Alfred Hitchcock (151 page)

Read Alfred Hitchcock Online

Authors: Patrick McGilligan

BOOK: Alfred Hitchcock
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Galeen, Henrik, 105

Galsworthy, John, 14, 28, 139–41, 146, 625

Garache, Claude, 476

Garbo, Greta, 266, 385, 390

Garden of Allah, The
(Hichens), 385

Gardiner, Reginald, 256, 367

Gardner, Ava, 521

Gardner, Erle Stanley, 432

Gardner, Herb, 686–87

Garfield, John, 310

Garland, Judy, 407

Garmes, Lee, 394

Garrett, Greg, 608, 609

Gassmann, Remi, 622

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 477

Gaumont British, 98, 150, 152–53, 155, 157–70, 175–76, 178, 181, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 199, 201, 202, 209, 212, 214, 221, 292, 542

Gavin, John, 588, 591–92

Gein, Ed, 579

Gelin, Daniel, 161
, 521

Geoffrey Stanley Inc., 653

Geraghty, Carmelita, 68

Geraghty, Tom, 49, 68

Gielgud, John, 172, 182–83, 209, 245, 317, 400

Gilbert, John, 409

Gill, Maud, 100

Gilliat, Penelope, 723

Gilliat, Sidney, 77, 101, 206–8, 213, 222, 223, 224–25, 227–28, 229, 405, 411, 430

Ginsberg, Henry, 235

Girl Was Young, The, see Young and Innocent

Gish, Lillian, 28, 49, 90, 460

Glancy, Mark, 270, 271
, 272

Glaser, Vaughan, 302

Glasgow Citizens’ Theatre, 443

Gobel, George, 524

Godard, Jean-Luc, 512, 514, 677, 685, 687

Goddard, Lord Rayner, 390

Goddard, Paulette, 386

Goebbels, Joseph, 271

Goetz, William, 301, 323, 379

Goetzke, Bernhard, 62, 66, 71, 72

Golden Globe awards, 714

Goldsmiths’ College, London, 27

Goldwyn, Sam, 149–50, 211, 216–20, 226–27, 258, 308, 317, 344, 446

Golitzen, Alexander, 282

Gomery, Douglas, 47

Gone with the Wind
(film), 202, 211, 215, 216, 229, 236–37, 238, 239, 242, 245, 246, 251, 253, 258, 277, 359, 396, 446–47, 484

Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square
(La Bern), 698, 700, 701, 704

Goodhart, Al, 196

Goodman, John, 484, 506

Goodwin, Ron, 710

Goold, Robert, 20

Gottlieb, Sidney, 368

Gounod, Charles, 525

Grace, Princess (Monaco),
Kelly, Grace Graham, Arthur, 122–23

Graham, Joe, 275

Graham, Winston, 609, 636, 655

Grams, Martin Jr., 276

Granger, Farley, 203, 403–4, 405, 406, 408, 412–13, 429, 451, 452, 700

Grant, Cary, 266, 409, 415, 487, 563, 583, 627–28

comparisons with, 622, 690

film proposals for, 267–68, 276, 279, 281, 306, 354–55, 357, 399, 400–401, 404, 406, 407–8, 464, 469, 504, 614, 663

, 387, 399, 575

and Hitchcock tributes, 646
, 721, 740, 743

Howards of Virginia
, 299

North by Northwest
, 107, 463, 565–76, 657

, 286, 367–68, 374, 375, 376–77, 378, 380, 386, 470, 498, 741

Operation Petticoat
, 575–76

, 399, 400–401, 404, 406

socializing with, 405, 411, 721

, 285–88, 289–90, 376, 492, 496, 498

That Touch of Mink
, 627

To Catch a Thief
, 463, 468, 475, 491, 493–94, 496–501, 512, 513, 566

Grapes of Wrath, The
(film), 282, 283

Gray, Hugh, 19, 22, 281
, 696

Graydon, William, 37

Great Day, The
(film), 751

Great Dictator, The
(film), 282

Green, Hilton A., 586, 587, 589, 595, 643, 732, 738, 742 “Green Gates, The” (O’Casey), 129–30

Greene, Graham, 221, 441, 662

(Buchan), 247–48, 254, 264–65, 267, 268, 270, 306–7

Greenwood, Edwin, 160, 193, 223, 225

Greet, Clare, 50, 54

Greet, John and Fanny, 54, 55

Gregg, Virginia, 594–95

Grenfell, Joyce, 435

Grey, Anne, 147

Grierson, John, 221

Griffies, Ethel, 619

Griffith, D. W., 28, 49, 52, 55, 56, 78, 86, 90, 107, 460

Griffith, Melanie, 614

Griswold, Claire, 615, 632–33, 634

Guernsey, Otis L. Jr., 464, 529, 549, 638

Guest, Val, 146, 192, 207

Guinness, Alec, 542

Guitry, Sacha, 521

Gurney, Noll, 216–19

Guthrie, Tyrone, 229

Gwenn, Edmund, 81, 140, 141, 152, 259, 269, 275, 505, 656

Haas, Dolly, 460, 461, 462

Haigh, John George, 390
, 433, 658, 677

Hale, Wanda, 600

Hall, Mordaunt, 49

Hall, Willis, 669, 671

Hall-Davis, Lilian, 60, 61, 95, 101, 122, 185, 513

Halliday, John, 302

Halliwell, Leslie, 260

Halsman, Philippe, 634, 721

Ham, Harry, 149, 169, 213

Hamilton, John, 60

Hamilton, Patrick, 399–400, 402, 408, 411

(film proposal), 387, 399, 575

(Shakespeare), 574–75

Hammett, Dashiell, 444

Handford, Peter, 426, 702

Handley, Tommy, 132

Harding, James, 79

Hardwicke, Cedric, 201, 243–44, 256, 285, 325, 408, 413, 450, 543

Harker, Gordon, 95, 101, 103, 132

Harker, Joseph C, 95

Harmony Heaven
(film), 127

Harris, Barbara, 722–23, 726–28

Harris, Radie, 203

Harris, Robert, 748

Harrison, Gilbert A., 309

Harrison, Harold, 164

Harrison, Joan, 364, 541, 563

in America, 202, 218, 222, 230, 235

and continuity, 229

contracts of, 220, 265, 280, 296

at Gaumont, 163–64

independence of, 295–96, 415, 480

and scriptwriting, 226, 228, 235, 236, 242, 253, 254, 257, 270, 279, 281, 282, 288–89, 292, 293–94, 295, 308, 524

socializing with, 176, 180, 244, 371, 415, 429, 696

and television series, 514–15, 522–23, 524, 526, 543, 551, 579, 611, 612, 656, 683

travels with, 168, 176, 179, 193, 263

wedding of, 645

Hartley, Mariette, 642, 646

Hartman, Don, 478, 501, 559, 580

Harvey, Laurence, 576–77, 581, 609

Hasse, O. E., 460

Hatch, Robert, 600 “Hate Parties,” 76–77, 86

Hawks, Howard, 200, 285, 454

Hay, Ian, 171–72, 180, 186

Hay, Will, 207

Haye, Helen, 140

Hayes, John Michael, 381, 479–83, 486, 490–93, 496, 500, 502–3, 505–6, 510–11, 515–16, 529–32, 533, 683

Hayman, Ronald, 182

Hays Office, 249, 254, 273, 278, 288, 363, 393

Hayward, Leland, 407, 463, 470, 480

Hayworth, Annie, 614

Head, Edith, 378, 484, 488–89, 495, 497–98, 535, 552, 553, 567
, 582, 621, 634, 643, 667, 688

Hearst, Patty, 720, 723

Hearts of the World
(film), 52

Heath, Neville, 389–90, 658, 677–78, 698, 707

Hecht, Ben, 271, 354–56, 366–71, 375, 392, 393–94, 407, 447, 464, 625

Heckroth, Hein, 667

Hedren, Tippi, 94, 114, 386, 614–17, 620–21, 626–29, 633, 634–35, 638, 639, 643–49, 650, 652, 655, 690, 740, 745

Heenan, John C., 19–20

Hellman, Lillian, 218, 407

Helmore, Tom, 553

Hemingway, Ernest, 309, 315, 324, 328

Henley, W. T., 25, 26

Henley Telegraph, The
, 30–46

“The History of Pea Eating,” 42–43

“The Woman’s Part,” 32–35

“And There Was No Rainbow,” 38–40, 133

“Fedora,” 44–45, 53

“Gas,” 31–32, 34

“Sordid,” 35–36

“What’s Who?,” 40–42

Henley’s Telegraph Works, 25, 26–27, 29–30, 36–37, 43–44, 46, 50

Henreid, Paul, 526

Henry, Edd, 687, 696

Hepburn, Audrey, 576–78, 580, 609

Hepburn, Katharine, 302, 732

Herrmann, Bernard, 506–7, 521, 525, 536, 538, 543, 561, 562, 572, 573, 586, 597, 599, 606
, 622, 634, 643, 644, 667, 673–74, 700

xHichens, Robert, 385, 393

Hicks, Seymour, 54, 272–73

High Anxiety
(film), 745

Higham, Charles, 364, 387, 390, 395, 503

Highsmith, Patricia, 441–43, 444

Hildyard, Jack, 688

Hilton, James, 257, 268, 324

Hiss, Alger, 559

Hitch: The Life and Times of Alfred

(Taylor), 11, 746

Hitchcock, Father John (cousin), 5, 17, 22

Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph

and Academy Awards, 281–84, 290, 352, 379, 382, 606–7, 648, 714

and actors, 135–36, 140–41, 189, 210, 224, 239, 263, 304, 319–20, 400, 451–52, 465, 537, 568, 570, 577, 590–91, 620–21, 624, 643, 705–6

and agents, 149–50;
see also specific agents

aging of, 573, 590, 656, 670, 676, 684–86, 691–92, 696–97, 704, 706, 707, 712, 715, 736, 738, 740–43

Alma and,
Hitchcock, Alma Reville

in America, 201–3, 213–20

art collection of, 324, 476–77, 495

as art director, 50–51, 58, 60–61, 62, 67

art training of, 27–28, 50, 96, 598

awards and honors to, 230, 382, 606–7, 646
, 702, 712–13, 714, 721, 729, 732, 739–41, 743

birth and family background of, 4–7, 9, 11

books of suspense, 276, 399, 480, 514, 527, 611, 617

boyhood of, 4, 5–11, 13–18, 26, 383

cameos of, 86, 125, 129, 145, 277, 300, 326, 499, 525–26, 535, 557, 588, 666, 670, 700

and Catholic Church, 17–18, 20–21, 57, 65, 440, 457, 463, 466, 742

and censorship, 59, 116, 126, 145, 223, 242, 249, 254, 268, 273, 278–80, 287–90, 338–39, 363, 375–76, 385, 388, 401, 404, 420, 441, 457–58, 462, 466, 485–86, 493, 500–501, 505, 522, 573–74, 577, 578, 580, 584–85, 587, 589, 595–97, 600, 682, 691, 692, 711, 712

centenary of birth of, 749–50

citizenship of, 512

and color, 268–69, 411, 414, 424

and critics, 191–92, 221–22, 272, 290, 326–28, 350–51, 564, 631, 694–95, 749–50

death of, 745

dreaming of America, 149–50, 198–205, 211–13

early film influences on, 15–16, 28–29, 64, 234

early jobs held by, 25, 29, 43–44

as editor, 377–78

as family man, 153
, 176, 211, 318, 492

fear of police, 448, 465

as film captioneer, 50

films by, 751–85;
see also specific titles and studios

first directing efforts, 54–55, 65, 67, 72, 153, 155

as grandfather, 492

health of, 454, 545–46, 590, 656, 668, 673, 676, 684, 686, 691–92, 697, 700, 714, 715, 717, 722, 725, 732, 733, 734–35, 738–39, 740–41, 744–45

income and finances of, 90–91, 101, 143, 150, 200, 212, 213, 217–18, 219–20, 229, 246–48, 255, 261, 263–65, 266, 268, 269–70, 273, 274, 277, 291–93, 298, 299, 306, 313–14, 322, 325, 345, 347, 384–85, 395, 396, 454–55, 475, 477–79, 493–94, 515, 580–81, 598, 653, 747–48

income of, 90–91, 101

interests of, 114, 274, 319, 323–24, 372, 476–77

Internet references to, 749

knighthood of, 743

legacy of, 746–50

as “Master of Suspense,” 276, 465, 486, 739–40

methodology of, 55, 81, 92, 93, 112–13, 114–15, 154–55, 163, 164–65, 186, 226, 251–53, 320, 572–73, 587, 589–91, 620–21, 643–44

mystery magazine of, 588

name of, 3–4

obstacles met by, 194

practical jokes of, 98–100, 137, 148–49, 151, 183, 189, 195, 261, 304, 372, 453, 592–93, 702

and the press, 85–87, 98, 191–92, 203–5, 214, 244, 455, 461, 465, 629, 638–39, 706, 712, 729

as producer, 160, 379, 412, 483, 487, 529

public speeches of, 608, 666, 739

and publicity, 244, 260, 389, 465, 512–13, 544, 545, 575, 598–99, 608, 625, 634, 638, 654–55, 674–75, 712, 715

radio series of, 274–76, 321–22, 371, 514, 523

reputation of, 74, 86, 98, 191–92, 199, 253, 319, 326–27, 344, 412, 459, 464, 465–66, 502, 512–13, 515, 523, 528, 590, 605, 657, 714, 749–50

schooling of, 17–23, 24–25

as scriptwriter, 56–57, 62–63, 67, 94, 113, 147, 155, 201, 251, 295, 298, 308, 333, 354, 531, 606, 625, 635, 641, 665, 701, 728, 737

socializing, 157, 243–44, 280, 415, 591, 722

and special effects, 119, 166, 262–63, 303, 305–6, 360, 424, 445, 451–52, 501, 561, 623, 626–27, 628–29

and talking pictures, 106–7, 111–12, 120–25, 131, 138, 143, 194, 412

television programs of, 514–15, 522–28, 551–52, 581, 589, 632, 656, 683

travels of, 51, 57, 64–66, 142–43, 168, 176, 201–3, 214, 453–55, 506, 528, 538–39, 599, 619, 635, 682, 729

weight of, 25–26, 177, 194–95, 204, 205, 214, 227, 261, 273, 279, 304, 318, 319, 326, 327, 328, 364, 381, 453, 486, 525, 591, 646, 656, 684, 735

and women, 176–78, 654, 738

work ethic of, 453–54, 522–23, 654

and World War I, 25–26, 27, 323

and World War II, 26, 248, 263–64, 270–74, 280–81, 338–39, 344, 346–48, 349, 367–68, 372–74, 628

and writers, 77–78, 113–14, 115, 155, 156, 160, 171–72, 226–28, 308, 330–31, 333, 441, 486, 516, 718–19

Hitchcock, Alfred (uncle), 4, 5, 15

Hitchcock, Alma Reville (wife)

in America, 201–3

as assistant director, 91

assistants to, 164

continuity by, 208, 228, 229, 313, 492

and Cook, 385–86, 415, 427–28, 431, 432, 433, 437

death of, 745

early years of,
Reville, Alma

as grandmother, 492

health of, 559–60, 590, 692, 708–9, 710, 714, 715, 730–31, 732, 734, 740, 744, 745

and husband’s jokes, 100

influence of, 114, 115–16, 130, 149, 176, 195, 226, 240, 304, 319, 326, 349, 364, 413, 416, 430–31, 437, 439–40, 447, 479, 492, 531, 561–62, 563–64, 584, 594, 615, 640–41, 679–80, 687, 708, 711–12, 716, 723

and postproduction, 346

pregnancy of, 100, 105;
see also
Hitchcock, Patricia Alma

residences of, 89–90, 114, 234–35, 245, 264, 274, 325, 456

as scriptwriter, 105, 113, 130, 143, 147, 170, 226, 236, 254, 267, 279, 280, 281, 288, 293, 295, 308, 313, 323
, 324, 330, 333, 345, 385, 387, 388, 392–96, 414, 415, 417, 428, 430, 432, 437, 439, 440, 516, 682, 687, 724

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