Alexandra Waring

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Authors: Laura Van Wormer

BOOK: Alexandra Waring
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Alexandra Waring


Table of Contents

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Connecticut ● New York ● Colorado

Table of Contents



Copyright Notices

About the Author

Novels by Laura Van Wormer


Author’s Note


1 - Alexandra Waring

2 - Jackson Darenbrook

3 - Gordon Strenn

4 - Langley Peterson

5 - Cassy Cochran

6 - Jackson’s Contemplation of Alexandra Grows More Serious

7 - The Ball Starts Rolling

8 - Alexandra, Cassy, Stolen Money, Weddings and His Wife:
Langley Tries to Stay on Top of Things

9 - Cassy Uses Alexandra’s Hideaway

10 - Jessica Wright

11 - What Happened That Night
Part I: Jackson Gives Alexandra a Ride Home

12 - What Happened That Night
Part II: Alexandra Returns Lisa Connors’ Call

13 - What Happened That Night
Part III: Gordon and Alexandra Try to Resolve an Issue


14 - Langley’s in for a Number of Surprises

15 - Alexandra and the Marilyn Monroe of TV News

16 - Jessica at Work

17 - Gordon and Jessica Watch the Rehearsal

18 - Jessica Has to Tell Alexandra Something

19 - The Changing Times of Cassy Cochran

20 - Langley’s Luncheon

21 - In Which Jackson Flees Alexandra and Flies to Hilleanderville

22 - Jessica Has Two Visitors in Her Office

23 - Alexandra Tells Gordon She Doesn’t Like to Disappoint Him

24 - What Cassy Wanted


25 - The Unveiling
Part I: Jackson

26 - The Unveiling
Part II: Jessica

27 - The Unveiling
Part III: Gordon

28 - The Unveiling
Part IV: Langley

29 - The Unveiling
Part V: Cassy

30 - DBS Unveiled
Part VI- Alexandra

31 - DBS Mail and Memorandums

32 - The Boat Party

33 - After the Party
Part I: Rendezvous

34 - After the Party
Part II: Alexandra Has a Long Night

35 - Lovers

36 - Langley Asks What He Should Do

37 - The Strange New Life of Jessica Wright


38 - Alexandra Across America

39 - Cassy Flies to Detroit

40 - Jackson Can’t Believe It

41 - The Complicated Feelings of Gordon Strenn

42 - Alexandra Across America—Again

43 - Alexandra’s Visit with Her Parents

44 - The Reunion

45 - Alexandra’s Dinner with Lisa Connors
Part I

46 - Alexandra’s Dinner with Lisa Connors
Part II

47 - Jackson Decides to Kick Up a Fuss

48 - Alexandra Goes to London

49 - Alexandra and Cassy Have a Talk

50 - Langley Has It Out with Belinda

51 - Gordon and Alexandra Plan Their Future

52 - Jessica Is a Very Good Friend

53 - West End

54 - Conclusion

Copyright Notices


Alexandra Waring

Copyright © 1989, 2013 by Laura Van Wormer

Int’l ISBN: 978-1-62071-126-2
ISBN: 1-62071-126-5

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic means is forbidden unless written permission has been received from the publisher

All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

Van Wormer, Laura, 1955-
Alexandria Waring: a novel / Laura Van Wormer.
1st ed.
Women television personalities —Fiction.;
Television news anchors —Fiction.)
New York : Doubleday, c1989.
PS3572.A42285 W4 1989 813/.54 89-32676

For information address:
Author & Company, LLC
P.O. Box 291
Cheshire, CT 06410-9998

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and manufactured in the United States of America.

About the Author

Laura Van Wormer
has been a force in fiction since the publication of Riverside Drive in 1988. A best-selling author of fourteen novels, her engrossing plots, memorable characters and insider knowledge of the media professions have won praise from the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Good Housekeeping, and People Magazine. Today she is Publisher of Author & Company, dividing her time between Connecticut and New York.

Novels by

Benedict Canyon / Jury Duty / Just for the Summer

The Alexandra Chronicles:
Riverside Drive / Alexandra Waring / Any Given Moment / Talk
Exposé* / The Last Lover* / Trouble Becomes Her*
The Bad Witness* / The Kill Fee* / Mr. Murder*
Riverside Park
*A Sally Harrington Mystery

To learn more about Laura Van Wormer and
all of her books please visit:



Loretta Barrett


Nancy Evans

with heartfelt thanks to

Dianna Whitley, Shaye Areheart, Paul Aron, David Burr,Patricia Elliott, Nell Hanson, Lindy Hess, Sara Maxwell and Betty Prashker

for everything, 1983-84 especially.

Author’s Note

At the time I wrote this novel, Ronald Reagan was leaving office, George Bush senior was coming in, CNN was gaining traction on cable but the news groups at The Big Three broadcast networks were still the be-all and end-all. Clearly much has changed since 1988 (!), perhaps most of all the ages of Alexandra Waring, Cassy Cochran and Jessica Wright from book to book over the years because I didn’t want them to age as fast as I was! So I strongly advise you to stop doing the math about their ages in the novels because it will only drive you mad.

For those of you who read this book as WEST END, you may notice a different feel to the ending. That is because I have tried to restore it to something closer to the way I originally intended it, but was pushed to change. For younger readers, the notion that anyone ever cared about who slept with whom (or what) must seem rather quaint, but I assure you that everybody in mainstream American did care, and many careers were abruptly sidelined because of it.

ALEXANDRA WARING is by far my longest novel but is the usual mix of fun, sex and seriousness that became my hallmark. I hope you enjoy it.

Meriden, Connecticut
August, 2013

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