Alien Interludes (6 page)

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Authors: Tracy St John

BOOK: Alien Interludes
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“No, my emperor! We need to interrogate him to find out who’s behind this attack.”

Bevau snarled, but he regained his composure. “Get that gurluck out of my sight then. The other one too.” It was only then that Jessica saw the unconscious bloodied form of the other man who had tried to take her out of the hospital. Lidon had apparently taken care of him right away.

Bevau knelt at Jessica’s side. “My love, what did they do to you?”

Before she could attempt an answer, Egilka appeared at her other side. “Can you speak?” her Imdiko mate asked.

“Not realy,” she breathed. Thank goodness for sharp Kalquorian ears or they would have been forced to read her lips.

“I’l try not to enjoy that too much,” Egilka smiled, his relief obvious. He waved a handheld scanner over her body to check for injuries.

“Ass.” She managed to get more volume in that word. Trust Egilka to have something smart to say about her predicament.

The men laughed more than the insult warranted. Blessed Buddha, she was so happy to see them too.

* * * *

“The paralyzing compound they used on Empress Jessica didn’t keep her completely immobilized because of the adrenaline surges her anger and fear brought on,” Jessica’s personal doctor said. Imdiko Flencik was the biggest Kalquorian she knew, and he was every bit as kind as he was massive. “Plus Earthers don’t metabolize it as wel as we do, helping her to push back its effects from time to time.” Jessica’s clan was clustered around her bed in the medical center. Her voice was stil very weak, and the effort to form words was problematic. She huffed at Flencik.

He smiled at her, his teeth bright in his broad dark face. He tossed back his long spiraling curls she envied so much. It was a sin for a man to have such great hair in Jessica’s opinion. “You may go home, my empress, but you won’t be on your feet for another twelve hours at the least. I prefer you rest longer.”

“She’l rest,” Clajak growled. Jessica stuck her tongue out at him.

“I’l let you get her dressed.” His blue-purple eyes sparkling amusement, Flencik left the room, closing the door behind him.

Bevau made sure it was locked. Protective Nobek, Jessica thought. She closed her eyes, grateful the nightmare of her abduction was over.

“Fil us in, Bevau. What did Breft and Lidon report?” Clajak asked.

“Both orderlies who snatched Jessica have been caught, so we have al four conspirators in custody.”

“Who were they?” Egilka demanded. Jessica found it mildly humorous that her Imdiko was angrier than the other two that the abductors hadn’t been kiled.

“Orderlies from the psych ward were involved. Imdikos Raser and Ajonel.”

Jessica’s eyes flew open. She’d run into Ajonel just before she was attacked. His voice was the one she hadn’t been able to place.

Bevau sat at the foot of her bed, his hand rubbing up and down her shin. His gorgeous face was brutal with anger. “They’d planned to take her after she was done visiting Narpok. They knew her routine wel, but she took them by surprise when she left early. They realized the surveilance system would be instaled in the newly constructed area and operational the next time she was due to come in. Today was their last chance to grab her.”

Clajak folded his arms over his chest. “What about the failure of the recorder at the morgue?”

“Raser’s doing. He’d been causing it to glitch intermittently for the last few weeks so it wouldn’t raise undue alarms when he and Ajonel disabled it for their plot. This has been in the works for awhile.”

“Who exactly were the other two?” Egilka wanted to know. He held one of Jessica’s hands.

“The Royal Guardsman is newly assigned.” Bevau snarled. “He was a top recruit with a spotless record before today. We found out his clan was rejected by al five Earther Mataras they approached when they came up on the lottery. This may have been more a revenge act on his part than an actual protest of mixing the species. Whoever recruited him took advantage of his anger.”

“The death wagon’s driver?”

“A very young Dramok, so young that he’s ineligible to draw the death penalty. He’s spouting propaganda instead of answering questions, showing al the signs of fanaticism. The Imdikos would give names if they knew any. They never met their contacts face to face who put this in motion. The Nobek’s not talking, of course, but I have a feeling whoever is behind this isn’t known to him either.” Clajak shook with fury. “Secret operatives? You’re talking about a ful-on conspiracy, Bevau.”

The Nobek nodded. “We’ve got trouble. Breft is discussing a taskforce with Global Security directors.” Jessica forced her mouth to speak. “One mentioned ‘the
’. The boot?”

Bevau nodded. “Ajonel has indicated there is an organized movement behind this attempt, with someone they cal The Boot at the head of it. I think we’ve got a rebelion in its infancy.” Egilka noted Jessica’s confusion. “The name is probably taken from a quote from a historical figure named Chigrit, also known as ‘The Big Boot’. He led the Nobek war against the Dramoks and Imdikos in our distant past.”

Clajak’s expression was grim as he recited, “‘I wil grind my adversaries to dust beneath my boot.’ Chigrit would literaly stomp on his dead enemies on the field of battle to pulverize their bodies.” Jessica shuddered.

Bevau’s anger lost its edge to concern. “If this thing picks up momentum, al Earther Mataras wil be in danger.” Clajak sighed. “We’l make the issue a priority at the next council session.” He smiled down at Jessica. “I’m just glad we found you in one piece.” That reminded her of another concern. “Morgue attendant?” she whispered.

Bevau shook his head. “They kiled him. We found the body in another drawer.”

“Gurlucks,” Clajak cursed, but he sounded more tired than angry now. He stretched out on the bed next to Jessica, molding himself against her.

She sighed to feel his strength. She was safe, surrounded by her men.

The mood shifted at the smal sound she made. Bevau leaned down to slide wet kisses up her leg. “You must stop getting carried away by other men, my love.”

“I’l work on that,” she mouthed. His eyes were roled up to watch her face, and he grinned.

Egilka chuckled and kissed her lips with slow thoroughness. Clajak opened the sheath she wore down the front, and his hot hand cupped a breast. His erections pressed hard against her thigh. They were taking advantage of her helplessness.

No fair, she thought, but she’d always loved being at their questionable mercy. She grew wetter as Bevau worked his way up her leg, his destination obvious. She wondered if Flencik would approve of the activity.

I approve. Most definitely.

Egilka’s tongue was rough, raw silk in her mouth, tasting her as if he hadn’t done so milions of times already. Clajak’s equaly educated tongue delighted one breast, bringing the peak to taut attention while his hand traced the areola of the other. Bevau had reached the apex of her thighs, his breath wafting gently over her smooth mound as he spread her legs wide apart to open her.

Fingers and tongue lightly traced her most sensitive flesh. Unable to move, Jessica could only experience the delight of her men sampling her al over. It was sweet, this complete helplessness that left her free to enjoy the attention without the need to reciprocate. After her ordeal, Jessica refused to feel guilty about her selfishness.

Bevau pressed a finger into her womanhood, filing her gently while his tongue flicked over her clit sporadicaly. He knew too wel how to tease her until she ached for orgasm without sending her over.

They al did. Jessica sighed into Egilka’s mouth as sparks flew from the Nobek’s calculating touch.

Egilka puled back and smiled down at her. “This silence and stilness of yours is putting a new spin on lovemaking. Even gags and cuffs can’t keep you this immobile or quiet.”

“She has other ways of teling us how much she’s enjoying herself,” Clajak chuckled. He pinched her erect nipple to prove his point. The slight sting made Jessica’s nether regions throb harder than ever.

“How is she down there, Bevau?”

“Extremely wet.” He pressed a second finger into her. His thumb, slick from her juices, circled her anus. “But then she’s getting everything she likes best: held helpless, a little pain, unable to protest, and me.”

That incited a lot of laughter, and Jessica couldn’t help but grin at her Nobek mate. Unlike most of his fierce breed, Bevau had a side of him that was al clown.

I’ve missed you all. Mom was right. We do have to make time for each other more often.

As if picking up on her thoughts, Clajak said, “It’s been too long since we got together like this. I want us to make more of an effort to bond as we should. It’s embarrassing that Earth Mom had to remind us.”

“Agreed,” Egilka answered. “We have our duty to the empire, but we also have a duty to each other. We must make our clan a priority.” Their conversation was fading to the background for Jessica, because Bevau’s fingers inside her had picked up the pace. His tongue flicked her eager nubbin as he plunged in and out, sending bursts of pleasure through her bely. She wanted to move, wanted to take him deeper and force more contact with his mouth, but it was no use. She could only lay there and take it as he worked her to the edge of bliss and kept her poised at the edge of crescendo.

The other two were just as wicked, each man suckling hungrily at her breasts. Nips and licks made her peaks tight with need. Their fingertips traced her bely, throat and face, finding unexpected erogenous zones.

“You’re so swolen, my sweet,” Bevau paused to whisper. His tongue swirled around her clit, tantalizingly close to the tip where the slightest touch would send her into ecstasy. Instead he tormented her, not giving her the contact he knew she wanted.

Jessica lay frozen beneath their attentions, desperate to beg for release, unable to do so. She damned them for their cruelty even as she delighted in it.

Pleasure balooned in her womb, stretching her coiled insides tighter yet. So close. And stil her mates kept her at the precipice, not alowing her to plunge into the rapture she now so desperately wanted.

They might keep her here for hours, she thought, teasing her without mercy. They were enjoying her helpless condition way too much.

A smal spasm clenched her tight around Bevau’s finger. “What was that, my love?” he asked. “Just tel me what you want, and I’l be glad to give it to you.” You asshole. Jessica managed a weak kick and a hiss. He chuckled.

“You know how much he likes you powerless,” Clajak said, moving from her breast to kiss her lips. “Poor little one. Your eyes are glassy. Let her climax, Bevau.” Clajak’s face hovering over hers kept Jessica from seeing her tormenting Nobek, but she heard his sigh. “Oh al right. Come for me, lover.” His mouth closed over her clit, and his cat-scratchy tongue rubbed the distended nubbin hard. Jessica’s entire abdomen felt as if it roled over before the ecstasy bottled there poured out to electrify her entire body. The world around her disappeared in a white blaze, and convulsion after convulsion pounded her from the inside out. A thin thread of a whistle emitted from her straining throat as she rose and fel, rose and fel, the waves of bliss carrying her far from the terror of that morning.

When the real world reasserted itself, the men were stil gathered around, watching her face with identical expressions of tenderness. Three pairs of hard caloused hands petted her al over, warming her with renewed desire despite the orgasm.

I love them all so much. I wish I could tell them right now.

Perhaps something in her expression told them, because they al smiled at her. Clajak whispered, “I am so grateful you are unharmed, my sweet.” Bevau climbed over her, and the other two moved aside. Her Nobek kissed her lips, stil swolen from passionate use, as he settled his bulk over her body. His warmth was a welcome balm, and Jessica wished she could wrap her arms and legs around him, pul him as close as their skin would alow.

He kissed a path to her ear where he whispered, “I have faced enemies ready to take my life. I have been cut to shreds and bled until my strength failed. But the only thing that has ever terrified me is nearly losing you.” He drew back to look her in the eye. “It is the primitive nature of the Nobek to need to reclaim his mate. I must have you now, my Matara.” Yes, Jessica mouthed, her gut tightening in anticipation.

Bevau’s blue-purple gaze never left hers as he opened his formsuit below the waist. Jessica felt the heavy lengths of his cocks rest upon her bely, slick with their own lubrication. Stil staring into her eyes, he adjusted himself to prod her openings.

She was eager for him but stil caught her breath when he drove hard into her warmth. At the sound of her gasp, Bevau’s fangs descended, and he growled. The beast that drove the warrior Nobek had taken control, the need to rut with his mate, imbuing her with his scent and seed, overwhelming the civilized part society had clothed him in.

He took her hard, and Jessica gloried in the mix of pain and pleasure, her inability to stop him feeding the frenzied pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her once more. She was his to rule, her body Bevau’s possession to use as he would. The beautiful freedom that came with being under another’s control, the liberty from making decisions, had always been what made sex with her clan the joy it was.

She was already swolen tight from Bevau’s oral gift, and the double fulfilment of his two cocks made her feel she would burst. Rapture licked through her body in fiery waves, and his pounding friction fed the conflagration that suddenly burst into an inferno, consuming her every cel from the inside out.

Bevau’s thrusts never slowed, sending her over again and again until she could barely draw breath. And stil his lovemaking went on, as if he’d keep her suspended in ecstatic agony forever.

“Mine!” he shouted, and his body stiffened as if galvanized by a bolt of lightning. Jessica felt his cock jerk as he filed her with his passion, pouring his stamp of ownership into her body. A moaning growl trailed from his lips. Then he colapsed over her and shocking sobs wracked his body.

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