Alec (BBW Secret Baby Bear Shifter Romance) (Secret Baby Bears Book 1) (63 page)

BOOK: Alec (BBW Secret Baby Bear Shifter Romance) (Secret Baby Bears Book 1)
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“We’re bears,” Ben told her. “Hence living out here. It’d be a little conspicuous for a grizzly to pop up in LA.”

“I’ve only ever seen wolves in LA,” Layla explained. “There’s a shifter gang called the Crenshaw Wolves. They shut down whole neighborhoods when they’re out for a run.”

Ben nodded. “I’ve heard of them.”

“Bears don’t scare me as much,” Layla added quickly. “I mean, bears only attack if they’re provoked, right?”

“That’s right,” Ben replied. “But, well…”

He let the sentence die on his lips. The pair had walked into the lavish setting of the lodge, with its portraits of famous explorers and hikers on the walls. Layla and Brent’s suite was on the first floor, and she led Ben to the door with a tingle in her tummy. Though they hadn’t actually had their dinner date, this part was familiar. This was the part where there was supposed to be a sweet little kiss at the door. But Ben was coming
. He was staying the night to watch over her, in case Si decided to track her down.

She hadn’t even considered how Brent would react to that idea.

“Girl, why didn’t you say something?” he whispered, no sooner than she was through the door. “I would have hi-tailed it outta here, you know? Given the two of you some private time.”

“It’s not like that,” she snapped back at once. She turned to Ben, who was approaching the couch in the central living space. “You want a drink or something?”

Ben grinned, though his tension was still present. “Thanks,” he replied. “Couple of sodas out of the minibar’ll do it. On Fairhaven’s bill, of course.”

Layla pushed Brent over to the minibar, and quickly told him everything about Si Reed and Clan Best as they fumbled to get the drinks. Brent gasped and threw his hand over his mouth at every dramatic revelation, then he chanced a peek at Ben, who was settled on the couch.

“So he’s your protector now,” Brent surmised. That calculating look was back on his face. “This is perfect. A strong, sexy shifter protecting you from danger.”

Layla almost grinned, but it faltered.

“It’s nice to get a chance to know him better,” she replied, “but… the clans. They’re like gangs, right?”

Something cracked in her voice. Brent put both his hands on her shoulders, and she looked into his eyes.

“This is about your dad, isn’t it?” he asked. Layla forced herself to nod. “Baby girl, that’s not going to happen here. Ben’s strong. He’s a
for pity’s sake. You are not doomed to repeat your past.”

Layla sucked in the tears that were threatening, hoping that Brent was right.

“Now, I’m gonna leave you two to enjoy some… uh… television, I guess,” Brent said, wiggling his brow suggestively.

He took a soda, told Ben it was nice to meet him, and vanished into his bedroom. That left Layla looking at the back of Ben’s head, a hard lump forming in her throat. On the walk, they’d had Si and his fellow shifters to discuss, but now there were no questions left to ask, no gaps to fill in. There was only Layla and a guy she hardly knew, but one who did strange things to her insides every time he spoke.

“You wanna put the TV on?” Layla asked as she approached the couch. “I’m almost certain there’s some manly kind of sport on that you’re missing.”

Ben took a soda from her and shook his head. That gorgeous wave of dark hair fell into all sorts of shapes, framing his handsome, serious face.

“I prefer to actually play than watch,” he confessed.

Layla was grateful for a conversation starter, for her mind was already filling with all sorts of wild ideas. One minute he was her date, the next he was guarding her, and she hadn’t managed to separate those roles yet.

“What do you play?” she asked.

“Football, tennis, a little water polo,” Ben began, then in the same breath he added: “And please don’t make the joke about horses in the water.” Layla giggled at that. “But I love to run too. I saw that you-”

“Oh yeah,” Layla cut in. “Usually I have to do all my running at the gym. My neighborhood’s not exactly jogger friendly.”

“It must be nice to run out here in the park then,” Ben mused.

Layla nodded. “It puts me in the zone, you know? Helps me forget.”

Ben’s face lost a little of its seriousness, his brow raised.

“What have you got to forget, Layla?”

And the conversation was dead, straight out of the gate. Layla could feel the hurt stinging in her chest. It was an old hurt now, but she’d had it so long that she knew it was never going to go away completely. Like a tiny shard of glass that’d always be stuck in her heart. She felt uneasy telling Ben everything about herself, even though part of her wanted to. There were other things they could talk about, surely. Layla tried to think what she might have said if they’d ever got to their dinner date.

“It’s a shame our blind date got cancelled,” she said, a smile creeping into her lips. “You look really nice in that suit.”

Ben looked down at himself, straightening his shirt. Then, suddenly, his head snapped up, those golden eyes studying Layla.

were my date?” he asked. “That’s why you were down there?”

“You think I dress like this to eat dinner alone?” Layla challenged in reply.

And Ben’s eyes wandered then, over her sleek red dress, all the way down to her feet and all the way back up. Layla felt a twinge in her stomach, and she saw the way Ben’s breath began to hitch in his throat.

“Wow,” he murmured, “Now I
hate Si Reed.”

They looked at each other then. Ben’s face had almost completely relaxed, giving way to a boyish grin. Layla bit her lip, tempted beyond all reason to keep their flirting going.

“Well, Si’s not here now,” she claimed proudly. “Come on, Ben Best. Give me your best date talk.”

And that was how it begun. The conversation got easier and easier as night drew in, and the sunrise was creeping into the windows by the time Layla put her head down to sleep.

When Layla woke, late the next morning, Ben was no longer on her couch. She emerged into the shared living room of the suite, eyes drawn hopefully to the spot where a Ben-shaped imprint still lay on the cushions. The door to the minibar gave a click, and Layla’s gaze snapped toward it. Brent was popping open two mini bottles of orange juice. He put one on the breakfast bar and slid it in her direction, then he pointed at the couch and pulled a face.

“I am very disappointed by this,” he confessed. “You let the poor guy sleep there all night. All alone.”

“Down boy,” Layla answered, giving her friend a warning look. “We were talking for hours. It was, like, four-thirty or something, and I went to the bathroom. When I got back he was out cold, so I threw a blanket over him and went to bed.”

“You talked for hours?” Brent asked.

Layla nodded. True to form, Brent changed tack and melted at once. Where before he’d been disappointed that Layla hadn’t had a night of passion with her new shifter bodyguard, now Brent clutched his hands together in the sweetest way.

“Oh Lay, he’s one of those gentlemen types!” he exclaimed. “You think it’s the fresh air makes ‘em that way?”

“I think it’s more a case of ‘his grandma would beat him to a pulp if he treated a girl badly’,” she answered with a chuckle. “He was raised right. Strict German family. He told me all the history.”

Brent rested his chin in his hands and gave a little sigh. He could be such a middle schooler when he wanted to, full of hope and romance.

“So today you need to go find him out in the park,” Brent suggested.

And that might have been the plan, if not for the siren which suddenly sounded. A crackling speaker burst into life somewhere nearby, and Layla was surprised to hear a voice coming from the ceiling. It appeared that the lodge’s rooms had a PA system, one which didn’t seem to have been used in a while. Layla and Brent shielded their ears against the whining and whistling of the speakers, until the static died and a voice came on the air.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a park safety announcement,” the voice began. Layla recognized the frail quality to the tone, and she pictured Anina’s lined face, mirroring the same concern she heard in the words. “We regret that we have to ask you to remain in the Old Spring Lodge for the duration of the morning and lunch hour. This section of Fairhaven Park is experiencing some animal control issues.”

Layla and Brent glanced at one another, their eyes brimming with concern.

“We expect to have the issues resolved within a few hours, but for your own safety, please enjoy the spa, café and other indoor facilities of the Old Spring building for now. We’re very sorry to limit your experience at this time, but this is a nature reserve and nature does happen. Thank you for your time.”

Layla was already up and moving. Brent followed her, asking questions with every step.

“Does this mean those werecats are here? The numbers that Si talked about? Layla? Layla, will you talk to me?”

But Layla could hear nothing. All she knew was that danger was lurking right outside her window, like it did so often at home. And here she was, helpless and useless, watching the bad things of the world happen from her room. She felt the old sting of regret and loss burning in her belly, and she shook her head. In her bedroom, she ransacked the closet and found her running gear, the darkest sweat-suit that she owned. Regardless of Brent and his panicked questions, she began to change her clothes.

“Oh no,” he chided at once. “You
be thinking of going out there. Girl, are you crazy? This isn’t pest control, or a freaking raccoon problem!” He still achieved no reply. “You’re insane. You’ve gone totally insane.”

When Layla was dressed and ready to leave the room, she found Brent blocking the door.

“Sorry honey,” he told her, “crazy people don’t get to leave this room.”

“I can’t leave Ben out there alone,” she insisted.

“He is
alone,” Brent shot back. “There’s whole team of rangers, right?”

“You don’t know that,” Layla pleaded. “They could be outnumbered, or separated from each other.”

“Plus he’s a
,” Brent pressed. “Have you thought about that? I mean, what are a few cats gonna do to a huge grizzly bear?”

Layla could see the reasoning in his words, but her mind flashed back to Ben’s tense seriousness the night before. When he’d spoken of Si’s clan working as a hunting pack, it didn’t sound like he felt capable of taking them on alone. She couldn’t quell the fear in her heart, and she put her hands on Brent’s skinny chest, gripping his t-shirt tight.

“Get out of my way,” she demanded.

“No!” Brent insisted. “What do you think you’re gonna do? What is a Crenshaw-adjacent shop-girl gonna do against a pack of wild cats bent on violence?”

“I just have to go,” Layla urged. She felt the tears burning against her eyes, and she let Brent’s shirt go. “When Dad was out there alone… I didn’t go. If I’d gone, maybe…”

Sobs burst from her chest, and soon the water flowed in silver lines down her cocoa-colored skin. Brent broke, his mood switching as it so often did.

“Oh honey,” he said, reaching out to hold her.

It was a huge mistake. The second he took a step forward, Layla smashed him to one side and bolted out of the door. She ran down the hallway, tears still stinging her face. She had no idea what she was doing, it really
totally crazy to think that she could help. But she wouldn’t stand by and see Ben face Clan Reed alone. She had to find him and know that he was safe.

“Where are you going?” Brent screamed after her.

It was a very good question, one which Layla had no answer to.

Layla took the south circuit of the park, the one on which she and Ben had been reunited. The whole thing usually took a couple hours to complete, but with her mind blazing in panic and worry, she was running at double the usual pace. Breathless and terrified, Layla streaked past the trees, hills and springs in search of the guy who’d sworn to protect her. He’d been there for her when Si made his creepy little approach at the grill, and he’d stayed all night to calm her nerves. She couldn’t let him down.

It was after two full circuits that she began to lose hope. That section of the park was totally void of tourists, all of them heeding Anina’s warning to stay safe and out of the wilds for a while. Layla was fraught as she reached a bend in the path, screeching to a halt and panting with short, sharp breaths. There was dense forest off the path to her right. The trees were so thick here that sunlight barely pushed through their canopy, and the darkness of the thicket drew Layla in.

She walked for a few tentative minutes, listening to the rustling in the trees all around. Nerves and exhaustion had turned her spine to Jell-O, and she was beginning to heed all of Brent’s warnings from earlier in the day. What
she doing out here? She had let the past get her all mixed up, her emotions putting her into danger. Now, she was deep in a forest filled with vengeful men, or vengeful beasts, depending on whether they had transformed or not. Perhaps it was a sensible idea to turn back now, and see if there was any news of Ben at the lodge.

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