Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Surrendering to Summer [Whispering Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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There was a nagging reminder in the back of her head that told her that jumping Dalton’s bones would be a devastating mistake; for her and for him. She knew she was not the person to try and help cure him of his loneliness and hurt. She had her own deficiencies to work on. None of that brought her attraction to him to a standstill. It just made her work harder at keeping her body parts to herself.

Tugging on jeans and a T-shirt, Summer decided she would go in search of Daisy and see if she wanted to have lunch together. Anything but sit in the house and be tortured by the sight of Dalton.

Chapter 12

It took people with a phenomenal vision to divide up the Durden land as they had. In Whispering Mountains, they owned over one thousand acres of land and Summer was staying on the property known as Constance’s Creek. It was named after Dalton’s mother. Summer could only imagine the love that all three of Dalton’s fathers felt for his mother. The men had named a body of water after a woman they loved and shared. She would do anything to have a love like that. So far Summer had not ventured off to the creek, but she was headed to the stables to look for Daisy.

The walk from the house to the stables wasn’t too far. A walkway had been paved which made a scenic pathway through the sparse amount of trees that gave the house the necessary privacy.

Apparently it was customary for offspring of the Durdens to build homes on the property if they wanted to. She loved the closeness they shared. Her parents had died a few years ago and it was just her and her three sisters. Being around a huge family was a comfort she welcomed.

Summer tried to sort out of the comments Dalton had made to her in the hallway earlier as she walked the pathway to the stables. Not once in the three days she had been staying with them had she ever flashed her tits. And she wore panties…most of the time. How dare he say she had been walking around flashing her tits and cunt at them? Of course Denver and Dillon had seen, tasted, and touched her breasts. She did not flaunt anything intentionally.

It was obvious that Dalton hadn’t known what had gone on between her and Denver. She didn’t care either way. And from what had transpired between her, Dillon, and Denver, there were no complaints from either man. It was just sourpuss Dalton.

When she had utilized the hot tub, she wore a two-piece bathing suit. She wasn’t a complete slut. Although last night she had gone into the kitchen in just her panties and camisole, Summer had no intention of tempting anyone. They were all asleep. She enjoyed being naked. But only when she was alone. If she had known Dalton was home she would not have done such a thing. His behavior had been totally uncalled-for.

Summer caught sight of a few workers in the distance as she made her way over the hill that brought them into her sights. She spotted Dillon right away. He was just as tall as Dalton with the same cobalt blue eyes but his build was slightly slimmer. Summer would know Dillon anywhere just by the sight of those dark brown curls touching his collar. He was talking to one of the workers and he looked agitated. Summer skirted around the side of a small storage building so he wouldn’t see her. She had not spotted Denver yet and that was probably for the best. She didn’t feel like talking to either of them at the moment. There was no need to look as if she was tattling on Dalton and causing a rift. She just needed Daisy.

“I can only assume you are hiding from my brothers,” Daisy teased as Summer rounded the opposite corner of the building. Summer gasped at the surprise.

“Daisy, you scared the crap out of me. I was looking for you actually. How did you know I was out here?” Summer had her hand pressed against her chest trying to calm herself.

Daisy tapped her cell phone. “Dalton texted me, Dillon, and Denver. Told us to be on the lookout. He must have really stepped in it. Personally I wondered how long it would take you to run out of there screaming.” Daisy hooked an arm through Summer’s and began walking towards the stables.

Summer knew why she had immediately taken to Daisy. Being the oldest of four girls, Daisy reminded Summer of one of her sisters. Daisy was friendly and easy to talk to. She had the familiar brown hair as her brothers but her eyes were green like her mother’s. Daisy was the same height as Summer, five foot five, and she didn’t take crap from her brothers.

Summer had heard that Daisy had even managed to get into a few fights at the bar in town that was owned by a few of her cousins, only to have the sheriff bring her home. Luckily for Daisy, the sheriff was married to another one of her cousins. The Durden family was huge.

“Your brothers are not that bad, Daisy.” Was she crazy or delusional? Isn’t that why Summer was looking for Daisy in the first place?

“Uh-huh.” She gave Summer a skeptical look. “I grew up with them. I know how they argue, fuss, and fight. They have this unhealthy habit of picking fights for kicks. I don’t know what Dalton did and I don’t think I really want to know just yet, but let’s run over to my house and fix some sandwiches. We can pack them up and have lunch over by Mom’s creek. It’s nice out and you look like you need a break.”

“Damn, Daisy, am I that easy to read?” Summer smiled. She did need a break, a breather. And she wanted to see the creek. It wasn’t as if she was running from Dalton, but if she didn’t get away from him she would have lost her mind. How the hell was she going to survive the rest of the week with these men?

“I will tell Wayne to get the horses ready for us and we will get moving.”

* * * *

The pair had ridden to the far western portion of the ranch until they reached the creek Daisy termed her favorite spot. Using a blanket Daisy had stashed in one of the saddle bags, they set up their lunch under an enormous shade tree.

“So how is the redecoration going over at your new home?”

Summer smiled with pride at the thought of the changes she had made to the quaint home she purchased in town. “Well, they have finished the painting and started on the cabinets and countertops.” She took a bite of her sandwich before she continued. “The carpet has been pulled up and they have begun laying the wood flooring I picked out. I’m excited.”

“I can tell. That’s how I was when I decorated my home. I’m just glad you will be close enough for me to visit you. Have you gone over to Lily’s Lake to visit with your sister Spring?” Daisy asked as she finished her sandwich and opened a small bag of chips.

Summer couldn’t help but grin when she thought of her sister. “No I haven’t visited with Spring just yet. Since she and Bo are expecting my first nephews, I’ve been letting her get some rest. They are newlyweds and it is nothing but a sex marathon over at their home. That’s why I had to get out of there in the first place. But I will get over there soon enough. Definitely before I move into my home.” Summer pulled two bottles of water out of the bag and handed one to Daisy. “I’m glad I will be close-by, Daisy. We can get into plenty of trouble together.”

Daisy grinned; she knew that was all too true. “I am glad you’re out and about today. My parents were worried about you after the accident yesterday. They were determined to go over to Dalton’s and check for themselves to see if you were truly doing well.”

Summer was shocked by that revelation but she appreciated it. “That was nice of them, Daisy. You have a very caring family. But yes, I am better. I called Spring when I first woke up. I knew she would be bothered by all of the action, and I can’t afford for her to upset those babies. I also called my other two sisters. I was just shocked and shaken up a bit.”

Daisy smiled and gave Summer a hug. “You’re like a sister to me. I’m happy you’re no longer shaken up by the ordeal. I will make sure to tell my parents. They were just as concerned as I was.”

Summer could see the questioning look in Daisy’s eyes. If she wanted to know something, she was going to have to ask.

“I have to change the subject for a moment.” Daisy grinned and continued. “I find it hilarious that my brothers walk around the ranch looking like lovesick puppies. They have been like that since the day you moved in. Why haven’t those little chickenshits asked you out?”

Summer could only laugh at Daisy’s remarks. She wasn’t surprised at Daisy’s ability to get straight to the point. That was one of the many things she liked about the younger woman.

“Okay.” Daisy nodded as silence floated through the room. “Let’s try another technique.”

Now Summer was worried. Daisy wasn’t going to let up. She was going to get something out of her one way or another.

“So, which one of my brothers has your stomach in knots?”

That question caught Summer completely off guard. The smile that graced her lips could not be controlled. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Damn. She was completely dumbfounded. How the hell was she supposed to answer that question without looking every bit embarrassed as Daisy had just made her feel? It was a good thing that no one knew about the escapades she’d had with Denver and Dillon.

at Summer. “Oh, Summer. I’ve seen you when you are around them. I think it’s totally cute. But you can quit stalling. Which one are you interested in?”

“Denver.” What was the point in stalling?

Daisy nodded her head and smiled. “All the ladies love the linebacker.”

“And Dillon.”

Daisy arched a brow at that and smiled a little wider. “Ahhh, interesting. Ladies love the romantic type, too.”

“And Dalton.”

That was the last straw for Daisy. She fell back on her backside and burst out laughing. Once she was able to control her laughter she turned on her side and looked at Summer. “Summer, Summer, Summer. You are
screwed. Why does every woman love a crazy, dark, mood-swinging man? I should have known it was all three that you had the hots for.”

Summer sat up straight and glared at Daisy. “You don’t approve?”

Furrowing her brows, Daisy sat up quickly, smiling as she sidled up beside Summer, successfully easing the tension. Together they leaned against the tree trunk. “Of course I approve. I’m just shocked. Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you think all three have the hots for you?”

That was difficult to answer. Summer knew she would never be able to choose and that is why she tried to control herself around them. She couldn’t risk having her feelings hurt by all three of them. Nor would she want to risk losing the friendship she had developed. That thought crossed her mind constantly and she still hadn’t come to a decent conclusion.

“Daisy, I haven’t the faintest clue what they think or how they feel. But for me it is not just the hots for your brothers. I don’t know how it happened. The day I met Dalton, the feelings I felt for him, the instant attraction almost knocked me over. That has never happened to me before. After I came to Whispering Mountain, I fell for Dillon and Denver as well. I know your family is unconventional—you having three fathers who share your mom—but I don’t think that will be the ultimate outcome for me and your brothers.”

“Do you think you can tough it out with my brothers for three more days?” Daisy asked thoughtfully. She was concerned for Summer’s feelings. They had bonded instantly and it was difficult to sit on the sidelines and watch her brothers ignore their attraction to Summer. She did not want to see her friend hurt.

If Daisy only knew.
Summer thought.

Summer closed her eyes for a moment as she leaned against the tree. She had to think about that question. If she avoided Dalton and kept her hormones in check around all three men, she would be just fine. Right? She really didn’t want to have to pack up her things and go stay somewhere else. She actually enjoyed the men’s company even if one was more irritating than the others.

Things would be slightly different between her, Dillon and Denver. Summer knew this. She was worried about how they would act around each other after what had happened between them. Summer grinned at Daisy.

“I think I will be okay. Why do you ask?”

“Just keep in mind that I have an extra bed if you need it, but I don’t think my brothers would be happy if you left.” Daisy saw what Summer hadn’t. Her brothers were fascinated by Summer and she did not have a clue. She laughed. She could almost see it. “Hell Summer, I can see those three clowns trying to burst my door down to get to you.”

Finishing the last of her water, Summer could only shake her head. She was not ready to share everything that had happened with Daisy. “I don’t understand them, Daisy. Dalton flips out on me, acts as if I am nothing more than an irritation. Dillon and Denver are great but don’t say too much.” Summer sat up straighter as a thought occurred to her. “Did some woman break their hearts?” she teased then sobered up. “That is the only explanation I can think of.”

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