Alien Attachments (29 page)

Read Alien Attachments Online

Authors: Sabine Priestley

Tags: #Space, #Alien, #978-1-61650-566-0, #romance, #Futuristic

BOOK: Alien Attachments
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Ria’s small form curled up nicely in the uncomfortable looking chair. A background hum and vibration filled the room. She looked at Ria, her mind a blank. She struggled to remember how she got here.
Where is here?
She was forgetting something. Something important. Fear. She was terrified but didn’t know why. Then it came back. Gordat. The drug. Ian.

Oh, God, Ian.
She struggled to breathe. She tried to swallow but her mouth was impossibly dry.

Ria woke and came to her side. “Hey. Glad to see you’re awake. It’s been over a day.”

Dani looked at her friend. How could she be so upbeat at a time like this? She didn’t want to be here. Didn’t want to be anywhere. She tried to tell Ria, but she only coughed.

“Here.” Ria handed her a cup with a straw.

Dani took it but just looked at it. What did it matter? She should stop. Stop drinking, stop eating.

Ria lifted the cup to her lips.

A tear slid down her face as she drank. Slowly at first, then more quickly.

Ria smiled at her, then looked perplexed. “What gives?”

“What gives?” Dani managed.

“Girlfriend.” Ria set the cup down and put her hand on Dani’s. “Did you forget?”

“Don’t forget.”
It was Ian’s voice. Dani shook her head.
Still forgetting something.

The door to the room swung open and Ian stepped inside. Tall, strong, and sexy as hell.

She swung her legs off the bed and he met her halfway. She flung her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

His arms grabbed her and held tight.

“You forgot, didn’t you,” Ian said, placing a kiss on her head.

“Apparently. I only remember…” She couldn’t finish. She remembered him lying on the bed, not breathing, and there was nothing she could do.

“It’s all right. I’m here. I’m fine. Once again, you saved me.” Ian pulled back to look at her. “It seems to be something of a habit with us.”

Dani was strung out from losing him all over again and getting him back. “That’s three you owe me.” She looked around. “So, where are we and what happened? You stopped breathing.” She placed a hand over his chest to feel his heartbeat.

“We’re on Balastar’s transport ship,” Ian said. “About two days from Earth. As for what happened, Ria’s the better person to ask.”

“Wait,” Dani held her hand up. “We’re on a ship. In space?”

“You got it,” Ria smiled.

“That is so cool. Okay, tell me how I got here.”

“I’ll tell you what I know,” Ria said, coming around the bed. “Never seen anything like it. We both still had suppressant in our systems. And, yeah, you stopped breathing.” She poked Ian in the ribs. “Balastar tried to jump start your heart, but it didn’t work. Dani, you started screaming “no, no, no” over and over and something happened. Balastar says it was a shockwave. A psi shockwave. Your psi, Dani. It blasted all of us, but Ian’s body pulsed. Five or six times, I’m not sure, but he started breathing again. You on the other hand”—Ria gave Dani a playful push—“passed out cold. Been that way for nearly a day.

“Now we had three unconscious bodies, two beds, and no way to tell who was going to live. We stuffed you in the bed next to Ian, made it here, and let the healer do his thing. Ian first, then Armond. He’s back to his arrogant self, by the way. But you, we couldn’t do anything with. No telling what that blast did, given your drugged state. We’ve just been watching and waiting.”

“You woke up once,” Ian said. “I was here. I told you we were going to be okay and not to forget.”

Vague memories floated past. “I kind of remember that. It’s fuzzy. What about my psi? Is it okay to use?”

Ian and Ria exchanged a look.

“We don’t really know,” Ian said. “The ship’s healer said to wait and see what happens naturally. He recommended not forcing any psi connections.”

“Huh,” Dani said. “What about your dad?” She remembered Rucon’s unknown fate.

“He’s fine. Looks like we’ll make it to Earth with everyone intact.”

Dani wondered about that. She didn’t feel quite right, but she was going home. With Ian. She glanced down at the white medical gown she wore. Given the coolness of the room, she was glad they’d included socks. “All righty then. I need a shower and I need clothes.”

“If you’re up for it, I can show you to our cabin,” Ian said, looking adorably sheepish. “I’ve got your clothes there.”

“And your boots,” Ria added. “Can’t forget the boots.”

“Thanks, guys.”

“You can thank Balastar. When we decided on this plan he had a couple of days worth of our stuff sent to the transport. Everyone except Armond, of course.”

Ian and Ria shared a laugh.

“What?” Dani said.

“Just make sure you compliment him on his fashionable attire,” Ria said. “As soon as possible.”

“Can’t wait to see that,” Dani said, taking Ian’s arm. “Lead the way, good sir.”

“M’lady.” Ian nodded and led her out.

The cabin wasn’t large but it was perfectly adequate. A bed, dresser, a couch, and a decent-sized bathroom.

“I didn’t visualize a transport ship having cabins like this. Don’t know why, really. Just didn’t picture it this way.”

“People frequently want to travel with their stuff. Not all transports have the option but this one does. It has six cabins and the captain’s suite.”

Dani walked over and peered out a rectangular window. It was the perfect height to place her fingers on the sill and rest her chin. “Space, the final frontier,” she said, her breath fogging the glass. “Dad would have loved this.”

Ian joined her. “I wish I could have met your parents.”

“Me too.”

He turned her toward him and stared into her eyes.

The love she saw there made her uncomfortable. She wasn’t ready to voice her deepest fear so she pulled away and grabbed the clothes he’d placed on the bed. “I can only imagine what I must look like. Time for a shower.”

Ian pulled a new com unit out of his pocket and set it on the bedside table. “Call me when you’re ready. I’ll give you a tour of the ship.”

“Great, thanks.”

He didn’t say a word as she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

Being clean again felt downright sinful. Which made her think of Ian and their grand finale, yet to come. Her gut clenched. She had no sense of her psi and was terrified to try anything. Ian said he’d love her without it, but she wasn’t sure about how she would feel. She looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d done her hair properly. She pulled it into a ponytail, put on some eye shadow and mascara and looked, to her at least, worlds better.
When we get home, I’m getting my hair cut, my nails done and having a two-hour massage.

She put on her boots and grabbed the com Ian had left for her.

He must have been near because he was at the door in seconds. The man radiated happiness.

Dani wanted to feel the same.

He wrapped his arms around her. “You look beautiful.”

“You’re easy to please,” she said.

“When it comes to you, I am.” He kissed her, gently, not forcing anything.

The touch of his lips sent chills down her spine but nothing else. “Okay,” she said, stepping back. “Don’t want to start something we can’t finish. Where’s that tour you promised?”

Ian hesitated a beat then stepped aside. “After you, m’lady.”

Dani slid past and out into the hall, trying to hide her devastation.
It’s gone.
The kiss had been just that. A kiss. She barely heard Ian’s explanation of the areas they passed. She was pulled from her morose state when he led her into the viewing deck.

It resembled a home theater except, instead of a TV, it had a floor-to-ceiling window. An irrational stab of fear shot through her when she approached the wall.

She gave a halfhearted laugh, then reached out and touched the glass. They approached Saturn with the rings clearly visible. “Oh my God. It’s incredible. I feel like I’m going to fall.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to catch you if you do.”

Her stomach tightened.

“Don’t shut me out.” He stroked her cheek and pulled her close. “We’re in this together, remember?”

She didn’t want to say it but she had to. “I don’t want you to feel obligated. This isn’t what you bargained for. Just me. Just a human.”

“Gods, Dani. Do you think there is so little between us?”

“It’s not fair to you.”

“What? Finding the woman I want to spend my life with? How is that not fair?”

“You know what I mean, Ian.”

“Yes, I do. So what if your psi is damaged or gone? I thought you loved me.”

It occurred to her then that the word “heartbreak” wasn’t just a metaphor. “I love you with every fiber of my being.” She couldn’t stop the tears.

“Thank the Goddess,” he said, taking her in his arms. “Now stop this nonsense. Just love me. That’s all I ask.”

Joy and relief spread through her. She laughed as he wiped her tears away. The happiness she saw in his face reflected her own. He bent down and kissed her. No gentle touch this. As their lips met, she grabbed his hips and pulled him closer. She ran her hands up his chest and snaked them around his neck. Their tongues caressed as he probed deeper. A thrill started in her loin and rippled up her torso and in a silent explosion their psi collided. Dani sucked in a breath as the pleasure took over.
She held still, reveling in the experience.

Ian’s laughter brought her back to the present. Before she knew what was happening he had her in his arms and was heading to their cabin.

“We finish this now,” he said, his eyes glowing green.

Ian set her down inside the cabin and waved the door closed with a flick of his hand. They tore off their clothes. Ian’s eyes gleamed with desire that matched her own. A primal growl rose from within her. Gone was the terror she’d experienced that night in her room. The night before she and Ria were captured. She was fearless, and she’d never wanted anything more in her life.

There was nothing but this man before her. She pressed herself against him. With the touch of his skin, the buzz that only Ian caused ran through her. Cupping his balls with one hand she took hold of his erection. A groan escaped his lips as she stroked him up and down. Her own desire growing beyond anything she’d ever known. She rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit, sending thrills out in every direction. He nipped and kissed a trail from her shoulder to a spot behind her ear, causing her body to shudder. Their psi intertwined, bending, folding, caressing. Each twist and turn causing a wave of inhuman pleasure. He scooped her up and took her to the bed. She gazed into his glowing eyes and it was pure joy. He lay her down and positioned himself next to her, running his fingers across her skin. He leaned down and kissed her nipple, circled it with his tongue, and pulled it into his mouth.

“Oh, Ian,” she sighed as she let the intense sensation wash over her.

Any place he focused his attention became a center of pleasure all its own. His hands roamed her body whipping her into a near orgasmic frenzy.

“Ian, I need you inside me. Now,” she said, winding her fingers through his hair to guide him up.

He let go her breast with a last kiss and moved over her. When his gaze shifted to her face, he sent a wave of euphoria to her. “Your eyes are glowing, luv.”

“Seriously?” She lifted her hands to her face and smiled at the luminescence that reflected on her skin.

He moved his hips, rubbing his shaft against her clit.

She growled and pulled him down, wrapping her legs around his waist. His erection pressed against her wetness. The orgasmic pleasure built, but a sense of joy existed that hadn’t been there before.

He swayed his hips, rubbing her into a frenzy.

She shifted, trying to make him enter.

He moved again, brushing around where she needed him most.

She pushed against his shoulders. “I believe you missed.”

“I never miss,” he said as he pulled back and entered her fully.

The psi-body connection exploded inside them. With each thrust, the feeling crested and rolled back as he withdrew. Dani moaned, unable to fathom how this was possible.

He raised his upper body.

She looked down. The sight of his massive cock sliding in and out mesmerized her. Each thrust brought her body closer to the moment she craved.

His eyes blazed green. “Are you ready?” His voice rumbled low and deep, like that first night, so long ago. So long, only weeks, a lifetime.

She didn’t answer. She pulled him down and kissed him hungrily. Their psi whirled. The pleasure took over. The edge that had terrified her before approached. She didn’t fear it this time. She craved it. Needed it on a level she didn’t understand. Over they went. She knew he’d stopped kissing her but couldn’t tell where she ended and he started.

She moaned, her psi pulsed, the pleasure increasing with each beat. Faster and deeper his psi caressed hers. The sensation was overwhelming. Then a change. Something shifting. Faster and faster. Far away, she heard her body inhale. Normal senses ceased functioning. Her psi took over and the pleasure left her speechless. Dani blinked. It was as though her eyes stopped working, as a world of green and blue colors engulfed her.

“Ian . . .”

“It’s all right.”

A vague sensation of his face nuzzling her neck permeated the fog. It thrilled her body, and reminded her of the two distinct realms of pleasure that engulfed her. Joy, that matched her own, radiated from Ian. She tried to concentrate enough to focus her eyes, but still her world was green and blue. “
Why can’t I see?”

“We’re experiencing the world purely with our psi now. This is our bond. Our psi are no longer unique entities, but part of a whole. This is us. Bonded.”

Another thrust and another thrill, like free fall, so intense and hard to describe, as the feeling was outside her body and yet…it was her. Pleasure rippled through her, but this… The psi equivalent of bodies locked in the ancient act of mating caused all thought to cease. Pleasure was all that existed as Dani let go completely.

* * * *

Dani came to her senses piece by piece. Like sliding into her favorite jeans and shirt, she settled into her body. Her psi was calm, and Ian’s warmth radiated through her. His chest pressed against her back, his arm around her waist. The stillness contrasted with the frenzied pleasure of before. A kiss, below her ear, let her know he was awake as well. She opened her eyes, her vision back to normal, and rolled to her back.

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