Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides) (20 page)

BOOK: Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)
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Corden pushed her coat and her blouse over her shoulders in one smooth move, pressing kisses to them in the next moment. He traveled upward from there, throwing Lana's clothes away along with her bra, kissing a trail along her neck. She yelped when he pulled her hair back gently to expose her delicate flesh even more.

Lana could feel her hard nipples poking against Corden's flesh and the growl it elicited from him. Without taking his lips off her skin, Corden groped her tits, fondling them, his hands wandering over her body, mirroring her own grasping touch.

Every moment they spent locked together like that, the touches turned more eager. Lana dragged her nails over his back, biting down on his shoulder when the general pushed one hand into her pants.

The angle was not a comfortable one, though. Corden slowly shoved her back to lie on the bed again, a low groan signaling he liked the sight of her, topless and panting.

"Fuck me," she whispered breathlessly.

to say she was ready for him to claim her, but the flash in Corden's green eyes warned her that she might have phrased it better. If only she could have gotten a coherent word out of her mouth after that.

The general ripped her trousers apart at the crotch. Lana opened her mouth to protest, to say she
patience for those two seconds it would have taken to pull them off, but no words came. It was impossible to speak when Corden had pushed her panties aside and two of his fingers were inside her.

Lana's pussy clamped down around them hungrily, wet enough for her to feel no pain at the sudden intrusion, only mind-blowing pleasure. She was moaning loudly, spreading her legs to give Corden better access. The general was kneeling above her, scissoring his fingers inside her, working her open for him.

Lana saw the tip of his cock poking out from his boxers. She reached for him as he added the third finger, bringing forth a scream from her.

Lana's fingers traced the length of his cock and her mouth dropped open. No, she wasn't just imagining it and her eyesight was fine. Corden's cock was
, hard and long, aching to be freed. The fingers inside her were clearly a good idea, Lana realized, even as she felt her pussy tremble at the thought of taking such a cock.

She wanted it,
Corden to fuck her until she forgot about everything else but him, as it should be.

Corden's other hand was on her tits, his strong fingers groping her. Lana moaned, arching into the touch.

"I want to touch you," she heard herself say. "
... let me, please..."

Her body seemed to have a mind of its own and Lana was, for once, completely fine with letting it take the lead. Corden's growl was satisfying to hear to say the least. He pulled away from her, making Lana whine in disappointment, but he wasn't going far, only standing for a second to finish undressing at last.

"Touch me," she pleaded, "I need you, oh—"

The last part of her plea was lost in a moan when Corden pulled her on her back and climbed on top of her again, only this time turned toward her legs. Lana was confused for a second, the general kneeling above her body, facing away.

A long, wanton moan escaped her lips when Corden wrapped his hands around her thighs, pulled them apart, and licked her pussy. The reason Lana could not tell him exactly how much she loved it was because her mouth was otherwise occupied.

Corden's cock barely fit past her lips, though. With a pleased smirk, Lana took that as a challenge, and tried to take him deeper. She sucked on the head, relishing the groan it earned her from the general. Lana traced her hands over his powerful, strong thighs, looking for leverage. The general's hips moved to meet her seemingly of their own volition. Lana smiled, pleased to have such an effect on him, until Corden's tongue circled her clit. That made her lose all capability for speech for long moments and she just moaned, her mouth still filled with his cock.

"You taste
so good
," the general said just to drive her insane, Lana was sure.

His tongue felt amazing. Corden sucked on her clit gently, pulling it between his lips and teasing it with his tongue. He kept changing between that and licking long swipes over Lana's pussy, darting his tongue inside her. His fingers kept stretching her wider, helping him to slide his tongue in further. The sensations it sent through Lana's body were electric, making her tremble from head to toe in absolute ecstasy. She twisted under his strong arms, crying out.

Desperate to return the favor, Lana took his cock into her mouth as far as it would go. She licked the shaft, rolling her tongue up and down it, stroking the sensitive gland with the tip of her tongue. This time, Corden's groan was long and loud and well worth Lana's lips aching from the stretch.

She wanted him to stop teasing her and to never stop at the same time. Corden's tongue simply seemed to be everywhere, never repeating the same pattern, making Lana jump, her pussy already so sensitive it reacted to the merest touches.

At last it became too much for her. Lana needed Corden to fuck her more than she could have put into words. All she had left was begging for it, as he didn't seem to show her the mercy of stopping giving her heavenly pleasure.

," Lana sobbed, "
fuck me,
please, oh God, I need you to fuck me—"

She could see,
the reaction to that immediately. Corden's cock throbbed between her lips and she could feel the general's whole body shudder. Corden stopped only to climb off her and flip her around. Lana cried out in pleasure, pushing herself up to all fours, presenting her pussy to the general. Distantly she realized that her pants were still on, ripped at the crotch, but that only served to turn her on. It was a reminder of how badly they needed each other.

She spread her legs wider to let the general kneel between her thighs and push her panties aside. Lana was panting, but it quickly turned into a scream as she felt Corden's cock slowly breaching her. After all the preparation it still hurt a bit, but Lana couldn't have cared less. She leaned forward, resting her head on the sheets as Corden pulled her cheeks apart to give himself better access.

When he was far enough in to move, Lana braced herself. The first thrust went straight to her core as Corden pushed himself in as far as he could go. Lana screamed, fisting her hands into the sheets, grateful to be on a ship where no one knew her very well. It was simply
too good
, blinding in its ferocity. Lana heard herself moan, plead for him to keep fucking her, not to stop.

Corden heard her. He put both hands on her hips, keeping the cut of her pants open for him and settled into a rhythm that left Lana breathless. At first she screamed, each and every one of the general's thrusts feeling like they split her in half. She had never felt such pleasure, one that covered her like a blanket, overwhelming every sensation she had.

Lana let it take her over, submitting to it and Corden's brutal, godly rhythm. She moaned for him, loving the way he filled her pussy to the brink every time he was in her completely. Her pussy could barely take him, Lana knew, but that was enough for her. It was exactly right as she relished the way he claimed every inch of her.

"Fuck," she panted, grasping the damp sheets, "
you're so good, oh God this is so fucking good, don't stop..."

She could hear Corden's groans behind her, the way his thrusts became stronger, more sudden. Lana knew the general was loving it as much as she was, could feel his every thrust resonate through her. Corden's huge, hard cock throbbed inside her, telling her exactly how much he wanted her.

The room was filled with only the sounds of their binding. Lana could hear Corden's heavy breathing, but mostly it was her cries that echoed back from the walls. Her body felt numb in the onslaught of pleasure, not giving her a second to catch her breath. She was pretty sure that very soon something would break. The bed or her or her sanity at least, because the general was fucking her hard enough to make every part of her body tremble. Lana sobbed, feeling the pleasure burn its way through her body.

She didn't think she could bear it much longer. The first sensation had been mind-blowing, but it had never given up. Thrust after thrust, Corden's powerful body was sending incredible shocks through her body, keeping her on the sweet edge of absolute ecstasy. It was unbearable and she never wanted it to stop.

Lana had thought it wasn't possible for the pleasure to get more intense, but she'd been wrong. Corden had just been warming up, easing her body into taking all of him. It seemed to Lana that as soon as her moans turned into quiet whimpers, the general switched his pace.

The only signal she got for that was Corden grabbing hold of her waistband. Lana felt it pulled taut and then the next moment sent her headlong into another realm of pleasure. Using the leverage of pulling her toward him, Corden rode her, his thrusts picking up speed as he did. Lana screamed, long and hard, until her voice cracked and her body felt numb if not for the total, utter sense of pleasure. Any words she might have said turned into an endless string of sobs and moans. Lana tried to hold onto the sheets, but the world was rocking apart around her. Corden pounded into her, Lana's pussy hungrily clamping down on his cock, trembling with the anticipation of her climax.

It hurt in the most delicious way, her body being taken apart and put back together with every thrust. Lana felt like a toy in the hands of the general, but his focus was clearly on
pleasure. He hit the spot within her every time, Lana's desperate moans signaling that. It was too much, she couldn't possibly bear it without passing out, even if she wanted to make it last forever.

"Let me cum," she pleaded. "Please, I—"

All of a sudden, the thrusts became more forceful, sudden, taking her so close within seconds that Lana almost felt dizzy. Corden's cock slammed into her with wild abandon, forcing her body to take it all and love every second of it.

She had never felt the orgasm approach like it did then. Like a shock wave, it built inside her, pushing every other feeling out of the way until all Lana wanted was to cum.

Oh fuck yes. Yes. Yes!
" she sobbed as the orgasm crashed over her, making her entire body tremble in ecstatic exertion before leaving her limp in the aftermath.

Only Corden held her up, his thrusts becoming sharper and sharper until he finished with a long groan and a shout of what might have been Lana's name. He held them locked together for several moments, allowing them to catch their breaths before gently lowering Lana back to the sheets. The general lay down beside her and Lana thought he was even more gorgeous like that, smiling at her lazily, but her eyes slid closed.

For the first time in days, Lana slept.




Lana was all his now and nothing could change that. The general had his
and there wasn’t a force in the universe that could separate them.

The feeling was new to Corden, but better than anything he might have ever expected. All his life, the general had heard stories that no Brion was complete before they found their fated and he had dutifully believed that. That much was true as well.

With Lana by his side, sleeping peacefully in his arms, her beautiful head resting on his shoulder, Corden felt like he was exactly where he belonged. Lana's long hazel-brown hair fell over his arms and he couldn't help running his fingers through it. It was such a strange sensation to touch someone so precious.

The enlightenment came from the fact he hadn't known how broken he was before he was put back together.

Corden had meticulously read every report that his fellow generals had written. Until his binding with Lana, he thought he'd understood all of them, but clearly he had not.

The clue should have been General Faren. The feared general had always been one of the key reasons the Galactic Union thought of Brions as bloodthirsty killers. He had a reputation which he carefully maintained. Corden knew some of it was fabricated and he was absolutely fine with that.

Neither of them had ever admitted it to Corden in person, but it was clear that Faren and the famous Diego Grothan had worked together for a long time. They kept the Brion reputation exactly the way it was because it suited them. It was better to be feared and keep doing the right thing than the other way around. Corden agreed.

Still, even Diego hadn't been able to predict the change in Faren after he bonded with his bright, bubbly
Leiya. The Monster of Briolina had been so cold all his life that many thought he was incapable of feeling. A few had previously even considered the possibility that a man like that would never find a fated, but he did. And if
of all people spoke about being less broken afterward, Corden felt like he should have paid more attention.

No matter, though. He had Lana now and the universe made that much more sense to him. Lana was his life now as he'd promised, and no one would harm her.

He was also prepared to admit that as much as Terrans found Brions odd, Lana was a puzzle to him as well. Corden was again reminded of the accounts the other generals gave of their human brides. He had wanted to give Lana time to consider him, to make up for losing his temper, but that was exactly what had pulled her in at last. The others recorded the same reaction.

It wasn't simple automatic disagreement, but something more. Corden thought it had to do with their freedom, their desire to choose. Giving them an option was the key to making the bond more acceptable.

Looking at Lana, the general could no longer imagine life without her. Their binding had been searing in its intensity, but he wanted more, so much more. He wanted Lana to always be with him,
her with him. It was not a simple desire or brutal possession. She was his everything, his very being in another body.

BOOK: Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)
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