did not notice the trip, as we never stopped kissing and caressing as he walked.

He lay me on the huge bed tenderly. We were both breathing heavily and I had never felt a strength of desire like I was feeling then. He peeled his shirt off and I took my top off, followed by my bra. As he bent over me one of my hands went to his belt and one of his went to mine. His lips seduced my breasts. I shudder went through me and I gasped, arching my back. The buttons on my pants came undone and his long fingers slid under my panties. As his hand fluttered around the very moist entrance to my lust, his lips tantalized my nipples. The combination of the two caused me to moan a lustful sound with an explosive orgasm that shook me from my deepest center to my outer skin. He moaned and shook as well, as if he felt it too.

The arousal energized me in some strange way and with a snarl and moan I turned and ended up on top of him. We both laughed a lustful sound as our eyes met. Neither one of us was going to stop now. I bent down and kissed his face, his lips, his throat, and down his chest while he squeezed my breast or fingered between my legs. The need I had for him was expanding from my center outward was growing exponentially. I found myself growling and groaning as I clenched my hands in his flaming hair. He lifted me up and lowered me down for the throbbing tool of his lust to stab into me with an urgency that was inhuman.

My body responded and our mutual passion became a faster thing. Our hips pumped against each other in a perfect, harmonious rhythm. Each time our hips came together his member reached deep inside of me and we howled our pleasure. Over, and over, I could not stop. Pleasure filled me more than I would have ever felt possible. When the final explosive orgasm shook us both to the core of who we were, we collapsed against each other in a moment of harmonious togetherness. It led to me falling into a deep sleep of ultimate peace and I knew through the bliss a presence with me, comforting me.

When I awoke it was a slow and luxurious feeling. I felt wonderful if a little fuzzy. I lifted my face from the pillow and saw Markus Goldland sitting up next to me.

“I am glad you awoke Crystal. I am going to have a shower, but first I wanted to tell you something. For the first time since I gained a human form I have had a sleep of contentment and safety, next to you. No matter what direction you decide to go, you have given me a gift I may never be able to repay. Thank you.” I looked at him trying to clear the fog from my brain. His words touched a quiet spot within me and I felt my eyes become moist. He got out of bed and went into the bathroom. As I heard the shower start I whispered to myself.

“Me too.”


After a moment of waking up further, I stretched and crawled across the huge bed to the side. I did not know what to think about the night of passion I had just experienced. I felt it could have a fundamental effect on my life, no matter what I decided to do. First, I told myself, I had to fix my job and life. Markus, like most men, was quick in the shower and when he came out I was heading for the shower myself. We stopped in the door, and kissed.

“I don’t know what I am going to do yet. Give me some time, ok?” I asked. He smiled and nodded. His eyes were still entrancing but I was acquainted with them now and they were not startling; they were a comfort. I went into the bathroom and was again amazed with this house. It shined with crystal and plush towels, a garden tub and a separate shower. There were two sinks that looked like brass and possibly gold fixtures.

“Agent Diamond,” Goldland called in. “Reginald left a surprise for you. It is in the closet by the shower. I think you will be pleased.” I opened the little closet in the bathroom and grinned. My suit had been cleaned and pressed, and was hanging inside. My shoes were clean and my gun was sitting on the shelf.

“Reginald rocks!” I called out. Goldland laughed.

“I will let him know,” he called back to me.

During the shower I decided the approach I was going to take. If Goldland had not been the one pushing Jenny, and I knew she had been pushed, then I was guessing Ronglin had something to do with it. Or maybe he was going through someone else at the FBI and I needed to find out who if I wanted to salvage this case and possibly my job. I could not make up my mind on Markus before clearing the case out of the way. That I was sure of. So okay, I thought as I stepped out of the shower, I would take a run at Ronglin and see what I could shake loose. He would not know I knew the whole story. That being the case I may be able to trip him up. Of course, there
a lizard who had visited his property, but he had to know there was no way to prove it, so he must be after something else. As I finished dressing I heard Reginald shouting from down the hall. I did not like the tone of his voice so I checked my gun and snapped that on my belt before going out.

As I exited the bathroom Goldland was opening the bedroom door.

“Come on,” he told me and I followed him out to meet Reginald who was moving briskly toward us down the hall.

“Jeremy is coming and he has four trucks with him. I do not believe it is to throw you a party Markus,” Reginald said. Goldman gave a sarcastic smile.

“Too bad. I was looking forward to a good party. Call the police, get the report in at least, even if they cannot get here quickly enough,” he told his butler.

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