Alex in Wonderland (The Wonderland Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Alex in Wonderland (The Wonderland Series Book 1)
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Torrid Zone


crumpled his father’s note and tucked it in his jeans. “Well, this explains why
my old man didn’t answer the phone. He’s out on a fishing boat until next
week.” He tried the door. “Unlocked, just like he said.”

“Hard to
believe unlocked doors this day and age,” Alex observed. He followed Cord into
the cottage. He didn’t know what how he expected a child beater to live, but it
was hardly a place so clean and tidy it bordered on fussiness. Almost
everything was covered with plastic, sofa, chairs, lampshades, even pillows and
a small ottoman. Cord wasn’t surprised.

like the old bastard still has Joan Crawford’s dirt phobia. Used to beat hell
out of all of us if things weren’t spotless.” He rubbed a chair back until it
squeaked. “Hope you’re not allergic to plastic because you’re stuck here until
he gets back with the car.”

rolled his eyes. “Oh, my God! I can’t believe I forgot to call
.” He’ll be worried if he hears about the accident. I’d
better call and get him to come pick me up and…Cord? Why are you looking at me
that way?”

Cord said
nothing, just pulled Alex into his arms and gave him the sort of kiss to make his head swim. Alex didn’t know
what to think as Cord pressed their bare chests together and ignited powerful
erotic electricity. It seemed forever before Cord released him, and when the
two came up for air Alex stepped away, surprised by the unsteadiness in his knees.

was all that about?”

tell me why you took my hand in the truck.”

shrugged. “I’m not really sure, Cord. It just seemed the thing to do at the


not,” Alex conceded. “After you told that
Ramón character about the honeymoon, I started thinking about everything you’ve
done for me. I mean, you really came to my rescue and—”

“I think
it’s more than that, babe.”

knees were so weak he sank onto the couch. He remembered his earlier suspicions
that he felt something for Cord he’d not experienced before, and that
possibility unnerved him even more. For a moment he thought he might

“May I
have a glass of water?”

But don’t even think about changing the subject.”

leaned back but sat up when his sweaty shoulders stuck to the plastic. When
Cord returned with the water, he sipped slowly to prolong what he had to say.
He passed the empty glass back to Cord.

Cord asked.

Alex took
a deep breath, reaching into unchartered territory for his response. “There’s
no way I can explain the emotional roller coaster I’ve been riding the past few
days, Cord. I’ve broken from my family, walked away from an engagement—”

engagement?! I guess another piece of the puzzle falls into place.”

“I guess.
Anyway, my nerves were about as raw as they could get, and I admit I was scared
to death when I got on that bus in
New Orleans
. Not just because I was going it alone for the first time
in my life but also because I had a price on my head. I’ve faced one calamity
after another, and every time you were there to bail me out. That was quite a
surprise considering how rude you were at the beginning.” He thought a minute.
“And I guess I wasn’t exactly Mr. Warmth either, telling all those lies, trying
to keep my head above water.” He took another deep breath. “Okay. Here goes
nothing. Somewhere along the line, I started feeling something, and that’s why
I took your hand.”

were you feeling?”

still not sure. It’s all…so strange and different.”

maybe we should stop talking and do something about it.”

Cord stood and pulled
Alex to his feet. When they kissed this time, Alex found himself in a full body
press that took his breath away. As Alex responded, he thought of the
promiscuous path he’d blazed through the French Quarter, of Chandler
and Duncan, of Joe the Cheshire
and the bleached
blonde whose name he couldn’t remember. None of them could compare with Cord's
macho magnetism, and as they slipped into bed, clothing evaporated, bodies merged
and time stopped as it often does when people make love for the first time.
Afterwards Alex curled happily against Cord’s shoulder as he considered the new
erotic plateaus he’d explored and transcended.

Alex sighed and traced a
finger across the sculpted pecs and abs. “You’re absolutely incredible, like a
marble statue or something.
I’ve never
been with a man so physically perfect.”

pretty special yourself,” Cord said with a contented smile. “I don’t remember
when I enjoyed myself so much.”


cuddled a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Alex even dozed a bit, and
when he awoke he inhaled the pungent smell of bacon and eggs. He tugged on his
briefs and padded into the kitchen where Cord stood over the stove, naked
except for an apron. Alex ogled the bare buns.

I’m having a vision!”

smiled and nodded at the skillet. “Keep you distance, babe. Hot grease is
serious business.”

chuckled and got another glass of water before sitting at the kitchen table and
addressing what he'd been avoiding. "I guess I'd better call

“He won’t
go for the reward, will he?”

“No way.
His family’s loaded. Besides he’s a friend and knows all about Daddy.”

Cord nodded at the phone. “Tell this guy you’re alright, thank him for his
hospitality and say you’re staying on Sugarloaf for a few days with your new

grinned. “New boyfriend?”

Cord blew him a kiss and dished up breakfast. “Why not?”

Why not
indeed, Alex thought. “Okay.”

boy. Now how do you like your coffee? With cream? Sugar?”

you,” Alex said.




to his whereabouts, Alex lingered on Sugarloaf Key while
he and Cord explored the island and each other. Insisting that he remain
incognito after his near exposure at the Blue Marlin, Cord bought Alex a pair
of oversized, very dark sunglasses and made him keep his telltale blonde curls
tucked under a baseball cap. With Alex’s face mostly obscured, they felt free
to wander the tiny town, mingle with the tourists and enjoy colorful tropical
sunsets reminding Alex of a kaleidoscope he had as a child. At home, they
sunned naked in the small back yard, drank endless glasses of iced tea with
lime and bared their souls. Alex felt a closeness he’d never experienced with
anyone, not even Jolie, and that bond left him both exhilarated and exhausted.

So did
the sex. Alex was thrilled to feel like a lovesick teen-ager, and his libido
responded accordingly. He couldn’t get enough of the beefy Texan, and Cord gave
as good as he got. The delicious discovery that they were sensual soul mates
was something they savored again and again, once getting so carried away in the
front yard they nearly put on a show for some nosy neighbors. Only one thing marred
their emotional and spiritual journey to paradise. Money. Alex had none and
Cord’s funds had dwindled to $27. Unexpected help came one morning when Cord
was making pancakes and discovered the flour canister contained a wad of bills
inside a plastic bag.

forgotten Pop was always squirreling money away,” he said gleefully. He joined
Alex at the kitchen table and made a quick tally of the crumpled bills. “Almost
three hundred dollars!”

not gonna take it are you?”

me, he’ll never miss it. It was a family joke that he stashed so much money
when he was drunk that he forgot what he put where. That’s how Mom got extra
money for Darcy and me.” He counted out a hundred and replaced the rest. “How
about surf and turf for dinner? We’ll pick up some steaks at
’s and then hit the Freshwater Market for some gulf

spoiling me,” Alex sighed.

voice softened as he tucked the bills in his jeans and folded Alex in his arms.
“I wish I really could spoil you, babe. I know you’re used to having pretty
much whatever you wanted and wish I could buy—”

giving me something money can’t buy,” Alex interrupted, suddenly serious.
“Believe me, I know.”

kissed the top of Alex’s head, then knelt to look him in the eye. “I hope so.”

Alex took
a deep breath and addressed what they’d both danced around for days. “Are we
falling in love?”

“I can
only speak for myself, Alex, but these last few days have been the best in my
life. I’m not exaggerating either. I mean, just when I thought things couldn’t
possibly get worse, you plopped right in my lap!”

“I feel
the same way, Cord. My life was a land mine before you came through like a
minesweeper. I still can’t believe the way you rescued me over and over again.
If I didn’t believe in guardian angels, I do now.”

me I’m no angel,” Cord insisted. He thought for a moment. “Although my little
brother used to call me that because I was always trying to protect him. With
Dad around, danger was everywhere and came without warning. I was always on the
alert as a kid, and, well, I guess I still am.”

God,” Alex sighed. There was a heavy moment of silence before he continued.
“We’re not being totally honest, are we?”

“What do
you mean?”

“Well, I
asked if we were falling in love and we talked about it but no one—”

pulled Alex to his feet and gathered him in his strong arms. Then he looked
deep into the liquid gray eyes. “I’m not one of those people who won’t say it
because they’re afraid they won’t hear it in return. I love you, Alex. With all
my heart.”

The words
rushed from Alex’s soul. They were strong and unstoppable, finding freedom
before he realized it. “I love you too.”

kiss was brief. It was, Alex reflected, more a gesture of confirmation than
passion, and that made it especially meaningful. A smile grew gradually, then
bloomed as he was consumed by bliss.

“You sure
you know what you’re getting into, Cord? I mean, you pretty much pegged me
right off, a spoiled little rich kid feeling sorry for myself.”

sure.” Cord held him closer. “Besides, we both know I’ve got serious issues
too. We’ll be a lot more successful working on them as a team.”

“I like
the sound of that."

The rest
of the day was a glorious repetition of those before it.
Alex and Cord had breakfast, sunned, made
love, showered, ate lunch, walked into town to buy steaks and seafood, sunned
some more, took naps, made love and showered. By
six o’clock
, they were on a nearby beach deserted except for an old
diehard fisherman. They sat on the sand sipping chardonnay while the sun
shimmered and vanished through a grove of feathery cocoanut palms. Sated and
relaxed, Alex remembered a game he and Jolie used to play.

Cliché Number One,” he said. “‘I wish this moment could last forever.’”

Cliché Number Two,” Cord said, quickly catching on. “‘Love means never having
to say you’re sorry.’”

Three. ‘I love you more than my luggage.’” When Cord looked blank, Alex added,

“How about,
‘I never knew it could be like this.’”

Here To Eternity
, right?” Alex sipped thoughtfully. “Want to hear the real
kicker, Cord? I really
know it could be like this, and I’m not
quoting some old movie either.”

“I know,
babe. Me too.” He held his wine glass up to the sunset and watched it turn
molten gold. “But I’m worried.”


we’re going to support ourselves. I’ve gotten used to a hand-to-mouth existence

worry about me, Cord. I’ll be fine if we’re together.”

tugged off Alex’s cap and mussed his curls as he often did. “That’s sweet and I
know you mean it, but I’ve got to be honest. It’s rough for any two people
starting out. There are so damned many unavoidable obstacles, and lack of money
is the worst. People probably argue over that more than anything.”

Alex knew
Cord was only being realistic but his feelings were still hurt. “That’s not
very supportive.”

don’t misunderstand me. I’m just trying to head off problems at the pass. You’ve
got to admit we’re a pretty odd couple.”

“I know.
That’s part of the excitement,” Alex slipped a hand over Cord’s knee and for a
moment considered sliding it higher. Cord’s words stopped him.

“I know
we had a pact not to watch television, but I turned it on this morning while
you were still asleep.”

Alex was
disappointed. “Why?”

it’s been almost a week since we saw CNN and I wanted to know if you were still
big news. After all, if we’re going to start a life together we need to know
what we’re up against.”

“A stone
wall,” Alex sighed. “If I know my father, he’ll never give up.”

right.” He took Alex’s hand and squeezed. “He’s raised the reward to a quarter
million bucks.”

sagged backward, sloshing half his wine onto the sand. “Jeez Louise!”

that kind of fortune at stake, it’ll be like being in the witness protection
program. We’ll have to watch our step every day, more than we do now, and we’ll
never know who we can trust. Never.”

hated it when the demons of doubt fluttered inside his head. He told himself
that this man had professed love and wanted to build a life together, yet he
still couldn’t stop thinking that Cord could be swayed by the fortune at stake,
especially since it had swelled to such an outrageous level. He believed in
Cord’s love but worried it might erode when the reward money increased, which
it no doubt would. His fears deepened when he put himself in Cord’s place and
saw an unbelievably heady chance to grab the golden ring. It was a dizzying
merry-go-round he was ill-equipped to handle.

Alex moaned. “I can feel my father tightening the noose. Even down here.”

you realize that’s exactly what he wants? Your father wants to wear you down
like a terrorist until you believe your only choice is surrender. Fight fire
with fire, Alex, and beat him at his own game.” Cord made a face. “God, enough
with the clichés!”

“No, no!
You just gave me a great idea!” Alex’s mind raced and he sat up so fast he
finally spilled his wine. “I just thought of a way out.”

eyebrows rose. “Go on.”

suppose you turn me in and collect the reward money?”


hear me out. Once you've been paid, I’ll go back to
New Orleans
and pretend to play along with Daddy Dearest while you
bank the big bucks. Then, you disappear and after a certain period of time I do
too. We’ll hook up and live happily ever after, courtesy of Daddy’s

got to be kidding!”

“I was
never more serious in my life,” Alex insisted. “What could be simpler?”

what you’ve told me, your father’s a force to be reckoned with and that means
probably considered that angle and plenty more as well.”

Alex was
confident. “I think that’s the one angle he
considered! Daddy
never suspect me of doing
something so underhanded. Rebellious, yes. Vengeful, no. I’m sure of it, Cord.
I know that man like a book.”

chuckled. “I love you, babe, but you’re crazy as a bedbug.”

“So what?
Everything about us is crazy That’s why my idea is so perfect!”

retrieved the wine bottle and poured new drinks. He weighed the proposition
again and shook his head. “I can’t do it, Alex.”

God’s sake, why not? It’s our one-way ticket to happiness!”

also extortion.”

“Only if
we get caught.”

“You just
said you felt your father’s noose tightening all the way down here. No matter
where we run to, what’s to keep him from tracking us down us and sending us to
jail?” He paused. “Well, me anyway.”

Alex was
stunned. “That’s an awful thing to say.”

so, but you know it’s true. He might know we’re in cahoots but he’ll accuse me
of tricking or unduly influencing you. There’s no point in telling him we’re in
love. The gay thing will be worthless because he doesn’t want to hear it.”


line, my love, is that he’ll never send his only son and heir to prison.”

don’t think I’d insist on going with you?”

“I think
you’d be a fool if you did.”

my question.”



“No, Alex.
I don’t think you’d insist on going to prison.”

Alex was
hurt but he was also seething. “Why not?”

“It’s not
your fault, kiddo. It’s just not in your make-up, given how you were raised.”

Alex amended loftily. “Animals are raised.”

Cord ignored
the haughty correction. “The point is if you had to choose between a stretch in
the slammer and returning to your cushy lifestyle…well, you’re only human.”

Alex was
even angrier with himself because he knew what Cord said was true. Crippled
since birth by his father’s calculated amalgam of indulgence and control, he
wasn’t equipped to cope with the real world. Proof lay in the harsh fact that
he would never have made it this far without Cord’s timely interference. Still,
he struggled to defend himself.

“And what
would you do if you were in my shoes?”

Cord held
out his hands, palms up. “Probably the same thing.”

fucking patronizing is that?” Alex got to his feet, voice shaking. “Obviously
this whole love business is one-sided.”

stood too. “If you really believe that then you don’t know me at all.”

“So all
of a sudden I’m a poor judge of character.”

“I didn’t
say that, Alex.”

“You may
as well have!”

shouting. That old fisherman is staring.”

him!” Alex yelled. “And fuck you too! I came up with a perfect solution and you
blew it off!”

tried desperately to calm Alex, to show him the truth. “Don’t you see? This is

I was
talking about at breakfast. Money is already causing problems.”

“It’s a
problem I can solve if you’ll help me.”

BOOK: Alex in Wonderland (The Wonderland Series Book 1)
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