Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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May pushed down hard on Remy’s thick dick until he was completely sheathed, covered in the warmth of her juices.

Remy could only grit his teeth. May was squeezing his dick with her inner muscles. “You greedy woman.” He gripped her by the waist and watched her turn a sneaky smile on him. “That grin is only going to get you fucked harder.”

“Please?” She was enjoying the teasing.

Turning her face toward his, Kane had moved and now lay beside her. He kissed her lips nice and slow. “You, my sweet May, are a teasing, torturing little wench.” He kissed her again, stealing her breath. “Don’t forget I am next. Save some of that smart talk for me.”

She grinned lazily at Kane. “Don’t worry, cowboy, you’ll be begging me to go easy on you.” Her breath was knocked out of her when she felt the first hard, teeth-rattling thrust by Remy. He was commanding her attention.

May pinned eyes on Remy as Kane’s fingers teased and plucked at her nipples. Even with the faint lighting, she couldn’t help but admire Remy’s muscular physique and his thick, short, coal-colored hair. She groaned when his chest flexed as he slammed into her. Her body jerked every time Remy plunged inside of her. He held her by the waist, pushing, filling, crowding her.

May’s nails trailed across his shoulders, digging in as she pulled him closer. She realized Kane had left them, and she was alone on the bed with Remy. Within moments, they found a rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He was already deep inside of her, but she was trying for more. She couldn’t get enough of him. With each bitingly exquisite stroke, May felt her orgasm growing.

Remy cupped her bottom and plunged forward harder, causing her to moan for more. She liked it rough but would never admit it. She felt the delicious prickling sensation fan out all over her body. She arched into him, causing Remy to move one hand to her back.

“Kiss me, May.” His words sounded low and raspy.

She covered his mouth with hers. Almost instantly, she felt his body tighten, his thrusts grow in intensity. He held her as he pushed inside of her a few more times, filling the condom, never breaking their kiss.

“Don’t seem to last long with you, princess,” Remy said as he rolled them on their sides.

May grinned. She never understood why men thought they needed to go for hours and hours. She was very satisfied, and so was he. “So? It’s not a contest. See the silly smile on my face?” She was still breathless, her body continuing to tingle, but she needed to reassure him.

Remy leaned back and brushed May’s hair aside, exposing her neck. He feathered soft kisses along her shoulder and neck, finding his way to her mouth. “I love looking at that smile, princess.” He kissed her lips. “You are beautiful, and I don’t want to let you go.” Remy’s eyes glanced past her before turning his attention back to May. “But I think Kane has been as patient as he’s going to be.”

May laughed softly when she felt the bed dip behind her. “Impatient.”

“Yes he is,” Remy answered as he rose from the bed. “Don’t hurt him too bad, princess.”

“I will.” May squealed when Kane tugged her toward him.

“Look at you. Hair spread out over the bed, body on fire, eyes glowing in the darkness.” Kane trailed his tongue from her navel to her nipples. He sucked in one tight peak and then the other.

May squirmed underneath Kane. He was driving her crazy. Remy had filled her, taken over her body, and given her a slow, thrilling orgasm. Now she wanted rough. She wanted Kane. She reached down until she found what she was searching for.

She watched as Kane stared back at her. He didn’t say a word, just let her take what she wanted. She slid just the tip of his cock inside of her and waited. “Fuck me.”

A low growl hummed from deep in Kane’s chest. He curled his hands around the tops of May’s thighs and yanked her hard to meet his powerful impalement. His movements were urgent. He was just as excited as she was. She gasped. He’d taken her breath away momentarily as he stuffed his huge cock inside of her. He withdrew and pushed back inside her again.

With each painfully delicious shove, the bed creaked beneath them, but that did not stop the forceful movement. Needing something to hold on to, May reached for the sheets, grabbing handfuls.

“More,” she whispered. “Harder.” She heard multiple groans in response, which meant Remy was somewhere in the room. The thought of him watching them excited her even more. Her skin felt like it was on fire, knowing both men were turned on by her. She could feel her inner muscles quiver and spasm around Kane’s cock, trying to hold it in place.

Kane moved faster, and the forceful sway of his hips caused May to slide up the bed. He slipped his arms under her, gripping her tight. The deep strokes became almost brutal, and May loved every bit of it. His muscles tensed and flexed as he pushed May straight over the edge. She screamed out her orgasm until her throat felt raw.

“You…can give me…more than that…princess,” Kane professed, and he kept moving. “I want it all.”

May answered the request by tilting her hips and meeting Kane’s brutal strokes with her own. When he leaned forward, she felt two things. He had begun tracing tiny circles around her sensitive little nub, waking every last one of her oversensitized nerve endings, and he was about to come.

She dug her fingers into the sheets harder and let her third orgasm overwhelm her. It was like blasts of fireworks had gone off. She was sated in bliss and Kane was right there with her. His deep-seated impalements slowed until he came to a complete halt. They both were breathless, sucking in huge gulps of air.

Once he was able to sit up, Kane pulled her into his arms after he had propped himself up at the head of the bed.

“Open your eyes, princess.”

May opened her eyes to see a grinning Remy holding an opened bottle of water for her. She took it and sipped.

“Drink up. That was just round one.” Remy and Kane both laughed when May choked on the water. Remy continued, “I haven’t tied you up yet.”

Chapter 4

May was very aware of the sappy smile she was wearing. She had been daydreaming again. She’d walked into the practice she shared with a few other therapists and could not remember how she had gotten there. The receptionist was at her usual station, and May smiled in her direction. Nothing was going to interfere with the intense sexual flashbacks she continued to have. She had been replaying that night she had shared with the twins, Remy and Kane, in her head on a daily basis.

The moment her fingers touched the handle of her office door, all the happy daydreaming abruptly ceased. The smile drifted from her lips. For some odd reason, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Something was wrong, and she hadn’t even opened her office door yet. She gently turned the knob, relieved to realize it was still locked like she had left it the night before. She inspected the doorknob closely, checking to see if it had been jimmied in some way. There was no indication that someone had tried to pry her door open.

That should have eased some of May’s concerns, but it didn’t. Not in the least.

After retrieving her keys from her handbag, she unlocked her door and slowly entered. May took a meticulous look around her office, her gaze scanning over every surface. She could tell nothing had been disturbed, and yet she knew without a doubt someone had been in her office.

May stepped back into the hallway, returning to the receptionist’s desk. “Carol, were you the first one in this morning?” May knew that Carol was usually at the office early to unlock the front door, turn off the alarm, and get the office ready for another day with clients.

Carol smiled and answered, “Yes, Ms. Showers.”

May scanned the open area, not really looking for anything in particular.

“Ms. Showers, is there something wrong?”

“This is going to sound crazy, but was the alarm on when you came in?”

Carol nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I’m usually the first to arrive, unless there’s an early-morning emergency appointment. The look on your face is making me nervous.”

May shook her head. “I’m certain someone was in my office, even though my door was locked.” May watched as Carol became flustered.

“Ms. Showers, I know the rules between you and the other therapists. No one enters another partner’s office without verbal confirmation unless the reason falls under one listed in the agreement contract you all signed when you teamed up. No one has been in your office.” Carol reached for the phone. “Do you want me to call the building security?”

May thought about it for a few moments. She had something better than building security. “No, Carol. Don’t worry about it.”

May didn’t give Carol time to respond. She walked back into her office and closed the door behind her. That’s when she smelled it. It was faint, but she caught a whiff of…it was the lingering scent of expensive male cologne, but it wasn’t one she recognized.

“I knew it!” she mumbled. May hurriedly made her way over to her desk, picked up her phone, and punched in seven digits.

“What’s wrong, May-day?” the Irish-brogue-laced voice answered.

She smiled. They always answered on the first ring. “You always know when something is wrong.” She let out a nervous laugh.

“Sweetheart, it’s eight in the morning. You never call this early unless something is wrong. Now tell me what’s wrong with my favorite therapist.”

May sighed. “Someone has been in my office. Nothing has been disturbed. My door wasn’t pried open. The alarm had been set. But I
someone has been in my office, Orin. I smelled a faint hint of cologne, and no one here wears that scent. I’ve never smelled it before.”


“What? Care to share with the class?” May was able to hear a muffled conversation, as if Orin was trying to cover the mouthpiece of his phone. She knew he could only be talking to his partner, Trevor. Even after years of knowing and working with the pair, they still treated her like a fragile little sister.

“I knew this case would come back to bite us all in the ass!” Orin said with irritation in his voice.

May was dumbfounded for a moment. She racked her brain, trying to figure out what case he was working on that could be related to their conversation. What could have brought about this reaction?

After a long silent moment, May gasped.

She remembered the disastrous case of Valerie Timmons. The woman had been an acquaintance of hers from college that she counseled from time to time. She wanted to divorce her husband, and he had threatened to kill her if she did. The relationship had been extremely abusive. Valerie had hinted that she knew all of her husband’s
May didn’t know much about Valerie’s husband except the fact that he was into something bordering on illegal.

With the help of others, May had arranged for her to enter protective custody until her husband, Earl, could be found. He had been stalking his wife, threatening to kill her. Eventually, he had made good on the threat. In May’s opinion, he was certifiably insane. Unfortunately, May had the distinct feeling she had just earned Earl’s undivided attention.

“May-day? You still with me?” Orin broke the silence between them.

“I’m here. What’s going on, Orin? You better start telling me something. Someone with great skill managed to break into my office without tripping the alarm, and nothing has been moved.”

An exhausted sigh spread through the line. “Do me a favor, May, stay at work. You will be safe there with all the people around. Let me and Trevor check out a few things on this end.” There was a pause. “What time is your last client?”

May checked her schedule. “Three.”

“Okay, Trevor and I will be waiting for you at the receptionist’s desk. We’ll shadow you back to your place, keeping our eyes peeled for anyone showing a little too much interest in your movements.”

She nodded before she remembered she was on the phone. “Okay. But I wonder why he would wait six months before turning his attentions toward me. What has he been doing all this time?” On second thought, she didn’t want to know the answer. Six months gave him plenty of time to figure out what he was going to do to her. A freakish chill ran through her body.

Another long sigh, along with a few terms in a strong Irish accent, wafted across the line. “May, please
, please
do what I’ve asked. Let Trevor and I check out a few things. I don’t want you in the middle of this if we can help it.”

Trevor and Orin were two of May’s closest friends. She knew they were always concerned about her safety. She wouldn’t fight the small request to stay indoors, waiting for their arrival. “Okay. I will see you both after I finish up.”

BOOK: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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