Alien Indiscretions (18 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

Tags: #erotic science fiction

BOOK: Alien Indiscretions
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“Perfection,” Wal murmured.

Diltan glanced up at his Imdiko to grin his agreement before focusing on Cissy once more. “All right, young woman. Now that I know where your head is, let’s see how well I can capitalize on it.”

Awareness had begun to seep into her expression, realization of the situation she had put herself in. Diltan had the idea Cissy wasn’t used to being where her instincts preferred her to be ... under a man. He suspected that the crew aboard the transport that had brought her to Kalquor had been too grateful to fuck a woman to push for real dominance.

They did themselves and her a disservice
, Diltan thought.
It’s time to correct that.

Before Cissy could come all the way back to herself and perhaps speak the one word he had promised would end their tryst, Diltan gave those delicious breasts an authoritative smack apiece. As Cissy jerked and yelped, he darted forward to seize one pretty pink nipple in his mouth. As he sucked it in deep, he carefully pressed his teeth against her flesh.

At the same time, he rubbed his fingers over her slit. He found her wetter than ever. Cissy cried out into his mouth, her ass thumping against the lounger. Held by Rolat and Wal, and bracketed between the Nobek’s thighs, it was as much motion as she could manage. She was well and truly at Diltan’s mercy.

I have you, my reckless rebel. Now that I do, let’s see just how submissive you are.

* * * *

Cissy’s body was a maelstrom of sensation. Diltan’s mouth and hands delivered equal measures of torment and delight. Zings of pain from his careful biting mixed in a hectic, mind-stealing brew with the pleasure of his mouth suckling her breast. His fingers rubbed the outsides of her nether lips, creating amazing friction on the sensitive flesh. A calloused thumb brushed her clit, sending jolts through the erect nubbin.

All that excitement was made more poignant by the fact she could not deny the Dramok’s attentions. Bound, brought under the Kalquorians’ control, Cissy had no defense against the luscious assault. It made her head swim. She couldn’t think coherently, not with such exacting delights pouring through her body.

No one had made her feel so vulnerable ... so intensely excited. The realization was a dim whisper in the back of her mind, barely noticed in the cacophony of sensual chaos.

A weight settled on the top of her head, pulling it back to lean against Rolat’s shoulder. Cissy looked into the deep blue-purple of Imdiko Wal’s eyes. His gaze was sharp, unsettling against his tranquil face. He smiled, transforming those unremarkable features into something breathtaking yet again.

“Lost in the thrill of my Dramok’s touch, are you? I know the feeling well. I’d like to make you drown in those sensations.”

With that, his face drifted close. Wal filled Cissy’s gaze, that handsome visage blurring as his breath wafted over her lips. His mouth settled against hers. Instinct parted her lips. Coarse velvet warmth invaded. The Imdiko tasted her, his tongue sliding sweet and sure against Cissy’s. She moaned a welcome.

A rough voice murmured in her ear. “You are so lovely, giving yourself this way. Not that you have a choice though, right?” The chuckle vibrated in her ear, seeming to ripple down her spine. “No, we claim this wondrous body. You will give us all we desire.”

Rolat’s confident words etched themselves on Cissy’s mind. Hearing him assert entitlement to her left her weak and shaking in their grip.

Wal drew back at the same time Diltan released her breast. She opened her eyes. The three men watched her, looking at her face.

Through the fog of arousal, Cissy realized how exposed she was to them. She was naked. Wal had placed her bound wrists behind Rolat’s neck. The Nobek held her legs wide, displaying her sex for them all to see. Even her clit was blatant, having come out red and swollen from behind its hood at Diltan’s prodding.

Being bared to them made Cissy’s will dissolve even further. Captive to their desires, vulnerable to their whims ... her snared limbs trembled with weakness.

“So, the woman with the spirit of a wild zibger becomes a trembling girl when faced with real men,” Diltan breathed. “I am surprised. And gratified. How lovely that I can be strong for you instead of forcing you to allow me to be so.”

His words were so much noise to Cissy. All she understood was that she was helpless against these men, that she found the vulnerability exciting, and that they were drawing out the anticipation of what they would do to her next.

“Deny us nothing, precious,” the Dramok said. “Bend yourself to us for this night. It will be the best decision you’ve ever made.”

Two of his fingers, which had teased her pussy lips and clit all this time, dove inside Cissy. Diltan shoved them all the way into her core. Brutal need rose up hard and fierce. She shouted and jerked at the sudden impaling.

“Hungry little pussy,” the Kalquorian crooned, shoving in and out with amazing friction. “Pretty pussy wants to come again.”

His thumb drew circles around Cissy’s clit. She sobbed and shoved towards his hand. Ravening need eclipsed the little bit of awareness she’d held. There was only the stunning man before her and his touch.

Her skin flushed with heat. Bright excitement filled her gut. Climax was on its way. He would give it to her now that she was his to control. He would make her come whether she wanted it or not. She wanted it though. She wanted it with all her being.

Diltan’s fingers escaped her eager flesh, leaving her empty. Her wail of loss was interrupted as the Kalquorian gave her ass cheek, still smarting from Rolat’s spanking, a couple of light slaps. The blows were gentle, but she was sensitive from the earlier punishment. Pain lanced through her hindquarters, making Cissy yell.

Diltan’s fingers pushed inside her again. His thumb went back to work on her clit. The shard of agony from his strikes washed into something much more exciting as arousal consumed her once more.

“That’s it,” he encouraged as she voiced throaty groans. “I like that you enjoy both pain and pleasure and being made to take both. Good girl.”

Cissy’s insides clenched, readying once again for orgasm. She made moaning pleas to Diltan to let it happen this time. She’d forgotten how to form words, so her begging was made up of nonsense sounds. He understood her anyway.

“So soon? I’m not sure I should let you. I’m not a sadist, but I like how you suffer for me right now. Allowing me this power is too sweet a gift to squander.”

Fingers gone again. More pats on the ass. However, the feeling was of intensity this time rather than pain. Cissy whooped in air. Her body still inched towards climax, though slowly.

Diltan’s rolling voice wove through the roaring in her ears. “Oh, is that how it is? You’re more fun to play with by the moment, Matara. Wal, I believe you have a free hand?”

“Thank you, my Dramok.”

Diltan lightly paddled the sides of Cissy’s buttocks, where Rolat had done the least spanking. Wal reached down to pinch her breasts. He alternated that with spanking them from side to side. Searing heat came from their touches. It streaked fiery trails to her pussy. Cissy shrieked as pressure built. She needed to come.

“That’s it, Cissy. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. All you can do is sit there and take the torment.” Diltan’s smile filled her gaze. “You have to come for us. You have to surrender everything. The only way out is through.”

He and Wal took her higher. Cissy’s cries rebounded through the room as they swatted flesh. Just as exciting was how Rolat held her helpless for their attentions.

It started with a tiny spark, a concentrated mote of white heat in the depths of her sex. The combustion swept out from that point, devouring everything in its path in a great wave of rapture. Cissy disintegrated in an instant. Engulfed, lost, consumed. She could not survive such force and did not care.

The climax wrecked her. It shredded her from the inside out, leaving nothing intact. She didn’t know how long it lasted or if it would ever end. It was as if she fell into a shaking abyss with no bottom.

At long last, a voice called her back to life. “Drink, Matara. This will help you get your strength back.”

Something pressed to her lips; the rim of a bottle. Thick, fruity liquid dribbled into her mouth. Cissy thought of berry smoothies and swallowed. It was one of her protein drinks that she liked to have for breakfast.

“Good girl. Keep drinking.”

Cissy obeyed. More voices joined the first person’s, an unimportant chorus as energy crept back into her body.

“Have you ever known any woman to respond so eagerly?”

“Never. Not that I’ve ever had an Earther before. Certainly none of the other races have had such a positive reaction to pain and bondage play.”

“Not even our own, at least not the two I’ve had.”

“What happened to this species being repressed?”

“I think we’ve already established Cissy is bolder than most of her kind.”

Laughter. The bright, happy sound of it made Cissy want to see their faces. It was only then that she realized her eyes were closed.

She blinked them open. She lay on her back, her head and shoulders slightly elevated with the three men of Clan Diltan looking down on her.

“Well, look who has returned to us. Hello, young lady.” Rolat’s rolling thunder of a voice tickled deep in her ears.

She swallowed the last of the drink. Wal removed the bottle from her lips.

They were still in the greeting room. Rolat remained on the lounger, and Cissy lay naked across his thighs, her head and shoulders cradled in the crook of his beefy arm. Wal sat next to the Nobek. Cissy’s calves rested on the Imdiko’s legs.

Diltan knelt at Rolat’s feet. He smoothed Cissy’s hair back from her face. “Are you with us once more, Matara?”

She swallowed, trying to get her thoughts in line. Her brain felt fogged, with clarity glimpsed here and there. With difficulty, she made her lips form words. “That wasn’t half bad.”

The three men roared with laughter. Cissy managed a weak grin.

A sharp scent similar to cinnamon filled her nose. She tried to think what food she had in her apartment that would give off such a tasty aroma. It took a few seconds for Cissy to remember that Kalquorian men put off an arousal scent. Their cocks lubricated, and that clear, slick substance smelled and tasted like cinnamon.

Cissy groaned. She’d come hard and felt as weak as a newborn kitten. Yet the men had not yet received their pleasure. Judging from the smell and the hard heat poking at her thigh from Rolat’s lap, they were eager for sex.

“Stim tab,” she croaked. The small dissolving tablets were better than coffee for energy boosts. She would need them if she was to make sure Clan Diltan didn’t end up screwing an unconscious Cissy.

Wal grinned as he produced the clear tab. “I thought you might want one. I hope you don’t mind that I looked through your kitchen cabinets for it.”

“If I can’t trust a judge, then who?” she managed, opening her mouth for the proffered stimulant. Her wrists where still bound and rested at her waist.

It took only a few seconds for it to hit her bloodstream. The clouds lifted from her brain at last. All traces of the alcoholic buzz went with them too.

“For heaven’s sake,” Cissy groused, angry with herself. “I’m not usually this easy, okay? Don’t get that impression. I always make my dates say goodnight at the complex’s entrance.”

“Would you prefer we leave you?” Diltan’s tone was light, but there was a forced quality to it. He didn’t want to go.

For some reason, that pleased Cissy.

“When I’ve just gotten my second wind?” Cissy gave him her naughtiest grin. “Or have I intimidated you, Dramok? Can’t handle the Earther girl?”

The sudden darkness in his eyes made it hard for her to not squirm. “I think we’ve handled you quite well thus far. Would you like another demonstration?”

He didn’t wait for her answer. Diltan grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms over her head with one hand. The other grasped her thigh. He hugged her leg to his torso.

Still holding Cissy cradled in one arm, Rolat snagged her other leg. Once more Cissy splayed open. Her breath caught.

Want surged anew in her belly as she saw intent in the three men’s’ purple eyes. “Oh hell,” she moaned. “Not again. What are you maniacs doing to me?”

“What you like best, apparently,” Diltan snickered. “What is it that makes you more excited, Cecilia? The pain or bondage?”

Somehow, the Dramok using her proper name made Cissy want to placate him even more. The authority in his voice made it clear she must bend to his control.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, strength running out of her yet again. “I – I think being helpless. I’ve had to protect Tasha since we were little. I’ve had to be strong. Not being able to be in control – I – I don’t know why it does this to me.”

Wal smiled. “It must be a relief to let go of responsibility. To have your needs taken care of instead of expending all that effort to see to the requirements of others.”

Diltan nodded at his Imdiko. “I’ve had those moments myself, as you well know.”

“Indeed. Few can shoulder such weight all the time.”

“Perhaps you’d like to be the first of us to demonstrate how well we take care of those in need?”

Wal gave Diltan a delighted look. “Thank you, my Dramok. I am always happy to be of service.”

He moved so that he knelt at Rolat’s side, between Cissy’s splayed legs. She whimpered as he looked her over. That sweet, gentle face held something darker now.

His palms covered her breasts. Wal rubbed the mounds, testing their malleability. He plucked at her nipples, bringing zings of delight stabbing through her. His hands flattened out and swept down her ribcage. Without pause, he kept going, stroking over her wide-open pussy. Cissy’s body lit once more. She jerked helplessly. She moaned a complaint when the Imdiko’s hands left her.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he said. Wal sounded almost as commanding as Diltan in that moment. Cissy wasn’t sure if it was his bald statement or the tone that made her insides bubble.

He swept his shirt off. Cissy drank in the sight of muscled male. Wal was beautifully formed. He wasn’t simply a physically fit specimen; his body was long and elegant as well as chiseled. Her mouth watered at the sight of him.

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