Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance
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She was on dangerous ground—far more dangerous than she had realized. Before, she’d only feared losing her life. Now, she had the even greater fear of losing herself to the dark need that Alexei brought to life inside her.

Chapter Three

It seemed pointless to resist eating, so when her tray came at lunch, she cleared every bite. For the first time in almost two days, she felt sated in full, and it was a pleasant sensation. She was also exhausted from her tumultuous night, followed by the events of the morning that had left her frazzled and confused. With her tummy full, she managed to drift off into a dreamless sleep that lasted a few hours.

The sound of the door opening again woke her, and her heart stuttered until she realized it was simply the small hinged section, not the entire door. With a marked lack of enthusiasm, she got out of the bed and padded over to the tray, lifting and taking it to the table at the wingback chair.

It was dark in the room, with only a little illumination coming in from the dusky light outside. She clicked on the lamp near the chair and lifted the lid of the tray. Her first observation was for the medium-rare roast beef, baby potatoes, and some kind of greens. As she reached for her fork, she let out a gasp of outrage when she realized it wasn’t a linen napkin wrapping her silverware. Instead, it was a pair of silky panties with lace panels. She unwrapped them with angry hands, finding a note pinned to the front of the panties.

“I promised you a reward for eating. You’ve earned a pair of panties, lisichka.”

She wanted to refuse his gift, but that would mean continuing to run around bare-assed with nothing more than a sheet to cover her. Lips tight, she pushed away from the chair long enough to slide on the black and pink panties. They were ridiculously impractical, but they were far better than nothing, and she returned to her tray, eating with single-minded determination as she tried to block out all thoughts of Alexei and her captivity.

When she had finished her meal, she returned the tray to the door and went to the television for the first time. She was unsurprised to find it didn’t connect to any local stations, but there was a VHS player and a collection of videotapes. It was bizarrely retro, since she hadn’t seen a VCR or touched tapes in year.

Unfortunately, all the videotapes provided were in Russian, and she couldn’t tell much about them. There appeared to be a mix of entertainment options, including documentaries, comedies, and some horror movies
She selected one almost at random, choosing it based on the two women on the front who appeared to be friends. She popped it in the VCR and started watching.

She had a flair for language, and she was starting to pick up a few words here and there as the story progressed. Abruptly, she realized it wasn’t a gal-buddy flick, as she had assumed. Rather, it was a lesbian romance, and the girls were certainly getting into each other quickly.

The door opened just as the women lay down on a bed, touching and talking, though she couldn’t understand their words. For some reason, she was embarrassed to be caught watching the lesbian movie, especially when Alexei laughed.

“Is that the issue then,
? Do you prefer

She glared at him. “You don’t have to be so crude. I don’t speak Russian.” Not that she needed to in order to understand the meaning of the words he’d said. “And I didn’t know what kind of movie it was. Besides, it’s no big deal. It’s just a movie about two people falling in love, isn’t it?”

He came closer, eyeing the screen for a moment. “Yes. If I remember correctly, this is the only sex scene in the entire movie, which has a rather sweet ending.” He grinned down at her, his hand falling on her shoulder and keeping her from moving from the chair. “I must admit I only watched the ending a couple of times. This was one of my favorite movies for masturbation when I was a teenager. I’m surprised this part of the tape isn’t worn out.”

His honesty was surprising, and she couldn’t help a small smile of amusement. The amusement fled when he leaned over to take the remote from her hand, shutting off the movie before taking her upper arm and urging her to stand.

She made an effort to be limp and noncompliant as she stood before him, not quite looking at him. She’d already guessed that pissed him off greatly.

“Are you wearing your panties, Tara?”

She didn’t look at him, and she didn’t answer. The sheet hid her body from his gaze, at least until he chose to strip it from her.

“I would like to see them. I was imagining how you would look in them when I picked them out this afternoon. As soon as Yuri called me with word that you’d eaten your lunch, I went straight to the store to buy you several more pieces of…reward.”

She forced herself to look at him, trying to keep her expression blank. “If you’d like to reward me for good behavior, I’d prefer something to do. You could give me some books, or perhaps bring my laptop to me. I have a backlog of waiting orders, and I have to get the work done, or I’ll lose my business.”

He gave her an indulgent smile. “You have no need to work now. I’ll be taking care of you, Tara.”

She glared up at him. “I don’t want to be taken care of, Alexei.” Without thought, her gaze centered on his scar, and she brought her hand up to brush it. His eyes closed, and he shivered lightly when she traced the line of the scar that extended upward above his eyebrow and down his cheek, a bit lower than his mouth. It even went over his eyelid, and she was amazed he hadn’t lost his eye. “What happened?”

“I was involved in a disagreement.” He shrugged a shoulder. “The kind of disagreement with the wrong people that would have ended in my death, even with my father as
to the
in Moscow. It necessitated a change of location, so his boss sent him to America.”

“Ah, I see. If someone hadn’t…stabbed you?” she guessed tentatively, “Then you wouldn’t be in my life today.” Summoning a sweet smile, she added, “It’s a pity they didn’t go a few inches deeper.”

His expression tightened, and he sighed as though his patience was being tested. “Have you learned nothing about controlling that little tongue,

She glared at him. At most, he would simply make her use her tongue on him again. The thought brought a rush of moisture between her thighs, and she tightened them in denial as she clamped her mouth closed, refusing to reply to him.

“Perhaps it’s time we try something different.”

She glared at him suspiciously, clutching her sheet with new resolve as he took a step toward her. “No.”

He laughed. “You should remove that word from your vocabulary, because it is no longer your right to use it, at least with me.”

She held herself stiffly, doing her best to resist his fingers as he tugged the sheet from her. Eventually, the white linen pooled at her feet, revealing her naked body covered only in the thin panties he had given her for eating her lunch.

She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to hide her breasts, but he was having none of that. Alexei grasped her wrists and pulled her arms away, revealing her to him. He held her in that awkward position as he backed her toward the bed, forcing her to lay down before he sprawled atop her. He held her wrists on either side of her head, his hands clamped tightly around them, as he bent his head to kiss her for the first time that evening.

Unlike the last kiss, this one was gentler and coaxing, trying to urge her to respond. Her lips trembled as she forced herself to remain impassive, holding out for at least two or three minutes before the soft, gentle nibbles weakened her resolve, and her lips molded to his. His tongue slid between her lips to taste her, and she was unable to resist her own urge to stroke his tongue in return.

He kissed her for several minutes, doing nothing more besides lying atop her and holding her otherwise. Then his mouth drifted lower, and she whimpered in objection. She wasn’t entirely certain if she was protesting the cessation of the kiss, or the fact that his mouth was wandering lower, now moving to her breast to suckle her. She hated the intrusion, even as part of her gloried in it.

She wanted to resist, but all she did was arch her back as his lips clamped around her nipple, and he sucked almost forcefully enough to hurt. Immediately, he swirled his tongue around the swollen bud, alternating between gentle and forceful in a pattern that left her dazed and wanton.

Alexei seemed to know exactly what he was doing as he repeated the motions on her other breast, still holding her hands above her head. She could have told him he could let go, because she wasn’t capable of moving or trying to escape, but she wasn’t so far gone as to make it easy for him. She was still battling with herself even more than she was trying to fight her response to him as his head moved lower still, his tongue tracing a line down her abdomen and over the lace panel of her panties.

The crotch was covered by some kind of transparent material, so it might as well not be there at all. His tongue certainly had no trouble working through the fabric, plunging inside her wet cleft to lick and suck her clit as his tongue squirmed throughout her folds, tasting every inch of her. He swiped the tip down her slit before forcefully thrusting his tongue inside her opening as far as the thin material would allow.

Her stomach clenched, and her thighs twitched when he sucked on her outer mound, his tongue continuing to lick lightly over her. She hovered on the edge of orgasm, hating herself for it, even as she arched her hips and fucked his face with abandon in search of relief.

Suddenly, he lifted his head, his chin glistening with her juices. He made a production of licking his lips, as though savoring every trace of her. “That was a preview,
. When you have earned the right to pleasure, I will eat you to completion. I’ll savor the moment when you come in my mouth, flooding my tongue with your juiciness. Until then, you can look forward to more of these aborted orgasms. You are here for my pleasure, and it is at my discretion whether you get satisfaction.”

She glared at him. “You’re a disgusting, depraved bastard.”

He laughed softly, clearly taking it as a compliment. “Yes, but I think you are more than a bit depraved yourself,
.” To emphasize his point, he released one of her wrists and brought his hand between her thighs, pushing aside her panties to thrust two of his fingers into her slick channel. He met no resistance. “My cock would slip in just as easily, because you are so soaking wet.”

She tried to keep from bucking against his hand, but her body twitched slightly, and she knew he was aware of the struggle inside her. “You can torture me, but I’m still not going to be okay with this, or cooperate with my subjugation. Besides, I don’t need you. I can just masturbate.”

His lips tightened, and he gave her a smile that was chilling. “Can you, Tara?”

She struggled with him as he lifted her body higher on the bed, while one of his hands moved between their bodies. A moment later, he lifted it to reveal his belt, which he wrapped around her hands before belting her to the headboard. “Good luck pleasuring yourself,

She squeaked in outrage. “You can’t just leave me tied up like this. It’s uncomfortable and inhumane. It’s cruel. That’s what it is.”

He seemed to enjoy her words, and he laughed mockingly at her. “I am cruel. You should know that. I don’t tolerate defiance, and I won’t put up with your games,
. When you behave and no longer act like a willful child, you will see the tender side of me. In the interim, you will get the
. The wolf,” he translated.

She tried to kick out at him when he grasped her thighs, pushing them wide again to display her for his inspection. “No.” She hated the hint of weakness in her voice.

likes to eat little foxes.” He bent his head again, licking and torturing her until she was once again on the edge of orgasm that he denied her. She cursed him, screaming at him and demanding satisfaction as he eased away from her.

Alexei got out of the bed, standing beside it to look down at her. He cupped her breast casually, his thumb playing with her nipple. “All you have to do is yield,

She shook her head, lips clamped closed.

He sighed, but didn’t seem too bothered by her refusal. “In that case, I’ll be back in a few hours to free your hands. I don’t want you to sleep like that all night, so I’ll just have to hold you in my arms to ensure you don’t stroke the pretty little pussy that belongs to me.”

He turned and left without speaking again. She barely held in a whimper that turned to a sob when the door closed behind him. Though it was futile, she struggled to free herself from the leather pinning her hands to the headboard. If she managed to escape, she didn’t know if she would throw herself off the bed and try to claw her way out of the room, or if she would bury her fingers inside her slit and jill off to the memories of his maddening mouth bringing her almost to the edge of release, just to leave her hanging there.

She hated him with a bone-deep loathing she’d never known. Unfortunately, that hatred did nothing to lessen the desire he’d awakened, and her body burned for release that she was unable to attain while bound to the bed.


By the time he returned, her hands had grown numb, and it was almost a relief to see him. She didn’t betray that reaction as he came to the bed, loosening the belt with cool efficiency and allowing her hands to slip free. They burned slightly as the feeling returned, and she laid them on the bed beside her, just waiting for the sting to ease.

BOOK: Alexei: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance
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