Alec (BBW Secret Baby Bear Shifter Romance) (Secret Baby Bears Book 1) (45 page)

BOOK: Alec (BBW Secret Baby Bear Shifter Romance) (Secret Baby Bears Book 1)
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"Look, I would insist you get naked right now, but I don’t want you to end up with hypothermia," Sam drew back, tilting his head towards the wind and rain outside. "But I really, really want to fuck you."

"Hey, there's plenty more we can do with our clothes on," she countered, running her mouth along his throat. "Before we fuck, of course."

"Mmmm," he groaned, and pulled her face back down to his, his tongue pushing hard into her mouth once again. He flipped her over, and she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her hips to meet him. They were grinding against each other hard, trying to find any kind of relief they could, their bodies already aching with desire.

Lorne slid her hand down, into his jeans, and massaged his cock through his underwear. She pulled back slightly to watch his expression, the slight v that formed between his eyebrows as he squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. Lorne couldn't remember the last time she'd been this turned on, the last time she'd needed someone the way she needed Sam, right then, right there. He slipped a hand up her shirt, skimming his fingers at the underside of her bra and she let out a moan of appreciation.

He reached up and yanked down the cups of her bra, exposing her beneath her shirt; he ever-so-lightly raked his nails across her bare breasts, tickling her lightly, before pinching her nipple hard and making her squeal. The noises were lost to the wind outside, and Lorne prayed that they wouldn't get rudely interrupted.

She slipped her hand under his boxers, and took her time wrapping her fingers around his thick cock and massaging it up and down. His breath grew heavier in her ear, and she grinned with satisfaction-knowing that he wanted her as much as she wanted him was turning her on more than anything else. He placed a hand lightly against her stomach, skimming his fingers up and down the top of her jeans, and she arced her hips up, encouraging him to go further.

"You want me to?" He asked softly, pushing just his thumb under her waistband and lightly pulling it up, allowing it to snap down gently against her skin.

She could only manage a nod, so he rolled down next to her, and lifted her leg so that it was over his. She continued to jerk him off, reveling in the feeling of his cock growing harder beneath her touch. She stared at him intently as he slid his hand back down, beneath her jeans, cupping her lightly through her panties. Just feeling the heat of his hand against her was tantalizing, the cold of the wind outside made for an intense contrast. She wrapped her leg further around him and drew him closer, begging him with her eyes to go further, to go deeper.

After skimming his fingers up and down the bare skin either side of her panties for a moment longer, he hooked his fingers around the thin fabric and pushed his fingers inside of her. Lorne threw her head back in silent ecstasy, pushing her hips towards his hand. He slid his fingers in and out of her, and she slid her hand round to his butt to pull him closer. Their lips found each other again, in a sweeter, slower kiss, as Sam fucked her gently with his hand. Their bodies were rocking against each other, the blanket rubbing up against Lorne's bare skin, and she tried to cast her mind back to the last time she'd had sex anywhere other than a bed. She came up blank, and half-wondered why she hadn't thought to try this before. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew why, she knew it was because someone like Sam had to come smashing into her life and tip upside down everything she was certain she knew about herself. She felt another jolt of arousal lance through her body as it really clicked what was happening, her and Sam, then, there, in the cold and the wind and the terrible, life-threatening danger. She titled her head and kissed him even deeper, as if she half-wanted to swallow him whole.

Sam moved his fingers slightly, changing his rhythm to shallower, faster thrusts, as he lowered his head to press his lips against Lorne's neck. She gripped his hair, holding him in place, her eyes squeezed shut, she could already feel her climax building, as if it was suddenly coming into focus. Suddenly, she felt her body shudder in his arms, as she erupted around him, her pussy clenching tight around his fingers. He slowly pulled his hand away from her pussy, but she knew she needed more, and soon.

"Fuck me?" She gasped, "I'm on the pill, I just need-"

Without a word, Sam flipped her over and yanked her jeans down another few inches, exposing her. She could feel his heart pounding through his chest, against her back, and gasped as his lips found her ear.

"Like this?" He asked, and she could feel his erection pressing up against her ass as he waited for her response.

"Uh-huh," was all she could manage in response. She was so used to being completely in control, but here she was, happy to hand over the power to him for the time being. He pressed his cock against her slit, and slowly eased himself inside of her, until he was buried up to the hilt. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and let out a long breath, tickling her neck as he did so.

Lorne bit her lip, she had never felt so full in all her life, never so satisfied from someone just entering her. He slowly began to move, slipping in and out, and she twisted her head round so she could press her lips against his once again. She could taste the ocean air on his lips-salty and biting, and it only made her crave him more. He pulled her leg up, allowing himself even deeper access, and she wrapped herself around him, urging him on.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Lorne panted, closing her eyes and focusing of the sensation of his cock inside her.

"Me neither," Sam breathed, one hand sliding up her body to fondle at her breasts once again. "This is maybe the stupidest sex I've ever had."

"Oh, for sure," Lorne agreed, wrapping her leg over his and pushing her hips back to meet him.

"We're not stopping, are we?"

"Fuck, no," she murmured, feeling another orgasm growing inside her already. "

Sam increased his pace, fucking her hard, hard enough that they could hear the sound of their flesh meeting echoing off the walls of the cave. He tweaked her nipple between his fingers, and she let out a small, strangled cry, her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks, coming from nowhere, and even more explosive than the last. She tightened around him, enjoying the feeling of her pussy milking his dick with such ferocity. He groaned as he felt her come and, soon enough, she felt his cock twitch inside her as he reached his own climax.

He continued thrusting into her for a few moments, shallow, soft, lazy movements, as if he never wanted to pull out of her. Once he came to a stop, they lay together for a few minutes, their breathing falling back to normal, before he withdrew.

"Huh," Lorne said, almost to herself, as she quickly pulled up her jeans and rearranged herself.


"Just…not something I'd normally do, is all." She shrugged.

"To be fair, I don't think many people make a habit of banging in caves on tropical islands while hunting out a pack of wolves," Sam pointed out, and Lorne giggled, feeling a little giddy.

"Yeah, you're right," she rolled over towards him, and pressed her lips against his. "I think we should be the first."

"The first to what?"

"Make a habit of it," she replied coyly. Sam grinned, then pulled her back into a kiss. Lorne could just feel the stirrings of desire begin again, when a sound echoed through the cave, a deep, booming roar. Sam's head snapped up.

"What is it?" She demanded, watching as he gathered his things.

"It's one of the others. They've found them."



Grizzly Groomsmen III


Becca Fanning

Waking up to rain was usually one of Rosie's favorite things. The soft patter of the drops on the window, the promise that she had a reason not to leave the house that day-
did you see the weather, no way I'm going out in that, I'll just stay in.
But today was one of the few days that she'd been praying to wake up to anything but the sound of rain outside her bedroom, and, of course, that was what she'd gotten.

Rosie rolled over in her bed- it was unfamiliar, a too-sleek hotel-room deal, and she hadn't slept well anyway. As soon as the wind had started up earlier in the night, she'd found her rest disturbed, and struggled to push through the rest of the night without just getting up and watching the storm pull in. She'd begged out of the party the night before a little early, hoping to catch up on some of her jet lag, and she still remembered the potent look of disappointment on Dina's face.

"Are you sure? Can't tempt you to stay up a little longer?" Her brow creased, a small V forming between her eyes- Dina had always been the hostess with the mostest, and Rosie knew it was probably annoying her that she couldn't make her stick at the party a little bit longer. "This isn't about him, is it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just knackered," Rosie yawned, a wave of tiredness causing all her muscles to sag. "I'll be up early to help with stuff tomorrow, though, yeah?"

"Sure," Dina beamed, the couple of glasses of champagne she'd been sipping on throughout the night clearly softening the blow. "See you at breakfast, right?"

"Yeah, see you then," Rosie leaned over to give her a hug- part of her really wanted to invite Dina back to her room, and stay up all night drinking and laughing and gossiping like they'd done back in the day, but she knew she needed rest.

She'd slid out of her fancy reception dress and into her pajamas, and fallen almost straight to sleep as soon as she pulled the covers up around her neck. She barely had time to think about everything that was coming over the next couple of days- the wedding, the parties, the dancing, the socializing. If Rosie was being honest with herself, she knew that this wasn't really her scene, but she would never have let Dina down. The two of them were cousins, the kind that grew up almost as close as sisters,
and it wasn't in Rosie to disappoint her.

Rosie was an over thinker, if she was anything, and the thought that she might end up stuck on the island Dina had picked for her wedding had crossed her mind- but she tried to push it from her thoughts as she caught the private jet out to the gorgeous location. She had marveled at how well Dina had done for herself, to be able to afford a wedding this opulent and luxurious, but then, she'd moved to the city to make something of herself, and if this was how she wanted to spend her cash, who was Rosie to suggest anything different?

But then she'd woken up to the sound of a storm whipping through the island, and she'd known that it probably meant she'd be stuck there for at least an extra day or two. She turned back over in bed and pulled the pillow over her head, hoping that if she just shut out the noises outside she could pretend none of it was happening. It was still early-maybe five, six in the morning- and she could already imagine the state of panic that Dina was in now that the storm had begun. Rosie didn't envy her the stress, on top of everything else she was trying to hold together. Even still, Rosie couldn't help but feel a little bit resentful, knowing she was going to be stuck in the nexus of coupledom while she was painfully and totally single.

When she'd received that invitation- it must have been six months ago now- she had happily ticked the plus-one box without a second thought. Well, she'd been with Jacob for more than two years at that point-why should she think anything different? Maybe she should have spotted the look on his face when she mentioned the date, the flash of fear that crossed his eyes when she said the word "wedding". Ever since they'd moved in together, everyone had been nudging them towards answering the big question-when were they getting married? Where they thinking of settling down soon? Was he ever going to make an honest woman out of her? She had always laughed the question off, reminding the asker that they were both only twenty-four and certainly in no rush to hurry on the next bit of their relationship. And he'd always nodded and agreed and put his arm around her waist and made her think that he felt the same way. They would get there when they got there, and neither of them were in any rush. Deep down, Rosie had always thought he was the one- the big one. She'd known the chances of meeting her actual other half at her age were pretty slim, but hey, people got lucky, didn't they? Why couldn't she?

And then, of course, came the big revelation, the big reveal, the curtain-drop moment. When Jacob had been in the shower one afternoon- just a normal afternoon, the two of them kicking round the flat separately- his phone had buzzed and, without thinking, Rosie had grabbed it to check who was texting. And instead of a sweet message from his mom checking in, or one of his friends organizing a night out, she found…well, it made her go red and angry and all sorts of things just to think about it, but it wasn't the kind of thing any woman should be sending her live-in boyfriend. And just like that, her entire life collapsed around her in one swift motion. She'd heard about things like this happening to other women- women who weren't her, women in magazines and sitcoms and romance novels- but she had honestly felt her entire world tilt on it's axis as soon as she saw that photograph.
She'd sat, holding his phone limply in her hand, until he came back through and gave her that look. It was as if he knew, straightaway, without question, what she had seen- sometimes Rosie wondered if he had intended for her to see it, just to save himself the bother of breaking up with her himself.

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