Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) (23 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)
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Chapter 10


Natasha had gotten the idea about what she would do in order to test Viktor’s love for her. She had found out from some of the women that one of the Elites would sometimes ask for someone’s wife from the people. It was a disgusting and archaic ritual, but it still persisted behind hidden doors. And because the Elites were the all-powerful people who controlled all the important resources on Zamorrah, no one dared refuse them.

If someone said no to the Elites, they had to face banishment and possible death sentence. It was not a fate a lot of Zamorrans wanted to have, least of all over a woman. Natasha was dreading this the moment she heard about it but she was sure that it would come. She was not sure what she would do if Viktor couldn’t refuse the Elite, but this was going to be a leap of faith she had to take.

One dark red night, Viktor came back to the pod in his fly-bot and looked solemn and pensive. Natasha instinctively knew that something was wrong and that it was related to her, because he never looked worried about anything other than that.

“Natasha,” he said, in a deep voice. “Sit down; I have to tell you something.”

Natasha’s heart dropped.

“You remember the Elites that we met on your first day, at the rhumbus?” he asked, though it was a stupid question.

“Of course, I remember,” Natasha said quickly, wanting him to get to the point. This suspense was killing her.

“The thing is that there is a certain…aspect of the Elites I hid from you,” Viktor said slowly.

“Uh-huh, and what is that?” Natasha said, deciding to play along. She knew what it was as she had heard it earlier but she was not going to make Viktor’s task easy for him. He would have to say all the words and hear how pathetic it was.

“The Elites are very powerful people, Natasha,” Viktor said.

“You mentioned that once or twice,” she said.

“They control a lot. In fact, they control everything,” Viktor said, moving at a snail’s pace to his destination. It was starting to frustrate Natasha but she was not going to give him the relief of making it easy on him.

“When they want something, the Elites, they get it. No one can deny them,” Viktor said, again beating around the bush.

“Get on with it, don’t give me the history of the greatness of the Elites,” she snapped.

“They want you,” he said, in a low voice.

Natasha’s heart skipped a beat. It was the moment of truth. She was gazing hard into Viktor’s blue eyes, while he was doing all he could to avoid hers. Maybe she should take this as something positive that he was not willingly saying it, that he was miserable and wretched about this whole thing, but at this moment, it was not easy to feel sorry for him.

“What does that mean? They want me?” Natasha said.

“They want you to spend the night at their residence,” he said, averting his gaze and looking disgusted with himself.

“And what will happen at their residence?” she asked.

Viktor stood up from the bed and started pacing around.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to know,” he said.

“Then maybe you should say no,” she said.

“Aren’t you listening?” he said. “Nobody says no to the Elites. They have the power to destroy someone’s life.”

“The power to destroy something is to have complete control over it,” Natasha muttered

“What?” Viktor said.

“Nothing,” Natasha said, coolly. “What now?”

“I would fly you to the residence and drop you off,” he said, and he looked like a man who had been beaten by the system. The weight of this decision was on his shoulders.

“Get ready,” he said. “We leave soon.”

He left the room, and Natasha was standing there, a tear rolled from her left eye.

Chapter 11


They were flying around in the fly-bot and Viktor had not said a word since departing the room and coming back to pick her up. She was wearing the same red dress that she had worn when she met the elites for the first time. They came up in view of the palace, and this time Natasha was not so much as mesmerized by the opulence, as she was terrified. The Elites, living in their ivory tower, looking down on the people, ordering them to offer up their wives as if they were a piece of meat.

The fly-bot was nearing the entrance and Natasha could see the group of old Elites standing at the front yard, awaiting the arrival of their prized possession. Viktor was pointedly not looking in their direction, but straight ahead at the pathway carved into open air.

“You do realize that after tonight, there’s no going back?” Natasha said to him.

“What do you mean?” Viktor said, the first words that left his mouth since they began their journey to the residence of the Elites.

“That that’s it. Tomorrow, there’s no you and me. This is the final straw,” Natasha said without looking at him.

They reached the entrance of the building and the Elites were standing there with their toga dresses and their lewd smiles. Natasha felt her knees go weak. This was without a doubt the most terrible night of her life. The glass ceiling of the fly-bot opened. Natasha got up with difficulty, but before she could step out to the podium of the entrance hall, the fly-bot sped up and she was thrown back on the seat. The glass ceiling closed above her.

Viktor was holding the steering (where did that come from? she thought) and moving away from the residence at full speed. Natasha smiled in spite of herself and she could feel a huge weight lift off her shoulders.

Viktor had passed the test. He could not go through with it. He had defied the Elites and snatched her away from their evil hands. Natasha looked at him, but he was looking forward. He looked somber but defiant. He had made his decision and he would do anything to stand by it. He knew that all the things he had worked for in his life were over now, and he was ready for that.

Just for her.




Chapter 12


They didn’t go to their pod, but they went to a section of Zamorrah that Natasha had not been to before. The buildings were large and tiled, like some elaborate puzzle game. She swore that some buildings were rotating as they moved through them.

It was a heavenly sight and she was sure that the red light was accentuating the effect. She was in high spirits. Viktor had done the impossible. He had denied the Elites what they so badly wanted.

They entered a large room after parking the fly-bot, midair as usual. Viktor let her go through the door and closed it carefully behind her. She sat down on the bed.

The room was dimly lit and there were not much items in it. It seemed that this room was rarely used; it had that cold air that unoccupied spaces occupied.

Viktor turned around after locking the door and looked at Natasha sitting on the bed, in that red dress of hers.

“Why?” Natasha asked, though she probably knew the answer but she wanted him to say it. She wanted to hear the words leave his mouth and become irrevocable.

“Can’t you guess?” he said.

“I want you to say it,” she said.

He seemed to be double minded. He was still reeling from what he had done and the comeuppance might be hefty.

“Because I couldn’t stand it; the thought of those old badgers looking at you and touching you made my blood boil. I wanted to kill them. You’re my wife and nobody but I have the right to be with you. Not them, not anybody else. I saw the defeat in your eyes and it made me sick to my stomach. I had let you down. The thought was enough to make me jump a cliff. I couldn’t have lived knowing I made you do something that made your skin crawl. It was cruelty of the utmost kind. I had to get you away from them. I had to physically put so much distance between us that I can no longer feel their stench. I love you. All I am trying to say is that I love you and that is all I ever did. I never knew how to show that love, or how to even say it, but now I do. I love you more than life itself.”

Natasha was hanging to every word he was saying. She moved quickly to where he was standing and put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was long. Her hands kept pulling him closer in that all-encompassing kiss, where all the right body parts touched.

He was at first surprised but then he became an active participant. In his lips, she could taste the entirety of this world. She was lost in the moment and she didn’t want it to end. She moved her lips from his lips to his neck and a moan escaped his mouth.

“Are you ready to consummate this marriage?” she asked, half laughing.

He smirked. “Am I?”

Then they kissed like there was no tomorrow and there probably wasn’t. Their hands started removing items of clothing with fervent passion. Natasha took off his shirt and kissed the platform that she had been admiring from afar. Her lips lingered on his chest and she was savoring every moment. She lightly bit his skin and it was very taut. She moved downwards to his perfect abs and kissed them as well. The flatness of his stomach was almost too good to be true.

She moved downwards and removed his pants. His erection was substantially visible by a large tent in his underwear. She smiled at it. She knew that she was the reason for it and it made her heart flutter. She removed his underwear and came face to face with the object of her desire. It was by far the most beautiful erection she had seen.

Viktor was breathing heavily and her touch made his heart beat faster. She brushed her lips against his inner thigh, which was strong and stood like a tree trunk. He pulled her up and kissed her again.

“I can’t let you have all the fun,” he said and opened the zipper on her dress.

She wiggled her shoulders and the dress fell off. She was not wearing anything underneath. Viktor took a few steps back and admired the view. Little did he know that Natasha was doing the same to him.

Both, the husband and the wife, were completely naked in front of each other for the first time and it made for a fascinating scene for the both of them. After a few moments, they simultaneously closed the gap and their bodies merged together.

Natasha pushed Viktor on the bed and straddled him. His erection stood against her stomach and it felt so hard and hot. She rubbed it a little against herself and bent down to kiss him. Her breasts were against his chest and her nipples scratching across his body send shivers down his spine. It was a feeling unlike he had ever experienced before.

He flipped Natasha around so that he was on top of her. His lips craved her flesh and he kissed, bit and licked any part of hers that he came in contact with. He started with her lips and moved to her neck. She moaned loudly when his lips were doing magic with her neck. Then he moved further down to her breasts. He kneaded the right breast and kissed it. He put a nipple in his mouth and a sharp intake of breath from Natasha told him that she loved it. He moved to the other breast and repeated the same practice.

Natasha’s hand was in his hair and she was pushing his face hard against her chest. It made her feel in control. He moved further down and kissed her stomach. He left a trail of kisses down and finally reached the Holy Grail.

She was not completely shaven down there, and Viktor loved it. He lightly kissed her inner thigh and she bit her lip. He licked her smooth thigh and just stopped short of the main course. He looked at her and she had that burning look in her eyes that she wanted more.

“Please, don’t stop,” she moaned.

“You want me to go on?” he asked, and lightly nibbled her skin. She moaned again but didn’t answer.

“Answer me,” he said. “Do you want me to go on?”

She nodded. “Yes. Go on. Make me yours.”

He smiled triumphantly and buried his face in between her legs. A huge cry left her lips. It was the most sensational feeling in the world. She could not think of anything but the fact that Viktor’s face was buried in her legs. She held his head and directed him so that she could get maximum pleasure from his actions. She was moaning loudly and there was no stopping Viktor.

Then there was blissful darkness in her head. She felt as if she had jumped from a high mountain and the euphoria had taken over. Viktor moved his head to her stomach and looked at her.

“Did you like that?” he said.

Natasha removed a lock of hair that had come in front of her eyes and looked at Viktor smiling expectantly at her. He wanted to know that he had brought her pleasure. She gently stroked his face with her hand.

“Yes,” she said, still breathing heavily. “It was great. Where did you learn to do that?”

“Nowhere. I just couldn’t resist kissing you there.”

She smiled.

“Let’s consummate,” she said, and laughed. He laughed as well and straddled her.

He looked deep into her eyes and kissed her softly. Their lips lingered on each other’s and their eyes closed. Viktor placed himself at her entrance.

“Are you ready?” he said.

She nodded. Viktor gently entered her and she moaned. It was a wonderful feeling. He kissed her and kept thrusting gently into her. She wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled him closer. She felt so filled that it was wonderful. Viktor showed no signs of stopping even after several minutes and she was not going to stop him at all. It was the most wonderful night of her life; funny, how it could have been the worst just an hour ago.

Viktor buried his face in her shoulders and kissed her neck. Her hands were on his back and she was immensely enjoying the wonderful sensations crippling in her body.

“I love you, Viktor,” she moaned.

“I love you, Natasha,” he said.

The night was still young and Natasha hoped that this would continue well into the dawn.

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